Author Topic: Demon's Souls - Update: Remaster is coming to PS5 and PC  (Read 58246 times)

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #80 on: Monday, November 02, 2009, 09:06:25 AM »
I've been playing around in 1-1 and 1-2 over the weekend and I have noticed no difference.

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #81 on: Monday, November 02, 2009, 10:46:28 AM »
You wont notice much difference in the earlier levels. WT is really only apparent in the later levels. New mobs will appear, Black phantoms, and rare spawns, there will be different paths open and such.

So yea, you have to work to get your WT back to regular which is okay I guess. I was almost in the white in 1-1, Now I have to try and get back to that. I want to kill Miralda!

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #82 on: Monday, November 02, 2009, 11:20:45 AM »
The gate to the left at the start of 1-1 is now open and a bunch of phantoms, easy will spawn as you make your way through it.  Then there's a really tough black phantom waiting to ambush you -- I got one shotted.

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #83 on: Monday, November 02, 2009, 12:36:38 PM »
I checked last night and the gate wasn't open for me.

I wanna check out what's over there to the left so bad!

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #84 on: Monday, November 02, 2009, 12:52:34 PM »
That's strange.  I know the gate will open (this holds for most gates and stuff I believe) on either pure white and pure black world tendencies.  As a result, I think some areas that would otherwise be blocked off may be open at this time of the event.  Are you playing online?  You have to be signed into PSN and logged into the Demon's Souls servers in order to take advantage of this event.  I'm also not sure how much longer the event will last.

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #85 on: Monday, November 02, 2009, 01:50:44 PM »
I LOVE when people invade me, and I own their face!

It's kind of a rush. I think I might try to play some MP. I have yet to do co-op or invade another persons game.

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #86 on: Monday, November 02, 2009, 04:11:02 PM »
That's strange.  I know the gate will open (this holds for most gates and stuff I believe) on either pure white and pure black world tendencies.  As a result, I think some areas that would otherwise be blocked off may be open at this time of the event.  Are you playing online?  You have to be signed into PSN and logged into the Demon's Souls servers in order to take advantage of this event.  I'm also not sure how much longer the event will last.

Yeah, in fact I haven't even tried offline.

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #87 on: Tuesday, November 03, 2009, 01:21:14 AM »
The event is over, it was only for the weekend --- Oct 31 and Nov 1.

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #88 on: Tuesday, November 03, 2009, 02:01:45 PM »
So, this is probably one of my favorite games of all time. I can't get enough of it.

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #89 on: Tuesday, November 03, 2009, 02:08:27 PM »
So, this is probably one of my favorite games of all time. I can't get enough of it.

It's an amazing game... the only thing is you need some time to actually sit down and play it.  If you've only got 15-30 minutes to play you can't really get anything done in it.

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #90 on: Tuesday, November 03, 2009, 06:54:16 PM »
That's my big problem right now.  I put it down for too long, and between wife and studying and what have you, there's just no good time to sit down and play it feels like.  Plus other games have started grabbing me and pulling me away, which sucks.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to make December a "do nothing but play games" month to try and catch up with some shit.  Frustrating.

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #91 on: Tuesday, November 03, 2009, 07:48:18 PM »
Red Knight is still ruining my shit.

I haven't even touched 1-3 yet because i know I've gotta fight two to save that dude.

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #92 on: Tuesday, November 03, 2009, 08:31:57 PM »
I'm level 70 at this point, and my guy is pretty nasty. I'm just now getting into some of the multiplayer, and I finally feel like I'm just scratching the games surface. It's great.

I get so excited when people invade me. It's awesome. I have so much vitality and health regen that it's ridiculous. Lots of people use that sword that causes bleed, but my health regen totally negates it. I have a Dragon Sword +5 at the moment that does a shit load of damage plus fire damage. And I like using things like corrosive acid when I fight other players. It's so much fun. I am undefeated so far. Out of about 12 invades. Next time I am in soul form, and not working on world tendency I want to try to invade someone else and see how I do in soul form.

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #93 on: Tuesday, November 03, 2009, 08:34:41 PM »
Red Knight is still ruining my shit.

I haven't even touched 1-3 yet because i know I've gotta fight two to save that dude.

If you are talking about the red eyed knights on 1-1, don't even bother with those guys until you're at least in your 30s.  I came back to them much later after finishing all of world 2 and world 3.

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #94 on: Tuesday, November 03, 2009, 08:54:53 PM »
Pssh, fuck that, I farmed that one dude a bit way earlier than that.  He isn't so bad once you get the hang of it, and he drops a shitload of souls.   I still don't know what's behind the door, though.

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #95 on: Tuesday, November 03, 2009, 08:57:04 PM »
The only way i've been able to kill him so far is to kite him to the winding staircase on the other side and have him fall down it and die. 

