Author Topic: Assassin's creed.  (Read 70474 times)

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #120 on: Saturday, December 01, 2007, 01:54:42 PM »
Yeah.  I told idol the other night on IRC that after a number of hours I really hadn't even done anything.  It was like "Cool action sequences?  Yay!  But I don't have time for that now.  MUST CLIMB TALL BUILDINGS.  MUST FIND FLAGS.  WHERE IS MY HORSE?"  I love how some of them aren't hidden by sort of require little jumping puzzles to get to, and I love how nothing feels like it was specifically built to be climbed.  Well, maybe some of it does, but mostly it just feels like the climbing stuff is incidental, like the architecture was simply built the way it was and you just so happen to be able to climb it.

All I've done so far are the poor districts of Acre and Damascus.  Haven't been to Jerusalem yet.  I've finished pretty much everything in those districts, though, barring flags (which seem to be getting harder to find, and I'm wondering how impossible it will be to find them all if you just run through haphazardly without a very systematic approach... since that will effectively kill your chances of successfully using a systematic approach later on).  All I've done so far is the first assassination.  Working on doing a second one in Acre now.

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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #121 on: Saturday, December 01, 2007, 02:20:27 PM »
Flags are a bitch.  I found the 20 at Masyaf, but I have not been able to complete any others.  I have 89 kingdom flags, and I haven't seen one now in days.  I refuse to resort to maps.  I remember in Crackdown I got all 500 agility orbs, but I never did find all the hidden ones.  I imagine that will be the same here too.  I'm not an achievement whore.  If I don't get it honestly, I didn't achieve anything.

My city pace now is to thoroughly explore each district.  I save all the citizens, but what I like best by far is finding and figuring out how to climb the viewpoints.  Those continue to offer variety and excitement.  Let's see if the last 3 districts keep that up.

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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #122 on: Saturday, December 01, 2007, 04:30:03 PM »
I hope so.  I enjoy that too, though I do occasionally wish things were a little more puzzle-like.  There have been a few that were, and those were far and away the best ones.  Scaling the ones out in the Kingdom are a bit inane now that I only have 3 to go... because they're all the same.

Still, I'm early on.  Only making it to Jerusalem now, and still not there because I got distracted by some ruins with guards in them and a bunch of flags.  At 56 Kingdom flags now.  Did my 2nd assassination, which was cool.

The only thing that bums me out is that you sort of can't stop an assassination once you start.  I ran in to get my target, but there was one of those annoying mental cases that bothers you, and I'd dealt with several already and just got fed up.  So I took a swing at him, and of course all hell broke loose.  I escaped and was running from the guards, thinking that I'd just go hide and come back to try again, but that didn't work.  No matter where I went I couldn't escape the guards, and the only way it eventually reset was when I essentially "died" and had to restart because the target "got away" (and I was nowhere near him, I'd run clear across the city by that point).  So that's sort of lame.  But the way I killed him the 2nd time was great.  Super clean and quick with barely a whisper, and I made it to the exit before I was spotted (I rarely try to be that sneaky anyway, running from guards is more fun!).  It would have been perfect had I not accidentally missed a jump and fallen into an alleyway with a templar.  Damn.  Those guys are hard enough alone, let alone with 5 guard buddies helping them out.  I died rather quickly.

Also, how the fuck do you break from combat?  There have been a couple occasions when a fight just wasn't going my way and I wanted to split, and the stupid little tutorial messages always said to just do your normal sprint and whatever, but I can never get it to break combat to let me do that.  Even if I put my sword away and stop targeting everyone I just seem to be locked in to that control method.  What am I doing wrong?

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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #123 on: Saturday, December 01, 2007, 05:56:48 PM »
If you want to get out of combat, press the Left Trigger and you will no longer lock on to a target, and can start moving freely again.  Then you can go to high profile mode and sprint away.

Anyway, for those that have finished the game and want to understand the ending a little more, read this:  (SPOILERS on this LINK)

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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #124 on: Saturday, December 01, 2007, 06:17:20 PM »
Tried to pick it up tonight, but it wasn't at either of the two places I checked.  Dammit.

