Author Topic: Grand Theft Auto 4  (Read 131250 times)

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #40 on: Thursday, March 29, 2007, 04:44:12 PM »

Looks like it's back in modern Liberty City. Well New York. :P

That really disappoints me, how many times are they going to go back to New York? Even though it was just a rumor, I was digging the Tokyo location.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #41 on: Thursday, March 29, 2007, 04:52:16 PM »
October 16 of this year? You gotta give Rockstar credit for consistantly waiting to show off their products until they're really not too far off. They've always waited to show them so that you can actively wait for the game without burning yourself out.
Sooner it gets out for consoles, sooner I can be ready for GTA 4 PC!!!

And dude, do you get to be that Russian guy speaking? I'm down with that. Not all of us are as lucky to have Cool's lineage.
I hope we get to play as the Russian guy -- that'd be damn cool, if you ask me.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #42 on: Thursday, March 29, 2007, 05:02:05 PM »
October 16 of this year? You gotta give Rockstar credit for consistantly waiting to show off their products until they're really not too far off. They've always waited to show them so that you can actively wait for the game without burning yourself out.

And dude, do you get to be that Russian guy speaking? I'm down with that. Not all of us are as lucky to have Cool's lineage.


That looks really sweet like a proper upgrade in the visuals and everything. Can't wait!
Well hopefully there'll be a few previews shortly so that we can get a feel for what's happening in the game features and story etc.

Did anyone elese notice the building with the logo "Get-a-life" funny.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #43 on: Thursday, March 29, 2007, 05:34:19 PM »
Did anyone elese notice the building with the logo "Get-a-life" funny.

Yep, hehe.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #44 on: Friday, March 30, 2007, 03:01:26 PM »
I found this kind of funny

CVG reviewed the GTAIV trailer.
Shacknews reviewed the CVG review of the GTAIV trailer.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #45 on: Thursday, May 24, 2007, 02:33:09 PM »
New info from GameSpot on this one

Grand Theft Auto IV First Look
We sneak a look at the next much-anticipated entry in Rockstar's GTA series.
By Ricardo Torres, GameSpot
Posted May 24, 2007 10:24 am PT

You'd be hard pressed to find a more anticipated, or scrutinized title than Rockstar's upcoming Grand Theft Auto IV. The release of the game's trailer in March saw the fifty odd seconds of teaser footage scrutinized like evidence in a CSI episode with fans (ourselves included) rabidly dissecting it frame by frame. To further stoke the fires of anticipation, Rockstar Games recently hit town and did the previously unthinkable: they gave us a look at a work in progress version of the Xbox 360 game. Whereas years past have seen us getting access to GTA games when they were much farther along in development, Rockstar, confident in how development is going, actually raised the kilt and let us get a look at GTA IV months before it hits. Our guided demo of the title showed off a tiny bit of the city and gave us a taste of what Rockstar is cooking up for what is arguably the most anticipated game of 2007.

The demo opened up with the game's Russian hero Niko Bellic standing in a building, the offices of the taxi service to be exact. As our demoer guided him around the interior we were given a rundown of his story. The eastern European immigrant will come to Liberty City at the request of his cousin, Roman. The trip seems like a smart move for Niko who's had a rather rough life so far. The picture of life in Liberty City painted by his cousin is that of an opulent life with easy money. Upon arriving Niko gets a reality check. Roman is living around the poverty line and drives a cab. Once that realization hits, Niko realizes he's got to find a way to eke out a living, which is where the story begins. Given what was shown and implied in the trailer we expect Niko's career search to take some interesting, and probably violent turns. Rockstar reps noted that Niko's path through the game isn't going to tell a stereotypical "rags to riches" story but will instead offer a grittier tale that's about survival, "rags to slightly better rags" to be exact.
Okay then.

