Author Topic: Grand Theft Auto 4  (Read 115856 times)

Offline scottws

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #120 on: Tuesday, April 29, 2008, 01:41:34 PM »
Hmmm... maybe I'll try to snag it after work.  We'll see.

Offline Cobra951

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #121 on: Tuesday, April 29, 2008, 05:56:16 PM »
Very cool.  Lots of detail.  They seem to be doing a distance blur thing, I'm guessing to keep the level of detail down enough for a reasonable frame rate, which seems to be in the 20-30 fps range, though I've seen it dip lower on occasion.  Burnout Paradise spoiled me with its rock-steady 60 fps and sharp visuals to the horizon, but I understand that there's a hell of a lot more happening here.  (For one thing, BP has no human beings at all, only vehicles.  No building interiors either.)  The world is very much alive.  Good job on that, and on keeping it all in motion.  I've seen absolutely no streaming freezes so far.  Details will pop into view now and then, but the flow is never interrupted.  So the visual tech is covered nicely.  Audio is what it should be, and that's really not hard to do anymore.  SFX are good.  Speech is good, both for important scenes and the random street chatter.  Voice acting is good.  Vibration is very sparse, tough, at least during driving.  Again, I have to compare to BP, with its terrific road feel through the rumble feature.  That's completely absent here.  In fact, the only vibration I clearly felt was during thunderclaps in a rainstorm.  This aspect feels oddly incomplete.

Car handling is very manageable.  Analog throttle and brake, properly placed on the triggers.  Brakes are much more realistic than usual in a game, and they behave very differently between the POS you drive first and a BMW clone.  Steering response is spot-on, though all cars I've driven so far will understeer heavily after they start to skid.  The only good performance-driving view is the hood one.  All others are too detached from the car.  Unfortunately, the hood view has too much vertical bob, and it will drive your eyes batty after a while.  So I end up switching to a close behind view for cruising, and back to the hood for chases.

I've spent much less time on foot.  I always end up driving a lot in GTA games, and so far this is no exception.  The walking/running control feels like it has too much inertia.  Changing direction takes more effort than I'm accustomed to in 3rd-person game with dual-stick control.  I need much more practice.  I failed a mission once and almost failed it again, because I fell off the same ledge twice while chasing someone on foot.  Niko would not make the turn as quickly as I expected.  Also, in order to run, you have to press A, which means you can't use the right stick to help you steer.  A shoulder button would have made more sense.  Some speed control on the left stick also would have made better sense.  (There's none.)

So far I've played 3 games, bowling, pool and this 3D block arcade game (which is sort of fun--high score so far 8950).  Nicely done as extra activities, but Nintendo doesn't have to worry about bowling stealing away Wii Sports players.

What else?  There's waypoints and GPS, including a synthetic voice to tell you when to turn.  Saves work the same as San Andreas, where you go to your safe house and sleep for 6 hours.  There's a night/day cycle.  You eat fast food to regain health, but so far I haven't seen health decrease because of no eating.  Oh, and the music/radio is once again very nicely done, with good stuff to listen to, and enough options to avoid the few stinkers.  Good humor in the commercials and "news", which has been carried over to a couple of TV channels in the house.

So far, I'm loving it, nitpicking aside.  I'm taking a break now, and will dive back in later tonight.

Offline sirean_syan

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #122 on: Tuesday, April 29, 2008, 06:02:25 PM »
I just started the game myself and had to stop to pull laundry out. I did notice that turning subtitles also translates whenever the characters speak in Serbian, so that's a fun little thing. I think I'm going to end up leaving the subtitles on though like I do with all GTAs. Whenever characters speak during driving, it's difficult to understand them for me, especially if you're driving fast and police sirens are going off. That's about the extent of my experience so far though aside for some strolling around the neighborhood on foot. Things are a lot more dense then other GTAs with not only more alleyways, but alleyways that are much more than three flat planes between streets.

I also did manage to get ahold of the SE and it's a nice package. I'll probably actually use the duffle bag and I'm still deciding if I want to use to lockbox for stuff or it'll just make a cool game holder. Right now, I'm leaning towards game holder.

