Author Topic: Grand Theft Auto 4  (Read 115832 times)

Offline Cobra951

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #160 on: Thursday, May 01, 2008, 10:18:06 AM »
The 2nd attempt at that mission went very smoothly.  Stood in the same place.  Pressed Y the same way.  This time it worked.  It wasn't anything I was doing wrong the first time.  I was climbing ladders all over before this mission.  That freefall from the tower I mentioned earlier was actually 247 feet, not 127.  I mixed it up with the longest jump.  Heh.

That was a great cutscene after that mission too.  The story elements are strong, as is the voice acting and the use of the game engine to supply the visuals.  I'm all for this, but to me it's still supposed to be a game first and a vehicle for a story second.  Coming straight out of Burnout Paradise, I know there's a lot that can be improved, on this gen of consoles.  Even allowing for the much larger, much denser environment, there simply isn't the same level of technical or control excellence.  I'm probably being unfair, because what Criterion did is head and shoulders above the crowd, and they were not weighed down with such a massive undertaking.  I find myself way impressed overall, while often being disappointed with some of the important details.  The on-foot camera's automatic behavior, for example, is atrocious, and (to use your word) the wonkiness of Niko's response to joystick input only makes the problem worse. 

Edit:  You touched on the music before, and I only gave a short reply.  Here I have no complaint at all.  Somebody had outstanding musical taste and knowledge here.  Outside of the rap which I'll never understand, everything sounds terrific.  Lovely jazz (as mentioned), fusion, rock, reggae and that very interesting "The Journey" computer-DJ'd station.  (You should listen to that one all the way through once, when you're on a long aimless exploration tour.)  Disco strays from what I call disco, but it's good for a change.  The commercials can be gut-busting, as usual.

Offline JacksRag(e)

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #161 on: Thursday, May 01, 2008, 10:24:33 AM »
Just more things keep making me crack up.  I got hit by a car as I was crossing the street, so I got irritated and decided to attack the driver.  I was in a bit of a rampage, so an ambulance came out.  One thing I noticed about the ambulance drivers is that they drive terribly.  This particular instance they drove straight into a tree and killed themselves on impact.  It was a small thing, but infinitely amusing.

Offline Cobra951

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #162 on: Thursday, May 01, 2008, 10:49:49 AM »
I guess the funniest moment for me was the long careening fall, full of yells, ughs and thuds.  Having an entire army chase you all over Manhattan was also very entertaining.  A couple of stuck-up high-class chicks were having the typical vapid conversation in that park with the globe and the statues.  I come over and stand real close, to see if I can interact in any non-lethal way.  One says "don't hate me because I'm beautiful!" and starts to walk away.  Then she gets her cell phone and starts having another inane girly conversation.

Offline MysterD

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #163 on: Thursday, May 01, 2008, 01:53:00 PM »
Rockstar's support team is saying to expect a fix to many of the issues w/ GTA4 in say "minutes or days" for X360 and PS3.

Fix for GTA IV Soon
[Ure "Vader" Paul]
10:02 am EDT @ May 01st, 2008
Seriously, fishing for news not related to GTA IV right now is an exercise in futility.

Anyway, those problems some players had with both PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of GTA IV will, evidently, be resolved by Rockstar soon. In fact, the latest word from Rockstar Support is that the fix could arrive in minutes or days (that's what they said).

Also, here's a few things you should check if you've been experiencing problems during the game:

    Did my harddrive have enough space?
    Do I have the latest firmware?
    Is my screen saver turned off?
    Is vibration turned off?
    Are my video settings turned to 720?
    Is Autosave off?

We didn't have any problems, luckily. Those who are having these issues, should know that Rockstar is "working around the clock" to fix this.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #164 on: Thursday, May 01, 2008, 07:10:05 PM »
I know what you mean about the technical stuff, Cobra, but Rockstar is a developer very much like Bethesda - you know going in what you'll be getting.  GTAIV is exactly what the others were, just better.  It's got the same little issues, some of the same shitty textures, same clipping problems, etc., just like Oblivion had a lot of the same problems Morrowind did (which had plenty of those that Daggerfall did).  Developers have their collective weak spots, and Rockstar's are in those little technical details that just don't quite work out right.  But they make a fine game, so there's only so bitchy we can be.  True, Burnout Paradise was a phenomenal achievement in the technical sense, and I get the feeling that those Criterion games run a very tight ship with their code and their approach to testing it, but like you said, the scope of what they had to do was so much more limited.  I suspect they'd still do a better job than Rockstar if they actually got to make the game instead, but... eh.  There's not much point spending time worrying about it.  I just take the few hits when I have to if the game acts up, then move on and continue enjoying it.  I'm just glad my game hasn't frozen at all again (not so much as a hitch, in fact).