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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #125 on: Saturday, December 01, 2007, 09:31:00 PM »
Yea I did a bit of exploration in this game, but nowhere near the exploration that que and cobra seems to have done.  This is indicative of the fact of how many of the kingdom flags you guys have.

I'm going through now exploring the world for flags and templars now, as well as visiting places that I skipped during my playthrough, such as the many villages scattered across the kingdom.

I'm at 20/20 Masyaf flags, 49/100 kingdom flags, 30-40/100 for each of the cities, and 32/60 templars killed.

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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #126 on: Saturday, December 01, 2007, 10:03:58 PM »
When do all the Masyaf flags become available?  Because I got the little garden area open or whatever, but I'm still missing like 2 or 3, and I did a *really* thorough search.

And yeah, I've stopped at every single village and just gone running around like an idiot.  Just running around like an idiot is my favorite part of the game, really.  But the plot is honestly showing signs of being really interesting.  I definitely see a cool buildup of intrigue, and I do want to know what's going to happen.

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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #127 on: Saturday, December 01, 2007, 10:39:26 PM »
I had the same experience during the last assassination.  I got discovered, and I tried to run and hide, but the game wouldn't let me.  I didn't like that.  Eventually, though, the game gave up, and reinitialized.  I wasn't hidden, but I was up high, and none of the pursuers could get through the climb right.  I just stood there watching them bounce around.  So I guess there's a timeout.

Breaking out of combat can be tough, and I'm still not sure how to choose my target when I'm in a fight with several guards.  Many times I'll knock a guy down, but when I try to go for the kill, I end up swinging at the guard behind me.  It's tough to be deliberate under these conditions, so I don't get a chance to learn more finesse.

I've been playing other stuff last couple of days.  I'm going to put in some time now, but it won't be very long, or at least it shouldn't be.  It's late already.

Edit:  Once that "garden area" opens, you should be able to collect all flags in Masyaf.

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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #128 on: Saturday, December 01, 2007, 11:00:50 PM »
Damn.  I wonder what flags I'm missing.  I tried to climb all around in there and got nowhere.  If there are good climbs there, they're totally hidden.

As for choosing a target in a fight, it's just with the left stick.  Basically you just point.  I've gotten very good at it now after some practice, so I'm doing a lot of hitting one guy, blocking another guy, grabbing another guy and throwing him into a shop stall (those things don't seem to be made of heavy timber, but I'll be damned if you can't knock 3 guys out cold if you use them right), and all that stuff.  For some reason it just doesn't seem to want to let me go just because I use the left trigger to take my target lock off, so I still have trouble running away.  I'm going to try it again shortly and see what happens, but I had no luck with that the first few times I tried.  Might have been some other button I was pressing at the time that screwed it up somehow, I don't know.

Also, I have to say that nothing in the universe is more fun than taking these chumps and throwing them off of buildings.  God I love that.  I'll piss off a group of guards and climb something really tall just for the joy of throwing them back down to the ground.  Is there something wrong with me?

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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #129 on: Sunday, December 02, 2007, 01:52:45 AM »
You've gotten better than me at grabbing and throwing.  I just had a hellacious fight over the last citizen to save in Damascus, that ended with 12 dead guards and one dead templar.  (I counted the bodies from a nearby roof.)  But I could not make very good use of my free hand.  I tried a few times, resulting in some of my blood spraying.  I guess I should go practice in that courtyard, just to increase my fighting agility.  I do fine with the sword, both offensively and defensively.  I also found that you can use a throwing knife as a short close-combat blade.  If you use it right, you make mincemeat out of several targets in a hurry.  But if things go sour, you take some more damage.  It's a nice angle that I was not aware of until a few nights ago.

It can be tricky if you're surrounded, but I don't have too much trouble breaking away from combat and sprinting away.  Press LT to unlock, hold RT to run, then A to put away the blade and sprint.  I think that's the progression.  It's all so intense, though, that I'm not completely sure this is what's working for me.  I'll often receive a few whacks while I try to make my hasty exit.

About the Masyaf flags, did you get the ones during . . .
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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #130 on: Sunday, December 02, 2007, 02:10:15 AM »
The short blade is a very deadly weapon, and has more violent kills.  It's faster as well.  I use it quite often nowadays over the sword.