Offline Cobra951

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #123 on: Tuesday, April 29, 2008, 06:15:26 PM »
Oh yeah.  I always do subtitles myself.  While my hearing is still fine, I have more trouble picking information out of a noisy environment than I used to.  I noticed that the translated speech appears in a darker shade of gray.  I thought perhaps that would always appear, even with subtitles turned off.

There certainly is a huge amount of stuff to see everywhere, and it's impressive.  The lighting is noticeably better than in earlier GTAs as well.

Offline JacksRag(e)

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #124 on: Tuesday, April 29, 2008, 06:41:28 PM »
I just got through the cutscene and drove to cousin Roman's place.  I have to say I'm really impressed with how well put together it is and whatnot.  Like was said before, the environment is really dense and everything feels believable.  A nice little touch I noticed was when you hit someone's car bad enough, they jump out of the car to survey the damage or complain at you.  I thought that was amusing.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #125 on: Tuesday, April 29, 2008, 06:42:35 PM »
You knew something like this might go down...

Midnight GTAIV sales see stabbing, mugging
Police say one man apparently waiting in line attacked a passerby, while a teenager elsewhere was beaten up for his copy of the game.

By Brendan Sinclair, GameSpot
Posted Apr 29, 2008 11:03 am PT

Midnight launches aren't always the gaming industry's proudest moments. The PlayStation 3 release in particular was riddled with launch-related crimes, including a mugging, a store robbery, a launch line hold-up, and a shooting.

Grand Theft Auto IV went on sale in stores around the world at 12:01 a.m. this morning, and already reports of criminal midnight launch madness are starting to filter in. BBC News is reporting on a pair of incidents, with news of a stabbing outside a Gamestation in Croydon and a mugging by another game store in Lancashire.

According to the news service, a 23-year-old man was attacked by a knife-wielding assailant as he passed a line outside the Gamestation. The victim was treated for several stab wounds and has since been released. The attacker, who police said appeared to be waiting in the line of about 50 to 100 people, was not apprehended.

In the mugging, an 18-year-old was robbed of his copy of the game and beaten as he walked home from the store with a friend. The victim was taken to the hospital with a broken jaw and a broken nose.

Police are asking for witnesses in both cases to step forward.

Offline sirean_syan

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #126 on: Tuesday, April 29, 2008, 07:02:54 PM »
Great, now the Brits are going to start this round of BS. Thanks Beo.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #127 on: Tuesday, April 29, 2008, 08:21:49 PM »
I got my SE in the mail today.  I was a bit worried since it still hadn't processed this morning, but it showed up around 2:30.  I haven't played yet... just popped it in the drive now.  I'm excited.  I love GTA for big cities with tons of stuff to explore and just mess around with, and that's exactly what everyone says is most improved here.  I'm eager to see it firsthand.  Cops and robbers?  Sure, whatever... just give me that big, beautiful city.

I'm sure I'll post later with my impressions.  Sy and I need to try some multiplayer soon, too.

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Offline Ghandi

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #128 on: Tuesday, April 29, 2008, 09:07:43 PM »
I don't think they're ridiculous.  If there are oblique motives for some of the scores, then the results are all over the map across reviews.  But when every review hovers around a certain mark, aside from some possible "me too" cases, they share a common push.  Also, everyone now knows that the scores are going to be converted to a percentage scale and averaged.  Even before that, the subjective scale has always tended to coincide with the traditional school grading system, where really only the top 40% or so matters.  Everything below that is too shitty to dwell on.  A 3/5 is bad.  A 6/10 is bad.  A 60 is bad.

How the scores are arrived at is another question.  If the process is bullshit, so is the score.  Hopefully, that all comes out in the wash with the metascores.  If not, well, why bother with the gaming press at all?  Let's just read the glossy ad copy and watch some videos to get a general idea.  We'll have to play the games to figure the rest out for ourselves.  If we have the money and the time, that's probably the best approach.  Else, we have to invest some trust in the press.

Come on - you know what I'm talking about. So many people look at the score and ignore the written review completely. The score is bullshit if you don't know why the reviewer arrived at it. Every reviewer has a different reason for arriving at a score - they aren't all the same. This is why the aggregate score is not accurate - when the motives are different, the result is not based on any sort of similar basis.