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Offline Cobra951

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #165 on: Thursday, May 01, 2008, 08:38:27 PM »
No major tech issues here either.  Some occasional momentary hitches have hit me here and there, but nothing worse than your typical console game streaming.  High-res textures will sometimes take a few seconds to come in over the blurry ones, but I much prefer that to freezing the action until they load.  No freezes of any kind. 

I went through some more missions, and the last thing I did was compare the performance of 3 sports cars at the airport oval-shaped parking lot.  The Turismo (Ferrari) has the most neutral handling, with only a bit of understeer at the limits.  Power is good and brakes are anti-lock and pretty solid.  All 3 cars have anti-lock brakes, in fact.  None of them will skid out of control when you mash the brakes going around a turn.  The Coquette (Corvette) is awesome.  This may be my favorite so far.  It has more pronounced understeer, but the power and brakes are so good that they more than compensate.  This car will stop on a dime, and is fully in control under heavy braking.  The Banshee (Viper?) is wild, with lots of torque and backfiring at every full-throttle gearshift.  Good braking, but it feels heavy.  You will need more room to come to a stop, though you have full control while braking.

In all cars, hitting the handbrake will break traction at the rear wheels, so all that precise handling goes out the window.  I don't like to use it on these cars except at low speeds to make 90-degree turns around town.  A short tap can be useful around wide turns at speed, but hold it too long, and off the side you go backwards.

Great fun.  I still prefer the hood view for all-out racing, but I've gotten much better with the close behind view, which is more practical most of the time.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #166 on: Thursday, May 01, 2008, 09:34:13 PM »
I enjoy the driving.  The Coquette is easily my favorite car, too, which is sort of funny since I'm a big Corvette fan IRL (or as big a fan as a guy who can't afford and has no time for cars can be).

I think the one thing that pisses me off about this game is some of the shitty textures.  Some of these are just horrendously terrible, and getting up to them on foot means that you literally sometimes can't even tell what they're supposed to be or read their signage.  It's awful.  I don't see why they had to be quite so low-res.  You think they could have done just a wee bit better, but some of this stuff is as fucking ugly as it was in GTA3 all those years ago.

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Offline Cobra951

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #167 on: Friday, May 02, 2008, 01:00:41 AM »
Whoa!  I think that's not meant to happen.  I've seen some textures that get somewhat blurry up close, but they're never unreadable (unless I catch them before the higher-res ones load up over top of them).  I wonder if it just can't pull the up-close texture there for some reason.

I played for several hours again tonight, but only did about 3 missions.  I swear, if I could get to the rest of the map right now, I'd do one mission a sitting tops.  What's driving me to do missions at all is the hope of unlocking downtown and I guess New Jersey replica.  My favorite activity is always the freeform sandbox stuff.  I found TW@ finally.  Not much to see there, though I understand there's a lot if you know what to type in.  I don't want to stumble into a cheats yet, though.  Those may all be phone-based.  Don't know yet.

I shot a cop during one mission, and suddenly the entire visible area on the map was flashing (not just a bigger circle).  There were helicopters, vans, and really aggressive cops chasing me all over.  Someone killed me while I was in the car in a big hurry.  WTF?  I don't recall it going from one star to full warfare in previous games because one uniform got too squarely in my way.  I also wandered into the business area of the airport earlier (planes, runways) and again, instant armageddon.  It just seems too heavy handed too quickly.

Offline TheOtherBelmont

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #168 on: Friday, May 02, 2008, 02:48:31 AM »
A friend brought this over tonight and we played for a couple of hours and I had a blast.  I'm sold, I'll probably be getting this after I finish some games that I'm playing now, possibly after Metal Gear Solid 4 coming out in June.

Offline PyroMenace

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #169 on: Friday, May 02, 2008, 04:36:05 AM »
I think Brucie may be one of my most favorite video game characters of all time. At first I was slightly disturbed by him, but god, hanging out with the guy is just pure entertainment. We got drunk and that was fucking great, I mean everything out of the guys mouth is hilarity. I got an email from him earlier, "I'm about to go have a threesome... with chicks, not dudes, I dont role that way bro. I pound the chicks and punch the dudes. Stay Alpha!!"  Ive been doing all the car stealing I can for him and did some of the races. I unlocked the special favor he does for you, I won't say what it is so as to not spoil, but its fucking awesome.

