Author Topic: deus ex 3!  (Read 48573 times)

Offline Pugnate

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Re: deus ex 3!
« Reply #40 on: Sunday, December 09, 2007, 01:06:52 AM »
I don't know what it was, but I totally dug the first area of the first Deus

Absolutely. I thought the first area was great myself.

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Re: deus ex 3!
« Reply #41 on: Sunday, December 09, 2007, 09:32:13 PM »
Ok, I personally don't think it is bad.  But I do think it is by far the weakest level in the game, with the second level not far behind.

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Re: deus ex 3!
« Reply #42 on: Sunday, December 09, 2007, 10:33:25 PM »
What about your favorite level on Deus Ex? I personally loved the mission on Hong Kong. Not only did the the futuristic Hong Kong look great, it had some great missions. Plus it gave us that special Katana.

Damn, I feel like playing this game again. I've already finished it plenty of times, but not in many years.

Maybe they should make another Blade Runner game in the mould of Deus Ex.

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Re: deus ex 3!
« Reply #43 on: Monday, December 10, 2007, 08:06:45 AM »
Yeah, I think Hong Kong is my favorite because it's so huge and there is so much to explore.  I've really wanted to try getting there with my swimming skill maxxed out because there is obviously something you can do over by the one junk, but I can never bring myself to put points in swimming.  There are so many more important skills.

But yeah I'm having a blast playing through it again.  So far I'm still in Hell's Kitchen though.

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Re: deus ex 3!
« Reply #44 on: Monday, December 10, 2007, 12:25:09 PM »
Whenever I get bored with gaming I always go back to Deus I feel stupid because I let someone borrow it and now its gone forever. I liked Hong Kong a lot too, its the level where you can tell the developers got into stride with the game.

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Re: deus ex 3!
« Reply #45 on: Monday, December 10, 2007, 01:27:38 PM »
I have two copies and lost both.

Offline MysterD

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Re: deus ex 3!
« Reply #46 on: Saturday, October 04, 2008, 11:18:03 AM »
Preview for DE3

Deus Ex 3: First details
Saturday 4-Oct-2008 11:24 AM Long-awaited prequel revealed in PC Zone 200

The first details on Eidos Montreal's Deus Ex 3 have been revealed, in the pages of PC Zone's landmark 200th issue.

It's out in the shops on Thursday, but PC Zone subscribers are reporting that copies of PCZ number 200 have hit doormats this morning. The cover game? Deus Ex 3 - the long-awaited return of the world's favourite nano-augmented RPG-shooter.

In essence, it looks and sounds fantastic. The art direction is a beautiful meld of the renaissance and cyberpunk (tying into the game's Leonardo Da Vinci motif) and is going for a lot more stylised look than the sort of game that comes from the Unreal Engine cookie-cutter.

It sounds like Eidos Montreal isn't leaving anything to chance; a "powerful, layered" plot is promised for the third game - which has been confirmed as a prequel set in 2027- and the dev has even drafted in the consultative talents of original writer Sheldon Pacotti, while also gaining the blessing of both Harvey Smith and Warren Spector on the project.

You're cast as average joe Adam Jensen, who works as a private security officer at a technology lab specialising in biomechanical augmentations, a forerunner to the sort of nanotechnology shown in the original Deus Ex. One day the path of his life is unexpectedly altered as a team of black ops commandos break into his company's HQ, and using a security plan from Jensen's own hand, a mass slaughter ensues and the conspiracy begins.

"Deus Ex 3's vision of the future sees holographic screens flicker atop ferries moving back and forth in front of the Shanghai skyline, now split into two layers with the rich on the top and the poor in perpetual twilight below," says PCZ.

Eidos Montreal says it's more than aware of fan reaction to controversial second game, Invisible War, and promises mistakes, such as limiting ammo types to just one, won't be repeated.

This said, they are doing their utmost to please newcomers as well as existing fans. Perhaps controversially this time around combat won't be influenced by stats, but will rely purely on your personal marksmanship skills. Instead stats will influence "a vast array of fully upgradeable and customisable weapons", and you'll be able to tailor your arsenal to your play style with mag upgrades, scopes and other add-ons.

What's more, stealth will now rely on a cover system rather than shadows, and damage will be dealt with by a very Call of Duty-style auto-heal. There's probably going to be some debate over those two.

Augmentations have been bumped up and sound fantastic. 20 have been promised for the final game, ranging from 'bungee jump' tentacles that shoot from your back and anchor to a wall when you jump off a building, and the ability to punch through walls to grab enemies in neighbouring rooms.