That said, I do think that the average scores do reflect an overall attitude towards a game - it's just important not to take the score at face value.

Anyways, sorry for being off topic.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #129 on: Tuesday, April 29, 2008, 10:32:45 PM »
So I've been playing the game a bit now, and I love the heck out of it.  It's very much another GTA game, and doesn't feel so different from the others in the major senses... it's just in the details that everything comes out and shines.  This is just a much better game than the others were, I think, though it isn't so different.  There's more to do, *way* more to see (in terms of things that are actually interesting, or at the very least unique to look at and explore), and the level of immersion and realism has increased without making anything seem more real than you want it to.  Everything here is still a complete caricature of real life, entirely over the top, with no risk of having your ridiculous fantasy intersect with reality at all.  It's mighty fine.

Problems, though, sadly.  For me, anyway.  During the first cutscene the game froze.  Bad.  The sound kept going, though, so I mashed buttons and nothing happened for about 5 seconds.  Then the PS3 menu came up, I backed out, and the video was going again.  Okay.  Weird.  I played for another half hour or so, and then another cutscene froze.  This lasted maybe 3 or 4 seconds, I did nothing, and then it just started up again (the video jumped ahead instantly and was still in sync with the audio).  Weird again, but I let it go.  Then I got a freeze in the middle of gameplay a bit after that, but it was only a second or two and didn't really affect anything.  I've been playing an hour or hour and a half since then and nothing has happened again since.  Dunno' what that's all about, but it makes me nervous.

Anyway, the other thing I saw reported is that the game looks "blurry", and I now know what people were talking about.  The game just plain looks blurry.  It isn't depth of field, it isn't jaggies or bad textures or whatever, the game just looks blurry, plain and simple.  I can't figure it out, though, because it kind of seems to come and go, or at least there are times when the problem is accentuated.  I dunno' what the deal is, but I'm finding it a bit distracting.  It generally isn't so bad, but now and again it'll pop up and Niko's head just looks like it's in a fucking heat haze or something.  It's weird and I can't figure it out.

But aside from that, I have nothing but great things to say.  I get why the game is scoring so high.  It's really just another GTA game at heart, but it's just better and cooler and bigger and more awesome.  Plus Liberty City itself is just amazingly cool.  So much better than the cities we've seen in the past.  This is the real deal.  It still isn't the crowning pinnacle of perfection that it could someday be, but it's so much closer to that dream than the others were.  It's just a joy to explore, and even if there isn't anything to really do or see in a given area, each street finally looks unique and is just cool to check out for the simple fact that more time went into crafting it and making it look the way it does.  I'm very impressed and can't wait to explore every nook and cranny.

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Offline sirean_syan

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #130 on: Tuesday, April 29, 2008, 11:59:32 PM »
I haven't had any of those problems, Que. I do have a thought about them though. I remember reading similiar things with Assassin's Creed and some people managed to fix it by signing out of the Playstation Network and turning off that little notification thing on the system menu. When I set up the system I set it so I didn't automatically log into the network and I didn't want to have the newsbar. Maybe that'll help.

As for the blurriness, I see it and I don't. To me it looks like a depth of field effect taken to extremes, but I can't say I've seen it on things in the foreground.

Edit: Also on the freezing, rumor is that deleting the install and saves and reinstalling also has the potential to fix the problem on the PS3. Of course, that kills whatever work you might have done, but it might be worth looking into if it happens again.

Offline Cobra951

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #131 on: Wednesday, April 30, 2008, 12:19:36 AM »
There is no blurriness in the near field, except for shadows.  When those are heavy because of the time of day, the whole road can take on a distracting, dizzying look.  Of course, I'm assuming they're using the same cost-cutting techniques on both versions of the game.  That's not necessarily so.

Que, if nothing else helps, consider reinstalling the game after doing whatever cleanup is possible on a PS3 HDD.  Your unit is so new, though, I can hardly believe it would be all fragmented already.

Edit:  CVG story of freezing PS3 version.  I hope Rockstar weighs in on this.