Offline MysterD

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #170 on: Friday, May 02, 2008, 01:49:52 PM »
Rockstar's boss Dan Houser speaks his mind on violence, casual gaming, some of the GTA4 development, and other stuff.

'F*** casual gaming,' says Rockstar boss
News by Ellie Gibson

Today 15:58

Rockstar Games boss Dan Houser has declared he's no fan of casual gaming - in no uncertain terms.

"F*** all this stuff about casual gaming," he told the New York Metro.

"I think people still want games that are groundbreaking. The Wii is doing something totally different, which is fantastic. We're hopefully going to prove that there's also a very big audience for people who want entertainment in another form, who think of games as being a narrative device that can challenge movies."

According to Houser, too many developers make games about the same old themes - "orcs and elves, or monsters, or space". In contrast, Rockstar prefers to make games "about something we could actually relate to. Or aspire to".

As for the issue of whether there's too much violence in GTA IV: "If you don't like any violent content in your entertainment, then I apologise because I do. And I've unfortunately been exposed to it my entire life. If we equally got rid of a lot of books that talk about violence, okay."

Houser went on to question why it seems to be okay for violent content to feature in films and TV programmes, but not games. "What you're saying is you don't like the medium because we don't have a George Clooney type sticking his face in front of the camera. There is nothing in the game you would not see in a TV show, or a movie a hundred times over, so I don't understand what the conversation is about."

For more from Houser, including some stuff about, you know, how they made the game and everything, read the full interview.

Offline Ghandi

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #171 on: Friday, May 02, 2008, 02:01:47 PM »
In contrast, Rockstar prefers to make games "about something we could actually relate to. Or aspire to".

Who relates / aspires to stealing cars and killing people? Is this guy nuts?

The rest I generally agree with.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #172 on: Friday, May 02, 2008, 05:46:52 PM »
Yeah, that statement seems rather inappropriate.  Nobody should aspire to that kind of shit and nobody ever should.

It's actually interesting, I've been writing a little sort of dissertation on my thoughts on GTA and game violence, not to mention other themes and such.  I wonder if anyone would be interested in me posting it here?  It's about 8 pages now.

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Offline MysterD

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #173 on: Friday, May 02, 2008, 06:24:30 PM »
Yeah, that statement seems rather inappropriate.  Nobody should aspire to that kind of shit and nobody ever should.
What he should've said was, "I'm into stuff that is more reality-based and way less fictitious."

It's actually interesting, I've been writing a little sort of dissertation on my thoughts on GTA and game violence, not to mention other themes and such.  I wonder if anyone would be interested in me posting it here?  It's about 8 pages now.
Can you link it up on these boards?

Offline ScaryTooth

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #174 on: Friday, May 02, 2008, 10:27:23 PM »
Heh, has anyone started calling any of the numbers mentioned in the game or instruction book? Like ZiT or anything? It's sweet. You can find the names of songs in the game by calling. If you hear a song they play, you call them, and the text you the info about the song on your phone. I'm looking for other numbers now, heh.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #175 on: Friday, May 02, 2008, 11:32:15 PM »
Heh, I haven't figured out how to actually dial anything.  What the hell do you do?

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #176 on: Friday, May 02, 2008, 11:38:11 PM »
Well, on the XBox 360 you hit up on the d-pad to bring up the phone. Hit up again, and it brings the keypad up.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #177 on: Saturday, May 03, 2008, 12:11:39 AM »
You know, depending on how you want to define "casual game", GTA is pretty damn casual. EVERYONE plays it, you can go in and just fuck around for entertainment.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #178 on: Saturday, May 03, 2008, 12:23:43 AM »
I think that you would be hard pressed to argue otherwise. That's one of the things that I love about the franchise - I can pick it up and do a mission or two, or I can just run around and fuck shit up. Running around killing people indiscriminately is so rewarding.

Offline PyroMenace

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #179 on: Saturday, May 03, 2008, 01:25:25 AM »
You know, depending on how you want to define "casual game", GTA is pretty damn casual. EVERYONE plays it, you can go in and just fuck around for entertainment.

