Author Topic: 40 Things Every Drunk Should Do Before He Dies  (Read 1750 times)

Offline nickclone

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40 Things Every Drunk Should Do Before He Dies
« on: Sunday, January 20, 2008, 09:44:12 AM »

I haven't done all of these things, but heres what I haven accomplished with my life:

2.) Go on a bender: I haven't done this in a while, but when I turned 21 I took ten days off of work and drank every single day of them. At the end of days I was shitting out black liquid. A few people told me it was blood, some told me it was bile and others told me to go to the hospital...I ignored them all.

3.) Drink a fifth of hard liquor, by yourself, in one day: I've done much more than that, I once drank a whole gallon of Captain Morgans after work by myself in my room.

8.) Embark on an impromptu road trip: I live in Virginia, I got hammered and woke up in Cleveland, Ohio. My friend decided to go pick up his stuff from when he left and apparently I decided to go with him. Ohio sucks ass by the way.

9.) Get 86’d from a bar: I've been kicked out of many bars, but I've only been banned from one. Some dive joint called Sharp Shooters (now closed), kicked me out because I ran up a $130 dollar tab, puked on the floor and couldn't pay it.

10.) Extravagantly overtip a bartender: I think all of us that have been drinking for awhile have done this at some point.

11.) Walk up to an attractive stranger way out of your league and buy him or her a drink: I used to do this when I first started drinking, I thought that buying a woman a drink mean't she had to bang you or at least humor you until she finished her drink. I know better now, I don't buy strangers drinks anymore.

12.) Conspire an afterhours at your favorite bar: When my friend was bartending at a redneck bar I used to stay way after they closed and drink while helping him clean up. We'd shoot pool, watch tv, play the jukebox and of course get shitfaced wasted.

 15.) Get carried home by your drinking buddies: I once woke up in a dark room, sitting in a chair while staring at a bed with a person in it. I was afraid to move for two hours so I just sat there, I then realized I was in my own room and the person in my bed was just my bedsheets and pillow. I'm also not ashamed to admit that I found a turd in my pants as well.

16.) Get drunk with your father: I've never gotten drunk with my dad, but he has picked me up from school when I was blitzed...does that count?

17.) Fight a good fight: I went a bar called McFadden's in Georgetown that had a $10 cover charge and would you drink whatever you drink how much, of whatever you wanted for two hours. I later woke up in the street after fighting with bouncers and had to be thrown in a cab and taken away before the cops came.

19.) Drunkenly watch the sun come up with your best boozing buddies and a bottle: I think we've all done this, its even better with a bonfire going and someone freestyling on a guitar.

20.) Sit in on an A.A. meeting: Let me just tell you that I've had to do this a few times and its a complete waste of time. Not only am I the youngest one there, but these people have real problems. They would say they were there because if they didn't they would go to jail, their wife would leave them, some lost their families, jobs, houses and livers. When asked why I was there...I told them that my family made me go.

24.) Juice on the job: I was notorious for this one, I used to go get sauced on my lunch break and come back blitzed. I got fired for it, and rehired, that it was an ongoing joke at work. I once tried to convince my manager that I was drunk, stormed off and then promptly walked into a wall.

31.) Eat the worm: Any self respecting drunk that has ever drank tequila with a worm in it has done this. Its almost like a rite of passage.

33.) Steal some booze: I used to steal booze while waiting tables all the time. Just put in an order, get your drink and void it off.

Well, thats all, now I'm going to try and fulfill the rest.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: 40 Things Every Drunk Should Do Before He Dies
« Reply #1 on: Sunday, January 20, 2008, 10:37:30 AM »
Interesting.  Since I've mostly given up the sauce, these are more bittersweet memories for me than anything, but really, they aren't so interesting anyway because I've never been the type to party so far beyond what was reasonable for my health.

1. thru 2. I haven't done.

3.) Drink a fifth of hard liquor, by yourself, in one day: Yep.  I haven't gone on a true bender as the previous item speaks of, but I've both had a fifth of whiskey in one day and also split a 30-pack of beer down the middle with a buddy.  Those are both the highest volumes I've ever done, and I wouldn't do it again if you paid me.  The experiences themselves were fun and all, but I really felt like that had taken its toll on my health afterward.  Bad.

4. thru 5. I haven't done because I don't ever get crazy when I'm drunk, I just get mellow.  Plus I almost never go to bars, and when I have, I haven't gotten drunk for the most part (a few exceptions).  The cops don't generally come to pick you up when you get wasted in your living room.

6.) Get drunk on the grave of your hero: I haven't done that, but that's the kind of thing I'd have loved to do back when I drank a lot.  I preferred it lonely and introspective.  Unfortunately, the only dead heroes I have are ones buried on foreign shores and my father, who's buried quite a ways from here in quite literally the middle of nowhere.

