Author Topic: The Currently Playing Thread / Recently Finished Thread  (Read 304429 times)

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #160 on: Thursday, July 05, 2007, 02:48:02 AM »
I just finished Tomb Raider Anniversary! That was a fun ride. It definitely honours the original and expands on it. I loved it.

Now that it's done I need some suggestions for the next game to play :D Any PC recommendations?

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #161 on: Thursday, July 05, 2007, 05:46:17 AM »
I just beat Shadow of the Colossus a couple days ago, but I have to rebeat it because I was interrupted during the ending cutscene.

I just started Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door last night.  I played for about two hours.  So far, I hate it.  I hope it gets more challenging and more complex real fast.

Forza Motorsport 2 and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl are on hiatus. I still play a game or two in Madden '07 a week.  I'm partially through a second play-through of Quake IV, but it's slow going.  I play an hour or so maybe once every three weeks.

Okami is waiting in the wings.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #162 on: Thursday, July 05, 2007, 01:42:15 PM »
I just finished Tomb Raider Anniversary! That was a fun ride. It definitely honours the original and expands on it. I loved it.

Now that it's done I need some suggestions for the next game to play :D Any PC recommendations?

If you haven't played STALKER, I think it's probably one of the best FPS's this year, so far...

And it's open-ended, too!

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #163 on: Thursday, July 05, 2007, 03:41:42 PM »
I just started Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door last night.  I played for about two hours.  So far, I hate it.  I hope it gets more challenging and more complex real fast.

The game doesn't get any more challenging or complex.  But the dialog (re: reading), the characters, and the overall gameplay make the game pretty damn fun to play.  I mean, it is by no means a hardcore gaming experience.  This is a light game with a fun story and good characters.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #164 on: Friday, July 06, 2007, 12:10:18 AM »
If you haven't played STALKER, I think it's probably one of the best FPS's this year, so far...

And it's open-ended, too!
I played STALKER, and it just didn't draw me in at all.. I got bored of it pretty quickly.. I played about 10-12 hours and I couldn't enjoy it. I was hoping it would be as open as a game like Oblivion, but it just felt so restricted; especially with all the tedious running around.

I don't know if it was due to the game's atmosphere but I always felt uncomfortable and dulled out. Maybe it's the lack of sunshine in the game world and the overall greyness of the environments.

Anyway, I played a bit of Dark Crusade again. That game is awesome.

I was contemplating reinstalling FEAR, but for some reason it always messes up my DX9 installation. So now I'm considering going through Condemned: Criminal Origins again, since I haven't finished it.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #165 on: Friday, July 06, 2007, 09:01:14 AM »
I started playing Okami today and wow!  It's a better Zelda than Zelda itself!  I love it.

Offline MysterD

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #166 on: Friday, July 06, 2007, 01:52:05 PM »
I played STALKER, and it just didn't draw me in at all.. I got bored of it pretty quickly.. I played about 10-12 hours and I couldn't enjoy it. I was hoping it would be as open as a game like Oblivion, but it just felt so restricted; especially with all the tedious running around.
I loved STALKER. It's not an RPG, so it ain't gonna be as open as say Oblivion. For an FPS, yeah -- it's much LESS linear than most FPS games.

Though, yeah -- there's a lot to do. And often, if you just step into an area, a new mission might just suddenly pop up at a certain location on the map -- usually a "help this faction in a shootout" or "defend this base" mission.

Often, when you kill enemies and search them, their PDA will tell you of "secret" stashes -- often, these tell you where "artifacts" might be and other goodies lingering in the world. And often, the barkeep or Duty's leader might be looking for such an item, if you ask them what missions they have for you.

I don't know if it was due to the game's atmosphere but I always felt uncomfortable and dulled out. Maybe it's the lack of sunshine in the game world and the overall greyness of the environments.
Now, see -- this is what I loved about the game. The bleak, dark atmosphere from the fallout in Chernobyl. I loved every second of it.