Deus Ex 3 certainly sounds very, very promising - if a little controversial for die-hard PC fans. And just wait until you see the shots...

For more info and the first screenshots see the full ten-page preview in the 200th issue of PC Zone, out October 9 (and in subscribers' hands now). Happy 200th issue, by the way.

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Re: deus ex 3!
« Reply #47 on: Saturday, October 04, 2008, 10:20:37 PM »
It still sounds questionable. A lot of it seems like they're trying really really hard to appeal to the crowds of Call of Duty, Gears of War, and Halo rather than stand firm and unique like the original DX.

As curious as I am to see how it turns out I don't expect much. Eidos have done a phenomenal job of deteriorating so many franchises, with the recent exception of Tomb Raider; the upcoming TR: Underworld will be the judge of whether or not that still holds.

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Re: deus ex 3!
« Reply #48 on: Sunday, October 05, 2008, 12:10:57 AM »
I like how he thinks the big problem with Invisible War was that there weren't enough ammo types.  That made me laugh.

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Re: deus ex 3!
« Reply #49 on: Sunday, October 05, 2008, 03:07:45 AM »
Is that concept art?

Offline MysterD

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Re: deus ex 3!
« Reply #50 on: Sunday, October 05, 2008, 04:58:36 AM »
I like how he thinks the big problem with Invisible War was that there weren't enough ammo types.  That made me laugh.

Well, that's one of many issues there...One unified ammo meter was a huge problem for me. Took a while getting used to that, as I'd switch to another gun, ready to fire and be like, "Aw, shit....empty b/c of unified ammo. No other game does that. WTF?"

There's also the other problems of game design -- such as the consolization of the Inventory (major ewwwwww!), removal of the skill system, and the poor performance of the game upon modern systems back when it came out. There's your big problems with DE: Invisible War, I think; which really are all game design issues and a technical stupidity. Really, Ion Storm hit it the game design part perfectly w/ the original DE -- they should've not changed much from that style for the PC version, in terms of game design.

About auto-healing, in DE3 -- depends on how hard they make shootouts and how big and grand in scale they make shootouts. If they are damn tough, then that's probably a good idea to throw in. I mean, that's why it really works in the CoD games.

Personally, given the whole DE-theme with nanotech-augementation, I think it'd be cooler if some auto-healing regeneration thing was sort of say Nanotech-augmentation item you should have to find in the game to implant directly into yourself.

I like the sounds of some of those DE3's augmentations, though. Those sound slick.

Offline MysterD

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Re: deus ex 3!
« Reply #51 on: Sunday, October 05, 2008, 05:24:42 AM »
For those who were wondering in DE3 was going to lose its conversation system, multiple choices to finish missions/quests, and somewhat open-world -- don't sweat that.

Eidos Montreal's Community Manager wanted to add MORE clarifications to the C&VG story.

Deus Ex 3 is an RPG, According to Eidos
Oct 04, 2008 at 3:21 PM - Robert "Apache" Howarth - 37 Comments
Eidos Montréal's community manager for Deus Ex 3 fired off a few clarifications about the C&VG story:

    "Deus Ex 3 is indeed an RPG. It's a hybrid action/RPG just like the first game. There is a skill system where you upgrade your character (Adam) based off experience points you earn and you can do the same thing with weapons. It's a game with a very detailed plot with numerous characters you interact with. The gameplay takes the form of a consequence-driven multi-path, multi-solution approach in a non-linear space.

    For stealth, that is another major pillar of gameplay and we do have it. The difference is that it's now cover-based rather than "shadow/light-based" as in the past games."

Hopefully that makes Andy and the rest of you a litte less sad!

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Re: deus ex 3!
« Reply #52 on: Sunday, October 05, 2008, 01:01:50 PM »
I hope they take a note from Crysis and make the weapon modification in a similar way.

I'd have to see a lot more content before I can feel comfortable (or disuaded) about Deus Ex 3.

Offline MysterD

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Re: deus ex 3!
« Reply #53 on: Sunday, October 05, 2008, 03:36:00 PM »
I still think it's too early as well, Xessive.

Offline MysterD

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Re: deus ex 3!
« Reply #54 on: Monday, November 10, 2008, 07:54:53 PM » has an article on Deus Ex 3

In keeping with this increased blockbuster bent, Eidos Montreal is adding boss fights and creating a greater variation in pace, citing Deus Ex as ‘kind of slow’. “There weren’t enough exciting, memorable moments,” says Dugas. “It was aimed more towards a simulation rather than a game experience.”
I hope they don't do too many boss fights here. There were 3 characters you were forced to kill in the original DE. Sure, you could kill more, if you so chose to.;

I don't mind having  unique NPC's you can fight, but in most instances, you should be able to talk your way out of stuff in most cases (if your have the right skill and/or nanotech equipped) -- like the old DE.