7. thru 13. I haven't done, as that's mostly bar stuff.  No road trips because I don't drive drunk.  Well, I have a couple times, but no more than a few short blocks, and even that made me feel like an idiot after the fact.  There's no justifying that shit even if you maintain decent motor function while drunk like I do.

14.) Buy, build or steal a home bar: when I had my basement apartment, it had a big counter with a sink, mini-fridge, and microwave.  I bought these cool sort of artsy olive oil bottles in weird shapes and stocked them with liquor, and had several regular bottles behind those.  Had one of those bubble lights (the white plastic guys you can press in and they turn on) above the bar area for decorative lighting, and a pretty giant set of assorted drinking tools for mixers and stuff.  In the end it was pointless, though, as my buddies and I pretty much just drank hard stuff and beer, and I never ventured so far beyond gin and juice or straight whiskey.

15. thru 17. I haven't done as I could outdrink a lot of my buddies and maintained motor function better than any, my dad wasn't really a huge drinker and I probably started drinking my heaviest after he died, and like I said, I get mellow when I drink, so no fighting for me.

18.) Visit the source of your favorite beer, wine or liquor: yep.  Made it to the Jameson distillery in Ireland with my wife.  Unfortunately, though we traveled there a day earlier than our planned trip so that we could hit the Guinness brewery, we were so utterly jacked from the flight, all we ended up doing was hitting a pub for a drink and a sandwich, then passing out for a day and a half due to complete exhaustion.

19.) Drunkenly watch the sun come up with your best boozing buddies and a bottle: many times.  Then sometimes we'd hit Denny's or some similar place for the best breakfast ever.

20. thru 22. aren't for me.  While I was probably an alcoholic, I was never truly dependent, and after I got over being an idiot, I gave it up without much hassle.  I don't do bars, so no dozen bars in a night.  Haven't tried a hundred drinks, though I've tried a pretty huge assortment of beers.  I just don't care a lot for mixers, and even just with hard liquor I've always been rather dedicated to whiskey.

23.) Get loaded in the land of your forefathers: yep.  Went to Ireland.  Surprisingly, I didn't get nearly as drunk there was I thought I would at the time, though looking back I did get quite drunk several times.  Frankly, I'm glad I toned it down.  It was nice to have a couple nights where Julia and I just let go and got soused, but for the most part we held it in reserve because we wanted to appreciate everything else.  But yeah, one night we went to a huge banquet at a castle where they served mead (I had the one they served me and several others that people had set down without drinking, heh), then at dinner they had bottomless jugs of red and white wine.  I had rather inadvisable amounts of both.  Then after that we went to a pub called Durty Nellys and tied on a couple pints.  I can't believe that nobody got sick.  Have some great pictures from that night, heh.  Another good night was after the Jameson distillery, where I did "Whiskey tasting" and also got some free juice, then we went to this little historical bar and wake house where you paid a single fee and got all you wanted to drink.  Oddly enough I didn't abuse it at all and barely had more than a couple, but it was still a good bit between the two places, and not getting completely hammered let me enjoy the history much more than I might have otherwise.

24.) Juice on the job: I'm ashamed to admit it.  Only once, and I certainly didn't get drunk, but I was angry and depressed and it was a stupid thing to do.

No on 25. and 26.

27.) Get loaded and tell your boss exactly how you feel: Actually, I've done that sober.  I suppose that doesn't count.

28.) Send a friend a bottle of good liquor: on several occasions.  I stopped doing this when I stopped drinking, and a lot of my friends stopped drinking too.  Thank God most of us grew up.

29. thru 40. I've managed to avoid.  I almost learned a drinking song once, but I was too drunk to remember it later.

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Offline Cobra951

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Re: 40 Things Every Drunk Should Do Before He Dies
« Reply #2 on: Sunday, January 20, 2008, 12:39:19 PM »
I guess I'm a lot more sedate than I realized.  I've only done a few of these things.  It will be shorter to list them.

18.) Visit the source of your favorite beer, wine or liquor.  I did the tour of Casa Bacardi in Puerto Rico just last summer.

23.) Get loaded in the land of your forefathers.  Same place, but not the same time.  Much happier times, in fact, a good 25 years ago at least.  Out with the wife, my sister and her first husband.  Drunkest driving I've ever done.  Hey, I didn't see that as one of the drunken musts here.

24.) Juice on the job.  About 12 years ago, I worked for a company that had imported-beer Fridays once a month.  These guys who liked to order the stuff in boxes would bring some of it in.  I didn't get plastered, but I got very happy on one occasion.

There are some close calls beyond that.  I didn't tell my boss what I thought of him drunk, but I did tell my manager one morning that my cousin got me plastered the night before, and I was still drunk.  He said I wasn't allowed to use delete and format commands that day.  (Yes, the DOS days.)  I have been barhopping, but I'm pretty sure I never hit 12 bars the same night.  I've bought drinks for casual female acquaintances I find attractive, but never for complete strangers.

