Author Topic: Alien Breed and it's confusing releases  (Read 919 times)

Offline W7RE

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Alien Breed and it's confusing releases
« on: Thursday, September 23, 2010, 12:14:58 AM »
So this week on XBLA Alien Breed 2: Assault was released. (it's on PS3 and PC also, but I don't know about the release schedule for those versions, they could be out already.) I downloaded it to check it out, and it felt really familiar. So I check the marketplace and there's also Alien Breed Evolution (Alien Breed Episode 1). After a little digging, I come to realize that:

-Alien Breed Evolution is a remake of the original Amiga game.
-Alien Breed: Impact is an upgraded version of the remake (only on PC I think)
-Alien Breed 2: Assault is a remake of the Amiga sequel

What's weird though, is that Assault feels like a remake/tweaked version of Evolution. I even downloaded Evolution again to compare. they both have all the same startup screens, nearly identical game menu, same controller layout and even the same picture for controller mapping, I think. Both start off with "XXX time after collision. You're soon thrown into the game and told how to move and shoot, then you hit a busted control panel to get some power back on. Then in Evolution an explosion goes off and you're surrounded by enough debris that you have to shoot 3 red barrels around the room to blast it clear. This is to teach you that red barrels explode. In Assault, it's the EXACT SAME SEQUENCE, except that instead of debris it's a security alert that encases you in a protective barrier before you're told to blow up the red barrels. They both have the same art style, though one is slightly darker and better looking. The levels are different, but with all the same ideas in nearly the same order.

I swear these are both the same game. It's like the first one is an early demo and the second one is a more advanced final product. I'm not sure how this even happened. I mean, I understand that Impact was a redone version of Evolution, but then why are Evolution and Assault almost like the exact same game?

I'm not even sure if I'd want to buy any of them, since I have the free Alien Swarm on Steam, which I haven't even loaded up yet. I'm just a little confused on how they've released the same game 3 times with different names. Maybe it's a ploy to get people to buy it again? Maybe they just kept working on the game after releasing it?