Author Topic: Resident Evil 5 -> PC version will ditch G4WL + switch to Steamworks.  (Read 27796 times)

Offline MysterD

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Offline MysterD

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Re: Resident Evil 5 -> PC version will ditch G4WL + switch to Steamworks.
« Reply #81 on: Saturday, August 13, 2022, 09:10:18 PM »
Resident Evil 5: Untold Stories Bundle (DLC's)

WRITTEN on 08-12-2022.

I just took on the Resident Evil 5 DLC's (namely the two short DLC campaigns) that are from Untold Stories DLC Pack and are also a part of RE5: Gold Edition. I had a blast with them, to say the least. Took about 2 hours to do the first DLC of the club (Lost In Nightmares DLC), which felt like a lot of classic survival-horror gameplay here (focused on puzzles, finding items and using them properly, and not always focused on action...even there there is some of that) and about an 1h30m to do the second action-packed & tough DLC (Desperate Escape DLC). I should note that while these can be done online co-op style, you can also do them solo-style & offline ... in which I did the latter there.

The Lost In Nightmares DLC takes place in the mansion for Resident Evil 1, which I'm sure this DLC is going to give long-term RE fans & RE players since those days a lot of vibes, feels & nostalgia from that particular game. In this short DLC, it's loaded w/ lore in-game to read and all, to catch the player up on what's been going on there, what's going on w/ Umbrella these days, certain important characters to the franchise & why they're there. Chris Redfield & Jill Valentine are the two major players & protagonists in this one, in which on your 1st playthrough, you'll play as Chris and your friend or AI-teammate will be Jill.

The gameplay & controls here is basically typical RE5, so it has that RE4 style of gameplay here (if you choose that style of controls & gameplay, which I did); and you can play w/ the Keyboard/mouse and/or the gamepad (which is up to you). This DLC is more focused on story, plot, Lore, and puzzle-solving; a lot of the staples of old-school survival-horror...even though this game's done & designed w/ the RE4 & RE5 style of controls & that camera viewpoint (which is in 3rd-person perspective & right behind the player at almost all times), thankfully - as we've certainly evolved since the old days of fixed-cameras & tank-controls from old-school RE & Silent Hill.

Regardless, if you're looking for those old-school vibes of RE & nostalgia; puzzle-solving; some action here & there peppered in; an awesome boss fight; and a lot of Lore, story, & plot crammed into such a short DLC (around 2 hours, it took me) - look no further than this Lost In Nightmares DLC for RE5 here, since it's awesome.

Desperate Escape DLC (DE DLC) takes place during the events of RE5, in which you can see how Jill Valentine (with blonde hair!) & Josh Stone escaped this place in epic fashion, who helped out Sheva & Chris in the RE5 base-game. Chris Redfield & Jill Valentine & Josh Stone are the two major players & protagonists in this one, in which you'll play as Jill and your friend or AI-teammate will be Josh (from RE5 base-game). In this (also) short DLC, it goes the complete opposite direction of the previous Lost in Nightmares DLC (LiN DLC).

This DLC isn't mostly focused on say Lore and story here, as it's really focused on lots of action in big open-spaces & areas. Sure, there's a puzzle here & there, but nothing really taxing compared to previous RE's. Your min focus here in combat - and in terms of style, if you loved a lot of the combat sequences and whatnot found in say RE4 & RE5, you're going to have a blast. The DLC is certainly not easy by any means - yes, I did die quite a bit here, especially compared to LiN DLC. And the final epic encounter is nothing shot of awesome here too & ends in quite epic fashion. In its action-packed style & way, this DLC's awesome if that's what you're looking for in a RE title.

Personally, I like variety and both styles that each DLC here brings to the Untold Stories table. LiN DLC is so old-school in its style of gameplay being more focused on the survival-horror side of things & is focused on Story & Lore in its brevity, which is awesome - meanwhile the DE DLC really rounds things out here on the DLC Campaigns here for Untold Stories by offering the action-packed stylings of RE4 and RE5 style in its DLC in its brevity & short run-time.

Despite their short run-times, the actual quality of these DLC's are awesome. Both DLC's are awesome and quite different from each other - though they both offer up an excellent & even better whole package when taken altogether here, despite their brevity. While there is other content in this package, I'm mostly interested here in the DLC Campaigns - and after around 3 1/2 hours altogether, I finished up the Untold Stories Pack of Campaign and am so glad that these awesome short stories were told.

One last thing. Capcom, I hope you're reading this. Since LiN DLC is so awesome & loaded with nostalgia, feeling like a Love Letter to old-school survival-horror fans and old-school RE fans - man, I really wish Capcom would Remake from scratch RE0 and RE1 in the new-school style of controls (i.e. no tank controls) and the improved camera viewpoint that every RE game since RE4 has had going on (no fixed cameras and the camera's almost always in 3rd-person right behind your character). We can debate here whether RE4 even needs a Remake yet (i.e. I think it has aged very well still, IMHO - since I recently played it and it still feels like the foundation & formula for every RE since RE4) - but I do feel like RE0 and RE1 could really use some love - since you've already did great things with RE2 Remake. So, please Remake RE0 and RE1, like you did with RE2 Remake - yeah, that would be great.