I love that the areas are often just littered w/ baddies that just seem to be there. Maybe you'll find a bloodsucker, or a zombie, or a human-crawling zombies, or a invisible-cloaking monster. Yeah, I dug this game, as you can tell. :P

Contemplating reinstalling FEAR, but for some reason it always messes up my DX9 installation. So now I'm considering going through Condemned: Criminal Origins again, since I haven't finished it.
Condemned is pretty good. Not long, but still damn good. Hard to get sick of bludgeoning people w/ melee weapons upside their skull!
« Last Edit: Sunday, September 23, 2007, 06:46:35 AM by MysterD »

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #167 on: Friday, July 06, 2007, 06:07:28 PM »
I started playing Okami today and wow!  It's a better Zelda than Zelda itself!  I love it.

It's an amazing game.  One of my all-time favorites.  Going back through it now, actually.  I started before I was playing The Darkness, took a break for that, and now that I'm done I'm heading back to Okami again.  It's so much fun, and so relaxing.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #168 on: Friday, July 06, 2007, 07:30:46 PM »
Currently playing R6: Vegas on the PC now.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #169 on: Saturday, August 04, 2007, 05:46:22 PM »
I bought Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich at CC for $6.02 today. Good find!
I played a lil' bit of it, today -- this looks and plays like the original Freedom Force that I loved. :)

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #170 on: Thursday, October 04, 2007, 11:11:32 PM »
I got the El Matador demo, but it was so full of bugs and it wouldn't start properly. However I found El Matador on the torrents, and I gave it a shot. Wow, that game sucks. It's basically Max Payne without quality + cheesy 80's movie drug story + crap graphics + terrible gameplay. Other than that it's pretty much a cheap rip-off of Max Payne. It really feels incomplete too.

Mind you, I'm talking here about a year and a month later here and all -- so, for the hell of it, I picked up Boiling Point and El Matador, for dirt cheap -- $4 a pop each.

El Matador
El Matador does indeed feel like a lesser Max Payne game. Actually, I'd say it feels like two games combined, which are much better than this one. It really does feel like a cross b/t Max Payne and Far Cry, when it comes to the gameplay (feel like Max Payne's action) and the settings (feels like Payne early on, now it feels like Far Cry in the jungles and all). Unfortunately, El Matador's storyline, dialogue and characters are nowhere even close to being as interesting as Max Payne 2's. The voice-acting isn't bad here, it's actually quite decent -- but, who wrote this damn game?? The writing is worse than the original Max Payne's writing!

Though, I do have to admit -- the graphics are good (especially in the jungle areas) and the action's pretty good. These are the best two things this game got going for it. As far as action goes, you really can't go wrong here -- since there's non-stop killing and lots of blowing up stuff.

Difficulty settings -- People talk about Normal being too easy in Halo 3. Well, in El Matador, we go to the other extreme where Normal is ridiculously hard. Yes, even for shooting game vet like myself who've played loads of shooters! El Matador's Normal setting makes Max Payne's Hardboiled difficulty look like Easy! I played it for around a half-hour, getting just about nowhere in the first nightclub level; barely out the first room! These guys just don't miss -- and when they hit you, you get slammed! So, I was very frustrated. I decided to start over and put it on Easy and that's not too bad -- you still got shot like holy hell, but you ain't getting creamed on damage, as much. I die here and there, but nothing like on Normal. There should be another setting, b/t Easy and Normal, since there feels like there is still a huge gap b/t the two difficulties. Y'know, I don't even wanna picture how tough the game will be on even Hard or Nightmare...

Here's an oddity w/ this game -- Anytime you hit the ALT key (it  acts as if you hit ALT+TAB, sometimes), this game freezes up or switches you to your Desktop. Weirdness. That's the only technical issue I've had w/ this game, as I'm running this w/ the newest patch of the game and all.

Boiling Point: Road To Hell
Well, well. I finally get my hands on this one...FINALLY. Been wanting to play this, for a while -- despite all of the technical issues it is known for. Let's begin at the first point here -- pretty much, we all know how bug-ridden and how horrible the game performed on most new PC's at that time, BP was straight up canned by the world, being released in pretty much an "Alpha" state when it was. So, even after US Patch Version 1.1 came out, which did fix a lot of issues, most said it was still a nasty mess; more like a "Beta", after Patch 1.1, many said. Funny enough, this was the last version officially released by Atari for the US Version of the game; though, Atari released the Euro Version 2.0 -- and so did Deep Shadows (the game's makers). Atari never released a US Version 2.0, oddly enough.