As for grabbing and throwing, I can generally finish up all the guards without needing to do it, though with templars I use it if necessary, since templars are quite tough using brute force.

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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #131 on: Sunday, December 02, 2007, 02:45:09 AM »
Templars are rough, though, and can very easily break your attempts to hold.  I've gotten myself killed numerous times attempting to manipulate them that way.  They die best using counterattacks since those are one-hit kills (though they can be hard to pull off against them too).  And I guess I shouldn't say that, because killing them outright via stealth is obviously the best option, heh.  I've managed to get a lot of them that way, actually.  Even just running in with the hidden blade and doing a high profile strike leap has worked a couple times.

Counterattacks are definitely my favorite option when I'm really under the gun, though.  I almost always manage to pull off a few before making a mistake and getting whacked by someone, so that nearly always drops the number of baddies down to a more manageable level thus far when there's a really huge group.  Too, throwing isn't necessarily all that important against standard guys, but it's a very good way to put one out of commission for a second since nobody else seems to hit you when you're in the middle of a throw, and they usually stay down long enough for you to dispatch one of their buddies.  Not to mention chucking guys off rooftops, which is invaluable (as even if they don't die from the fall, like if they hit a ledge or something, it nearly always takes them a good while to get back up to you), and of course throwing them into merchant stalls which counts as an instant kill and can take out more than one guy at once if there are several close enough.

I'm not yet very adept at weapon switching, so you guys have me beat there.  I rarely seem able to swap weapons quickly without losing track of what I'm doing and taking a hit or two.  I generally just stick to one sword or the other at this point.  Also Cobra, you don't use the throwing knives as the secondary sword, it's actually another sword.  I was confused at first because I got a sword from Al Mualim in one of the cutscenes, but I was like... hey, I already have a sword.  I didn't realize there were two, and I was confused as to why I didn't seem to yet have throwing knives even though I thought that's what the fourth weapon was supposed to be.  Turns out there's five: fists, hidden blade, long blade, short blade, and throwing knives.  It's a completely useless bit of information since you know the mechanics of it already, but I just thought I'd clarify just for flavor since it confused me at first, heh.

And thanks for the reminder about the missing flags.  I think I got the flags that were down there, but I should check again to be sure.  It would be a good place to eliminate first, anyway.

Lastly, because I'm thinking of it... does anybody else find it slightly infuriating that (not really a spoiler, but...)
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Offline Cobra951

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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #132 on: Sunday, December 02, 2007, 11:29:34 AM »
There are unclimbable (is that a word?) walls in the cities too.  I've tried to get up the tall enclosing walls several times, with no success.

Switching weapons:  Down is fist, up is hidden blade, right is sword, left are knives.  I got that pretty well memorized.  So if you select knives and come in close, you automatically use the short blade?  I've seen it on his back (and I'd like to know how he keeps it in that sheath upside down like that).  I was wondering about that.  I didn't think it through, though, obviously.  I'm pretty sure you'll throw a knife when battling with the short blade if the target isn't close.  This is partly why I thought they were the same thing.

I'm not afraid of templars anymore.  I always try to sneak up on them, but even when they surprise me, they don't whittle my life line down like before.  (It's much longer now, for one thing.)  I like climbing up on something, then whacking them as they try to climb after me.  As soon as they start to pull up on the ledge, whack!  Down they go.  Last night, I had the funniest thing happen yet with one of these guys.  A templar saw me walk by, and he started yelling in German (I think).  I quickly hop up to the nearest roof, and leap across to another roof.  He tries to come after me, and he falls to his death.  I get the little jingle and credit for one more templar kill.  Haha!  Never touched the guy.  Nope, sorry, wasn't me!  Just passing by . . .

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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #133 on: Sunday, December 02, 2007, 01:02:44 PM »
Yea Templars are tough at the start when you lack a lot of combat skills, but once you've gotten more skills, Templars pretty much cake.

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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #134 on: Sunday, December 02, 2007, 01:10:43 PM »
Yeah, I've had a few funny moments like that too with regular guards.  The AI is surprisingly good for the most part, though.  I've been very impressed with how it handles itself in general.

