Author Topic: Mass Effect 2  (Read 94945 times)

Offline iPPi

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #161 on: Thursday, February 04, 2010, 08:39:48 PM »
Apparently there are still CEs available.  I think I'm gonna pick this up next week.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #162 on: Friday, February 05, 2010, 09:53:44 AM »
So I started this about three hours ago, and am about to dig back in.

I have to admit that I was a little negative about the game, and started with a more critical eye having read about the "refinement" of the role-playing mechanics and what not.

Three hours in, I slowly let go of my apprehension begrudgingly. Yes, they've made a lot of changes to the already light -- and somewhat nonsensical -- RPG system from the first game, but the game is quite excellent so far.

There have been a few wow moments already, but not the type you'd expect. So far the hair raising moments have been all cinematic... either delivered via custscene, or expertly placed along your path.

One of the money shots comes very early in the game. This isn't really a spoiler, because this plot piece was revealed very early on, in the first E3 trailer, but I'll spoiler tag it anyway:

(click to show/hide)

The game's action feels as good as any shooter I've played in recent memory. This isn't Mass Effect 1, or even Bioshock... this actually feels like a proper first person shooter. Some of it is definitely more satisfying than the average shooter, because the physics are great and the graphics are excellent. Seriously, this is the best I've seen a game look in the Unreal engine.

It also runs like a dream. On my old 8800GTX, the game is running very smoothly, even when the physics are going insane. The funny thing is that the game looks superior to ME1, yet runs infinitely better.

The sound effects also have a real bite to them, which again, makes the shooting elements so much more fun.

The physics are really amazing, and make some of the biotic effects look and feel really sweet. There was a bit of a wow moment early in the game while fighting some mechs (the Geth), when one of my companions used his telekenisis power to pull, and the one of the mechs sorta floated through the air.

The games seems to be doing a good job of pinpointing where you are shooting your enemies. Headshots, shots on the leg, abdomen etc., all seem to have their own own little animations and sound effects.

There is a tactical part to the game. Like before you can pause and issue action or placement orders, but it has been refined (for the better) to the point where they could teach Rainbow Six: Vegas a few lessons.

So far the RPG elements are a bit thin, but you still level up yourself and your party, though the skill choices seem to have been halved. You can also do a lot of customization on your armor and stuff, which is a nice distraction.

Something cool is that Shepard no longer comes off as a complete asshole. When you pick the the more considerate conversation lines, he actually comes off as genuine. That was actually one of my major complaints from the first game.
(click to show/hide)
But the game's cinematic quality is incredible. If this keeps up, I'd say this is the definition of a story driven shooter.

It has to be said, that the game probably benefits (like Dragon Age) from the many delays. Dragon Age was delayed to match the console releases, and ended up being beautifully polished on the PC.

ME2 was delayed to let Dragon Age have the limelight, and has ended up being spit shined like anything.

It surprises me because Bioware have such little experience with this style of a game, and the shooting aspects are top notch.


The hacking and stuff has been changed, even though it was pretty fun in the first game. I guess they thought the game needed some newer minigames, and they are pretty fun.

« Last Edit: Friday, February 05, 2010, 10:59:45 PM by Pugnate »

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #164 on: Friday, February 05, 2010, 12:28:57 PM »
My god this game is fantastic. If ME1 was a bit of an underachievement, this is possibly a landmark title.

This almost feels like Blade Runner meets a bit of Deus Ex. The worlds are so detailed and fleshed out... believable. It truly feels cinematic.

You people need to get this game... now.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #165 on: Friday, February 05, 2010, 12:31:49 PM »
Now I'm getting even more anxious. My PC won't be here for another 10-15 days!

Offline iPPi

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #166 on: Friday, February 05, 2010, 01:18:19 PM »
Ordered the normal edition for $60.  The CE was available but was going for $80.  I couldn't justify spending an additional $20 for a tin box and an art book.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #167 on: Friday, February 05, 2010, 01:22:03 PM »
Torn here. I'd like to play the original before getting 22, but goddammit I'd like to just bypass ME1 altogether.

...but the story stuff. Hmm, I might just try to bang out the first. I wish it didn't take so long to get into. I rarely manage to push through slow-starting games these days.

Offline W7RE

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #168 on: Friday, February 05, 2010, 03:45:16 PM »
Torn here. I'd like to play the original before getting 22, but goddammit I'd like to just bypass ME1 altogether.

...but the story stuff. Hmm, I might just try to bang out the first. I wish it didn't take so long to get into. I rarely manage to push through slow-starting games these days.

