Playing Diablo 3. Started in again before the new patch, was having fun, and now having fun after it. Eagerly anticipating expansion, which is funny, because I sort of thought I was really done with the game. I guess it's been so long since I've played a good Diablo-style RPG I just needed to binge.
You guys should come play. Go a 37 wiz, 36 monk, 29 barb, and planning to fiddle with a doc and DH too, for kicks. Aiming to get my wiz to 60 to unlock Torment difficulty for the new patch. Crusader looks awesome as well, I'll likely start one with the expansion.
This is the most gaming I've done in a long, long while, actually. I hadn't touched anything for more than a spare minute or two since pretty much Dark Souls. I'd like to play that too, of course, but doubtful I will at launch (as predicted). I did come into a little money, but the few things I've gotten for myself have already wasted enough of it to satisfy my minimal spending urges, and at some point this gaming binge will have to stop and I'll have to get back to work.