Joystiq as well.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #132 on: Wednesday, April 30, 2008, 12:31:52 AM »
Sort of hard to tell now.  I've been playing for a few hours and it's all starting to blend together.  I definitely feel like this could look sharper in any case.  It isn't bad, just a bit less than expected.  The general colorful nature and good texturing of the rest of the graphics make up for it, though.  It's very vibrant in just the right kind of dingy way.

No clue about my PS3 and the freeze issues.  It hasn't done anything like that in several hours now, so I have no idea what's going on.  I'll Sy's suggestion on the PSN/news bar thing if it happens again, though.  As of now it seems to have stabilized.

I don't find the shadows too bad.  They're definitely a little wonky, but not nearly as bad as the ones in Devil May Cry 4.

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Offline Cobra951

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #133 on: Wednesday, April 30, 2008, 12:46:35 AM »
Kotaku has the best story on the freeze so far.  Some of it seems odd to me, though, because on the one hand they claim Rockstar is saying it only affects the 60GB PS3 model, and on the other that the 360 has the exact same problem.  Some clarification on all that would be lovely.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #134 on: Wednesday, April 30, 2008, 01:16:31 AM »
Yea I did also noticed the blurriness of the distance, I wasnt going to say anything cause I wanted to know if the big TV just accentuated it more and to see if anyone else would say anything. Probably not as sharp as I thought it would be, but its not that glaring.

What do you guys think of the driving physics? One of the main complaints was how cars realistically give out more easily on higher speed turns, I personally dont mind and actually kind of like it, it requires some extra skill to the car chase parts but makes it feel more alive.

I also found out that instead of having collectible hidden items to find, there is hidden pigeons and rats to shoot, kinda funny but cool.

Oh also, did anybody else get really fucking dizzy when getting Niko wasted? Holy crap the circling camera motion makes me nauseous.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #135 on: Wednesday, April 30, 2008, 01:32:35 AM »
Heh, I found it hilarious.  The whole drinking thing just amuses the hell out of me.

Also, I'm sort of not down with shooting pigeons and rats.  Which is weird.  I can shoot people without much issue, but animals?  Eh.  The difference is, I guess, that I like animals.  I'm generally less fond of people.  Or not fond of them at all.  Though I have to say, I feel much worse about killing random bystanders and stuff in this game.  It never bothered me even a little in the others, but the behavior is a bit too realistic for me now.  Not that the people seem real exactly, it's just little isolated new things they do.  Like you'll see a woman rummaging through the trunk of her car for something, and if you accidentally mow her down it's like... well, fuck.  Sorry about that.  I find myself being more careful of only delivering the final blow to those who deserve it.  I think Niko's attitude helps, too.  He isn't just some crazy nutjob, he's actually a somewhat likable guy who seems more inclined to do things on the level than get involved in the stuff he ends up getting involved in.

And again, the blurriness I'm talking about isn't in the distance.  I noticed that, but the whole game just seems blurry to me somehow.  I take it nobody else has noticed it at all here, but I've seen it reported elsewhere on the net, too.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #136 on: Wednesday, April 30, 2008, 09:24:11 AM »
I've put in about an hour into the game and so far it's been really fun.  I need to put in more time though.

Anyway, my console froze once on the opening cinematic, but a reboot and it played fine. 

Offline Cobra951

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #137 on: Wednesday, April 30, 2008, 10:31:39 AM »
Yea I did also noticed the blurriness of the distance, I wasnt going to say anything cause I wanted to know if the big TV just accentuated it more and to see if anyone else would say anything. Probably not as sharp as I thought it would be, but its not that glaring.

What do you guys think of the driving physics? One of the main complaints was how cars realistically give out more easily on higher speed turns, I personally dont mind and actually kind of like it, it requires some extra skill to the car chase parts but makes it feel more alive.

I also found out that instead of having collectible hidden items to find, there is hidden pigeons and rats to shoot, kinda funny but cool.

Oh also, did anybody else get really fucking dizzy when getting Niko wasted? Holy crap the circling camera motion makes me nauseous.

Yes, as I said above, the blurriness is in the distance, but shadows are very low resolution.  So in certain places at times of day with long shadows, the near field can look distractingly blurry too because of them.

