Author Topic: Overwritten Radio Episode 003 - The Adults Only Podcast  (Read 15203 times)

Offline Quemaqua

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Overwritten Radio Episode 003 - The Adults Only Podcast
« on: Sunday, July 22, 2007, 07:04:11 PM »
Get it while it's hot!  Overwritten Radio Episode 003 - The Adults Only Podcast clocks in at just over an hour and about 14 megs, and it's bursting at the seams with informative, slightly outdated (sorry) information, delivered to you from the warped and slightly homoerotic minds of myself, the dogfood-enthroned Idolminds (I'm sorry, I need to stop making inside jokes), NatchDan the porngroove king, the less filling yet still great taste of K-Man, and the floating head of doom himself, PyroMenace.

We discuss some E3 topics of interest that probably would have been more interesting had I gotten the show edited in a timely fashion, the Manhunt 2 / ESRB / censorship / Adults Only topic that seems to still be at least somewhat relevant, and plenty more gaming-related goodness.  Dan also provided us with a sweet new chiptune track that you'll hear as a pair of segment breakers.

So get downloading, and enjoy these notes to the show, gloriously cataloged in all their linky glory by idol.  Except for the ones he forgot.  Please do let us know if we missed something that you're curious about!  That's why we have forums, folks: because we're too lazy to get it right the first time.

* Gears of War PC.
* Geometry Wars on STEAM.
* Wii Fit.
* Super Mario Galaxy.
* Metroid Prime 3 (preview).
* Overlord.
* The Darkness (see also my in-depth review).
* Scavenger.
* Manhunt 2.
* Thrill Kill.
* Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude - Uncut and Uncensored.
* I'm O.K. (courtesy of Derek Yu's game page).
* Bit-Blot, often-referenced developers of Aquaria (of whom Derek Yu is one).

Thanks everybody!  Listen and give us feedback!  We need your help to suck less!

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Re: Overwritten Radio Episode 003 - The Adults Only Podcast
« Reply #1 on: Sunday, July 22, 2007, 07:13:57 PM »
Hooray! Though I have given up on the dogfood throne.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Overwritten Radio Episode 003 - The Adults Only Podcast
« Reply #2 on: Sunday, July 22, 2007, 07:42:40 PM »
In other news, I am totally downloading Thrill Kill right now.  Awesome.  In exactly 3 hours, I'll post impressions.

From the Magical Underworld Store:

The PlayStation's most famous canceled fighter, Thrill Kill was never officially released in any region. Surprisingly enough, the finished game is a popular underground/black market item.

An unbelievable upset, EA's smiting of Virgin and Paradox's masterpiece fighting game is one of the great heartbreaks in gaming history. How dare they cancel the greatest, bloodiest, freakiest, goriest, most violent, most morbid, most gruesome, and most kick-a$$ fighter ever! But IGN's readers have been able to see through this injustice and proclaim Thrill Kill as their choice for the greatest game ever made. Not all eleven hundred voters put Thrill Kill at their top -- in fact, many were even remiss in giving Thrill Kill any credit at all -- but by the numbers, it bests everything the PlayStation has ever had to offer. Bravo to you all for voting Thrill Kill at #1. Love lifts up where we belong, but graphic, wanton, kinky violence gets you even higher.

Best overview ever.

Also, it should be noted that this is (apparently) the uncensored version.  To be honest, I'm a little scared.

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Re: Overwritten Radio Episode 003 - The Adults Only Podcast
« Reply #3 on: Sunday, July 22, 2007, 08:11:24 PM »

Offline PyroMenace

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Re: Overwritten Radio Episode 003 - The Adults Only Podcast
« Reply #4 on: Sunday, July 22, 2007, 08:14:14 PM »
Wow Indigo Prophecy Directors Cut is on there.

Offline sirean_syan

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Re: Overwritten Radio Episode 003 - The Adults Only Podcast
« Reply #5 on: Sunday, July 22, 2007, 11:55:23 PM »
I actually played the leaked version of Thrill Kill closer to when the thing was actually released and from what I remember, it was nothing more than an excuse to show off violence and sex in a poorly put together game. I don't even remember it being all that sexy or violent... it was just kinda stupid.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Overwritten Radio Episode 003 - The Adults Only Podcast
« Reply #6 on: Monday, July 23, 2007, 12:35:41 AM »
For the record, not only did Indigo Prophecy completely fucking suck from about the last 3rd on (while being amazing in the beginning), the "adult" stuff really seemed sort of superfluous and weird.  I wanted to play the uncensored version just because I always want to see everything the dev intended the game to be, but afterward, I wished I'd just played the censored NA version.  The euro version's extra stuff just felt cheesy and unnecessary.  Not even inappropriate or nasty, just... out of place.  It didn't work.