I'm really glad I played through the first, the save import thing is only half of it. Having experienced the story of the first game made the second a much more enjoyable experience. There's a ton of nods to the first one, or things that I might have been puzzled about if I hadn't played the first game. I also don't know if I would have been as invested in the story if I'd started with the second game.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #169 on: Friday, February 05, 2010, 08:00:37 PM »
This universal critical praise I did not expect at all.  It makes me want the game a lot more than I did at first.  I still want to go through the first one beforehand.  And Fallout 3 still rules my game world.  I forget if there's an easy mode (in ME 1).  That would speed things up somewhat.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #170 on: Friday, February 05, 2010, 09:19:49 PM »
This universal critical praise I did not expect at all.  It makes me want the game a lot more than I did at first.  I still want to go through the first one beforehand.  And Fallout 3 still rules my game world.  I forget if there's an easy mode (in ME 1).  That would speed things up somewhat.

There's like 4 different difficulty levels. I think the hardest might need to be unlocked.

Offline gpw11

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #171 on: Friday, February 05, 2010, 09:47:49 PM »
Yeah, there is an easy mode, but I don't think it'll really speed the game up - I seem to remember it being easy enough on regular (I could be wrong though - my last playthrough of the first game was a new game + and I was jaaaacked). The easiest and best way to speed up the game is to just run through the plot and minimal side missions.  I found they get pretty tedious in the first game, especially the ones that require you to just explore the planets. I ran through the first game in like 18 hours on my second play through by just doing the side missions I naturally ran across and the story missions.

And for me, there's no way you could get as much out of the second game if you skipped the first. Make sure you play through it.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #172 on: Friday, February 05, 2010, 10:55:13 PM »
Yea you should play the first.

Unfortunately, Mass Effect has one of the most lethargic opening portions in gaming history. I love slow absorbing affairs when it comes to any form of fiction, but there is little absorbing about running around the Citadel (the galaxy's prominent space station) like some errand boy, solving tasks by just showing your face.

Don't get me wrong, the citadel is wonderfully imaginative and very interesting as a place to examine, but the optional tasks there are as banal as they come.

By the way, you shouldn't worry about reaching a high level at the end of ME1 in order to play ME2, because it doesn't seem to matter.

As iPPi says, stick to the main quests and you'll do fine. The main planets are quite fascinating and imaginative, and well designed. The side planets are as cookie cutter as they come. You only need to go to two to see the familiar pattern, as they are all the exact same lifeless places with slightly different terrains... 

The only sidequests I'd do are the ones from the companions.

The other thing you have to get used is that the skill system is unified. For example, you are the one doing the hacking, and decrypting (lock picking), but it is the collective skill level of the party determining how good you are at that stuff.

And combat can require a different approach. Remember, hit the pause button and position your team behind cover, and use their various skills. I'd recommend keeping playing as a soldier, and keeping a biotic and a techie on your team. You don't have to use the pause button as much later, when you get better gear. One side planet I do recommend is the one you unlock in the BRING DOWN THE SKY DLC. The reason is that it has a LOT of fantastic gear, and takes less than an hour.

I know I am not doing a great sell, but the game's core is really good, and definitely worth a playthrough, especially as it elevates your ME2 experience.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #173 on: Friday, February 05, 2010, 11:08:55 PM »
I guess Dr. Pepper is doing a promo where you can buy a drink and get a code for free stuff in Mass Effect 2 (as well as a couple other EA games). ME2 has 3 unique pieces of headgear. I think the 3 different ones are +5% weapon damage, +10% shield strength, and +5% biotic damage.

If you go to this Destructoid article, they have a list of 4 different infinitely reusable codes. You just follow the link to create a account (can use fake info, it doesn't verify it) and use a code. for 2nd and 3rd codes, make new accounts. Every time it asks you for your info use the right info, and it'll add the 3 helms to your game. They're not amazing, but free is free.

Speaking of helms in ME2, I sort of hate how they handled them. In ME1 your helm only showed when in an environment where you couldn't breathe. In ME2 they're almost always on. So you end up with lots of cutscene and dialogue sections with a helmet on. The preorder and CE armors suck this way too because you can't turn the helm off seperately on those. I guess since none of the armor has stats or huge bonuses it's not a big deal though. I actually used a minimalistic visor through my whole playthrough (which gave +15% headshot damage) mostly because I could still see my face and eyes.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #174 on: Saturday, February 06, 2010, 04:04:41 AM »
Yeah, that was my main problem with the bonus armour I got when I bought the game - it's sealed and looks goofy.  It feels like Master Chief is doing the cut scenes.

The only real difference is that the helmet was a toggled piece in the first game.  Apart from the zero oxygen situations where it was required (with a breather mask), you could toggle it on the armour menu at any time.  That's not the case now, because you don't have any control over your armour mid-mission.  That's actually the main change I have a problem with really.  Don't see why you have to be on your ship to change it. 