As for the templars, I had thought what they'd been shouting at me was French, but I could be wrong.  To my knowledge the organization was sort of a European coalition that got members from and had offices in a variety of places, but it's been a long, long time since I've studied the Crusades at all, and I've never studied them as much as I'd like.  Wikipedia seems to have a very interesting page on them which probably reveals more.

I've found it really interesting how accurate the game tries to be in terms of its backdrop.  It's all fiction, but the historical accuracy is there as a foundation and I think it works pretty brilliantly.  The story is getting very interesting, too.

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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #135 on: Sunday, December 02, 2007, 01:18:12 PM »
One of my favourite things is grabbing guards and throwing them over the sides of buildings.  Once, I had about 10 or 12 guards following me, and I just dispatched them over the roof.  I looked down and there was this huge pile of dead bodies littering the ground.  Immensely satisfying.
Throwing them into the water is fun, too.

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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #136 on: Sunday, December 02, 2007, 01:22:38 PM »
I actually had several drown themselves when I was trying to get some flags out on a boat/dock area.  It was great.  I did the whole little jumping puzzle thing without pissing anyone off, but as I was exiting I made a mistake and they got mad.  But one of them got stuck on the boat due to a bug, one fell off into the water on his own, and then the others I fought just sort of seemed to end up in there during the course of the fighting whether I meant to knock them off or not, except for one guy who was in a less precarious position.  It was pretty funny, but even more amusing because I left the bugged-out guy just sitting there at the helm, crouching down like he was afraid to move, heh.

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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #137 on: Sunday, December 02, 2007, 02:54:21 PM »
As for the templars, I had thought what they'd been shouting at me was French, but I could be wrong.  To my knowledge the organization was sort of a European coalition that got members from and had offices in a variety of places, but it's been a long, long time since I've studied the Crusades at all, and I've never studied them as much as I'd like.  Wikipedia seems to have a very interesting page on them which probably reveals more.

I've found it really interesting how accurate the game tries to be in terms of its backdrop.  It's all fiction, but the historical accuracy is there as a foundation and I think it works pretty brilliantly.  The story is getting very interesting, too.

Depictions in Media

A reasonably accurate depiction of the castle as it would have appeared in the year 1191 features in the video game Assassin's Creed.
Wiki: Masyaf

Shortly after first experiencing the game, I ran across that.  It made me pay more attention, and I ended up reading through several related Wiki pages, including the one on the Templars.  I know we have to take Wiki with a grain of salt, but still.  I think one bit of realism which has been sacrificed in the game to limits of the medium is gradual elevation changes, particularly in cities.  It's all depicted as perfect plateaus, joined by ramps or stairs; and seen from a distance, each city is very level.

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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #138 on: Sunday, December 02, 2007, 02:59:39 PM »
I really don't know much about that.  I'd heard that if compared to the actual cities of the time, they were supposed to stack up very well in the visual sense, but I don't even remember where I read that.  And while they do tend to have a decent sense of variety elevation-wise when you're on street level, you're right, from up high it rather loses that, and even on the street there isn't really anything in the way of gradual slopes and such.  I hadn't noticed until you mentioned it now.

EDIT - This is extremely interesting as well, which I came across from a link in regards to who inhabited the Masyaf fortress.  Particularly interesting is the note about initiation - which seems to make the back courtyard of the fortress seem a lot more relevant.  I had wondered about it, and I suddenly feel like I know why it's there now.  Really interesting.

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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #139 on: Sunday, December 02, 2007, 03:10:06 PM »
It's a minor point.  There's no question that they've done a freaking fabulous job, better by far than anything else I've ever seen in a game.

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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #140 on: Sunday, December 02, 2007, 03:14:55 PM »
You guys w/ your AC thread are not helping me be patient here...

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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #141 on: Sunday, December 02, 2007, 03:24:40 PM »
Wow, that third one of that mosque... they basically put that in verbatim.  I mean that's amazing.  I saw it and was like "Hey, I climbed to the top of that!"

And yeah, MyD, idol feels your pain as well.  I've been more or less taunting him with this over the last few days, haha.

