Author Topic: The Currently Playing Thread / Recently Finished Thread  (Read 283642 times)

Offline Pugnate

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #40 on: Thursday, September 28, 2006, 04:00:38 AM »
Playing Mario Power Tennis and WWE Day of Reckoning 2.

Offline MysterD

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #41 on: Thursday, September 28, 2006, 01:52:26 PM »
Add PoP: Warrior Within (PC) to the list of games I'm currently playing...

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #42 on: Thursday, September 28, 2006, 03:47:40 PM »
Earlier, installed DM of MM SP demo. The Dark Messiah of Might & Magic SP demo was quite good -- but was over way too quickly, to suit me.

It's basically Arx Fatalis w/ much better graphics, some physics, more action-orientated gameplay, and a easier (and much better) magic system.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #43 on: Thursday, September 28, 2006, 04:13:31 PM »
Hmm, I still wonder why I never played Arx Fatalis.. I had never even really heard of it until sometime around 2004/05. It's really weird how that one slipped under my radar.. I think I kept confusing it was Arcanum or something, or I thought it was another weird Civ kinda game.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #44 on: Thursday, September 28, 2006, 06:56:12 PM »
Go play it.  It still holds up.  Very fun game that does some unique stuff.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #45 on: Thursday, September 28, 2006, 10:21:17 PM »
I would have lent it to you if you lived nearby. It is good, but pretty grim.
« Last Edit: Friday, September 29, 2006, 01:52:43 AM by Pugnate »

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #46 on: Friday, September 29, 2006, 01:48:17 AM »
I'm playing Okami, just like everyone else here is and I'm also playing Megaman ZX for the DS. Its a little tough but I'm having a good amount of fun with it, its good to play a platformer again with great looking sprites and animation.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #47 on: Friday, September 29, 2006, 01:14:01 PM »
I just found an Arx Fatalis torrent, so I'm gonna check it out and hopefully it will excite me (even more) about Dark Messiah!

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #48 on: Friday, September 29, 2006, 04:15:32 PM »
I just played through the FEAR: Extraction Point DEMO.

Now I remember what I loved so much about FEAR.....combat in that game is intense, vicious, and flat-out rules. :)

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #49 on: Friday, September 29, 2006, 04:47:01 PM »
Just played a bit of Arx. It's pretty awkward and stiff in terms of control. It also seems prone to crashing. It has some pretty good elements, but because the graphics are dated the overall appeal is not impressive, especially with the permanent fog. It looks a lot like Heretic II. I'm sure I would have appreciated more had I played it in its day.

Graphics aside, it just feels too awkward for me to continue playing. The interaction, the magic system, and the inventory just don't feel "right." This might be one of those games I'd rather watch than play.

I'll have to be patient and wait for Dark Messiah!

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #50 on: Friday, September 29, 2006, 05:12:25 PM »
Just played a bit of Arx. It's pretty awkward and stiff in terms of control. It also seems prone to crashing.
Make sure you patch it up to the newest version -- b/c that kills many of the game's bugs.....out the box, it was basically "beta in a box...."

W/ Arx all patched up: I had trouble w/ it crashing all the time on my older PC, but it ran great on my new one. Never had an issue w/ it.

It has some pretty good elements, but because the graphics are dated the overall appeal is not impressive, especially with the permanent fog. It looks a lot like Heretic II. I'm sure I would have appreciated more had I played it in its day.
Arx did look great, for its day....

All this Arx talk makes me wanna go play it some more.....hehe. I do need to finish it. It is good stuff.
Graphics aside, it just feels too awkward for me to continue playing. The interaction, the magic system, and the inventory just don't feel "right." This might be one of those games I'd rather watch than play.
I liked Arx's hand-to-hand/melee combat. For its time, it was very good. Still holds up quite well, if you ask me. And the violence is sweet, w/ the "Fatalities" and all for final blows -- depending on where you swing and how powerful it is, you can sever body parts: torsos, legs, arms, and heads.