Wait till you drive a Corvette clone or Ferrari clone.  Those suckers change speed and direction in a hurry.  You can make much shorter stops from high speed than in the old American sedans.  So it's not all bad.  You have to drive according to your car's limits, and that's a step in the right direction.

I almost had to quit the game after the drunk outing.  What made it worse is that as soon as I pressed the gas pedal, before rolling 2 inches, the cop car that was nearby immediately turned on the rollers and told us to get out of the car.  Naturally, I sped away, weaving all over with the camera going in circles.  Bashed my way out of the wanted circle, and about puked.  Nicely done, Rockstar--too nicely.

Anyway, my console froze once on the opening cinematic, but a reboot and it played fine. 

*Sigh*  I can tell you what the general problem is on the 360.  My guess is that the problem extends to the PS3.  If you read around in the Criterion troubleshooting forum for Burnout Paradise, you can get the info firsthand.  The development and testing kits for the 360 do not fully emulate the retail hardware.  My guess is that they behave too well.  For patches, from what I gather, the situation is unworkable.  They cannot be fully verified until deployed.  For disc games, I suppose an internal release for retail hardware is possible, but I really don't know how much of this is done, or what hardware it gets tested on.  Hence, we keep getting games with odd herky-jerkies and completely unprofessional crashing code.

Edit 2: Let the fanboy wars begin!  :D
« Last Edit: Wednesday, April 30, 2008, 01:08:36 PM by Cobra951 »

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #139 on: Wednesday, April 30, 2008, 03:53:44 PM »
I've gone through a few missions at the beginning, and I've only had the gameplay freeze once in the middle of me going full speed through a street. It only lasted for about 3 seconds though.  Then I had some disc unreadable error and it made me reboot.  Otherwise, it's been great.

Offline wizall

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #140 on: Wednesday, April 30, 2008, 04:41:35 PM »
I'm jealous of all you guys with the game already.  I swung by a local joint after work, but no luck.  I did get Saint's Row last weekend for $20, so that should stave off urges for this genre.  It's actually quite good, but I don't imagine it compares to the mother that is GTAIV.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #141 on: Wednesday, April 30, 2008, 05:09:59 PM »
You know, sometimes, I just turn it on and let it sit there.
Just cause I can.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #142 on: Wednesday, April 30, 2008, 05:21:06 PM »
You know, sometimes, I just turn it on and let it sit there.
Just cause I can.
(Damn freeze-bug must be annoying)

Wait...I thought this was a console game, not a PC game? :P

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #143 on: Wednesday, April 30, 2008, 05:32:55 PM »
You know, sometimes, I just turn it on and let it sit there.
Just cause I can.

How dare you.

Offline sirean_syan

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #144 on: Wednesday, April 30, 2008, 06:39:18 PM »
Edit 2: Let the fanboy wars begin!  :D

Oh, this is going to get fun, especially since pretty much every review out there said the PS3 did look better like the article pointed out. Maybe it's my noob HDTV eyes, but the thing looks plenty sharp to me (at least in terms of resolution).

On the topic of the actual game, I'm having the same thing happen to me as Que. In general, I'm being more careful when I drive and actually use the horn. Actually, I'm being more careful in general, like when I decide to take a car. It seems like there are more cops around to spot that sort of thing and about half the time it seems like when I try to take a car a cop is there to bust me. It might have something to do with the great new touch of actually breaking into parked vehicles and making the crime take longer, but even with car jacking it seems like the police see what I'm doing. It also feels like people who you jack cars from are more inclined to chase you done before you accelerate off and with the new physics they have a better chance of getting to the door. Overall, I think I'm being far less of a petty criminal compared to previous games. The new physics actually plays into things as well because it's easier to lose control, so you drive more carefully because of these things as well. I'm really liking how it changes the feel of the game overall. Things aren't necessarily more realistic, but the whole game just has more weight to it.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #145 on: Wednesday, April 30, 2008, 06:50:31 PM »
How dare you.

At this very moment, Niko is impeding traffic by standing in the middle of the road on top of a stolen car.  There is much cussing and turmoil.

One thing I found that I'm getting fond of is stealing someone's car and then waiting just long enough for them to get a hold of the handle before I speed off.  That initial look of shock and the way their body is pulled completely horizontal to the car is very satisfying.