Yes exactly. I think to me that this is why the praise its getting is actually worthy of it. In terms of just sheer accessibility, the game is a marvel. Pretty much any human being meant for the Mature audience can truly have a blast with this, whether just to pick up and play or have a much more deeper experience.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #180 on: Saturday, May 03, 2008, 10:52:07 AM »
Ok, so what are your guys' favorite radio stations?

So far, I like Broker, and LCHC. Liberty Rock is decent too.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #181 on: Saturday, May 03, 2008, 11:47:43 AM »
JNR is completely my favorite.  I just wish there were more songs on it.  When I first played the original GTA on PC, I'd switch out the CD and pop in Dave Brubeck's Time Out album.  For some reason jazz just always seemed to fit for me despite the craziness of the game.  Jazz is city music, and the GTA games are all about the cities (which is why I love them... I could care less about the crime drama themes).

But yeah, some good music on this one.  Fusion is pretty sweet, Journey is a fun experience (best DJ evar).  I want to like Tuff Gong, but it just doesn't quite hit the spot.  Some of it is cool, but come on... I like Bob Marley as much as the next guy, but there's more music out there in the world.

As far as calling GTAIV a casual game... I don't think that quite holds up.  It's accessible, but it isn't casual.  This isn't Peggle.  It's just a game that happens to be accessible.  I wouldn't call Halo a casual game either, even though I think it's overly simplistic and repetitive... it's just accessible.  It isn't hardcore like Ikaruga or something ridiculous like that, but I still think it's a far cry from what we normally think of as casual.

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Offline MysterD

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #182 on: Saturday, May 03, 2008, 04:41:21 PM »
As far as calling GTAIV a casual game... I don't think that quite holds up.  It's accessible, but it isn't casual.  This isn't Peggle.  It's just a game that happens to be accessible.  I wouldn't call Halo a casual game either, even though I think it's overly simplistic and repetitive... it's just accessible.  It isn't hardcore like Ikaruga or something ridiculous like that, but I still think it's a far cry from what we normally think of as casual.

I don't think GTA Series nor the Elder Scrolls series are casual games by any means; especially if you say follow the main quest. Especially, given the kind of grind you will undertake to try and finish any of these games. If you follow either of these games' main quest storylines, you will be done w/ it at least after putting in say a good 20 hours. A casual game to me is something you finish your run-through in one sitting -- like say Columns, Tetris, Bejeweled; any of those games.

Though, both of those series do have some of those elements that make it a casual game. Let me explain. The pick up and play aspect is very high on GTA and Elder Scrolls b/c of the freedom both games give you. Okay, the both say "here's your gameworld; just go nuts with it." Don't want to follow the main story? Then don't. Just go walk around, ride around, attack anything, buy things, sell things, etc etc -- that sandbox style on its own is a hell of a lot of fun and can be a casual fun game within itself.
I think what games like GTA series (Action) and Oblivion (RPG) have done is make those normally much more hardcore type of games more accessible to casual gamers by trying to further remove that steep learning curve that usually comes with these type of games. What do they do? Well, they go and throw in features w/ each iteration to appeal to the casual crowd. A much better easier-to-use Interfaces for in-game menus; quick fast traveling features to go straight to "important" locations on maps in a matter of seconds; awesome action; excellent game controls; that's just a few things these series have done to improve on themselves. It just seems like these two series know how to improve on the elements in previous games that might've annoyed casual gamers by implementing new features next time around to try and win them over.

I mean, hell -- what was the biggest problem casual gamers probably had w/ games w/ big open-worlds to explore such as say STALKER: SoC? GTA: San Andreas? Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind? No really good instant fast-traveling system. STALKER: Clear Sky, GTA4, and Oblivion all will appeal to the casual gamers b/c of this; especially if they want to follow the game's main quest storyline very closely and much more quickly.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #183 on: Saturday, May 03, 2008, 08:29:55 PM »
I don't really buy that, though.  Oblivion or GTAIV are no more easy or difficult to control or understand than anything else.  If you've never played a video game before you'll have just as much trouble with GTAIV as you would with anything else.  It's very similar to a lot of other games on the market in regards to control and interface, and while you might be able to pick up and play whenever for just a while, that doesn't make it casual.  It just means you don't have to play for extended periods if you don't want to.

EDIT - Well, this is disheartening.  My game won't load.  I sat down to play, loaded the game, and it just sits there forever at the loading screen.  I tried to quit the game and it wouldn't even do that, after about a minute the PS3 just beeped at me and rebooted itself.  I'm trying to load a second time and same thing... it went through all of the theme music and is just sitting there at the loading screen doing nothing.