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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #142 on: Sunday, December 02, 2007, 03:27:17 PM »
Wow, that third one of that mosque... they basically put that in verbatim.  I mean that's amazing.  I saw it and was like "Hey, I climbed to the top of that!"
Wow....that's pretty damn sweet, to say the least! :)

And yeah, MyD, idol feels your pain as well.  I've been more or less taunting him with this over the last few days, haha.
I was bummed when I first knew the PC version would be delayed out in 2008, but that's not TOO far away.
Already is Dec 2007!! Woohoo!!! :)
But, fuck -- that's still not 2008! :(

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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #143 on: Sunday, December 02, 2007, 04:28:29 PM »
In the time it took MyD to make his posts, I've climbed a mosque that looks exactly like it eighteen times.

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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #144 on: Sunday, December 02, 2007, 07:10:00 PM »
In the time it took MyD to make his posts, I've climbed a mosque that looks exactly like it eighteen times.

You son of an Alyx Vance!!

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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #145 on: Sunday, December 02, 2007, 11:05:57 PM »
In the time it took MyD to make his posts, I've climbed a mosque that looks exactly like it eighteen times.

At least the climb was more meaningful.

haha just kidding. :P

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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #146 on: Monday, December 03, 2007, 12:29:23 AM »
At least the climb was more meaningful.

haha just kidding. :P

Zing!!  ;D

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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #147 on: Monday, December 03, 2007, 09:44:45 PM »
Didn't get the Limited Edition but still want the little hardcover art book?  Somebody's ebaying them for 3 bucks a pop.  I'm tempted, but I'm also tempted to just buy the actual LE and sell my other copy to somebody.

Anybody here interested?

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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #148 on: Monday, December 03, 2007, 10:50:26 PM »
Can you still find the LE now?

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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #149 on: Monday, December 03, 2007, 11:02:00 PM »
Can you still find the LE now?

Yep I saw some at the store today; I didn't get the LE myself though when I bought it 3 weeks ago.

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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #150 on: Monday, December 03, 2007, 11:15:06 PM »
How much is it going for these days?

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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #151 on: Monday, December 03, 2007, 11:56:40 PM »
Probably $69.99.  An extra ten bucks seems to be about the norm these days.

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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #152 on: Tuesday, December 04, 2007, 02:55:22 AM »
Shit. I want it so badly. To me that is easily worth the extra $20 or whatever.

If anyone is willing to ship to me, I'll pay via paypal for the CE of the game as well as registered express USPS mail.

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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #153 on: Tuesday, December 04, 2007, 07:28:01 AM »
You can't get it over there Pug?

Also, it looks like to get everything related to this game you have to spend a shitload of money.  There's the EB preorder art book thingy, which is the small hardback one I linked to, there's the LE itself, and then there's the Limited Edition Guide from Prima which has the guide and a big hardcover artbook, though I believe you can buy the art book separately if you don't want the guide.  And even after all that you still don't have the comic book they gave out to EB manages at some point (and that's probably okay, because I bet it's really lame).

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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #154 on: Tuesday, December 04, 2007, 08:05:33 AM »
No only the regular edition. Waaah.

While I haven't seen it first hand, I find it be one of the best LEs to come out.

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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #155 on: Tuesday, December 04, 2007, 08:11:36 AM »
It seems about standard to me, but I want it because I love the game so much.  I don't know about the quality of the videos, though, which could make it better or worse.  I'd heard a rumor that the History Channel's acclaimed Crusades special was going to be included, but apparently that turned out to be false.  Sad.

So somebody wants to buy my regular copy at a slight discount.  Right?

天才的な閃きと平均以下のテクニックやな。 課長有野

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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #156 on: Tuesday, December 04, 2007, 08:15:03 AM »
It seems about standard to me, but I want it because I love the game so much.

Just comparing to the Crysis sp ed., the Unreal tourney sp ed, the Hellgate London sp ed and the Quake Wars special ed... I find this to be the best of the bunch. The box is huge, and you've got a special metal case for the game and of course Mr.Bubbles:

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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #157 on: Tuesday, December 04, 2007, 09:42:29 AM »
It would be something to track this version down.

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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #158 on: Tuesday, December 04, 2007, 10:01:28 AM »

Offline MysterD

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Re: Assassin's creed.
« Reply #159 on: Tuesday, December 04, 2007, 03:46:42 PM »
I wonder if the PC version will get a Collector's Ed...