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Frustrating Games

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I'm going to go old school:


These were old school arcade coin eaters and were maddeningly, infuriatingly hard.

ET: The Extra-Terrestrial: Obviously the game was poorly designed, but you would randomly fall down pits and it seemed to take magic to be able to get out of them.

The original Resident Evil was also really hard because of the controls.

Some levels in Goldeneye 007 on N64 when playing 00 Agent difficultly were incredibly frustrating. Bunker 2. Silo. Aztec.

There was also some sort of top down space shooter (kind of like 1942) on the PS2 where you could switch between resistance of black balls or white balls. I don't remember the name but it was notoriously hard. I remember seeing a video of a Japanese guy playing the arcade version in 2-player by himself. It was incredible.

Here's one that wasn't frustrating because of the difficulty or obtuseness, but because of a bug: Skies of Arcadia. I bought this and Grandia II at the same time, but played through the latter first. By the time I got around to SoA, it was about a year after I bough it. I played many hours into it only to find that the game would crash on the same exact turn of a boss battle. No matter how I tried to play the boss, the game would crash on like the fourth or fifth turn.

The game warranty was like 90 days and I couldn't get Sega or the retailer to get me a new copy of the game. I found an old post where I talked about it.


--- Quote from: Quemaqua on Tuesday, November 27, 2018, 09:16:03 PM ---It's mostly people complaining that it isn't the same thing the first two games were. It's got more difficult combat and they took out a lot of the side stuff. No idea if that's a legit complaint or not. It seems like a lot of the side stuff in the second game especially was just kind of fluff and not worth doing, so maybe they doubled-down on the story and other stuff to try and get away from that? Either way it looks good to me, I watched some play of it.

I enjoyed the first game, though I never quite finished it. I don't remember having any difficulty with it. I also didn't have any issue with Witcher 2, though we discussed that in another thread, if I remember right. Maybe just YouTube the story shit and get on with 3? 3 isn't for everyone either, but for different reasons, and that game is fucking phenomenal.

I'm trying to think of really frustrating games. I know I've had times that drove me nuts, but I'm having trouble remembering anything specific off the top of my head.

I do remember this one area in Hexen (I know, I'm old, shut up) where you're running around a sort of highlands area with caves and stuff, and there was some shit with a key you had to find that I couldn't find. I ran into it the first time I played the game and got stuck for ages until I figured it out, and then again when I played it years later. At least years later there was GameFAQs and I got through it more easily, but that one experience stands out to me even though I forget the specifics. Though that wasn't by and large a frustrating game. Real good times otherwise.

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Years and and years ago, my brother said I could pick out a video game...I picked Hexen 64...I'm old too.

Not a bad choice. I really liked that game. I seem to recall the 64 version being pretty good too.


--- Quote from: nickclone on Sunday, November 25, 2018, 06:00:57 PM ---I'm not talking about bad games or broken games, I mean frustrating games. I watched 30 minutes of gameplay of Darksiders 3, I'm trying to beat one (already had 2 for a year), but this game is excruciating.

Darksiders: I was told this game is like God of War with the puzzles of Zelda...which it is. Except Nintendo has perfected the explaining of puzzles in their games. They don't have to tell you exactly what to do, but they give you an idea of what can be done. Darksiders doesn't give you the pieces needed to complete tasks. I've been playing games for 30 years, I've never had to run to YouTube to figure out a game, let alone this much to finish it. They add new elements to the puzzles, things you would never figure out on your own. I just want to beat this game so I can move on to number 2, this game is no longer fun for me.

Witcher 2: I didn't really like this game to begin with, but I want to move onto 3. As I type this, my save has been "trying" to load this whole time. If I have to go back, even 30 minutes, I'll probably never play this game ever again.

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For these games: 

Darksiders - I liked the first the most.  Try the second but I think if the first isn't doing it for you the whole series might not be your jam.

Witcher 2 - Witcher 1 gets a lot of shit for being hard to get into but I found the second to be the most disappointing.  Something about it, like it was polished but there was just so many poor design decisions that made it hard to play and hard to stay with.  If you're not liking it just watch some story videos and jump into the third....much much better experience in every way.

For me Hollow Knight is the most frustrating game I've come across in recent memory.  I have a love/hate relationship with the gameplay style and realize that the "find your corpse to reclaim your progress" mechanic is key in these types of game but a combination of that mechanic and the map system in this particular game just kills me.  I've spent two periods playing this game and getting really into it, only to get frustrated enough at the map system and loss of progress to just finally give up.  I don't think there'll be a third when there are so many great games in this genre that are just less annoying to me.


--- Quote from: nickclone on Tuesday, November 27, 2018, 03:45:10 PM ---Bad reception? I watched the first 35 minutes of it, it looked pretty good.

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Yeah, Darksiders 3 seems to be getting some bad reviews but overall settling around the middle of the range.

Personally, I am enjoying it so far.


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