Once we got the rundown of the story our demoer took Niko out for a stroll in the city. As the tour started we got another quick primer on the city. The Liberty City in GTA IV is a modern day metropolis that's a bit different than the one we know. The city is obviously based on New York, though there's no version of Staten Island in the game. For fans at home already working on their maps, the borough of Broker is based on Brooklyn, Dukes is based on Queens, Bohan is based on The Bronx, Algonquin is based on Manhattan, and Alderney is based on New Jersey. Our tour took us on a run through some of the neighborhoods in Broker, underneath the Algonquin bridge overpass and eventually out to the docks to look out on the city proper. The environment had a lived-in look that featured pedestrians, homeless, trash, steaming manholes, traffic, and an impressive array of little touches used to set the scene. But, while we expected all that, the demo showed off a new wrinkle to the densely packed environments: height. Though "verticality" has turned into one of the newest buzz words for new games, it's still an interesting feature to see. From the sound of it, GTA IV is going to let you go up or down buildings in the game as needed. Our demo simply showed Niko climb a power pole and have a look around at the environment- highlighting the impressive draw distance. But we also noticed that the dense city environment, which is roughly the same size as San Andreas, will be a layered locale with things to see and do at different heights. If it works the way we're hoping, it might offer some additional options when avoiding the police.
"Verticality", eh?
That's interesting.

But avoiding police, like much of GTA IV's gameplay is something that Rockstar wasn't going into too much detail on. There was no talk of the upcoming downloadable content or exclusive material for the PlayStation or Xbox 360. What was shared was that the role-playing elements are being dialed back so Niko won't be morphing into a superman by the end of the game.
Hmmm....not sure if this is a good idea or not.
What do y'all think....?

Car jacking is being tweaked, so you can now break windows and jack parked cars. You'll be able to call people via cell phone and help move the story along, offering you more control over how the story will progress. Though you won't be able to fly planes, you should be able to fly helicopters. One of our big questions, what kind of online multiplayer the game will offer, was just met with a coy assertion that the team wants the multiplayer to rival the single player experience. Reps did note that it will not be an MMO-style persistent city. Other details, such as the game's HUD, are still being ironed out. We did see a menu system that had all the expected options, we're just curious as to how it will be implemented. The driving force behind the game is its story according to the team. So, to that end, the gameplay experience must be seamless. We're pleased to see the lengths they're going to make this happen already. Moving in and out of buildings is seamless and you'll have ample places to go in and out of though not every building in the game is explorable.
Okie dokie.

The visuals in the game come courtesy of Rockstar's proprietary RAGE engine and offer a comfortable compliment to the game's new look. The city area we were shown had all the real world elements that are key to a GTA game's atmosphere: pedestrians, traffic, and a lived-in look. The key difference, as you can see in the trailer, is the level of detail and the art style. The expected bump in graphics seems to be agreeing with the team's ambitious tendencies, resulting in a dense city with rich lighting populated by a diverse group of people. The little touches that were wrung out of the last generation of hardware are now fully realized with proper lighting, particle effects, and shadowing being used to highlight the distressed city streets, old buildings, dusty windows, and vast panoramic views of Liberty City.

As for the residents, our tour of the city gave us a look at a sampling of some work-in-progress models that are set to be used for the non-player characters you'll meet. The models sported a higher level of detail, obviously, and looked good, albeit nondescript like any good NPC. Niko is obviously the star of the game, with a character model that reflects his mental baggage. The detailed model has a decidedly gritty look that makes it pretty clear he's been around the block a few times, maybe even hit by some cars. Animation was early but seemed to be coming along fine. His gait when walking was deliberate and was on its way towards adding to his world weary vibe. Our demo also focused on showcasing a number of subtle touches being worked into GTA IV. The standouts were Niko leaning in a direction as he runs and, most awesomely, his breaking windows on parked cars so he could jack them. Though we just saw a small slice of what to expect from the game's visuals we have to say we're impressed by the restraint we're seeing. In a time when so many games on PS3 and Xbox 360 are going all out with the special effects and a generally glossy look, GTA IV seems to be drawing on the effects and tech it needs to establish a convincingly rundown look. While it may not bowl you over with blinding use of light blooming and other stereotypical "next-gen" effects, although we've seen most of them used in subtle ways, the game is focused on its realistic look and we're pleased by what we're seeing.

Audio was far from finished as Rockstar reps were quick to point out what we heard in the demo was very placeholder, with a fraction of the audio that will be in the final game peppered through it. It seems as though the plan is to expand on the concepts used in the previous games so you'll hear tons of ambient chatter, and city sounds designed to sell you on the game's virtual world. Finer elements such as voice acting and the ever popular radio stations are still being ironed out. The team is still mulling over the direction of where to go with the radio stations, given the tone of the game. There will still be plenty of variety in music, but what it is remains to be seen. The voice acting in the game is in a similar state of reevaluation. The team is thinking on what would best serve the story in terms of the talent used and the direction. As with the previous entries in the series, Rockstar is competing with the standards set by GTA IV's predecessors which all featured great voice acting. As it stood, what we heard of the audio was coming along fine and, finished or not, we liked where it was headed.
Cool beans.

