
Community => Entertainment => Topic started by: sirean_syan on Friday, December 08, 2006, 02:51:30 PM

Title: Apocalypto
Post by: sirean_syan on Friday, December 08, 2006, 02:51:30 PM
You know, I think I actually want to see this despite all the Mel Gibson crap going on right now.

1) It's all in subtitles using the dead Mayan language
2) It's supposed to be brutal to all hell
3) There are no truly famous people in it

Those are the sorts of things I can get behind and always something I wanted someone to get the guts to do. Given movies like this are expensive, they always almost fall back on something to bring in the stupid masses. I guess the same things went into the Passion, but there was too much social hoopla for me to want to get into it. To top it off, the movie's reviewing pretty well. Sounds like it can be pretty bad ass.
Title: Re: Apocalypto
Post by: Ace_O_Spades on Friday, December 08, 2006, 03:21:22 PM
I can get past the big hooplah surrounding Gibson... good movies are good movies... The Jesus Chainsaw Massacre was not a good movie though. At least in my opinion, so I withhold judgment until I've seen it. Gotta at least give it a chance, it's a novel concept in any case.
Title: Re: Apocalypto
Post by: Quemaqua on Friday, December 08, 2006, 08:50:08 PM
There's hoopla surrounding everybody.  People get pissed and drunk and say stupid shit.  It happens.  I have no particular love for the guy, but I don't really think all that much less of him for a mistake, either.  Information coming down second hand (or like 80th hand, really) doesn't hold a lot of water to me.  I could give a crap.  The movie looks pretty amazing, so yeah, I'm definitely curious to see it.  Won't be one Julia's going to want to see I don't think, sadly, so I'm going to have to find somebody else or be on my own.
Title: Re: Apocalypto
Post by: TheOtherBelmont on Friday, December 08, 2006, 10:32:52 PM
I would like to see this movie too.  I didn't know about the Mayan language thing, that's pretty cool.
Title: Re: Apocalypto
Post by: sirean_syan on Saturday, December 09, 2006, 12:29:11 AM
On your own? Look who started this thread you spoony bard.... I mean Que.
Title: Re: Apocalypto
Post by: Quemaqua on Saturday, December 09, 2006, 12:42:19 AM
I don't know why, I guess I just assumed you and Aimee were going or something.  I'm only sort of half here tonight, heh...
Title: Re: Apocalypto
Post by: sirean_syan on Saturday, December 09, 2006, 03:37:03 AM
I'd sorta be suprised if Aimee really cared about seeing it... although she still manages to suprise me with these things a bit too much.
Title: Re: Apocalypto
Post by: Pugnate on Saturday, December 09, 2006, 05:12:59 AM
I still love Gibson.

I have trouble concentrating in a Tom Cruise flick though.
Title: Re: Apocalypto
Post by: ender on Saturday, December 09, 2006, 11:10:24 AM
I could care less if Gibson is a bigot. Sometimes Spike Lee comes across as one too, but I still like his movies.

I too want to see this. I finally saw The Prestige last night which has gained the spot as my favorite film of the year so far.
Title: Re: Apocalypto
Post by: Cobra951 on Saturday, December 09, 2006, 12:34:01 PM
One of the biggest bigot celebrities still alive is Harry Belafonte.  You don't hear much negative press about him.

There are some actors I can't stand, and so I have trouble watching any of their movies.  Adam Sandler is one.  But that's because of their on-screen vibe, not offscreen antics.  All I care about is the movie itself, its quality and believability of the acting.  (The so-called suspension of disbelief.)  I like both Gibson and Cruise as actors.
Title: Re: Apocalypto
Post by: ender on Saturday, December 09, 2006, 02:37:42 PM
Yeah, Gibson and Cruise I can forgive because they have a pretty strong screen vibe. Even if Cruise is an idiot, he's very charasmatic on screen... and his work in Born on the 4th of July and Magnolia are just awesome... Gibson is a pretty amazingly talented guy too, I especially was pretty blown away by his acting in the modernized Hamlet movie and of course Braveheart and ... okay, yeah the Mad Max films... he's fucking badass in those.
Title: Re: Apocalypto
Post by: Quemaqua on Saturday, December 09, 2006, 03:46:00 PM
I don't have that much issue with Gibson just because of one drunken outburst.  If it was consistent bigotry that would be different, but I have no reason to believe he's really like that, only reason to believe that he's got problems, was piss drunk, and was trying to put somebody down.  I've said all kinds of things in bad circumstances that I didn't really mean on a global scale... but I was just trying to piss someone off or whatever.  Cruise... he's just a nutcase.  But he's a talented nutcase.  I was having some issues watching him for a while, but then Julia and I watched Minority Report again and I was reminded of how good he can be.  So sure, he's a nutjob, but most actors are nutjobs in one way or another.  If everyone could just ignore them as people and appreciate what they do, we'd be fine.  The problems we have are because society is obsessed with these fucking people and their stupid opinions, and that's what throws a monkey wrench into the whole deal.  They're just regular people.  Leave them alone.  Don't listen to them, don't condemn them, just let them act and enjoy what they produce.
Title: Re: Apocalypto
Post by: MysterD on Saturday, February 24, 2007, 03:55:50 PM
Did anyone actually see this in theatres??? If so, was it any good???
Hmmm....This should be coming to DVD soon, as well....