EDIT x2 - It's an internet problem.  Turning off the connection fixes it, and supposedly you can save a new game after doing that, quit, turn your connection back on, then play okay again.
« Last Edit: Saturday, May 03, 2008, 08:53:23 PM by Quemaqua »

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #184 on: Saturday, May 03, 2008, 09:40:08 PM »
So I got a 360 and this game which comes with a month of Live for free. This may already be covered but I don't want to go through the thread and spoil things for myself. Are we playing online on the 360 version or no?

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #185 on: Saturday, May 03, 2008, 09:54:35 PM »
JNR is completely my favorite.  I just wish there were more songs on it.  When I first played the original GTA on PC, I'd switch out the CD and pop in Dave Brubeck's Time Out album.  For some reason jazz just always seemed to fit for me despite the craziness of the game.  Jazz is city music, and the GTA games are all about the cities (which is why I love them... I could care less about the crime drama themes).

But yeah, some good music on this one.  Fusion is pretty sweet, Journey is a fun experience (best DJ evar).  I want to like Tuff Gong, but it just doesn't quite hit the spot.  Some of it is cool, but come on... I like Bob Marley as much as the next guy, but there's more music out there in the world.

As far as calling GTAIV a casual game... I don't think that quite holds up.  It's accessible, but it isn't casual.  This isn't Peggle.  It's just a game that happens to be accessible.  I wouldn't call Halo a casual game either, even though I think it's overly simplistic and repetitive... it's just accessible.  It isn't hardcore like Ikaruga or something ridiculous like that, but I still think it's a far cry from what we normally think of as casual.

Well no its not peggle, Im not going to say its the most casual thing out there, but it is to a smaller degree. I guess what I meant to say is that it strikes a fine balance between being casual and yet at the same time can be something much more complex. The appeal has such a broad stretch, hence it is very accessible. Any casual gamer can jump in and know in a very small time what options are available to him and start fucking around immediately. As for the comment on Halo, well, thats a completely separate game for a more narrow audience, I guess you can call it accessible for the general hardcore gamer audience.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #186 on: Saturday, May 03, 2008, 11:21:28 PM »
I know one thing.  This GTA has held my attention much longer than any other GTA has to date.  I think that's partly due to the fact that there's always something right in front of you to do. 

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #187 on: Sunday, May 04, 2008, 12:59:06 PM »
I agree, K-Man.  Well, I did finish GTA3, but I think that was the only one I saw through to completion.  Generally the formula just got old for me before the games were over.  20 hours into 4 at this point with no signs of abating, though.  I can't *wait* to see the rest of the city.  I've got over half of it yet to be explored!  The city is just amazing.

Couple of stupid things to look at -

In case you want to get your stupid fanboy on, Gametrailers posted another stupid comparison video which demonstrates absolutely nothing.

And if that's not enough stupid GTA-related crap for you, here's a mostly worthless article from IGN about the possibility of GTA4 seeing a PC release, and on the PC sales of the other GTA games.

Pre-analysis Rant -

I'll hopefully get my little "article" up at some point, but for now I'd like to take this opportunity to point out that I think a lot of people in the game journalism industry and a lot of gamers themselves help to perpetuate the eternal stereotypes of GTA and similar games.  In the IGN article one of the guys says:

And while it's true that the console crowds are growing a bit more adult in their tastes (is it right to use the word "mature" when discussing a game about killing cops and prostitutes?), there's definitely a huge group of players on the PC who are hungry for this kind of grown-up experience.

We all understand the point he's trying to make with the comment, and I'm kind of just arguing to argue here, but what the fuck?  Why do we go around spouting hyperbole when we're dealing with something already misunderstood?  Obviously GTA is far from some high-art masterpiece of philosophy or whatever, but the game isn't about killing cops or prostitutes.  Seriously, think about that for a minute.  How many times in all the games combined are you actually tasked with going out and murdering cops?  Almost never.  95% of the time the cops are an *incidental* enemy, opposed to you simply because you're doing stuff that they have an inherent interest in keeping you from doing.  But your actual enemies are almost exclusively other crooks (or corrupt government officials, etc.).  Everyone spends so much time overgeneralizing the specifics of GTA's irresponsibility to the point where they inadvertently make it look like a completely different game from what it is.  It isn't as though we're going to change a lot of minds by changing that attitude or anything, as the topics are still controversial in any light, but doesn't it seem stupid to anyone else that we still indirectly hurt our own causes by being so careless in our own representations of things?