Also, I've been playing Thrill Kill for about 2 hours now, and I have to disagree, Sy.  The crazy violence and semi-deviant outfits of the characters probably would have been a bit more controversial at the time of the game's original planned release, but yeah, they're really not particularly crazy at this point.  I mean, it's all over the top and stuff, but nothing so shocking.  It's almost more funny.  The game, on the other hand, is quite fun and actually a lot better than I expected.


If there's a plot, I missed it.  But the general idea is that you've got 4 people thrown into a really tiny room with no exits.  To win, as you might expect, you have to beat the living crap out of the other people in there with you.  As you might also expect, you also have to do this by tracking your progress by a colored bar while you beat them.  The difference is that instead of subtracting to your bar every time you get hit, you add to your bar every time you hit somebody.  The idea is to fill the bar the fastest, because whoever gets it all the way up first gets to kill one of the other contestants.  They get a quick scene with them going all hardcore, then they basically chase down one of the other hapless fuckers, hit a random attack button, and kill him instantly.  Then the next round is the same thing, except there's one less character and the character who killed him in the previous round gets a slight bonus to his meter, getting him just that much closer to victory at the beginning.  It's actually good stuff.  The rounds are pretty tense, the moves are decently varied and useful in different circumstances, and the characters all seem to have different strengths and weaknesses (though I'm just basing that on the way they fight... I've mostly just used one guy).  This would really make a great multiplayer game, just for that last moment where you have three guys cowering in a corner trying to see if they can get away from the executioner who's got a decapitation with their name on it.  Classic.  If nobody gets killed and the executioners meter drains away (which it begins to do slowly after he goes crazy), then the round resumes.  Damn hard to escape from that, though.

The rest of it is... marginal.  The graphics aren't bad for a PS game, but they aren't a wow from an artistic standpoint.  That said, they're fun and functional.  Everything is consistent, at least, around the weird theme.  The arenas are all back alleys, sewers, padded rooms, iron cages, industrial stuff, whatever.  They're all very small and very square. So no variety there, but that isn't really the point.  The point is to keep you smashed right on the other guys.  The other guys themselves are pretty entertaining.  You've got a giant super-hulk kind of dude, a contortionist chick, a sort of s&m nurse type chick, a midget on stilts (who has some really funny outfits), the "tormentor" guy who's basically another s&m type, then a guy in a straight jacket, a crazy doctor with a metal jaw, a guy who blows fire out of himself, and a cannibalistic redneck.  There's also two sort of last bosses, one of which is basically just a crazy demon woman, and the other which is too awesome for me to spoil.  Seriously, play the game and find it.  Its name is "Judas" and it had me cracking up when I realized what it was.  There might be more, I dunno'.  I only beat it once.  Playing it on my PSP, so it crashed once during my first game.

Oh, and the music kind of sucks.  Also, the finishing moves are pretty lame.  Some of them are rather funny, but I'm not sure what dictates getting what animation.  There seems to be an awful lot of the exact same decapitation move between the various characters.  So that's a little disappointing.  Still, a lot of the normal moves are fun, and some of the executions do okay, so it isn't really that big of a deal.

It's actually giving me a little bit of a Twisted Metal: Black feel.  Just with the sort of morbid sense of humor, and the fact that each character has some crazy video you get at the end of the game.  Which is like a lot of fighting games I guess, but these just strike me as like the ones at the end of TMB.  Well, the one I saw anyway.

So yeah, try the game out.  I think it's actually pretty fun.  I think it would be great to play at the next OWmeet!

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Re: Overwritten Radio Episode 003 - The Adults Only Podcast
« Reply #7 on: Monday, July 23, 2007, 04:53:22 PM »
LOL @ Que saying JT going after Wii-Fit b/c of Wii-Fit killing gamers!!!

Though, I'm kinda' disappointed to hear nobody here mentioned STALKER: Clear Sky being at the E3 and coming as soon as 2008. Was I the only one who loved STALKER: Shadow here????!?!!?

