Author Topic: Guild Wars 2  (Read 52608 times)

Offline shock

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Re: Guild Wars 2
« Reply #160 on: Thursday, September 13, 2012, 06:25:44 PM »
I'm so excited for this game.  I just have to wait until my desktop arrives.  I quit WoW because PvP got old.  I'm hoping this can keep my attention.
Suck it, Pugnate.

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Re: Guild Wars 2
« Reply #161 on: Thursday, September 13, 2012, 06:28:40 PM »
Add us when you do bud. The game is awesome!

Offline W7RE

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Re: Guild Wars 2
« Reply #162 on: Sunday, November 11, 2012, 12:44:27 PM »
Bumping this because the game is out now, and it's pretty good. Also we were discussing it in Idol's thread about his pacifist WoW character, which got locked? (sorry, didn't mean to hijack it)

@shock PvP in Guild Wars 2. There's no pvp in the open world like there is in WoW, and there's only one faction. The two types of PvP are Structured PvP (sPvP) and World vs World vs World (WvWvW). In sPvP everyone has equal footing and you'll never be outgeared. In WvWvW the gear cap is relatively low and it's pretty easy to get the "best gear" in the game so that you're on equal footing with your opponents.

sPvP: You use the game UI to jump into an area that's basically a PvP lobby. There are vendors that will give you free armor and weapons. Your level is boosted to 80 and all of your abilities are unlocked. You can reset your character's spec for free as many times as you want. The setup for your character in this lobby and in all of sPvP remains completely separate from your PvE progression. There's a character you can talk to to get a list of PvP games, which looks and works very much like old school online FPS server browsers. You see a list of numbered rooms and see how many players are in each. You join one, and it plays a match, then cycles maps. The only game type currently is a capture and hold mode similar to Arathi Basin or Battle for Gilneas in WoW. Each map does have a secondary objective that's map specific though.

WvWvW: You use the game UI to reach this one as well. Your stats are boosted to 80, but you are limited to the gear and spec of your PvE character. A low level character isn't as powerful as a level 80 in good gear, but you can easily contribute to larger scale confrontations. This mode has 4 zones: 1 central zone with a massive castle to fight over, and 3 home zones for each of the 3 servers participating. This game mode is for large scale keep/castle sieges, and 3 servers fight for control, with the server matchups changing every 2 weeks based on who won/lost.

I should say a little more about the gear grind at max level. The armor/weapon quality coloring is similar to WoW:
Basic (white)
Fine (blue)
Masterwork (green)
Rare (yellow) - These are rarer, and sell for a bit more. Probably not worth using before level 80 because of the price.
Exotic (gold) - This is your goal for all equipment slots, unless you're going for a legendary.
Legendary (red) - It takes an obscene amount of time, materials, and gold to gather the materials to craft these. I believe they have the same damage and stats as exotics (maybe negligibly more), so they are purely for cosmetics. Some change your footprints to leave fire, shoot rainbows, etc.

All items of the same quality, at the same level, will have the same amount of stats/damage. Different prefixes will give you different stats, but for example all level 80 exotic daggers have the exact same damage range. You'll start in whites and by level 10 or 15 can easily be wearing all blues/greens. You'll see the occasional yellow, but you're probably better off selling those. You can pretty easily keep your crafting leveled up as you level up your character, and make yourself gear every 5 to 10 levels, so a yellow item won't last long. Once you hit level 80 you should craft or buy a set of yellow gear. Then you start working on exotics. You can get them from WvWvW, crafting, buy them, get them from dungeons, or farm karma for them. Karma is a currency you get for completing open world events, and a couple of the level 80 zones have exotic level 80 gear you can buy with it.

Once you have full exotics you're done farming. Unless you want another set with different stats, or want to go for some items for a different look, you won't need more gear.

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Re: Guild Wars 2
« Reply #163 on: Sunday, November 11, 2012, 01:26:05 PM »
Huh, must have been locked accidentally. Oh well, good to move the GW2 stuff here anyway.

Offline shock

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Re: Guild Wars 2
« Reply #164 on: Sunday, November 11, 2012, 06:06:19 PM »
Thanks W7RE!

What are the mechanics of combat like?  Is it as crowd control centric as WoW?  Cooldown-focused?  I know combat is very different anyway in GW2, but just curious about the big picture.