I've been playing GTA4 for 20 hours now.  In that time I have only killed 87 people.  That's about four and a half deaths per hour.  When you consider that many missions task you with killing like 5 to 10 other crooks, and you tackle a number of missions in an hour, how many death-free gameplay hours does that equal?  On top of this, while the game doesn't track how many cops you've killed, I can tell you that the number is less than 5 in twenty hours of play, and at least 2 of those would be accidental.  I don't really care about fighting cops, and given that the game practically never tells you to go do that (it just tells you to lose your wanted level or avoid them, whatever... and I assume that's the case for much of this game since the other games seemed to be almost entirely free of that too), how can you possibly say on any level that this game is about killing cops?  Yeah, you *can*, but it isn't at all what the game is about, just like the game isn't "about" having sex with women even though you *can* get a brief little entirely-implicit scene when you hook up with a girl after a few successful dates.  The game isn't "about" eating hamburgers either, though you can buy them.  And frankly, I've purchased probably 4 or 5 times as many hamburgers and hotdogs in this game than the number of cops I've killed.

I know, it's sort of a pointless rant, but it bothers me a little.  Why aren't we concerned about actually providing real information when we talk about games?  Why is it we're so willing to just accept that there's controversy and that there are myths nobody seems to want to dispel?  The IGN guy's comment is just exemplary of that attitude.  Why do you have to make it seem as though GTA4 isn't mature?  It *is*.  The drama here is really quite good, and there are some very interesting themes about the nature of crime, American opportunity, and crime/violence begetting more crime/violence.  Don't fucking dumb it down and make it seem as though the game is an entirely sophomoric enterprise with nothing to offer an intelligent person.

I know, I know, that wasn't his point and I'm sort of arguing semantics.  But still, you get my point, right?  GTA has plenty of toilet humor and low-brow stuff that I could do without (not to mention plenty of political statements I don't agree with), but in general I think much of what's in there is written off or left unacknowledged, both by gamers and by media outlets or politicians.  There's more here than I think we're giving Rockstar credit for.  Maybe not the highest tier of social commentary, but this is more than just prostitutes, jacking cars, and killing cops.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #188 on: Sunday, May 04, 2008, 05:13:31 PM »
And if that's not enough stupid GTA-related crap for you, here's a mostly worthless article from IGN about the possibility of GTA4 seeing a PC release, and on the PC sales of the other GTA games.
I don't think it's *that* worthless. But, I think what's important to note is the sales of the PC version declining w/ each iteration. I'll get to why later.

Quote from: Que
Here's some background information. Grand Theft Auto began on the PC, but the series didn't really explode until Grand Theft Auto III, which introduced a new 3D engine that brought you into the game rather than give you a top-down, bird's-eye view like the previous two games. GTA III shipped on PS2 on October 22, 2001.
Here's why I think it's important, Que. This is a trend that is growing, Que -- more and more PC game developers that start off supporting the PC, then they eventually decide "We'll do a console version first for our franchise PC brand, make tons of money -- oh, and then we'll port it later to the PC."

Big name PC companies, such as Bioware, have been doing a lot their RPG games first for the console, then getting them ported later to the PC -- see KOTOR, Jade Empire, and now Mass Effect. Rockstar did this with Manhunt -- consoles first, PC version a little bit later. Monolith put out Condemned first for the X360, then gave it a PC port. Epic gave Gears of War first to the X360, then gave us a PC port.

Publishers have been at it, too. Especially UbiSoft. Many of what were once originally big-time PC franchise -- such as Ghost Recon and Rainbow Six, have been recently getting first their console versions, then a PC port a little bit later.

Many game companies multi-platforming a game for PC and consoles seem to be giving their console version of the game more attention than their PC counterpart. For example, look at Ion Storm's "consolization" of Deus Ex: IW. Look at BethSoft, who have recently said that they are giving the X360 version of Fallout 3 their attention -- not a great sign for PC gamers, really. We can look at Oblivion's font in the PC version and wonder "Bethsoft, why the console-sized font? You didn't do this w/ Morrowind PC." (Thanks to BTMod for correcting that stupidity). Also, we can look at how many PC gamers have complained how the UI in PC version of UT3 was very "consolized." I mean, you know, I could go on and on...
And I'm gonna' bet Crytek's next game, thanks to the combo of high amounts of piracy and Crytek (for some crazy reason) deciding to make Crysis' PC vid requirement high for its time of release, Crytek is thinking of multi-platforming their franchises from now on. I really wouldn't be surprised if they eventually do console version of their games, then giving PC gamers a port later.