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #175 on: Saturday, February 06, 2010, 07:08:12 AM »
Yea I agree on the helmet thing. At least in ME1 they automatically removed the helmet during cut scenes.

BTW, all of the bonus stuff in the game is kinda ugly.

But I never really changed armor beyond upgrading to a better of the same type in the first game. It just didn't look right. :P

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #176 on: Saturday, February 06, 2010, 10:02:28 AM »
Just finished the "archangel" mission.

This is one of the most awesome action games I've played in years.

Play ME1 first and it will play even better.

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« Last Edit: Sunday, February 07, 2010, 06:25:59 AM by MysterD »

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #178 on: Sunday, February 07, 2010, 07:51:06 AM »
Meh I don't care about either of those things. And yea in this day and age, it must be a bitch to design for 640x480 when you've got widescreen displays. It would require a total redesign of the HUD, inventory etc.

Anyway, the reason ME2 is running so much better is because the level design has gone through drastic changes.

It has gone from a more Crysis type open level design to a half-life2 style design. There are open areas that don't require loading, yes, but these are where you do the "role playing" parts. Stuff like the Citadel, or the places where you gain quests and push the store, or the ship etc. But there is never combat in these areas.

Once you start a quest you are taking to an on the rails area like Unreal Tournament, Quake, or Doom. Fortunately, these areas are designed cleverly enough that you think it is open... but it really isn't.

The game is quite awesome. The storyline is very tight, the shooting is awesome, and there is some depth to the RPG mechanics, but in other areas.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #179 on: Sunday, February 07, 2010, 01:10:02 PM »
Shiiit, I'm not even through the game once and I'm already salivating for ME3.

I ended up "cheating" and altering my save game to change my class from Vanguard to Sentinel.  Vanguard was pretty fun, but after I while I realized I was just whittling away at enemies in order to get them down to a manageable enough number to start charging motherfuckers.  This was fun at first, but after a while got a little too formulaic, and combat suffered as a result.

As a Sentinel I'm having a lot more fun with all the powers, especially combining my biotics with those of my squad-mates for pretty awesome effects .  I think I'd also like to try Infiltrator or Adept.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #180 on: Sunday, February 07, 2010, 01:19:02 PM »
I am playing as an infiltrator (the sniper/cloak class), and just maxed my skill that has ammo freezing the enemy and stuff...

Just finished Miranda's personal quest and got that green dude... Thane. Both those missions were outstanding. The shooting in this game is near perfect. There are so many times where I am just laughing at my screen with all the insane stuff going on.

I haven't felt this way about a game since I played Deus Ex or Jedi Outcast.

Shiiit, I'm not even through the game once and I'm already salivating for ME3.

haha... I don't want this to end.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #181 on: Sunday, February 07, 2010, 02:34:11 PM »
Dude, I know - it's so fucking good.  I've been falling way behind in school because of this motherfucker.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #182 on: Sunday, February 07, 2010, 03:47:55 PM »
Hey is it just me or does Miranda totally not look the way Bioware intended?

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #183 on: Sunday, February 07, 2010, 04:13:10 PM »
I already want ME2 quite bad - but, dammit, stop it, you guys! :P Y'all are making it worse! :P

I got Dragon Age here on my plate here. And after that, Divinity 2 is all ready to go - all patched-up to Version 1.03 and everything.

Hey is it just me or does Miranda totally not look the way Bioware intended?
What's her concept art look like?
(If there is any out there to the public...)

Offline W7RE

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #184 on: Sunday, February 07, 2010, 06:04:04 PM »
EDIT:What's her concept art look like?
(If there is any out there to the public...)

Not sure about concept, but she was apparently modelled after (and voiced by) Yvonne Strahovski of Chuck:

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #185 on: Sunday, February 07, 2010, 08:50:52 PM »
Maybe they should've just made the girl in the game also blonde...

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #186 on: Monday, February 08, 2010, 01:02:06 AM »
According to the game's artbook, they initially made her blonde, but went with darker hair because it better suited the femme fatale image they were trying to create.

There is an FMV that will load up if you pause for too long on the first screen, and in it, Miranda looks very good, and quite similar to that Yvonne Strahovski, w7re was mentioning.

In the game she looks quite off. It just goes to show that as far as character skin design has come, you still can't copy mother nature.

What makes Yvonne Strahovski look good are her prominent cheekbones. They tried to replicate that in Miranda, but it makes her eyes look sunken. She just looks a little creepy at times.


Mildly amusing...