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Re: deus ex 3!
« Reply #55 on: Monday, November 10, 2008, 08:04:38 PM »
These people haven't struck me as knowing what they're doing with this, overmuch.  I'm getting the distinct impression that this game won't end up being what it should be.

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Re: deus ex 3!
« Reply #56 on: Monday, November 10, 2008, 08:13:05 PM »
These people haven't struck me as knowing what they're doing with this, overmuch.  I'm getting the distinct impression that this game won't end up being what it should be.

I'm sure someone like say BethSoft would be more appropriate to make say a Deus Ex 3.

Offline Xessive

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Re: deus ex 3!
« Reply #57 on: Tuesday, November 11, 2008, 12:14:40 PM »
After playing Fallout 3 I kinda feel Deus Ex was more in line with that sort of a game. The Original Deus Ex was really the closest thing to an Elder Scrolls game outside of the fantasy theme.

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Re: deus ex 3!
« Reply #58 on: Friday, January 30, 2009, 04:45:58 PM »
More info on DE3 that has been translated from a recent preview on the game that is not in English right here.

Here's some of the translation of some of the stuff to be found in DE3.

-the world is ruled by megacorporations, more powerful than national governments. The conspiracy groups are setting these corporations against each other.

-the black ops slaughter the research division of the corporation Adam works at. The questions who and why is behind the attack are answered relatively soon into the game, however more serious questions arise with the answers.

-You will be regularly visiting Adam's apartment with many reminiscences of his past like photos and a diary

-The game takes place in five well-known metropoleis, mentioned were Shanghai, Detroit and Montreal

-Women play a large role in the game, some of them you've known for a long time, others will try to seduce or betray you, depending on your previous actions

-Bosses are included, their difficulty also depending on your previous actions

-The secret societies are just puppets for a shadowy figure who wants to take control over all of the market, society, and the human evolution.

-The events of the game will lead to the establishment of UNATCO

-The main villain is to be 'similiar' to Jensen

-a rescue mission across the globe later in the game

-squad based combat AI with a visually identifiable squad leader

Offline MysterD

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Re: deus ex 3!
« Reply #59 on: Thursday, March 26, 2009, 03:38:00 PM »
DE3's Lead Designer Jean Francois Dugas of Eidos Montreal says he is aiming to make DE3 more like the original.

Yeah, we'll have to wait and see about that one, I think....

Deus Ex 3 More Like DX1
[Mar 26, 2009, 4:44 pm ET] - Share - 7 Comments
NowGamer has a couple of quotes of interest from an interview with Jean Francois Dugas, lead designer on Deus Ex 3, the action/RPG sequel in development at Eidos Montreal. The quotes are from a full print interview in TotalPCGaming: "We ultimately decided to focus more on the first game," he states, saying he's on the "same page" as fans who want the series to return to its roots: "...In terms of being a Deus Ex game, we keep the core gameplay essence alive, which is a hybrid of action-RPG in which the core gameplay mechanics revolve around combat, stealth, hacking, and social aspects."

He also says their environments will be larger than Deus Ex 2: "think Hong Kong in Deus Ex 1."

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Re: deus ex 3!
« Reply #60 on: Thursday, March 26, 2009, 03:42:31 PM »
Well what choice did they have? Go with the critically acclaimed one or the crummy sequel that was reamed in online forums by the community and scored much lower by the critics? Obviously, they're gonna try to lead us to believe that they've learned from the mistakes of DX:IW. That's their only marketing tool for now "it won't suck, please believe us!"

I hope it kicks ass.

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Re: deus ex 3!
« Reply #61 on: Thursday, March 26, 2009, 04:10:06 PM »
I hope it kicks ass.
I hope it turns out good at the very least, of course.

I doubt it will top the original DE -- one of my favorite games of time.

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Re: deus ex 3!
« Reply #63 on: Tuesday, February 09, 2010, 03:39:21 PM »
Imagine if Bioware got a hold of this franchise. With them finally learning how to develop a good action game, they could be the ones to do justice to Deus Ex.

I hope DE3 is great, but I have low expectations.

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Re: deus ex 3!
« Reply #64 on: Tuesday, February 09, 2010, 03:44:23 PM »
Great point you make above this post here, Pug...

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Re: deus ex 3!
« Reply #65 on: Tuesday, February 09, 2010, 05:42:31 PM »
I don't know about Bioware, I mean we already have great sci-fi franchise from them. I think Starbreeze could make a great DX sequel.