Someone mentioned also seeing an old woman checking under the hood of her stalled car.  He honked the horn at her which made her jump and hit her head on the hood which then fell down on her head.  Gold.

Offline Ghandi

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #146 on: Wednesday, April 30, 2008, 07:05:24 PM »
You know, sometimes, I just turn it on and let it sit there.
Just cause I can.

You know, sometimes I go to peoples houses and urinate on their consoles.
Just cause I can.

Someone mentioned also seeing an old woman checking under the hood of her stalled car.  He honked the horn at her which made her jump and hit her head on the hood which then fell down on her head.  Gold.

That's awesome on so many levels.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #147 on: Wednesday, April 30, 2008, 07:07:14 PM »
This thing is tits. Love the little details. Even the dialog is detailed. Like, I went on a few dates with Michelle. And I went and got some new clothes, and she noticed and started talking about my new clothes.

I'm just kind of running at the moment. The city is massive, and I seem to be having a little more trouble memorizing where things are than I did in the other GTA games. Or maybe I just suck. I'm also still figuring out how to handle cars. Lot more realistic than in the other games.

But damn, this game is sweet.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #148 on: Wednesday, April 30, 2008, 07:17:38 PM »
Yea, it's also cool that there's a one month trial for XBox Live Gold included, so I might just jump on Live one of these days.  We should try to coordinate something for that.
Question though, is the multiplayer cross-platform or console specific?

Offline Cobra951

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #149 on: Wednesday, April 30, 2008, 07:21:40 PM »
I never think of the horn during random driving.  I need to make a mental note.

Now I've had a freeze myself, kind of.  It went to a blank "LOADING" screen and never came back.  That was after coming out of a cutscene in a bar with Vlad, very close to the safe house.  I failed that mission the first time.  The load time was very long then too, but it finally came back.  The 2nd time, though, it never did.  I even left the (real) room for a while and came back, and it was still stuck.  I was able to go out to the dashboard and restart the game, so it wasn't a hard crash.  It just couldn't sort something out.  It's probably cache-related, because when I did the sequence again after restarting, there was no load time coming out of the bar at all.

I played pool again tonight, this time with Michelle.  The pool sim seemed alright yesterday, but tonight I thought it was crap.  I may be doing something wrong.  Is the angle important when shooting with the thumbstick, like it is in bowling?  Because it seemed that the impact point of the cue was often nowhere near where I had aimed before.  Also the behavior at the rails seems way off.  Sometimes the balls stick to them like glue (instead of bouncing).

I got a bit further in the missions, and finally got a gun.  The shooting and cover mechanics are good fun.  I can tell I'm going to get my ass handed to me in harder missions if I don't practice.

I went all the way up that tower with those 3 round platforms today.  That's a real place in NY, which I've driven past myself.  On the way down, I went too far before hitting Y, and . . . AAAAAAUGH!  It was too funny.  I went end over end bouncing off of stuff, all the way to the ground.  Woke up outside the hospital some $100+ dollars lighter.  Hahaha!

I'm pretty sure the MP is console-specific.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #150 on: Wednesday, April 30, 2008, 07:54:29 PM »
Yes, no cross-platform play.  A shame.

I haven't gotten to play today, but I was thinking about it all day.  Getting into it now and will be lost forever.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #151 on: Wednesday, April 30, 2008, 08:41:11 PM »
Hey guys, remember San Andreas? I'm playing that. It's pretty fun. Lets talk more about that at less about this newer, more awesome game.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #152 on: Wednesday, April 30, 2008, 10:20:23 PM »
Heh.  Seriously, this game is blowing me away.  I'm really interested in Niko and the rest of the story, and the characters are much more interesting so far than most of the past games.  Everyone was right in saying that this is the first likable main guy we've really had, but the whole situation is better, too, because you're sort of rooting for he and his cousin, wondering what's going to happen to them both.

Have explored most of the first island, now.  I'm at 11.02% game progress with 14 passed missions and about 5 and a half hours of game time.  My longest free fall is 83.25 feet.  Michelle fondness is 63.00%.  Last couple dates didn't quite go as planned.  I have about $1,000.