I really did like how Arx can let you switch b/t the "mouse cursor" mode and the "regular mode" for when dealing w/ inventory and talking and stuff.

Arx's magic system is something you'll really have to learn -- to be honest, it's for Arx experts, I'd say. B/c you might have to also remember what rune combo does what. You can always do an autocast, though. Me, I prefer the magic system in Dark Messiah. Namely, I find the biggest problem is that b/c Arx doesn't allow you to "pause" when drawing. I don't mind drawing the runes and all, but it can get tough to draw when in actual combat to actually draw it right....

I'll have to be patient and wait for Dark Messiah!
I am looking forward to it.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #51 on: Friday, September 29, 2006, 07:38:58 PM »
Yeah I patched it up to v1.17 (latest patch I could find on 3D Gamers), and it still crashes to desktop occasionally.

I'm not much of a magic user, so I'm not too reliant on using spells. I just use them for convenience, like lighting torches, speed, invisibility, etc. So I'm not too worried about the magic system as of yet..  In general I prefer to do things the old fashioned way (even in Oblivion the only magic I use are Invisibility, Night Eye, and Detect Life). I'm gonna play it some more, see if I can get the hang of it, but if it crashes too much on me I'll jsut quit.

Speaking of Oblivion, I just got back into it and this time I tried out the Mehrune's Razor plugin. It's a pretty sweet mod, and I just acquired Mehrune's Razor! Oddly enough I discovered the mesh for the dagger was already in the game, the plugin just uses it.. Weird..

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #52 on: Monday, October 02, 2006, 01:38:19 PM »
I just got my first atste of Prince of Persia The Two Thrones! A friend of mine just got it on his Xbox, and man is this game sweet. I only saw the beginning of the game, but it's clear that it works very well with it predecessors.

As you play, you collect "Sand Credits" which allow you unlock artwork. A little thing I noticed is that the unlockables are from all three games!

One thing they added that I LOVE is stealth kills! The game isn't stealth oriented, it's the same gameplay as before, but remember those times when an enemy was not facing you, and he hasn't noticed you yet? Well, now you can kill him quickly and quietly. The stealth kills aren't as simple as push a button and it's done, there's a bit of timing skill required. When you push the Y button, it will intiate the Stealth Kill sequence, and then it will signal you to push X for each strike to complete a successful stealth kill. If you push the X button too early or too late, well it fails and you have to fight the old fashioned way. It's pretty cool, I really like it! It's like an Arab Ninja game! So I'm happy :D Now, I'll have to ensure that Ubisoft release a Trilogy pack for PC!

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #53 on: Monday, October 02, 2006, 01:48:54 PM »
Now, I'll have to ensure that Ubisoft release a Trilogy pack for PC!
I have Warrior Within. I am planning to probably get Sands of Time soon; my Best Buy nearby has that for $10, in a small jewel case.

I do like Warrior Within, but it's often trying too hard, in many cases. I don't mind The Prince w/ his new dark and rough attitude and all, but the rock music sounds way too generic and some of the game seems way-over-the-top and often forced. I don't mind the cussing, but it does sound forced by the voice-actor. And, I don't mind excessive violence, but it just seems like every swing I make results in someone dying horribly -- that just get boring and repetitive. At least w/ Arx Fatalis, it likely won't be a decaptiation or a torso be sliced in half w/ every last strike on an enemy; it's just here and there.

The thing is w/ The Two Thrones, I really want Ubi to remove that bloody Starforce in a patch or something. I'll probably scoop that up, sooner of later -- especially if they remove that SF in a patch. If they remove SF in a patch, I'll go buy that game ASAP. Until then, I'll wait for a price drop....

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #54 on: Monday, October 02, 2006, 01:51:24 PM »
Speaking of Oblivion, I just got back into it and this time I tried out the Mehrune's Razor plugin. It's a pretty sweet mod, and I just acquired Mehrune's Razor! Oddly enough I discovered the mesh for the dagger was already in the game, the plugin just uses it.. Weird..
Interesting. I bet that Razor item was planned to be in the game, but just didn't make it for when they planned to put Oblivion out.

