Author Topic: Kill cams suck  (Read 1405 times)

Offline idolminds

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Kill cams suck
« on: Wednesday, February 13, 2008, 09:39:35 PM »
I just realized this while playing TF2. When you die, the camera goes and zooms in on who killed you. In the case of TF2, it even freezes the action. This can be funny and all, but it also has a big negative. Namely, finding a good position to kill from becomes next to impossible.

This is especially true for setting up sentries as engineer. You think you've found a good spot to stick your sentry, where players will be caught in its fire before they know where it is. That works for...oh, the first person your sentry kills. After that either he tells his entire team EXACTLY where you've placed that turret so they can avoid or destroy it, or he simply comes back and destroys it himself.

Same goes for snipers or anyone looking to get the drop on people. You are punished for finding a good spot, nothing is hidden. I head CoD4 multi also has such kill cams. Well, there goes hiding. I guess the reasoning is to cut down on camping...maybe its an issue in some games, but it certainly isnt in TF2. The maps are too small and brightly lit, not very many places to camp. Figuring out where people were was part of the challenge.

Also, while I'm bitching...spys should have a limited number of sappers and shouldnt be able to put them on things as fast as they can click.

Offline Xessive

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Re: Kill cams suck
« Reply #1 on: Wednesday, February 13, 2008, 11:21:16 PM »
I think they put the kill cams to help turn the odds against campers. I'm not 'offended' by campers, I think it's a legitimate way to play (albeit lame), but as a sniper I have to keep moving, camping is a death sentence.

Offline Ghandi

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Re: Kill cams suck
« Reply #2 on: Thursday, February 14, 2008, 12:30:06 AM »
I'm a fan of kill cams.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Kill cams suck
« Reply #3 on: Thursday, February 14, 2008, 12:33:19 AM »
Let's Kill Kams.

Offline Cobra951

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Re: Kill cams suck
« Reply #4 on: Thursday, February 14, 2008, 12:36:41 AM »
That's what I thought when I saw the subject line.   ;D

Offline Ghandi

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Re: Kill cams suck
« Reply #5 on: Thursday, February 14, 2008, 01:10:35 AM »

Offline Xessive

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Re: Kill cams suck
« Reply #6 on: Thursday, February 14, 2008, 01:20:08 AM »
What's he been up to since his last major post? (Y'know the recovery one). Hope he's alright. If he's not we won't be able to kill him with honour!

Offline gpw11

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Re: Kill cams suck
« Reply #7 on: Thursday, February 14, 2008, 01:56:34 AM »
I just realized this while playing TF2. When you die, the camera goes and zooms in on who killed you. In the case of TF2, it even freezes the action. This can be funny and all, but it also has a big negative. Namely, finding a good position to kill from becomes next to impossible.

This is especially true for setting up sentries as engineer. You think you've found a good spot to stick your sentry, where players will be caught in its fire before they know where it is. That works for...oh, the first person your sentry kills. After that either he tells his entire team EXACTLY where you've placed that turret so they can avoid or destroy it, or he simply comes back and destroys it himself.

Same goes for snipers or anyone looking to get the drop on people. You are punished for finding a good spot, nothing is hidden. I head CoD4 multi also has such kill cams. Well, there goes hiding. I guess the reasoning is to cut down on camping...maybe its an issue in some games, but it certainly isnt in TF2. The maps are too small and brightly lit, not very many places to camp. Figuring out where people were was part of the challenge.

Also, while I'm bitching...spys should have a limited number of sappers and shouldnt be able to put them on things as fast as they can click.

I disagree about the kill cams.  I think they actually add to the game in that you're not getting killed by the same motherfucker just because he got to some hidden spot and you joined a server after the match started.  It also discourages retard camping (opposed to non-retard camping).  As a sniper you should either be in a spot where you're not vulnerable just because someone knows where you are, you're untouchable because no one can get to you before you shoot them.  That or you move around.  As an engineer it is a bit more of an issue, but while the entire class is based around camping, it's not based around hiding at all.  If you get killed by an SG you know where it is before you hit the ground.  The gui tells you the direction, and the range on even a third level SG is so limited that you can tell the general area.  After that it's all deduction.  Still, I do think that things like this make the engineer class better as you have to actively defend your position and it encourages defensive teamwork.  Also, it's TF2 and things like this aren't going to bother me at all.

DoD, on the other hand, would be a game where it would actually be a bit ridiculous since so much of it depends on blending in and camping.  It does do this to a bit now with the latest versions, but it only shows you the direction that you were attacked from, not the actual person.  It works pretty well.

As for spies and sappers, I agree. It actually used to be a lot worse, but instead of straight up fixing it in the way you suggested, they made it so that sappers work slower, giving you enough time to kill the spy before knocking the sapper off.  Remember, if you're alone the spy is always top priority and if you have metal you learn to judge when you can focus back on the sappers and repair it enough to live through the next one while you bash the fuck out of the spy's skull.

Offline Xessive

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Re: Kill cams suck
« Reply #8 on: Thursday, February 14, 2008, 02:31:51 AM »
I think this is just Idol's way of telling us he's a happy-camper. We should support him you guys. Can you imagine how difficult it must have been for him to just come out like this?

Offline scottws

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Re: Kill cams suck
« Reply #9 on: Thursday, February 14, 2008, 07:45:17 AM »
CoD4 does have a kill cam (well the entire series always did), but it seems to be a per-server setting whether it's on or off.