The PC version was announced on March 25, 2002, and shipped two months later on May 21 and according to NPD, sold more than 400,000 copies.

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City launched on PS2 on October 22, 2002. The PC version was revealed on February 14, 2003, and shipped on May 12, 2003 (The Xbox version shipped November 4, 2003 as part of a Double Pack with GTA III). NPD says Vice City sold more than 300,000 copies on PC, a slight decline.
Which probably has Rockstar and Take-Two (their publisher) thinking, "Do we really need to port the next GTA to the PC? I think many console gamers already have this game."

Finally, there's Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, which shipped for PS2 shipped on October 26, 2004. The PC game was confirmed on September 9, 2004 (before the PS2 game shipped). It came out on June 7, 2005. This was the most infamous entry in the series, as it introduced the "Hot Coffee" scandal, which forced Rockstar to withdraw all copies on the shelves and publish a new version that had the controversial material removed. San Andreas sold almost 250,000 copies on PC. These are NPD numbers for North America.
Which probably also has Rockstar thinking again, "Do we really need to port the next GTA to the PC? I think many console gamers already have this one."

Given "Hot Coffee", they also probably have to look at the mod scene and wonder, "Regardless of whether its our blocked content getting modded or some new entire 3rd party mod, could PC-modding once again cause the PC version of GTA4 to be pulled from th shelves for a bit of time?"

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #189 on: Sunday, May 04, 2008, 05:47:33 PM »
We've heard it all before, MyD.  I'm with you on the PC not getting enough support.

But here the argument is more or less irrelevant.  Rockstar *is* a console developer and has been.  Yes, the first two games were for PC, but that was 10 years ago.  Every GTA from 3 and beyond was either completely console focused or never even got a PC port (see: the PSP/PS2 games).  We already know developers are switching, but Rockstar hardly qualifies as a big deal as they never gave the PC much attention beyond their very earliest years in the first place.  And I can see why their PC sales would decline: the PC ports of the GTA games all completely fucking suck, at least in my experience.  Fine for some, perhaps, but I've had huge problems with 3, VC, and SA on PC, and on multiple rigs at that.  Maybe IV will be better, but I'm not holding my breath.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #190 on: Sunday, May 04, 2008, 05:56:51 PM »
I'm with you on the PC not getting enough support.

But here the argument is more or less irrelevant.  Rockstar *is* a console developer and has been.  Yes, the first two games were for PC, but that was 10 years ago.  Every GTA from 3 and beyond was either completely console focused or never even got a PC port (see: the PSP/PS2 games).  We already know developers are switching, but Rockstar hardly qualifies as a big deal as they never gave the PC much attention beyond their very earliest years in the first place.
Bully and The Warriors were never brought to the PC, either.
And I can see why their PC sales would decline: the PC ports of the GTA games all completely fucking suck, at least in my experience.  Fine for some, perhaps, but I've had huge problems with 3, VC, and SA on PC, and on multiple rigs at that.  Maybe IV will be better, but I'm not holding my breath.
Yes, numerous people have had issues w/ their games on the PC. GTA3 was a disaster for many on the PC. I never had many issues w/ it (luckily), though Patch 1.01 did fix a good deal of issues.

On the other hand, I never had any trouble w/ GTA: VC, which had stiffer requirements than GTA3 -- and ran better than GTA3 did for me, on the same damn PC oddly enough! GTA: SA, never had problems w/ it at all. Though, yes -- I've seen tech boards where many have had issues w/ the VC and SA.
But really, if Rockstar doesn't really want to port GTA4 themselves but they still do want to have GTA4 brought to the PC, they could do what Bioware did w/ Jade Empire and Mass Effect -- contract someone else they feel is suitable to port the game over for them to the PC. It's not like Rockstar or Take-Two is lacking any money, to have such a thing done...

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #191 on: Sunday, May 04, 2008, 06:03:57 PM »
Entirely a question of whether or not the money is worth it them.  But I'm quite sure GTA4 will see a PC port.  There's zero reason not to do one.  The game has scored all but perfectly everywhere, and is sure to sell a lot of copies even if VC or SA didn't sell as much.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #192 on: Sunday, May 04, 2008, 06:09:58 PM »
Entirely a question of whether or not the money is worth it them.  But I'm quite sure GTA4 will see a PC port.  There's zero reason not to do one.
I also do think so, as well.

