Author Topic: Gears 2 to have violence filter  (Read 17814 times)

Offline gpw11

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #40 on: Monday, September 01, 2008, 11:46:46 PM »
Epic, you suck.
Really. Nuff said.
No GoW 2 PC planned period.
I really enjoyed GoW PC, too.

FROM IGN Interview.

I guess I kind of missed this.  Anyways, I don't think it's fair to say that neither company can build a decently stable PC game, because both have done it.  I think it's more of a reflection of a variety of factors hurting the sales of Epic franchises on the PC compared to the consoles.   The Gears port was fine in my opinion (I never really ran into any problems and the MP sucks by design as far as I"m concerned - hence the lack of people playing it) but it was obviously buggy for a lot of people.  Why it didn't get better support is a pretty big question, but I think it may have had a lot to do with UT3 being released about the same time and both Epic and MS not really caring all that much (although you'd think Microsoft would as the flagship Games for Windows title).  At the same time, UT3 pretty much bombed for the PC (I was just on and there was like 45 people online across all the game modes) because it's a rehash of something we've had dozens of times already.  IT probably sold better on the consoles because the online integration is finally there and people can actually take advantage of these types of games.

Chances are that from Epic's point of view there just isn't money in the PC market, when really they just need to evolve a bit.

Offline Xessive

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #41 on: Tuesday, September 02, 2008, 07:46:39 AM »
See, that's exactly my point, Xessive.  You weren't even playing Gears of War, you were playing something that wasn't similar to RE4, which Gears was in many respects.  I mean, the games were totally different because Gears is much faster and is a squad-combat game, but ultimately it plays like RE4 with cover and a lot more options for mobility.  KB+mouse fundamentally changes the nature of the game.
The control setup definitely affects the gameplay and the overall mood of the experience. My experience with GoW is very likely a very different one from anyone who plays it with a gamepad.

The complaints I have about playing GoW with a gamepad are exactly the same complaints I have with any other game that demands some form of aiming. God knows I'm trying though; I'm going through Uncharted: Drake's Fortune right now (great game by the way).

For me, controls are the medium that allow me to verse myself in the game mechanics and immerse into the game world; if I'm uncomfortable with them going through a game will be like a tedious journey of overcoming a broken language (or at least one I have no hope of understanding).

Imagine if all of a sudden all the major platformers and beat 'em ups started coming out exclusively on PC with no joypad support, everyone's forced to play with a KB or mosue, and all the developers say "deal with it, but as a show of faith we'll add an auto-mode to help with the moves." I think a lot of people will be miffed!That's how I feel about FPS games suddenly haemorraging on consoles with no mouse-aim support. (All with the exception of UT3 on PS3 which has full KB+mouse support! Good on ya Epic!)

I think Epic are just having a much easier time developing for consoles and they just decided to take the less-rocky road; less tech support, less complaints from players, more money.

Offline MysterD

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #42 on: Tuesday, September 02, 2008, 01:49:55 PM »
The control setup definitely affects the gameplay and the overall mood of the experience. My experience with GoW is very likely a very different one from anyone who plays it with a gamepad.

The complaints I have about playing GoW with a gamepad are exactly the same complaints I have with any other game that demands some form of aiming. God knows I'm trying though; I'm going through Uncharted: Drake's Fortune right now (great game by the way).

For me, controls are the medium that allow me to verse myself in the game mechanics and immerse into the game world; if I'm uncomfortable with them going through a game will be like a tedious journey of overcoming a broken language (or at least one I have no hope of understanding).
That's how I feel w/ SH series or RE series w/ a keyboard/mouse, which never do a good job on those controls. It's MUCH easier for me to just plug in a gamepad -- b/c that was the way those were meant to be played.

Imagine if all of a sudden all the major platformers and beat 'em ups started coming out exclusively on PC with no joypad support, everyone's forced to play with a KB or mosue, and all the developers say "deal with it, but as a show of faith we'll add an auto-mode to help with the moves."
Unless someone can design a good control scheme around a KB/mouse, yeah -- I'd be scratching my head to play a PC version of a brawler or platformer on a KB/mouse; I'd rather do it with a gamepad.