So let me get this straight.  It's actually wise to skip levels?  I should go ahead and hit up some other worlds?

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #96 on: Tuesday, November 03, 2009, 08:59:16 PM »
How are you guys doing the levels?

I do, 1-1, 2-1, 3-1, etc...1-2, 2-2, 3-2 etc..

I think that's the intended order. At least, from the looks of it. I think the developers had that flow in mind.

I would even suggest being in your 40's before trying the Red Eye Knight by the looked door in 1-1, he's pretty nasty. If you are decent at fighting though, you can probably take him in your 30's pretty easy. Just watch, because if you have black world tendency and engage him where he stands, two black phantoms spawn in right behind him and you'll probably get your shit pushed in. So you are better off pulling him away from that area by the door.

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #97 on: Tuesday, November 03, 2009, 09:04:35 PM »
The only way i've been able to kill him so far is to kite him to the winding staircase on the other side and have him fall down it and die. 

So let me get this straight.  It's actually wise to skip levels?  I should go ahead and hit up some other worlds?

Yea, go to other places. I tried doing 1-1, and then 1-2, blah blah, then I realized that I was doing it wrong.

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #98 on: Tuesday, November 03, 2009, 09:11:11 PM »
Yeah, I skipped around quite a bit.

But you guys are kidding me about the red eye knight, right?  Dude isn't that hard, seriously.  Just be good about blocking, don't make too many mistakes, and don't try to fight him on the bridge... get him further back by the door.

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #99 on: Tuesday, November 03, 2009, 09:20:08 PM »
I wish I were kidding.  Fucker's the reason I'm walking around with this green aura right now

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #100 on: Tuesday, November 03, 2009, 09:32:39 PM »
I'm level 39 right now and have only attempted the red eye knight in 1-1 once at around level 25.  But my world tendency there isn't white so a black phantom spawned there so I didn't even get a chance to fight him at all.  I think I'll go and try him now though.

My play through went like this: 1-1, 2-1, 1-2, 3-1, (killed the miniboss in 4-1), 2-2, 2-3, and I am undecided where to go from here... I'm thinking about doing 1-3 now.

There's no real order to play this game.  Just play through as you feel like, but if you do certain things in certain areas and get some items, things can get a lot easier.  For example, 2-2 can be extremely difficult if you don't have the correct weapon for it.  You need something with magic in order to have a good chance.  3-1 was an all-around pain in the ass with those guards but the boss was a total pushover.

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #101 on: Tuesday, November 03, 2009, 11:23:12 PM »
Yeah, definitely don't play the levels in order.  I played 1-1 and 1-2 and after killing the Tower Knight, I went to world 2 and finished all of those levels in order, did all of world 3 in order and then I went back to 1-3 and killed the boss there.  Afterwards I went and finished world 4 in order and then world 5 (world 5 was super easy since I did it last though and I probably could have done it much sooner).  World 4 has an awesome level to farm souls after you kill a boss there.  I won't say anything detailed as to avoid spoilers, just know that world 1-4 leads to the end of the game so do it last.

Also, the red eye knight is possible at earlier levels than I suggested its just not worth it though in my opinion.  There are better areas to farm for souls that are much safer.  After you beat the boss on 1-3 there's actually a really easy spot to farm souls near the archstone that can get you about 10k in souls in just a couple of minutes, keep in mind that 1-3 is a fairly difficult spot if you are underleveled since there are not only a lot of enemies but if the boss kills you its a long ass trek back to him.

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #102 on: Wednesday, November 04, 2009, 12:17:53 AM »
I'm at the end of 1-3 and I agree with Belmont, it was quite tough.  I'm at the fog gate now right before the boss but what a challenge just getting to it.  I had to take it very slowly as each enemy was quite formidable.

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #103 on: Wednesday, November 04, 2009, 04:37:33 PM »
CE owners, is your strategy guide having its ink worn off? If so, then you'll be pleased to hear about an upcoming replacement plan.

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #104 on: Thursday, November 05, 2009, 02:00:53 AM »
Huh.  I hadn't heard about this, and haven't noticed anything with my own guide... but I only glanced at it once.  I love Atlus, though.  Those dudes are awesome.

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #105 on: Thursday, November 05, 2009, 02:03:07 AM »
For the first time today I finally got invaded and encountered some PvP.  Both times however, I had just summoned another player into my world so the fight was relatively short lived.  The first time I got invaded was at the beginning of 4-1.  I summoned the other player and then got invaded.  The black phantom ran away but we found him and killed him before progressing.

In 4-2 (really tough zone by the way), I was having so much difficulty with it I decided to revive using a Stone of Ephemeral Eyes and shortly after got invaded.  There was a blue soul sign nearby so I summoned as well and by the time the phantom found me, I had an ally and he was destroyed.  :)

Fun times.  