Hmmm....I wonder if that entire Mehrunes' Razor quest was planned for the Oblivion game, but was cut out due to time constraints.

I really hope they plan to put all of those plug-in's on disc sometime....If so, they'll get a sale from me...

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #55 on: Tuesday, October 03, 2006, 06:32:01 AM »
I just got Star Wars: KOTOR.  Yeah, I know I'm behind.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #56 on: Tuesday, October 03, 2006, 09:07:10 AM »
I just got Star Wars: KOTOR.  Yeah, I know I'm behind.

Hell, I ain't even finished that -- some 35 hours into it.

And to make it worse, I do own KOTOR II, which is not even installed....

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #57 on: Tuesday, October 03, 2006, 12:44:01 PM »
Still playing Guitar Hero, I beat it on Hard last week, now I'm about 5 songs into Expert.  Star Wars Galaxies has been cutting into my Guitar Hero playing lately, I just hit level 90(max level) recently and have been doing a lot Galactic Civil War PvP stuff they just implemented and been doing player bounties.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #58 on: Tuesday, October 03, 2006, 08:50:19 PM »
I just discovered Gitaroo Man Lives! (PSP).  This game is going to hook me.  I can feel it.  Thing is, I don't even like DDR.  It's a bit of a shock that I like this.  And of course, Okami continues to dominate my game-playing time.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #59 on: Saturday, October 07, 2006, 10:47:50 PM »
I'm not really "currently playing it yet", but earlier today, I reinstalled XIII onto my new PC.

After having trouble w/ Uru: Complete b/c of Coypright protection (Safedisc, pretty much...), installing the SafeDisc driver fix from Microsoft, and eventually getting that going by having to install Ubi's latest file fix for Uru: Complete, I figured what the hell w/ XIII --  try it again! That was another game that had issues w/ Safedisc and locating the CD. A while back, it wouldn't run -- but I wouldn't have any of that, so I uninstalled it out of frustration.

So today, I reinstalled XIII onto my PC. Installed the 1.3 Patch for it. Funny enough, bam -- it worked!!!


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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #60 on: Sunday, October 08, 2006, 01:49:08 AM »
XIII had a lot of potential to be great. I enjoyed the gameplay in general; the movement, the shooting, the satisfying kills. However the game fell short with a few things. I think one of the most annoying things about it was the Checkpoint save system, which seemed kinda buggy too. I hate it when devs don't give you the option to save whenever you want, especially in a FPS.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #61 on: Tuesday, October 10, 2006, 08:29:54 PM »
Yo MyD, Uru is pretty sweet! I just played Uru: Ages Beyond Myst and it's literally "ages beyond myst." The mystery was great, the graphics were great, and now I'm kind of anxious about Uru Live!

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #62 on: Wednesday, October 11, 2006, 02:15:03 PM »
Yo MyD, Uru is pretty sweet! I just played Uru: Ages Beyond Myst and it's literally "ages beyond myst." The mystery was great, the graphics were great, and now I'm kind of anxious about Uru Live!

I created my character -- and that was about it, b/c I am in the midst of already a bunch of games.

Graphically, looks great in full 3D and all. The controls are pretty good, too. :)

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #63 on: Wednesday, October 11, 2006, 03:45:22 PM »
I am currently playing Dawn of War: Dark Crusade.  Anyone that isn't should be punished by arco-flagellation.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #64 on: Friday, November 10, 2006, 03:15:41 PM »
Currently playing:
--Quake 4: DVD Edition

I must say, I just got to the part in Quake 4....
(click to show/hide)

Quake 4 SP rules. Nothing truly innovative, but it freakin' rocks.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #65 on: Friday, November 10, 2006, 05:19:01 PM »
Currently playing:
--Quake 4: DVD Edition

I must say, I just got to the part in Quake 4....
(click to show/hide)

Quake 4 SP rules. Nothing truly innovative, but it freakin' rocks.
Yeah Quake 4 was awesome, and 'that part' was pretty sweet ;D

Right now, I am entranced in the world Faerûn.. NWN2 has sucked me in.