I think more modern platformers on the PC work well around the KB/mouse -- like Psychonauts, TR: Anniversary, etc; I just have much quicker reaction time w/ the KB/mouse on platformers for the jumps and movements than w/ a KB/mouse.

I think a lot of people will be miffed!That's how I feel about FPS games suddenly haemorraging on consoles with no mouse-aim support. (All with the exception of UT3 on PS3 which has full KB+mouse support! Good on ya Epic!)
PS3 version of UT3 has KB/mouse support?
VERY good thinking.

I think Epic are just having a much easier time developing for consoles and they just decided to take the less-rocky road; less tech support, less complaints from players, more money.
Yes, that does make sense, of course. Less overhead (for system requirements) and MORE money (since more console gamers BUY console games).

But really, bringing GoW PC and not having the sequel come here is disappointing. I did like the PC version quite a bit to say the least, despite it's performance stuttering issue.

Would it be cheaper for Epic to have a non-Epic owned company port the game over to the PC than to say have an internal-Epic owned company (like People Can Fly) port it over?

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #43 on: Tuesday, September 02, 2008, 02:00:11 PM »
See, Psychonauts had classic FPS/TPS style controls with the keyboard to move and mouse-look.

For some reason I'm reminded of Heretic 2 and I wonder if there will be a sequel (or perhaps a spiritual successor). That was a great game.

I trust Epic when it comes to PC games because they know what they're doing, as they've proven over the years. That said, I wouldn't mind having another company port GoW2 over as long as they do a fair job of it.

As you've said, if Epic's major issue is piracy then why not get it on with Steam? As much as I disdain Steam's loading process and absolute requirement for internet access, I'd rather have it there than not at all. If anything, I'd suspect it may have something to do with Microsoft's Games For Windows Live campaign.

Offline MysterD

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #44 on: Tuesday, September 02, 2008, 03:08:19 PM »
See, Psychonauts had classic FPS/TPS style controls with the keyboard to move and mouse-look.

For some reason I'm reminded of Heretic 2 and I wonder if there will be a sequel (or perhaps a spiritual successor). That was a great game.

I trust Epic when it comes to PC games because they know what they're doing, as they've proven over the years.
For Epic's PC-exclusive games, I trust Epic...

That said, I wouldn't mind having another company port GoW2 over as long as they do a fair job of it.

As you've said, if Epic's major issue is piracy then why not get it on with Steam? As much as I disdain Steam's loading process and absolute requirement for internet access, I'd rather have it there than not at all.

This is how I feel about SH: Homecoming PC. I mean, there probably was a possibility w/ the PC versions of SH not selling so great (probably b/c they were often out first on the consoles and than later brought to PC), they'd stop porting them to the PC. If I recall, SH4: The Room for the PC sold not-so-good at all.

But, at least since they ain't making SH: Homecoming available at the retail stores, it'll be up there on Steam -- even though I'd rather have a DVD-ROM copy of the game without any ties to Steam.

If anything, I'd suspect it may have something to do with Microsoft's Games For Windows Live campaign.
That's possible, too. Sure.

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #45 on: Tuesday, September 02, 2008, 05:39:40 PM »
I'd rather have something not at all than on Steam, but that's just me.  And the control method thing is hard for me to talk about because I've never used a control setup I wasn't comfortable with.  I prefer KB/mouse for shooters over a controller simply because it's obviously the better choice, but I'm by no means uncomfortable using a controller.  Likewise, I used to play fighting games on a keyboard.  Anyone who tells you that's wonky and won't work is stupid.  You can get used to anything if you allow yourself enough time to get used to it, but some things are just better suited for some tasks than others (and really, I'm only talking about KB/mouse being better for anything requiring aiming, because as far as I'm concerned, you can play any game with a keyboard that you can play with a gamepad if aiming or analog sensitivity aren't a big part of it, like a fighting game or platformer).

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #46 on: Monday, September 29, 2008, 08:25:53 PM »
Cliffy B talks some more on Gears 2 on
Oh, and he talks about piracy and PC gaming, too.