« Last Edit: Monday, February 08, 2010, 01:30:03 AM by Pugnate »

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #187 on: Monday, February 08, 2010, 06:53:05 AM »
I didn't think she looked that bad. I attributed any weirdness to the uncanny valley and tried to pretend it wasn't there. I swear though, either I was getting some weird glitch or something, or she's got some mega buck teeth. Like, the front 2 teeth on the top row are stick down noticeably more than the ones next to them. Not that this is a really ugly thing to have normally, but 1: it's a fake character so they did it intentionally, and 2: she's supposed to be genetically engineered to be perfect.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #188 on: Monday, February 08, 2010, 09:15:32 AM »
No she doesn't look bad or anything... but sometimes she looks a little creepy, which could be the uncanny valley thing of course.

Here is another one that is amusing:

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #189 on: Monday, February 08, 2010, 03:06:23 PM »
No she doesn't look bad or anything... but sometimes she looks a little creepy, which could be the uncanny valley thing of course.

Is she a creepy kind of character in the game?


ME2 Ending Spoilers and Bioware's plans for ME3
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« Last Edit: Monday, February 08, 2010, 03:56:49 PM by MysterD »

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #190 on: Monday, February 08, 2010, 05:56:15 PM »
I got the best ending possible on my first playthrough because I'm a beast. Actually it's becasue I played it OCD style and did EVERYTHING.

Actually, I did fuck up a little...
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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #191 on: Monday, February 08, 2010, 08:00:40 PM »
god damn it, i want to play it through again already! i keep coming back to this thread and it reminds me how good it was.

the mass effect universe seems so rich and detailed - three games and one story arc doesn't seem anything like enough. i wish they'd get some other teams involved, so they could work on ten simultaneous ME projects.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #192 on: Tuesday, February 09, 2010, 02:34:39 PM »
Ha, yeah I feel the same way.  The fanfare for this game is amazing as well.  I might check out a thread on something awful about it roughly once a day.  Yesterday I checked twice and it had ~1200 responses in the 9 hour period between the two times I checked.  People are already on their third playthrough in some cases.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #193 on: Tuesday, February 09, 2010, 03:34:37 PM »
I will definitely play again, but more for the insanely fun action than anything else.

A game like Dragon Age, I was quite excited to try the various classes and the skills that come with them, but aside from a few skills, there doesn't seem to be much different between classes in ME2. Besides, you pretty much have all the other class skills at your finger tips when you are controlling your team, and can even learn their special skills if you gain their loyalty.

That's probably my only gripe with the game. I hope ME3 presents a deeper RPG system.

Basically I'll be playing through this a few more times because I expect to get the same enjoyment as I did the first time, but not because I expect to have a different experience


I suppose there are a few weapons that I will be able to use next time that I can't with my sniper class.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #194 on: Tuesday, February 09, 2010, 03:59:45 PM »
from poking about through guides to see what i missed, i found that is actually possible to swap out one of your squad members.

click to see who:
(click to show/hide)

i'd be interested to try that out on another play through.

also, pug, i dunno about the classes. i know you can tailor them a certain amount, but i'm guessing that my vanguard class with biotic charge, barrier and a krogan shotgun would play more than a little different than a sniper.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #195 on: Tuesday, February 09, 2010, 04:13:27 PM »
Well, yea, but I've had those weapons/skills (well, not biotic charge) at my disposal through the rest of my team.

I am sure it will be a different experience, but there aren't nearly as many unique skills as there are in other RPGs. I'll have to play another class to truly see though.

By the way, one of the best skills in the game is called cryo ammo. I'd recommend maxing it out and using it in SMGs. It can be very exciting.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #196 on: Tuesday, February 09, 2010, 04:31:27 PM »
By the way, one of the best skills in the game is called cryo ammo. I'd recommend maxing it out and using it in SMGs. It can be very exciting.

I had cryo ammo on my soldier and tried it early on. I didn't notice it slowing or freezing anyone at all, so I never upgraded it or used it after that. I did most of the game with incendiary ammo, and maxed it out.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #197 on: Tuesday, February 09, 2010, 11:01:16 PM »
No, it doesn't freeze with a single shot unfortunately.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #198 on: Wednesday, February 10, 2010, 12:23:33 PM »
Can't it?  I definitely froze a lot of dudes with burst shots from my AR or a small series of pistol shots. Either way, when I changed to Sentinel I lost it, but i'd say trading it for Push is a good call.

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Re: Mass Effect 2 - Update: 9.6 from IGN for PC and X360 (Reply 79)
« Reply #199 on: Wednesday, February 10, 2010, 04:46:38 PM »
Well, they don't always freeze with single shots when the skill level is low, though it does enhance the damage. Even at max. level it won't freeze with a single shot every time, which is why I highly recommend you use that skill with an SMG. It is just very amusing watching some geth run at you as you spray them with bullets and freeze them.