I got Splinter Cell Double Agent (early birthday present ;D), unfortunately my system can't run it because it absolutely requires Shader Model 3.0 and My Radeon X850 Pro (as powerful as it is) is only capable of SM 2.0. Since I'm sticking with ATi, and I'm not buying a new motherboard any time soon, my only option is the Radeon X1650 Pro AGP (Thank God! I won't have to switch to PCIe for a little longer!). Rumour has it ATi will be released an AGP version of the Radeon X1950 as well, it's expected to be released before the end of the year, so I might wait for it, but considering its price will be close to $300 I might just go for the X1650 (I found it for $175).

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #66 on: Friday, November 10, 2006, 05:46:18 PM »
Yeah Quake 4 was awesome, and 'that part' was pretty sweet ;D

Right now, I am entranced in the world Faerûn.. NWN2 has sucked me in.
Awesome. :)

I got Splinter Cell Double Agent (early birthday present ;D), unfortunately my system can't run it because it absolutely requires Shader Model 3.0 and My Radeon X850 Pro (as powerful as it is) is only capable of SM 2.0. Since I'm sticking with ATi, and I'm not buying a new motherboard any time soon, my only option is the Radeon X1650 Pro AGP (Thank God! I won't have to switch to PCIe for a little longer!). Rumour has it ATi will be released an AGP version of the Radeon X1950 as well, it's expected to be released before the end of the year, so I might wait for it, but considering its price will be close to $300 I might just go for the X1650 (I found it for $175).

Requires PS 3.0???? Damn.....

I just looked at the requirement for DA -- those requirements are kinda' crazy:

System Requirements:

Supported OS: Windows® XP (only)
Processor: 3 Ghz Pentium® 4 or AMD Athlon™ 3000 (3.5 Ghz Pentium 4 or Athlon 3500 recommended). Game optimized for Dual-processor-enabled computers.
Video Card: DirectX® 9.0c-compliant, Shader 3.0-enabled 128 MB video card (256 MB recommended) (see supported list*)
Sound Card: DirectX® 9.0c-compatible (EAX" recommended) - PC audio solution containing Dolby® Digital Live required for Dolby Digital audio.
DirectX Version: 9.0c or higher (9.0c included on disc)
DVD-ROM: 4x DVD-ROM or faster
Hard Drive Space: 8 GB
Peripherals Supported: Mouse, keyboard
Multiplay: Broadband connection with 128 kbps upstream or faster

*Supported Video Cards at Time of Release

ATI® X1600/X1800/X1900 NVidia® 6600 /6800/7300/7600/7800/7900

Laptop versions of these cards may work but are NOT supported.

These chipsets are the only ones that will run this game. Additional chipsets may be supported after release. For an up-to-date list of supported chipsets, video cards, and operating systems, please visit the FAQ for this game on our support website at:

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #67 on: Friday, November 10, 2006, 08:29:54 PM »
Yep, the reqs are pretty ridiculous, but the game is supposed to be some kind of technological marvel with its effects.

I misread the reqs the first time and I assumed they had listed all the Radeon X series cards, but it's just the X1K series.. The really bitchy part? My X850 Pro is technically more powerful than all but the X1900 and X1950. It just lacks the interface to run 3.0 shaders.

Having the DVD sitting in front of me really tantalizes me.

Oh by the way, what's the biggest game you've ever had installed?
SCDA is a 10.65GB install! Biggest game yet ;D

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #68 on: Friday, November 10, 2006, 08:54:05 PM »
Yep, the reqs are pretty ridiculous, but the game is supposed to be some kind of technological marvel with its effects.

I misread the reqs the first time and I assumed they had listed all the Radeon X series cards, but it's just the X1K series.. The really bitchy part? My X850 Pro is technically more powerful than all but the X1900 and X1950. It just lacks the interface to run 3.0 shaders.