Gibson's pretty goodat times. Braveheart and Passion Of The Christ are the proof.
Title: Re: Apocalypto
Post by: scottws on Saturday, March 03, 2007, 09:00:03 PM
I'm with D here... Did anyone end up seeing it?  I don't know anyone that's seen it.
Title: Re: Apocalypto
Post by: Pugnate on Sunday, March 04, 2007, 12:11:51 AM
I can get past the big hooplah surrounding Gibson... good movies are good movies... The Jesus Chainsaw Massacre was not a good movie though. At least in my opinion, so I withhold judgment until I've seen it. Gotta at least give it a chance, it's a novel concept in any case.


Title: Re: Apocalypto
Post by: Cobra951 on Sunday, March 04, 2007, 04:02:03 PM
I'm with D here... Did anyone end up seeing it?  I don't know anyone that's seen it.

I saw it, but not at the theater.  It's worth watching.  I will warn you that there is a lot of savagery, death, bodies and bloodletting.  Jennie may not be into that sort of thing?  My mother made it through the whole thing, though.
Title: Re: Apocalypto
Post by: poomcgoo on Sunday, March 04, 2007, 04:29:38 PM
Mel Gibson is awesome, the Passion was even more awesome, and it will be awesome when I see Apocalypto because I bet it's awesome.
Title: Re: Apocalypto
Post by: ender on Tuesday, March 06, 2007, 10:38:04 AM
I saw it in theaters. It was very well done, but fucking sick. But I enjoyed it for the most part. Mel does have problems though.
Title: Re: Apocalypto
Post by: TheOtherBelmont on Monday, March 12, 2007, 12:21:11 AM
I finally got around to seeing this, it was good, but holy crap it was more brutal than I expected (not that I mind though).
Title: Mel Gibson's Apocalypto (movie)
Post by: MysterD on Saturday, June 02, 2007, 08:14:39 AM
Anyone seen this movie directed/written by Mel Gibson yet?

Better than expected.
Yuh, it was quite good.
Title: Re: Mel Gibson's Apocalypto (movie)
Post by: Quemaqua on Saturday, June 02, 2007, 10:06:31 AM
I enjoyed it rather thoroughly, though it was pretty crazy.  I loved the ending.  Really ominous and slightly unexpected but still not entirely unhappy in terms of the immediate story.
Title: Re: Mel Gibson's Apocalypto (movie)
Post by: TheOtherBelmont on Saturday, June 02, 2007, 11:10:07 AM
There's already a topic about this movie. (http://www.overwritten.net/forum/index.php?topic=978.0)
Title: Re: Apocalypto
Post by: Pugnate on Saturday, June 02, 2007, 11:49:54 AM
I saw it in theaters. It was very well done, but fucking sick. But I enjoyed it for the most part. Mel does have problems though.

hahaha... you make him sound so sick.

Next thing you know he will start making snuff films.
Title: Re: Apocalypto
Post by: Quemaqua on Saturday, June 02, 2007, 12:07:59 PM
Thanks for pointing that out, Tet.  I mean... Belmont.  Damn you and your name change.  I still always call you Tet.  Anyhoo... topics merged.
Title: Re: Mel Gibson's Apocalypto (movie)
Post by: MysterD on Saturday, June 02, 2007, 03:17:26 PM
There's already a topic about this movie. (http://www.overwritten.net/forum/index.php?topic=978.0)

How the hell did I miss that?!?!?!?

Thanks for the merge, Que!

Quote from: Que
I enjoyed it rather thoroughly, though it was pretty crazy.  I loved the ending.  Really ominous and slightly unexpected but still not entirely unhappy in terms of the immediate story.
Agreed, Que.
Title: Re: Apocalypto
Post by: iPPi on Monday, June 18, 2007, 11:03:00 AM
Finally got a chance to watch this movie.  Great film overall.  I highly enjoyed it.