Author Topic: Sy's Mini Painting Journal  (Read 134193 times)

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Re: Sy's Mini Painting Journal
« Reply #160 on: Wednesday, August 19, 2009, 05:59:45 AM »
haven't replied on here for a while - but everything you've posted is completely fucking sweet!

Offline sirean_syan

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Re: Sy's Mini Painting Journal
« Reply #161 on: Thursday, March 04, 2010, 11:55:16 PM »

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Sy's Mini Painting Journal
« Reply #162 on: Friday, March 05, 2010, 01:32:19 AM »
Damn.  That looks awesome.

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Re: Sy's Mini Painting Journal
« Reply #163 on: Friday, March 05, 2010, 05:32:42 AM »

Offline idolminds

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Re: Sy's Mini Painting Journal
« Reply #164 on: Friday, March 05, 2010, 07:49:58 AM »
Awesome job!

Offline sirean_syan

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Re: Sy's Mini Painting Journal
« Reply #165 on: Friday, March 19, 2010, 07:01:59 PM »
Even more yes! This was basically one of the models that got me painting again a few years back, so I've been waiting to see this guy finished in my scheme for a while now. Most of the time I put off working on him because I didn't feel up to the task, but I had pulled him out of the box a little over the year ago to do some conversion work. I was never happy with most of those results and would shelve him for months at a time. About a month ago I came up with a build that I liked that required less customization and stuck with it. Now that he's done, I feel like my collection is that much richer and I'm pretty sure he's my favorite guy in there. Also, he's fucking huge (see bottom picture for details).

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Sy's Mini Painting Journal
« Reply #166 on: Friday, March 19, 2010, 09:34:20 PM »
I'll vouch for the hugeness.  That thing is a beast.  Looks fucking great in the pics, too.

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Re: Sy's Mini Painting Journal
« Reply #167 on: Sunday, January 23, 2011, 12:34:44 PM »
Little random thing I did to get used to painting again.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Sy's Mini Painting Journal
« Reply #168 on: Sunday, January 23, 2011, 05:04:49 PM »
Awesome.  I found all my old btech figures the other day too, made me nostalgic.  Damn it.

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Re: Sy's Mini Painting Journal
« Reply #169 on: Monday, January 24, 2011, 12:02:04 PM »
That would have been fun to see. I'd guess that a lot of them were older versions of models too, which is doubly exciting.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Sy's Mini Painting Journal
« Reply #170 on: Monday, January 24, 2011, 01:00:11 PM »
I was really young, though, they're all pretty horrible.  I hadn't the slightest idea what I was doing at that point.  I wish I could strip them and do them over again.

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Re: Sy's Mini Painting Journal
« Reply #171 on: Monday, January 24, 2011, 01:06:12 PM »
If they're metal and you painted with craft paints (acrylic as opposed to something oil or lacquer based), supposedly letting them soak in something like Simple Green will do the trick. There are all sorts of other suggestions out there for crazier stuff if Simple Green doesn't work too. It could be fun.

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Re: Sy's Mini Painting Journal
« Reply #172 on: Tuesday, January 25, 2011, 01:48:12 PM »
Sadly, none of them are metal.

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Re: Sy's Mini Painting Journal
« Reply #173 on: Wednesday, May 04, 2011, 06:34:02 PM »
Managed to get some time in over the past week and hammered out a couple of new Tyranids.

« Last Edit: Thursday, May 05, 2011, 01:00:58 PM by sirean_syan »

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Re: Sy's Mini Painting Journal
« Reply #174 on: Wednesday, May 04, 2011, 07:41:43 PM »
Looks awesome.

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Re: Sy's Mini Painting Journal
« Reply #175 on: Wednesday, May 04, 2011, 09:49:48 PM »
Pretty sweet!

Offline sirean_syan

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Re: Sy's Mini Painting Journal
« Reply #176 on: Thursday, May 05, 2011, 01:01:42 PM »
Thanks. I actually got to use the new airbrush on the wing shading, although it might not show too much.

I've updated the picture to show more of the back and wings, where all the real good stuff is.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Sy's Mini Painting Journal
« Reply #177 on: Sunday, May 15, 2011, 10:26:52 PM »
Nicely done, looks great! Every time I see this stuff it makes me wish I could get back into it.

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Re: Sy's Mini Painting Journal
« Reply #178 on: Monday, June 20, 2011, 02:30:30 PM »
Over the last couple of weeks I spent time in Italy doing some "field" work in a cave system. While in there I managed to drop my camera into an underground stream with very sulfidic water. The camera was beyond saving (and actually had visible corrosion on some metal parts within minutes). So, I took the opportunity to buy a new camera and figured I'd post a couple of test shots here since the macro mode is the first thing I went to. I've also rebuilt my mini-photo setup over the past couple of months since my new home didn't really have a good place to use it, so it seemed like a good opportunity to try that out too.

My new camera: Canon SX 130 IS.

Offline Cobra951

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Re: Sy's Mini Painting Journal
« Reply #179 on: Thursday, June 23, 2011, 09:15:46 AM »
Comparing to the HiveTyrant1_0310 pic higher up, I'd say you got yourself a better camera.  I suppose lighting could be a big part of the improvement?

What is that crystal thing, something you found in your voyage to the center of the Earth?

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Re: Sy's Mini Painting Journal
« Reply #180 on: Thursday, June 23, 2011, 10:02:51 AM »
The lighting situation has improved a lot between the two pictures. Without the other camera it's hard to get a direct comparison. This new one seems to preserve detail a bit better though.

The crystal is actual a nice piece of quartz I found in a shop for cheap years ago. I've never found anything that clean in my adventures. I did pick up some gypsum crystals on the last trip, but I don't know if they survived the journey yet. I packed them in sort of a one time use package and I'm afraid to open them until I have something to do with them (plus, most of them should be consider samples and will be subjected to various tests for study).

Offline Raisa

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Re: Sy's Mini Painting Journal
« Reply #181 on: Sunday, January 01, 2012, 05:48:09 PM »
you haven't done any recently?

Offline sirean_syan

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Re: Sy's Mini Painting Journal
« Reply #182 on: Sunday, January 01, 2012, 06:52:17 PM »
Sadly, no. I spent more of my free time this semester playing with games. Towards the end I was starting to miss it. If I were spending my winter break at home I would have definitely gotten going with some painting, but with the holiday's come the mandatory visits.

I think I might start something again in a month or two though. I've got some models that are pretty much ready to go, so I'll just pick up whatever is there (although I doubt it'll be anything new that hasn't been shown here before).

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Re: Sy's Mini Painting Journal
« Reply #183 on: Saturday, April 28, 2012, 08:17:54 PM »
So today Aimee's dad left behind his SLR (Canon Rebel T3) and I decided to play around a bit. I've never used one before so it was a bit of a learning experience, but some of the pictures came out alright.