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Re: deus ex 3!
« Reply #66 on: Tuesday, February 09, 2010, 07:38:47 PM »
Starbreeze... I could definitely see them doing something cool with the franchise.

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Re: deus ex 3!
« Reply #67 on: Tuesday, February 09, 2010, 07:52:59 PM »
Hmm... I was not aware (or may have just forgotten) that Eidos was acquired by Square Enix.  I'm not sure how this game will be handled in Square Enix's hand.  To be quite honest Square's track record for this current generation's games have been filled with mediocrity.

I also didn't really play the second game at all because of the poor performance of the game on PCs. 

That said, I agree with pug; if this game was developed by Bioware, I would be a lot more interested in this game.

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Re: deus ex 3!
« Reply #68 on: Wednesday, February 10, 2010, 08:22:37 AM »
Starbreeze wouldn't be bad, though they seem to be more about creating gritty action games.

The first Deus Ex actually was structured a lot like Mass Effect in a few ways. Plus, it had hour long periods that were simply about NPC interaction, exploration, etc. Though some of the level design did feel starbreezy, I must say.

DE3's Lead Designer Jean Francois Dugas of Eidos Montreal says he is aiming to make DE3 more like the original.

Yeah, we'll have to wait and see about that one, I think....

Holy shit, I just read this. This lead designer shows knows how to make a Deus Ex fan excited. I hope that is true. I am really pleased to see that he is taking inspiration from the Hong Kong level. God speed Jean Francois Dugas!

It is definitely a change in tune. I remember early in the development cycle, they were talking about how gamers wanted a more simplified experience.

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Re: deus ex 3!
« Reply #69 on: Thursday, March 11, 2010, 11:32:12 PM »
Teaser Trailer

So, completely new character, prequel to the first game.  Will have to see gameplay footage to determine if it's going to be good or not.

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Re: deus ex 3!
« Reply #70 on: Thursday, March 11, 2010, 11:45:58 PM »

The visuals look a little Mass Effect 2.

Offline Xessive

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Re: deus ex 3!
« Reply #71 on: Friday, March 12, 2010, 09:45:10 AM »
Looks pretty good so far.

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Re: deus ex 3!
« Reply #72 on: Friday, March 12, 2010, 02:46:28 PM »
That trailer got me pretty excited, surprisingly.
Now, I need to see some in-game footage and stuff.

Let's hope it doesn't disappoint like DX: IW did. Honestly, I think if someone made a mod to have enemies drop specific bullets for specific guns instead of that unified ammo crap, that would be a step in the right direction to basically FIX the game.

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Re: deus ex 3!
« Reply #73 on: Friday, March 12, 2010, 03:01:43 PM »
Once I read that it didn't have ingame footage, I realized I didn't want to watch it.

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Re: deus ex 3!
« Reply #74 on: Friday, March 12, 2010, 03:10:47 PM »
Once I read that it didn't have ingame footage, I realized I didn't want to watch it.

I like the direction of where the trailer's going.
Now, give me some in-game footage, dammit...

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Re: deus ex 3!
« Reply #75 on: Friday, March 12, 2010, 04:46:18 PM »
It's kind of sad reading comments about this (well, reading comments on most things is usually pretty sad). People see the wings and assume the series is taking a supernatural direction or something, but don't realize that they're looking at a dream sequence. It actually seems like a pretty cool direction since the series really is about questioning how we integrate with technology.

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Re: deus ex 3!
« Reply #76 on: Friday, March 12, 2010, 07:48:18 PM »
It's kind of sad reading comments about this (well, reading comments on most things is usually pretty sad). People see the wings and assume the series is taking a supernatural direction or something, but don't realize that they're looking at a dream sequence. It actually seems like a pretty cool direction since the series really is about questioning how we integrate with technology.

Yea, it's Icarus flying too close to the sun, much the way the main character is becoming more than he should be. Isn't this moral questioning of the cybernetics typical of the Dues Ex games? (never got far in the first one, so I don't really know)

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Re: deus ex 3!
« Reply #77 on: Friday, March 12, 2010, 07:52:21 PM »
Isn't this moral questioning of the cybernetics typical of the Dues Ex games? (never got far in the first one, so I don't really know)
Most definitely.

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Re: deus ex 3!
« Reply #78 on: Friday, June 04, 2010, 02:20:52 PM »

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Re: deus ex 3!
« Reply #79 on: Friday, June 04, 2010, 07:39:09 PM »
Still no gameplay footage...