What's everyone's favorite radio station?  Mine's easily the jazz station.  Soon as I heard some Charlie Parker come on it got my attention, and it's got some Art Blakey and Duke and Dizzy on there, too.  Good stuff.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #153 on: Wednesday, April 30, 2008, 11:39:20 PM »
Yes!  The jazz station is great.  Duke Ellington & Count Basie too.  My freefall is over 127 feet, off that tower I mentioned before.  I found a way into Manhat . . . er, Algonquin.  Then I survived there for about 3:20 on 6 stars.  It looked very familiar.

(click to show/hide)

"There are 199 flying rats left in Liberty City."

Hahahahaha!  Feathers all over.

I wish I could turn Roman down without getting him down.  All the little activities are losing their appeal.  I like to roam and explore for long periods, and I keep turning him down.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #154 on: Thursday, May 01, 2008, 12:38:21 AM »
I'm enjoying the little appearances by Ricky Gervais and Bas Rutten.
First thing I hear when I turn on the tv is Gervais making jokes about dictators and AIDS.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #155 on: Thursday, May 01, 2008, 12:57:38 AM »
There's something about listening to Goodbye Horses and being chased by the cops thats extremely cinematic, I just kinda had a moment.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #156 on: Thursday, May 01, 2008, 01:07:48 AM »
Cobra, do *all* calls get turned off when you turn off the cell phone?  I've done it a few times and got no calls, but it says something about story calls, so I wasn't sure if it meant all or just some.  Worth a shot if you haven't tried it yet, though.  Also, do you think you could just turn Roman down and then call him up to do something else instead?  Like if he wants to play darts, decline, then call him up and ask him if he wants to get food intead?

Anyway, I'm just loving the hell out of this game.  Little John and Badman crack me the hell up.  Think I'm going to start doing some of the freelance jobs for LJ and some of the rides for Roman just to make a little extra money.  Got to see the strip club tonight, which would be almost startling if it weren't for the still very low poly models.  Got to check out the in-game internet too, which has some hilarious stuff on it.  This thing is a total time sink.  It's after 1 already, damn it.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #157 on: Thursday, May 01, 2008, 01:12:28 AM »
I love the game most of the time, then it does something to piss me off so bad I have to turn it off and walk away.  Like a mission where I'm chasing someone up ladders, and the fucker will not grab the 2nd ladder no matter where I stand and how much I abuse Y.  I was shooting at the target up a flight, and I'm wondering if that triggered the stupidity in programming.  Meanwhile, the cops got in on the act and came up behind me.  It's enough for one day.  More tomorrow.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #158 on: Thursday, May 01, 2008, 01:16:58 AM »
Cobra, do *all* calls get turned off when you turn off the cell phone?  I've done it a few times and got no calls, but it says something about story calls, so I wasn't sure if it meant all or just some.  Worth a shot if you haven't tried it yet, though.  Also, do you think you could just turn Roman down and then call him up to do something else instead?  Like if he wants to play darts, decline, then call him up and ask him if he wants to get food intead?

Anyway, I'm just loving the hell out of this game.  Little John and Badman crack me the hell up.  Think I'm going to start doing some of the freelance jobs for LJ and some of the rides for Roman just to make a little extra money.  Got to see the strip club tonight, which would be almost startling if it weren't for the still very low poly models.  Got to check out the in-game internet too, which has some hilarious stuff on it.  This thing is a total time sink.  It's after 1 already, damn it.

Yea I love Little John, hes the man. Wait till you meet Brucie, oh god... its hilarious.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #159 on: Thursday, May 01, 2008, 07:23:37 AM »
Haha, yeah, that guy is effing nuts.

And Cobra, yeah, that's why this is still a GTA game at heart.  As great as it is, there's just that element of wonkiness they haven't been able to remove from the mechanics or the graphics.  It's all better than it's ever been, but there's still kinks.  I had the same trouble with ladders until I realize it's like a car... just hit the button once and he'll go to it automatically if he's within a reasonable distance from it.  Pressing it several times at once ends up doing nothing.  That may not be your problem, but it's still indicative of the finicky nature of the game that can pop up from time to time.

I want to call in sick so bad today.  So, so bad.  Arg.  But I can't.

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