Ultimately our demo of the game was a pretty controlled experience and was more about showing off the world and the possibilities of what could be done inside it than showing off specific gameplay features. That said, even this modest look at a fraction of the city shows a whole lot of potential. The nuanced story, greater interactivity with the world, a densely packed, vertical environment, an ambitious scope, and even more freedom seem like the right ingredients to have in play for such an anticipated sequel. Factor in the mysterious online multiplayer and downloadable content and you have about as fully loaded a sequel as you could ask for. Grand Theft Auto IV is currently slated to ship this October for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Look for more on the game in the coming months.
I wonder when the PC will gets its port of this thing.
I know I'll be lookin' forward to the PC edition of this one.

And yeah, I need to go work on GTA: SA, eh? hehe.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #46 on: Thursday, May 24, 2007, 10:42:05 PM »
IGN has a few more screen shots and articles... I'm actually really looking forward to this game now, can't wait to see the city form myself!

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #47 on: Friday, May 25, 2007, 02:11:23 PM »
I read the IGN preview and seems the game is shaping up nicely. I really am pleased they are going for a realistic approach.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #48 on: Friday, May 25, 2007, 06:46:36 PM »
For me it's really going to depend on how they evolve it.  I just plain need more to the city this time.  Big is one thing, but I need more detail.  I need to explore more.  That's the single reason I play these games is because I get a huge city to explore, but after several 3D iterations it's become apparent to me that there's just no longer much interesting stuff to find.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #49 on: Saturday, May 26, 2007, 12:21:23 AM »
I loved San Andreas more than any other GTA -- except for that stupid plane mission. It was average at first, but then when you get out of the first area you realize how huge the city is. The best memories I have of the game are driving on the highway, listening to the music and admiring the countryside. Yea it is a little weird that that is what I admired about the game, but it did for me what Test Drive did for Cobra.

I thought GTA3 was overrated, mainly because of the horrible porting and the fact that the game was basically like its predecessor except in 3D. I thought it lacked substance personally.

I really loved Vice City for the theme, but it did frustrate me. I also liked the storyline.

But I found San Andreas to be my favorite, purely because of the scale. I just think, as Que says, the cities need to be a lot more fleshed out from the inside. It needs to start feeling like a modern version of Elder Scrolls. Not just clones walking the streets, but actual people with problems that you could help with.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #50 on: Saturday, May 26, 2007, 07:44:21 AM »
Yeah, that is a bit of a problem with the GTA games.  There are lots of streets and ramps and buildings and things like that, but there are hardly any indoor areas and those that are there are extremely sparse.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #51 on: Saturday, May 26, 2007, 08:01:28 AM »
It needs to start feeling like a modern version of Elder Scrolls. Not just clones walking the streets, but actual people with problems that you could help with.

i completely agree. although i don't think that's what we'll get, as given the scale of san andreas, it would be an utterly mammoth undertaking. for the game to feel like a true step up in terms of gameplay, i think that's the next level of interaction that they need to tackle.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #54 on: Friday, August 03, 2007, 01:53:37 PM »
GTA4 has been Delayed until Fiscal 2008

GTA IV Delayed Until 2008
 [Ure "Vader" Paul] 02:34 am EDT @ August 03rd, 2007
Take-Two confirmed that Grand Theft Auto IV, the next installment in Rockstar's popular and highly controversial series, has been pushed back from its original October 2007 release date into fiscal 2008.

Apparently, the "delay was essential to ensure the quality of GTA IV."

They also added: "We owe it to our millions of fans, to our dedicated development team, and to our shareholders to make sure that Grand Theft Auto IV is a groundbreaking gaming experience and is an experience that takes maximum advantage of next-generation technology."

Okay, so this game will probably be out by the time you've finished playing BioShock, Crysis, Mass Effect and Halo 3. So, it's okay, don't sweat it.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #55 on: Friday, August 03, 2007, 04:20:03 PM »
I didn't realize Bioshock, Crysis, and Mass Effect were that close to release.
« Last Edit: Friday, August 03, 2007, 04:40:05 PM by scottws »

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #56 on: Friday, August 03, 2007, 04:41:53 PM »
I didn't realize Bioshock, Crysis, and Mass Effect were that close to release.

They're all due in Summer - Dec. 2007.