From what I've read on message boards, it is recommended for everybody that runs BP to run (official patch) Euro Version 2.0 Patch, regardless of whether you have the USA or Euro version of the game. So yes, you can slap this Euro patch right over the USA version of the game; it actually won't screw anything up, if you do. Given that, it makes me wonder -- why the hell didn't Atari just let this Euro patch out also for the USA version of the game???? Not a good way to support a game that you published, guys. They sure let out this patch for the Euro Version of the game -- and it works fine for the US Version, so not putting even that same exact file for the US Version is really poor tech support on Atari's half. Yeah, like that's anything new from Atari.....

After playing w/ BP Version 2.0 and looking through Version 2.0's wicked long laundry list (in the 2.0 Patch's README) of bug fixes, additions to the game (improved physics and mechanics for driving, for one), etc etc -- holy cow!!! How come Atari didn't just wait to release this game in THIS state in the first place, is way beyond me!!! The game runs quite well, in 1024x768 for me -- never dropping below 30 FPS (even w/ a lot of stuff happening on screen where there's cars on the road, numerous enemies on-screen shooting and tossing grenades). Most of all that graphical stuff is turned on, too. Car driving is fine w/ the keyboard, control-wise -- you can use the mouse to steer, also. And, you can switch b/t 3rd and 1st person viewpoints, while you're driving. The FPS action itself is pretty good, which feels a lot like STALKER -- but, of course, minus all the creepy horror elements. I even feel like I did in STALKER, as I'm barely into the Boiling Point game, yet I've seem to be standing back and letting shootouts go, then I'll be taking a lot of weapons and equipment off dead bodies that get caught up in shootouts!!!

The game itself does feels like a cross b/t both STALKER (open-ended gameworld with a handful of factions yo join and do missions for) and GTA (we have car-driving elements here). I can definitely see the STALKER style of gameplay here w/ a handful of factions to join and a good number of quests to do. BP feels like STALKER in the regard that just out of nowhere, you'll have some big shootouts happening while you're out in the open-world b/t some factions. Makes sense, since some who worked on Boiling Point actually did work at GSC Game World (which is even noted on Deep Shadows' website).

So far, I like this game. I will need to spend more time w/ it. So far, it's good with patch 2.0 installed.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #171 on: Monday, October 08, 2007, 01:48:43 PM »
Back to playing Oblivion! The game is truly beautiful when it's set to Ultra High quality and running at blazing fps!

Now I only wish that Bethesda will make a DX10 update to pusb the game's looks even further. I'm not complaining, just some wishful thinking.

Still one of my favourite games.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #172 on: Monday, October 08, 2007, 02:31:23 PM »
Back to playing Oblivion! The game is truly beautiful when it's set to Ultra High quality and running at blazing fps!

Now I only wish that Bethesda will make a DX10 update to pusb the game's looks even further. I'm not complaining, just some wishful thinking.

Still one of my favourite games.

Oblivion's a masterpiece.
I do need to finish Shivering Isles, myself -- especially since they fixed that nasty "Form" bug.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #173 on: Monday, October 08, 2007, 03:42:15 PM »
Persona 3.  GREAT GAME.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #174 on: Monday, October 08, 2007, 10:02:30 PM »
Oblivion's a masterpiece.
I do need to finish Shivering Isles, myself -- especially since they fixed that nasty "Form" bug.
Yeah man, SI is a great expansion. For a little while you're in a whole new world in Oblivion! In my case I adapted to the madness of the Shivering Isles, and when I went back to Cyrodiil there was a bit of a culture shock! I had to re-adapt myself to the "normal" world.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #175 on: Tuesday, October 09, 2007, 02:48:29 AM »
I am playing the shit out of Company of Heroes.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #176 on: Tuesday, October 09, 2007, 09:33:07 AM »
Playing - Resident Evil 0 and Viewtiful Joe for the Gamecube I just bought. $39.99 for a refurbished GC -- not bad.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #177 on: Tuesday, October 09, 2007, 07:20:12 PM »
I am playing games.  Yes.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #178 on: Tuesday, October 09, 2007, 08:28:25 PM »

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #179 on: Tuesday, October 09, 2007, 11:16:35 PM »
Jeanne d'Arc, Vagrant Story, Dead Head Fred, Eternal Sonata, and like 5 others I was in the process of playing and have forgotten about by now.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #180 on: Tuesday, October 09, 2007, 11:26:55 PM »
Zelda Phantom Hourglass (fucking repeating dungeon), Quake 2, some DoD:S with Pyro, little Picross when I have time to kill...