LOL @ Disney putting their movies on XB Marketplace, yet they support Blu-Ray ONLY. I didn't know Disney was doin' that. That's funny, since Disney don't support HD-DVD...well, not yet anyways...

Back to Manhunt 2, I don't think it's just the violence and Wii-controls that got it the AO, guys. There's a good amount of sexual content and sex scenes in it, as well... I think that is what put MH2 over-the-top, for the actual AO rating -- we know violence gets you "M", but most games getting "AO" like Fahrenheit (AKA Indigo Prophecy) have both violence and sex.
Here's what was said on Manhunt 2 by NGamer, who got a final copy of MH2 and reviewed for the Wii, before the game was released.

NGamer calls it one of the best-looking games on Wii to date before summing up: "A lot of people are going to be offended by it, for its copious violence and occasional sex scene, and somebody, somewhere is going to get a shock when they walk in on a friend laterally bisecting a hunter's head with realistic sawing motions. Manhunt 2 is what Wii's parental controls are for. The sticker on the box says it's for over 18s only and, believe us, it's not wrong.
« Last Edit: Monday, July 23, 2007, 05:37:18 PM by MysterD »

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Re: Overwritten Radio Episode 003 - The Adults Only Podcast
« Reply #8 on: Monday, July 23, 2007, 05:46:15 PM »
Oh hell.  Now he's quoting the podcast.  We're all screwed.

But thanks for the point about MH2 and the sex stuff, MyD.  I had no idea there was anything sexual in it other than the sex club environment a few people have talked about.  I'll have to look into it further, possibly add a note to the next show.

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Re: Overwritten Radio Episode 003 - The Adults Only Podcast
« Reply #9 on: Monday, July 23, 2007, 05:49:53 PM »
I sound much less like an idiot redneck than I thought.

Although I'm disappointed that you removed the nipple remark.

At least you kept the hard and deep.

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Re: Overwritten Radio Episode 003 - The Adults Only Podcast
« Reply #10 on: Monday, July 23, 2007, 06:30:27 PM »
The nipples are there!  You just aren't listening carefully enough.

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Re: Overwritten Radio Episode 003 - The Adults Only Podcast
« Reply #11 on: Monday, July 23, 2007, 07:35:53 PM »
Oh hell.  Now he's quoting the podcast.  We're all screwed.

But thanks for the point about MH2 and the sex stuff, MyD.
Of course!
No problem, bro.

I had no idea there was anything sexual in it other than the sex club environment a few people have talked about.  I'll have to look into it further, possibly add a note to the next show.
I knew there was *this* content, I just had to actually find the thread and the link for where I read it!

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Re: Overwritten Radio Episode 003 - The Adults Only Podcast
« Reply #12 on: Tuesday, July 24, 2007, 09:57:17 PM »
Good work all. I especially enjoyed the musical intermissions and I understand those were Dan's work. So, nice job there.... yo.

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Re: Overwritten Radio Episode 003 - The Adults Only Podcast
« Reply #13 on: Monday, August 13, 2007, 02:48:55 AM »
Man I just listened to the Podcast for the first time! You guys are awesome! Seriously!

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Overwritten Radio Episode 003 - The Adults Only Podcast
« Reply #14 on: Monday, August 13, 2007, 06:16:03 AM »
Thanks dude.  New episode hopefully coming to you shortly.  I really need to get off my ass.

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Re: Overwritten Radio Episode 003 - The Adults Only Podcast
« Reply #15 on: Monday, August 13, 2007, 08:15:27 PM »
Thanks dude.  New episode hopefully coming to you shortly.  I really need to get off my ass.

Has Ep 4 been recorded yet?

Or will Ep 4 be recording sometime....soon....?

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Re: Overwritten Radio Episode 003 - The Adults Only Podcast
« Reply #16 on: Monday, August 13, 2007, 08:26:55 PM »
Soon.  Ish.

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Re: Overwritten Radio Episode 003 - The Adults Only Podcast
« Reply #17 on: Monday, August 13, 2007, 10:56:49 PM »
Looking forward to it :)

Hehe man I'm realizing how much we all have in common as gamers! Quake 2 was the game that converted me to the mouse too :P

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Re: Overwritten Radio Episode 003 - The Adults Only Podcast
« Reply #18 on: Tuesday, August 14, 2007, 08:27:06 PM »

Quake 2 was the game that converted me to the mouse too :P

Same here.