I think Bioshock's due out sometime later in August.
Crysis is planned for November 2007.
Mass Effect is also planned for November 2007.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #57 on: Friday, August 03, 2007, 06:37:07 PM »
I'm so not ready for Bioshock, though I'm totally so ready for it.  It's just coming too soon!  I'll have to take some time off work or something, heh.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #58 on: Tuesday, October 16, 2007, 01:47:16 PM »
GTA4 will also ship with a Multiplayer Component

GTA is not a series known for its multiplayer, having ditched the premise after GTA II, but it looks like Rockstar is giving it another go. According to GamingExcellence, the company said at a Sony event that they are aiming for 16-person multiplayer that's richer than simple deathmatch gameplay (here's hoping for a hot coffee mode at Starbucks). We assume that this mode will apply to both 360 and PS3 versions of the game.

Another interesting tidbit? The entire world may be unlocked from the start. I'm not sure how I feel about that. Will gamers lose incentive to keep playing? Thoughts?

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #60 on: Sunday, March 30, 2008, 06:31:57 AM »

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #61 on: Monday, April 14, 2008, 07:57:48 PM »
So, is there any word on a PC version yet?  I want to sell my Xbox 360, but this game is holding that up.  If it comes out on PC, I'll sell it but I don't think this is a game I can miss.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #62 on: Monday, April 14, 2008, 08:46:07 PM »
Every other GTA has had a PC port, I don't see why this would be any different.  I'll likely get it on PS3 as I've had miserable experiences with GTA on PC in the past.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #63 on: Tuesday, April 15, 2008, 12:25:30 PM »
Yeah but the PC ports always take another 6 months after the console version before they are released.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #64 on: Tuesday, April 15, 2008, 12:37:25 PM »
I don't care when it comes out.  I just want to make sure I have something that can play it.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #66 on: Thursday, April 24, 2008, 07:27:43 AM »
Well, I preordered.  My store is having a midnight sale, too, but I don't know if I care about going.  It's on Monday fucking night, so what good does it do me?  I'll get a half hour to play it before I have to go to bed so I can get up at 6.  If it was a Friday night or something, that'd be different.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #67 on: Thursday, April 24, 2008, 12:23:34 PM »
I really didn't follow this game at all since I wasn't impressed with San Andreas, but I've started reading up on the characters and the city, and I can say that this game looks amazing.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #68 on: Thursday, April 24, 2008, 01:11:32 PM »
I can't buy stuff now as readily as I could last year, but this is one game I'm expecting to pick up.  No preorder or anything, just whenever it becomes generally available (after whatever feeding frenzy is coming).

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #69 on: Thursday, April 24, 2008, 07:02:21 PM »
I'm with Cobra.  While GTAIII amazed me and I had a lot of fun with GTA:VC, my interest had been waning ever since III.  But there's no way I'm missing this one.  I don't need it the first day though.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #70 on: Thursday, April 24, 2008, 07:36:35 PM »
I was entirely disinterested until I heard some just awesome sounding stuff about what they wanted to do with this one, and the level of detail seems to be what I always wished it would be.  There were some just great stories on various podcasts from guys who got the chance to give it a spin, and I'm really excited to see how much more real and detailed the city will seem.  Plus the plot sounds an awful lot better than the past games, with an actual likable character who isn't strictly a criminal, or at least not from what I gather.  More like a guy thrown into the deep end of the pool who isn't sure what the best way to keep afloat is gonna' be.

Either way, I'm really curious, and I could use a new city to explore.  It's been long enough since SA, and by that point the cities just weren't quite detailed enough for me (the little areas to explore around the landscape were awesome, but I'm talking more about adding some interiors, giving each area of the town a sense of identity, etc.).

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #71 on: Friday, April 25, 2008, 06:04:22 PM »
PERFECT TEN score from IGN for X360 and PS3

Side Note: This is the first TEN that IGN has given out since Soul Calibur in 1999.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #72 on: Friday, April 25, 2008, 06:15:29 PM »
The very first sentence of that review is a spoiler.  That has to be a record.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #73 on: Friday, April 25, 2008, 08:09:21 PM »
I don't know that it's *really* a spoiler.  Only if you're really, really anal about your spoilers.  That's kind of part of the news that had me excited about the game in the first place instead of just yawning and saying, "Oh good, another GTA".

Anyway, the brief bit I read there is more than a little encouraging.  I'll have to read the rest later when I have an actual moment.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #74 on: Friday, April 25, 2008, 08:19:38 PM »
From IGN, some worthwhile tidbit for me to quote...