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #181 on: Tuesday, October 09, 2007, 11:42:38 PM »
I started playing Okami today and wow!  It's a better Zelda than Zelda itself!  I love it.

So true, so true.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #182 on: Wednesday, October 10, 2007, 07:21:45 AM »
Playing World of Warcraft, Zelda: Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Bioshock, and Halo 3.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #183 on: Wednesday, October 10, 2007, 01:41:57 PM »
Jeanne d'Arc, Vagrant Story, Dead Head Fred, Eternal Sonata, and like 5 others I was in the process of playing and have forgotten about by now.

Hey, how's that Dead Head Fred?

I saw a G4 Review on that last night -- and they liked it a lot.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #184 on: Monday, October 22, 2007, 01:34:33 PM »
Recently finished (this past Saturday) Matrix: Path of Neo on the PC.

Currently playing NWN2: Mask of the Betrayer.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #185 on: Monday, October 22, 2007, 11:01:57 PM »
... you finished Path of Neo?

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #186 on: Monday, October 22, 2007, 11:09:38 PM »
Finished Phantom Hourglass. Good game, though the "magic" ended up wearing off fairly quickly thanks to that single dungeon. Plus the final boss battle wasn't nearly epic enough.

Now playing Team Fortress 2, and again...magic wears off. Severe lack of map variety is killing the fun for me. Also playing Portal. Gotta get back and try some more of the challenges.

Looking for something else to play, but I have no idea what exactly I want. Hmmm. If I had my new system I've got a bunch of things to play. But I dont, so I'm looking at my back catalog. Thinking of NWN1, but for some reason I've been unable to truely get into that game.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #187 on: Tuesday, October 23, 2007, 02:01:15 AM »
Haha I think MyD is the only one with the patience and dedication to go through Path of Neo :P Lord knows I tried!

At the moment I'm playing FEAR again, mainly just to see how it looks with all settings on max. I also got my hands on SafeCracker since I was in the mood for puzzles. Not bad so far.

I'm hoping to pick up Mask of the Betrayer soon, and I can hardly wait for The Witcher, Gears of War, and UT3!

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #188 on: Tuesday, October 23, 2007, 04:45:55 AM »
I played through HL2 again and continued on and finished Episodes 1 and 2. The episodes were great, 2 so better than 1, however the way they end them is just terrible. I just can't stand it, these guys dont know how to tell a fucking story, the best way to describe it is watching a dragon ball Z episode. I did get used to it and sort of expected it after the grand epic shitty ending that was the HL2 game itself. Crappy endings aside, the games pace and atmosphere are spot on. I just love the varied gameplay they throw at you, there's some little puzzle solving bits in there, then the next moment your running and hiding from a massive ant lion beast, or driving frantically from a hunter chopper, its magnificent, I never get bored, its just really addicting.

After finishing that, I wanted more FPS action so I reinstalled Doom 3 and started playing it again for the 3rd time. Damn this game for being so atmospheric and awesome yet so damn tense... I really hope I have the balls to finish it this time.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #189 on: Tuesday, October 23, 2007, 06:27:45 AM »
... you finished Path of Neo?

Sure did.

Quote from: X
Haha I think MyD is the only one with the patience and dedication to go through Path of Neo Tongue Lord knows I tried!
The action in the game was enough to keep me going. I liked all the powering up after finishing a level and gaining new powers -- it kept the combat fresh. Combat was actually good and much improved over ETM.

Unfortunately, framerates were all-over-the-place at times (not as bad as ETM was); the graphics weren't technically good enough to warrant such all-over-the-place framerates (it doesn't look much better than ETM did); and the story basically requires you basically seen ALL THREE Matrix movies b/c of the lack of explanation. Plus, this is the weirdest part -- they told the game-levels in exact order, but they inter-weaved and cut FMV scenes from all THREE flicks, after every level -- so, if you saw all three flicks, you know what's going on. If you didn't see all flicks, you might be wondering why all the FMV's seem so all-over-the-place.

