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Mark Foley is teh nuts.

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I don't really get why this is getting so much attention.  Yeah, it's questionable, yeah it may or may not be illegal/morally wrong depending on your views and where you live.  Yes, he should probably resign but fuck...come on, you've been extremely naive if you were to think that there aren't morally corrupt politicans out there.  Sure, it should be in the news, and people should talk about it, but I think a lot of people are going off about it because of party politics.  A republican does something questionable and all sorts of fucking losers run to their computers and feel the need to tell the world (read: spammers, seach bots, their family, and maybe 5 friends) their take on it.  A democrat does something questionable and it's the same thing.  Fuck, grow the hell up.  Your  neighbour and possibly your uncle could be out there doing the exact same thing.  Actually, someone very close to you is probably doing that or worse.

Yet, something like this happens and it's everywhere.  There's been like 900 stories on digg, I imagine there's about 27 billion blogs about it right now, and it's on the news a lot.  The only way it could probably get any exposure would be if it were a well known actor or rock star.  It kind of makes you wonder. 

People love to shout from the rooftops all about the great information tool the internet is.  People can 'publish' anything for millions of others and no one can really stop them.  It's like an information revolution: no longer can the rich and powerful media giants pull the wool over our eyes...instead, you thousands of small, indipendent news sites out there to bring you information and stories that really matter...the kind that the big news corps won't print because of fear of boycotts or because it somehow goes against their fat cat politcal goals.  And what do we get?  Like a thousand sites with these kind of tabloid stories, stupid Bush Quotes, and 9/11 consipracy theories all over them.  Fucking great.  You'd almost think that we've done pretty well for ourselves.  Over the last 50 years or so we've seen the errors of our ways, strengthened our resolve and made the world a much better place.  I mean, if this is what grabs our attention and shocks us the most, then we must be in pretty good shape eh?

Well, That's not the case.

So, just remember 5, 10, or 20 years down the road when it's again trendy for politicians, college students, and hippies to attend parades and make powerful speeches standing beside whatever monument they build to prove that this time we actually mean 'Never Again' that we didn't actually fucking mean it the last three times...we were too pre-occupied with spreading awareness on the real matters that affect the who in the party you don't like is a sexual deviant.

It's all worthless.  Worthless people attempting to lead other worthless people.  It all makes me sick.

An older man who likes teens?  Wow!  What kind of gene splicing made that possible?

The hysterical attitude this country has toward sexuality just nauseates me.  The poster child for this witch-hunt mentality is that good looking young teacher who fell for one of her students.  The way she was treated, you would think that she sold our nuke secrets to the Chinese.  I'm not here to debate morality.  We each have our own sense of it.  But if there's something we need to learn as a purportedly free society is not to impose it on anyone else.

This congressman blew it, and he needs to quit. Fine.  But that's the end of it as far as I am concerned.  Anything worse, and we may as well burn someone at the stake for swearing in public.


--- Quote from: gpw11 on Monday, October 02, 2006, 12:49:38 PM ---I don't really get why this is getting so much attention. 

--- End quote ---

Well, Foley was the head of the house caucus on missing and exploited children and he was all about laws against sexual predators. Also, we are about a month away from midterm elections, and this is a low blow against Republicans. This would be a big story regardless of the year it broke, but the elections just add fuel to the fire.


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