Quote from: IGN
As an added twist, GTA IV gives you occasional morality choices. There are people that you don't have to kill in a mission and you can decide whether or not to waste a bullet. These events don't change the plot or open new missions later on. Occasionally it affects dialogue, but more often it is simply the game asking what kind of person you are. And there are some gut-wrenching decisions you make at points that create an emotional response I never imagined I would get from a Grand Theft Auto title. There is one significant choice you make towards the end of the game that opens a new path and an alternate ending. There are two worthwhile endings to uncover and are incentive for playing through a second time just to see how much more depressing life in Liberty City can get.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #75 on: Saturday, April 26, 2008, 09:03:25 AM »
This is the game that's pushing me over the edge and forcing me to buy a 360

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #76 on: Saturday, April 26, 2008, 09:04:41 AM »
The video review was quite impressive.  The guy says right off the bat that it's the best game he's played in 10 years, and ends saying it's one of the best games he's ever played and an easy contender for GOTY.  I haven't watched much video, just seen some screens, and I have to say that the thing looks just stunning in motion.  Obviously it looks better than past games for the simple fact that it's next gen hardware, but I'd say that the game is much more graphically impressive for its current timeframe than any past GTA game was for its current timeframe.  The multiplayer even sounds like a blast, which is kind of a surprise to me and I still wonder if it's really as good as he says, but just the few clips they showed and stuff do make it look awfully fun.

I'm really looking forward to this.  Will be very curious to see just how much the series has evolved, and especially curious about some of the adult stuff that's in this one.  You know me, I'm far from the kind of guy who likes to see a bunch of sex shoved into his games, but there's something more striking and honest about the portrayal here than I was expecting, just from the few clips I've watched and stuff.  I'm really looking forward to seeing more interior stuff, too, and a better city AI, both of which will help things to feel a lot more real.  GTA was somewhat immersive for me anyway, but I get the feeling this is going to be a whole different ball of wax.  Really looking forward to it, and almost wish I'd sprung for the CE.  I just got the regular PS3 version.  Wonder if I could change my order today.

EDIT - Jeez, check out metacritic.  So far the game's got 3 100s and a 98.  That's almost ridiculous.

* Utterly stunning in every resepct. [May 2008, p.79]
 * I could go on and on about why Grand Theft Auto IV is one of the best games we've ever seen and why even folks who are easily offended should play it, but that would be pointless. The only thing you need to know is that you have to play this game. Period.
 * Expectations were so high for Grand Theft Auto IV that one of the biggest surprises is that it's managed to meet them. That it's also gone on to confound these is truly a marvel, and the game's Liberty City is nothing less than one of the greatest videogame worlds yet conceived.
 * Rockstar have surpassed themselves, delivering unquestionably the definitive GTA and perhaps the greatest videogame of all time. [June 2008]

If this keeps up, this is going to sell hardware by the truckloads.  I can think of a number of people who haven't yet made the jump to a PS3 or 360 who are probably going to seriously consider it now.

Sy, you can come to my house and play it.

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #77 on: Saturday, April 26, 2008, 09:45:12 AM »
I watched the review and almost started looking at HDTV prices the second after (with the thought that I'd be a HDTV and a PS3). Thankfully I had Warhammer stuff to distract me long enough, but I'm tempted pretty much every time I go online.

Offline ScaryTooth

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #78 on: Saturday, April 26, 2008, 11:09:07 AM »
I am so excited about this damn game. Can't wait to play it. As soon as I get off Tuesday I'm picking it up

Offline Cobra951

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Re: Grand Theft Auto 4
« Reply #79 on: Saturday, April 26, 2008, 12:21:43 PM »
What finally sold me was the HD trailer I downloaded on the Xbox 360 itself.  That took me where all these compressed youtube-quality clips I've been seeing never would have.  I got to see gameplay footage as it will look on the 360 at 720p.  Add that to the general praise, and the debate ends.  Rockstar wins.


That's the first time I see that at Metacritic.  It's only 4 reviews so far, 3 at 100% and one 98%.  It will drop from there, I'm sure.  But still, something new for the moment.

Edit 2:  I missed Que's edit above.  I watched the IGN video review as well.  I also read both the American and UK IGN reviews.  To see a better way to refer to the story without giving away particulars, see Page 3 of the UK review.
« Last Edit: Saturday, April 26, 2008, 02:20:59 PM by Cobra951 »