It was nothing great, but still the combat was hella' fun.

Quote from: Pyro
After finishing that, I wanted more FPS action so I reinstalled Doom 3 and started playing it again for the 3rd time. Damn this game for being so atmospheric and awesome yet so damn tense... I really hope I have the balls to finish it this time.
I liked Doom 3, but some of the in-between middle levels were blah to me.

Granted, the game started awesome and the end levels in Hell were awesome. Should've been more Hell levels, I say!

Speaking of which, I need to finish Doom 3: Res of Evil, which actually did start off good. Hope the rest of it is as good.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #190 on: Tuesday, October 23, 2007, 06:39:53 AM »
Looking for something else to play, but I have no idea what exactly I want. Hmmm. If I had my new system I've got a bunch of things to play. But I dont, so I'm looking at my back catalog. Thinking of NWN1, but for some reason I've been unable to truely get into that game.
If you're doing the SP stuff, skip NWN: OC -- its greatness comes and goes like the wind. Namely, I liked Chapters 1 and 4. Other two chapters had their moments, but seem so rushed and a major lack of choice in finishing quests. At least if you're not giving much choice in doing quests, give us a good amount of side quests to do to keep us going!

I'd say to go either straight to NWN: Shadows of NWN: Hordes.
I think Hordes was the best of the NWN1 SP campaigns, by far.

I should get back to NWN2: Mask -- hehe. So far, so great -- I'm already into Chapter 2 of the very dark expansion. I really can't seem to put this one down, since I got it this Sunday. Mask looks like if it keeps this pace up, it's going to be up there w/ Hordes -- and this is definitely the best thing Obsidian's done so far for NWN2. Great action, great storytelling, and all of the new NPC's are very interesting. Plus, the voice-acting is really good.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #191 on: Monday, December 31, 2007, 10:53:15 AM »
Been playing Bioshock which is awesome, and UT3 which is almost as awesome.

I also found myself returning to Oblivion.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #192 on: Monday, December 31, 2007, 02:23:40 PM »
I'm actually finally getting to play Bioshock, a good friend of mine has let me borrow his 360 for a week while he is on a skiing trip!  I'm loving it so far.  Hopefully I'll have enough time to crack into Mass Effect too, I have Wed, Thurs, and Friday off so I plan on playing a lot.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #193 on: Monday, December 31, 2007, 02:37:57 PM »
Currently playing Hellgate: London.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #194 on: Monday, December 31, 2007, 08:45:17 PM »
CoD4 should be delivered this week at some point. 

I'm also considering replaying Oblivion, though actually 'restarting' would be more accurate.  I didn't get very far my first go around with a pure mage.  What are you playing as, Pug?

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #195 on: Monday, December 31, 2007, 09:02:55 PM »
I'll probably pop back into Oblivion again at some point, but not yet.  Gotta' finish The Witcher first, which will be the next RPG I play again if I play one.  Unfortunately, Guild Wars has me by the short hairs right now, as well as Disgaea for PSP.  I haven't had much luck keeping myself from playing either one.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #196 on: Monday, December 31, 2007, 09:12:49 PM »
Man, I need to get back into GW...

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #197 on: Tuesday, January 01, 2008, 03:16:07 AM »
I finished Bioshock over the holiday when I was off, can't really add much other than its a very addicting and amazing experience. Theres some little stuff I didnt like but it didnt really impact the overall experience of the game. I'm playing Assassin's Creed now which has been sweet so far, I also bought Mass Effect which I plan to tackle next.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #198 on: Tuesday, January 01, 2008, 04:06:46 AM »
Arg, I want Mass Effect really bad.  But I think I'm going to get FFXII: Revenant Wings tomorrow instead.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #199 on: Tuesday, January 01, 2008, 07:16:45 AM »
Arg, I want Mass Effect really bad.  But I think I'm going to get FFXII: Revenant Wings tomorrow instead.

I could go for a Mass Effect port to the PC!

C'mon, we knows it's eventually coming -- especially since Bioware just won't comment on it getting a PC port; which is what happened w/ KOTOR and Jade Empire.

In due time,  Iguess -- probably 6 months to 2 years or so, I'd guess...

I still think Baldur's Gate II will be very hard for Bioware to actually ever top. That game was just that amazing.