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More Kameo stuff.


So; I continue to be impressed with this game.  Some of the large-scale battles are really, really cool, and they break up the other gameplay segments really nicely.  Plus there's lots to see and do, even if the game is a little short.  There are various towns to visit (feels very Zelda-like) and you can help those people with their problems as you unlock more of the game's content and get new powers.  Very cool.  And the scale of the aforementioned battle segments are really quite something.  You can definitely appreciate the Xbox 360's power while watching that much crap go flying around onscreen.

So since it was mentioned back at TME - Ender, did you try this one out?  Pretty sure you did.  What did you think?

Yeah, I did get it with my 360. It was a really fun game. I played through it in a couple of weeks (it was during christmas break so I was playing more than usual.) The most interesting and fun thing was using all the different forms for different tasks. It really added a lot of differentiation to the standard action/adventure game style of puzzles. Fun stuff.

I'm fairly interested in the game, but I just don't see myself getting a 360 anytime soon.  They're so expensive...

Word.  Still, I'm glad to know that a game I thought hadn't done so well is actually something of a miniature masterpiece.  Too short to be an epic, and it doesn't break a ton of new ground, but it's unique and has gobs of personality.  I wanted to play tonight but then marriage happened and I ended up watching TV with Julia for like 3 hours because we have a show we're watching.  Oh well.


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