Again, thanks!  UPS paid me for my computer (and let me keep the mostly broken hardware!) so I should be getting it fixed up soon.
Suck it, Pugnate.

Offline W7RE

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Re: Guild Wars 2
« Reply #165 on: Sunday, November 11, 2012, 06:43:34 PM »
What are the mechanics of combat like?  Is it as crowd control centric as WoW?  Cooldown-focused?  I know combat is very different anyway in GW2, but just curious about the big picture.

There aren't nearly as many CC abilities as WoW. Most abilities have a cooldown of some sort. Also you have a dodge-roll button, and you can 100% avoid just about any attack if you dodge at the right moment.

Everyone has a single 10 button action bar. Your equipped weapons determine what are on slots 1-5. Number 6 is hour heal, which you have 3-4 options for on each class. 7-9 are utility skills that you pick and choose from. 0 is your elite ability, which is usually pretty strong, but on a longer cooldown. Slot 1 is going to always be something spammable, usually with auto-cast enabled on it so it'll just continue going off as long as you're not using other abilities. (this is the closest thing you have to an autoattack) 2-5 will have short 2-10 second cooldowns usually. Except on a thief. Thieves get 12 initiative that auto-regenerates, and skills 2-5 use this up. (works basically just like rogues in WoW)

Most classes (all but engineer and elementalist) can weapon swap also. You can equip 2 weapon sets, and switch in combat with 1 button press. Because skills 1-5 are based on your weapon, you choose weapons based on the abilities they give you. They usually make some sense too. If you want to do broad aoe swings on your warrior, grab a greatsword. If you want to stun and knock down, grab a 2 handed hammer. You can use a shield to get an active block ability, or a warhorn offhand to give temporary buffs to you and allies. On my thief I use dual daggers for high dmg and popping in and out of stealth a lot, and swap to a shortbow for kiting/ranged/aoe.

Offline W7RE

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Re: Guild Wars 2
« Reply #166 on: Monday, November 12, 2012, 08:17:43 AM »
They released some info about the Nov 16-18 update:

  • New sPvP map
  • New PvE dungeon with 9 wings. When you start it, it randomly gives you 3 of the 9 wings. If you do it over and over it becomes harder and gives better loot
  • The new Lost Shores zone is for level 80. During the 3 day event, all characters are boosted up to 80 so they can participate. After that it becomes level 80 only
  • New gear progression it sounds like. New item rarity above exotic, but only available for some slots.

They're supposed to be giving more info on how the friend invite thing works today, and I think it starts today too. Probably so that invited people have time to download the client.

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Re: Guild Wars 2
« Reply #167 on: Monday, November 12, 2012, 08:23:07 AM »
Awesome - that's really helpful.  It sounds like it is definitely worth giving it a whirl.
Suck it, Pugnate.

Offline W7RE

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Re: Guild Wars 2
« Reply #168 on: Monday, November 12, 2012, 09:58:54 AM »
BTW the reason those 2 classes can't weapon swap is because they have their own mechanics for accessing more abilities. Elementalist has 4 attunements for 4 different elements (fire, ice, wind, earth). Switching to a different element changes your abilities. The engineer can equip "kits" in his 7-9 slots, which each give an extra passive ability on F1-F5. Activating a kit changes your 1-5 skills until you deactivate the kit, which takes you back to the abilities determined by your weapons.

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Offline idolminds

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Re: Guild Wars 2 -> Update: Now is F2P. Get playing.
« Reply #170 on: Saturday, August 29, 2015, 02:36:50 PM »
I will be checking this out.

Offline MysterD

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Re: Guild Wars 2 -> Update: Now is F2P. Get playing.
« Reply #171 on: Saturday, August 29, 2015, 02:39:57 PM »
I will be checking this out.

I did Beta Test it back when it had no NDA's.
It was awesome then in Beta, so....I'm betting it's still awesome. :)

Offline MysterD

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Re: Guild Wars 2 -> Update: Now is F2P. Get playing.
« Reply #172 on: Saturday, October 05, 2019, 09:08:59 AM »
President of ArenaNet, Mike O'Brien, leaves the company:

- Mike O'Brien, President of ArenaNet for around 19 years, leaves the company
- He was supposedly working on laying the ground-work for another MMO, which could've been for possibly Guild Wars 3.
- 8 developers are also leaving ArenaNet.
- Mike is going to form a small studio & work on smaller games w/ some of his friends.