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Re: 40 Things Every Drunk Should Do Before He Dies
« Reply #3 on: Sunday, January 20, 2008, 01:35:22 PM »
ok, i'll bite.

2 - go on a bender. back when i was living at home and working part time in the videogame store with a bunch of mates, we'd drink most nights. the record back then was again ten days in a row. i think there might of been a day or two of work in there, but we were fucked for most of it. there's been quite a few other times as well. when i was 16 me and a friend went to france for two weeks. we were fucked for the entirety of that holiday - drink, sleep, recover in the pool, drink some more, repeat.

3 - drink a fifth of hard liquor, by yourself, in one day. not a measurement i'm used to, so i can't be 100% on this one. when i'm really drunk, i can just keep drinking vodka. i've done entire bottles of vodka several times at parties - it normally doesn't stay down, however.

4 - dance like a fool in front of a large hooting crowd. definitely done this one. i'm not that big on dancing like an idiot anymore, but i used to love it. i'm still convinced that i'm the most awesome dancer ever, and have been complemented on my awesomeness by women and men alike. unfortunately i need to be very drunk to realise it.

9 - get 86'd from a bar. yep. like nick, i've been kicked out of loads of places, but the only place i've been banned from (that i remember), was some stupid student bar. they refused to serve my friend because he was too drunk. me and a couple of friends stuck up for him, the bouncers dragged him out. we followed and started shouting shit at them. not allowed back.

11 - walk up to an attractive stranger way out of your league and buy him or her a drink. yeah, loads of times. although "out of your league" is a very relative term - i'd certainly never bother buying an ugly stranger a drink.

12 - conspire an afterhours at your favorite bar. many times. my old housemate used to manage the big irish bar in town and we'd stay until stupid o' clock in the morning there regularly.

15 - get carried home by your drinking buddies. only one time that i can remember. one christmas eve we all got blitzed and after the pubs shut i walked home with a friend and his little sister. the sister had some pot that we smoked on the way, and it was all a bit much for me. didn't pass out, but walking was far beyond my capabilities at that point.

16 - get drunk with your father. given that my dad drinks pretty much every night this isn't difficult. got wasted with him on countless occasions.

17 - fight a good fight. yes, quite a few times. proudest one would be when an off duty bouncer pushed my mate down some stairs at the bar where the bouncer worked. my mate went flying, and when i saw it, i jumped on the bouncer, got him in a headlock and started punching him in the face. two other bouncers had to drag me off and i got kicked out. later found out he got fired.

19 - drunkenly watch the sun come up with your best boozing buddies and a bottle. yeah, countless times.

21 - go to 12 bars in one night. i honestly don't know if i've done the full twelve, but if i were to hazard  guess i reckon it's happened. we normally bar hop a lot, so more than likely.

22 - try 100 different drinks. i can't honestly claim this, because i don't know. if you count all the different brands of beer / whiskey etc, i'd say it's very likely. if i spot a bottle of something i haven't tried, i will normally give it a go, regardless of how girly and/or repulsive it looks.

23 - drink in the land of your forefathers. most of my traceable heritage is english, so yeah. i've also drunk in most european countries, so i've probably got this one covered.

24 - juice on the job. bit of a cheat this, since one of the office jobs i worked allowed us to drink on friday lunches. we'd quite often get quite sloshed.

32 - learn at least one traditional drinking song. hmmm... don't know if you can call it traditional or not, but the only one i can remember goes along the lines of "drink, drink, drink, we're going to the bar, doo-dah, doo-dah, we're going to the bar...".

33 - steal some booze. used to work in a convenience store when i was 15/16, and nabbed quite a bit from there. also used to grab unattended drinks off people's tables when drunk.

36 - try absinthe. drunk quite a bit of this in the past. got a bottle of it at the moment, actually.

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Re: 40 Things Every Drunk Should Do Before He Dies
« Reply #4 on: Sunday, January 20, 2008, 06:15:45 PM »
I haven't done most of those - at least not that I can remember. :D

I've done some of the obvious ones - over tipping, drinking until sunrise, etc. I really want to try absinthe, though. It's actually become legal here in the U.S. within the past year. I want to try *good* absinthe, though. I've heard plenty of stories about shitty absinthe.

Offline Raisa

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Re: 40 Things Every Drunk Should Do Before He Dies
« Reply #5 on: Tuesday, January 22, 2008, 05:39:28 PM »
yikes..  i don't think i'd do any of those...

Offline Pugnate

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Re: 40 Things Every Drunk Should Do Before He Dies
« Reply #6 on: Tuesday, January 22, 2008, 05:41:53 PM »
Liar. You've probably done those without getting intoxicated.

Offline gpw11

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Re: 40 Things Every Drunk Should Do Before He Dies
« Reply #7 on: Tuesday, January 22, 2008, 11:14:16 PM »
I got 27.  No one wants to hear which ones.