
Games => General Gaming => Topic started by: idolminds on Tuesday, August 19, 2008, 06:50:05 PM

Title: Meet (meat?) the Sandvich
Post by: idolminds on Tuesday, August 19, 2008, 06:50:05 PM
Sandvich (http://steamgames.com/tf2/heavy/sandvich.htm)

So the new TF2 update is out with the Heavy upgrades. Alternate minigun that does less damage but slows down the enemies it hits, boxing gloves that do...I dunno, something. And as a replacement for the shotgun, the Sandvich. Valve wanted to make Heavies a little less dependent on medics. The Sandvich acts as a medpack, takes 4 seconds to eat, you make a bunch of noise eating it, and you're completely vulnerable during that time. Interesting.

Oh, and they added a new Arena mode, which is basically Sudden Death. Team spawns, only gets one life, wipe out the other team. Its TF2 meets Counter Strike. Which sounds like shit.

I'm tired and fuck Steam and....gadfmelkcm....
Title: Re: Meet (meat?) the Sandvich
Post by: sirean_syan on Tuesday, August 19, 2008, 06:53:51 PM
You're doing it wrong.
Title: Re: Meet (meat?) the Sandvich
Post by: Quemaqua on Tuesday, August 19, 2008, 07:02:15 PM
As the sausage-maker's wife said to the sausage-maker: your links are bad.