Having the DVD sitting in front of me really tantalizes me.
Oh, that really sucks....Bleh!

Oh by the way, what's the biggest game you've ever had installed?
SCDA is a 10.65GB install! Biggest game yet ;D
Good question.....
Tryna think....

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #69 on: Friday, November 10, 2006, 09:27:10 PM »
I just played and beat Armed and Dangerous. Pretty fun game with a good sense of humor. The levels all seemed kind of disjointed and didnt really flow from one to the next. I mostly played to watch the next cutscene (where were hilarious). Overall not a bad game if you get it cheap like I did ($5).

PS, Land Sharks FTW.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #70 on: Friday, November 10, 2006, 09:41:03 PM »
Interesting system requirements for Double Agent.  I think I can run the game at max settings :P

Anyway, I'm playing Killzone Liberation right now for the PSP.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #71 on: Friday, November 10, 2006, 09:44:22 PM »
Heh, I remember Armed and Dangerous.  I didn't really play it, though, but I still have a copy lying around somewhere.  I wanted to try it because I thought GIANTS was funny as hell, but I never got around to it.  Bought it for like 10 bucks.
« Last Edit: Saturday, November 11, 2006, 02:01:39 AM by Quemaqua »

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #72 on: Friday, November 10, 2006, 11:44:32 PM »
We're talking about Splinter Cell: Double Agent que...

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #73 on: Saturday, November 11, 2006, 02:01:25 AM »
Yes, classic case of "read one post and saw another and switched the names subconsciously".  Heh.  Fixed.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #74 on: Saturday, November 11, 2006, 07:54:48 AM »
Oh by the way, what's the biggest game you've ever had installed?
SCDA is a 10.65GB install! Biggest game yet ;D
Some of my high installs....

I think FEAR takes it.
FEAR takes up a little over 5 GB.

Oblivion is a little below 5 GB.
Silent Hill 3 and 4 were both around 5 GB.
Dreamfall was around that, too.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #75 on: Saturday, November 11, 2006, 11:55:29 AM »
Yeah I think the biggest installs I've had were:

SCDA: 10.65GB
MGS 2: ~7GB
F.E.A.R. + Extraction Point: 6.98GB
NWN2: 6.39GB
Oblivion: ~5.5GB

Man, games are getting huge. I remember back in the day when the average game was somewhere between 20MB and 300MB.. The biggest game I saw back then was Blade Runner! 1.6GB installation! My HD was 1.6GB at the time :P

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #76 on: Saturday, November 11, 2006, 09:25:01 PM »
Fuck that.  I remember when the original Duke Nukem advertised "over a meg of stuff!" in its looping demo for the full version.

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #77 on: Sunday, November 12, 2006, 02:43:57 AM »
haha I remember when I was a kid and bought a F-16 flight sim, that I was ridiculously excited about. It was 12 floppy discs! And I couldn't run it because I had 4 Megs of RAM and the requirement was 8. :(

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #78 on: Sunday, November 12, 2006, 07:21:35 AM »
I heard Duke Nukem Forever is gonna take up 50 GB of space, since it'll be done in probably 2015. :P

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Re: The Currently Playing Thread
« Reply #79 on: Sunday, November 12, 2006, 10:22:59 AM »
I forgot to mention I picked up New Super Mario Bros. for the DS. Classic 2D side scrolling Mario. It seems rather on the short side, as I'm already at World 8. Though there are 2 worlds I haven't found the secret entrances to, and I didn't unlock a lot of the side levels so I might not be judging it properly.

Only thing I don't like so far is the lack of save anywhere. This gets unlocked after you beat the game...but by then I don't really need it. You can only save after the little middle castles and the big castles. So if you get frustrated in between and shut off your system, you lose your progress. What I've found is there are side paths you unlock with the big coins you find, and after you spend the coins you get the option to save. So I have a bunch of those I can use to save my game.