The game has scored all but perfectly everywhere, and is sure to sell a lot of copies even if VC or SA didn't sell as much.
I sure hope so. I like seeing GTA's ported to the PC.
I'd really hate to see it a PC version get pirated to the high heavens, as well.

I still have that other dark thought in my head, wondering: "Rockstar might be thinking they have sold so many copies of GTA4 already on the consoles, why don't they just get to work on another GTA for the consoles or go make another game for one of their IP's, instead of Rockstar themselves porting GTA4 to the PC?"

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #193 on: Sunday, May 04, 2008, 06:26:16 PM »
D... why the fuck wont you just buy a console, jesus christ.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #194 on: Sunday, May 04, 2008, 06:29:30 PM »
D... why the fuck wont you just buy a console, jesus christ.
Many of the games I'm interested in are PC exclusives.
Many of the games I'm interested in either are multi-platformed for the console and PC.
Many of the console games I'm interested in eventually do get a PC port sometime later.

So, why buy a console if most of the games I want are PC bound anyways?

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #195 on: Sunday, May 04, 2008, 06:29:50 PM »
I want to type a response, but I'm afraid it'll just get another response in kind.  D, dude, it's a lot easier to port a game to another system than develop a whole new game, and it costs probably a jillionth as much.  I'm sure there will be a PC port.  Every GTA game barring the handheld ones has gotten one, I see no reason to believe this will be any different, especially with the much increased expectation of money (and the addition of multiplayer, which is always big on the PC front).

Now stop responding.  Now.  Stop.  We've beaten this topic to death.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #196 on: Sunday, May 04, 2008, 06:41:03 PM »
I want to type a response, but I'm afraid it'll just get another response in kind.  D, dude, it's a lot easier to port a game to another system than develop a whole new game, and it costs probably a jillionth as much.
Point taken.

I'm sure there will be a PC port.  Every GTA game barring the handheld ones has gotten one, I see no reason to believe this will be any different, especially with the much increased expectation of money (and the addition of multiplayer, which is always big on the PC front).

Now stop responding.  Now.  Stop.  We've beaten this topic to death.
Interesting you mention handheld-to-PC ports; dunno' if I seen any, in recent years.

I mean, the PSP versions of GTA made their ways to the PS2.
Also, I saw recently that the handheld SH: Origins got ported to the PS2.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #197 on: Sunday, May 04, 2008, 06:56:51 PM »
The one gripe I have about the game is going in and out of cover mode.  I haven't found a button that takes me in and out of it flawlessly ala Gears of War.  It always ends up being rather awkward, and I usually end up losing health because of it.

This engine is incredibly awesome.  Aside from a few instances, it basically perfects what we can accomplish today.  It's one of those games that does what it does so well, you begin to want to expect more out of it.  The game's essentially so good you become all that much more critical about its shortcomings.

Like why can't I go into every building?
Why when I run over an open car door does it not fly off?
Why can't i manipulate any of the objects in my apartment or on the street?

Maybe it's just me.  It's just that games like this make me expect more out of games as a whole.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #198 on: Sunday, May 04, 2008, 07:06:06 PM »
Yeah, this has a way of doing that.  I agree with you completely on the cover, too.  It works, and in architecturally simple circumstances it's just fine, but it can be really finicky in the wrong instances and seems like it could have been done better.  Still, it works, and the combat system is way, way better than the previous games, I think.

I'm happy with the engine, with caveats.  The shadows fucking suck and they make stuff look blurred out and weird.  Collision detection isn't quite what it should be (okay, that's kind of a lame complaint).  I wish the traffic spawning had changed from previous GTA games, but it seems virtually the same, meaning a place can be entirely empty, then you turn around and suddenly it's filled with stuff.  Though it doesn't seem quite as bad as the other games... I think they've made it more consistent.  Just wish they'd have come up with a new system.

Story is getting awesome, too.  I'm so into this game it's pathetic.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #199 on: Monday, May 05, 2008, 10:57:29 PM »
Or at least I was so into it until I got a hard lockup at 30 hours in.  Fuck this shit.  Rockstar had better address this soon, and I better not fucking lose my progress.  If I have to start this over at 30 hours, I'll just stop playing.

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