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #106 on: Saturday, November 07, 2009, 07:12:06 PM »
Finished it up tonight.  Phenomenal game.  There's a New Game+ mode (starts immediately after the credits) and it ramps up the difficulty even more.

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #107 on: Thursday, November 12, 2009, 09:25:08 PM »
That game was amazing. It is now on my favorite games of all time list.

I was so hooked from the moment I started playing until I just beat it 20 minutes ago. And I want to play through again! I was playing 1-1 on NG+ mode for a few minutes, and I was invades 3 times, and beat the shit out of all of them.

Thing is, I have 160000 souls, and no Maiden yet. Have to beat Phalanx first. Don't have the time tonight. But I'm sure I'll be playing this weekend. Going to try and get some rare items in the game.

I need to play MGS4 dammit!

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #108 on: Thursday, November 12, 2009, 10:49:00 PM »
NG+ is significantly more challenging.  I'm still on 1-1 because I haven't had time to play this lately, but a single attack from a normal mob takes like half your stamina bar when you use your shield to block it. 

To be quite honest Scary, I'm surprised you get invaded so frequently.  My character is level 72 currently and I've played online throughout the entirety of the game and have been in body form for most of the latter half and I have been invaded three times.  That's it.  Three.  Each time I had blue phantoms with me so we pwned the invader.

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #109 on: Friday, November 13, 2009, 04:59:51 AM »
I get invaded a lot. I'm level 85, and I've played entirely online. Last play through, I got invaded often. At least once an hour if I was in corporeal form. I played NG+ for about a half-hour and was invaded three times.

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #110 on: Friday, November 13, 2009, 02:09:30 PM »
Where do I see the numbers like 1-1, 2-1, etc? I just got the game and started at the first stone behind the ghost dude in the Nexus. I'm assuming thats 1-1? Anyway, I was having a blast fighting my way through there. I probably missed some things, but I did get the Cling Ring. So that'll help. I opened up some huge door and I figure the boss is behind it, so instead of going in there I headed back to the Nexus to see if I could cash in my collected souls for anything. And then I stopped since my controller needed to charge.

But man, great game so far. I played "online" last night a little and saw a ghost, which was cool. I didnt do it today since I was downloading something on the PC, but I want to enable that more. I want to see blood stains and clues.

Oh yeah, I killed the Red Eyed Knight. He didn't even touch me. Soul Arrows FTW.

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #111 on: Friday, November 13, 2009, 02:52:18 PM »
There is no where in the game that indicates the world numbers.  If you look at the archstones in the Nexus or at the world map screen and go clockwise from Boletarian Palace is the world number.  Then each warp zone is the zone number.

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #112 on: Friday, November 13, 2009, 02:53:51 PM »
They don't actually refer to the levels in the game as 1-1, or 1-2, etc. Just the people playing it. Yes, the first stone behind the ghost guy is 1, and the only level that should be available to you is that first one, until you beat the boss, then 1-2 will be open. Then you move to the stone to the right of the first stone, and do 2-1, etc.

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #113 on: Friday, November 13, 2009, 03:21:42 PM »
Oh, ok.

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #114 on: Friday, November 13, 2009, 03:38:49 PM »
First boss seems kind of intimidating and will require some patience, but it's not bad at all.

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #115 on: Friday, November 13, 2009, 09:00:20 PM »
First boss is cake.  2nd boss is... harder.

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #116 on: Friday, November 13, 2009, 10:30:06 PM »
Flamelurker gave me the most trouble.

2nd boss wasn't super easy either. Until I figured out the somewhat safe spot.

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #117 on: Saturday, November 14, 2009, 12:37:43 AM »
The only bosses where I did not manage to kill them on my first try were Armor Spider (had no fire resist) and Maneater (kept getting pushed off).

The first boss can be challenging if you lack the proper equipment and skills.  Phalanx and his minions are weak to magic and fire... on my first playthrough my Priest had no magic or fire.  I had to use a blunt mace and slowly work through the minions before finally getting to the boss itself.

I just killed him again in NG+.  Being decked out, using Demonbrandt, Phalanx tried to run away.  :P

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #118 on: Monday, November 16, 2009, 02:00:15 PM »
Yes, first boss was easy. Threw down some flame things to kill most of the little things swarming around. Ran out of those, then did Soul Arrows to kill what I could to isolate the boss. Ran out of mana a lot so I spent a lot of time just running around waiting for it to recharge, heh. Just took some time, but it died easily enough.

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Re: Demon's Souls for the PlayStation 3 (Action-RPG)
« Reply #119 on: Monday, November 16, 2009, 06:46:06 PM »
My strategy was to run around like a maniac swinging my sword and/or mace at everything and dodging when appropriate.  Works like a charm.

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