Cliffy on Piracy, PC Gaming, and X360
TVG: Do you see the Xbox 360 as the main platform as opposed to the PC? During the whole Unreal time it was very much PC focused.

Cliffy B: The PC right now is a fair amount different to what it was back in the day, with all the badly integrated video chips. Here's the problem right now; the person who is savvy enough to want to have a good PC to upgrade their video card, is a person who is savvy enough to know bit torrent to know all the elements so they can pirate software. Therefore, high-end videogames are suffering very much on the PC.

TVG: So piracy was a main point for you...

Cliffy B: Right now, it makes sense for us to focus on Xbox 360 for a number of reasons. Not least PCs with multiple configurations and piracy.

TVG: But when the dust has settled, is there any possibility of Gears 2 on PC?

Cliffy B: No.

TVG: Definitely not?

Cliffy B: No.

Cliffy B on (not) outsourcing GoW Franchise to others and Epic's GoW Plans
TVG: With the success of Gears, Microsoft is going to want the franchise to run and run and run. Is there going to be a point that you see when Gears will be shipped out to studios like People Can Fly, or is it something that you hold dear enough to stick with the franchise for instalments to come?

Cliffy B: Well Rod [Fergusson, Gears of War producer] and I have plenty of ideas for where the franchise could potentially go, but again, we haven't announced anything. There's something that gets lost sometimes when a franchise gets shipped off to another shop. You get the primary studio that really understands what's going on with the franchise, and sometimes when another studio takes it over it can go well, but more often than not, there's something missing - there's a soul that's gone.

TVG: Are you perhaps referring to Call of Duty and the situation between Infinity Ward and Treyarch?

Cliffy B: (Stays muted, but nods). But in our instance, if there were to be any future Gears titles to be developed, I have a feeling that they'd be developed in Epic.

Cliffy be on Gears IP and UT License
TGV: With five million copies of the original sold, and high expectations for the sequel, has Gears of War become the most important franchise for Epic, even over Unreal Tournament?

Cliffy B: I think it's safe to say that, yes. I think Unreal Tournament has been our bread and butter for years, it's been very successful, but it's hard to argue with the success of Gears. Unreal Tournament 3, we very much care about it, it's a well reviewed game. At the same time, if you look at where Gears is right now on the 360, I think it's safe to say that it's our primary franchise.

TGV: So do you think that UT could make another comeback?

Cliffy B: It remains to be seen what we're going to be doing with Unreal Tournament in the future. We'd need to announce that.

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #47 on: Monday, September 29, 2008, 09:04:52 PM »
I'm beginning to sense Cliffy is turning into some kind of corporate dick. I love his work but his recent attitude is disappointing. It's like he doesn't want to deal with the problems with PC gaming anymore so he just quit. Sad to see a PC gamer and developer go down this road.

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #48 on: Monday, September 29, 2008, 09:12:02 PM »
It'll be fun to watch Epic get bought out by MS and then closed when Gears 3 doesn't do as well as planned.


Thinking about his statement, its kind of funny how the solution isn't to make a game that can run better on lower end systems, thereby opening the potential market to more than the high end gamer with all their bittorrents and eye patches. 360 games can sell well because they run well on all 360s. If you made a PC game that runs well on all (or simply more) PCs you might have the same kinds of success. Just ask Popcap.
« Last Edit: Monday, September 29, 2008, 09:45:58 PM by idolminds »

Offline Cobra951

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #49 on: Monday, September 29, 2008, 10:01:03 PM »
That's a very good point.  it takes some tech knowledge to stay on top of the PC heap, and the inclination to deal with software installation and other hassles.  These same people are also going to have the knowledge and inclination to mess around with bittorrents, multi-part rar files, disc images and obscure cracking techniques.  An average user with an average PC won't.  He's not going to want to mess with video cards, drivers, Azureus or Daemon tools.  He just wants a game that works on his PC with next to no hassle.  Simple download and go like Peggle will work for him.  Simple insert disc and go will do it too.

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #50 on: Monday, September 29, 2008, 10:08:54 PM »
Yeah, fuck Cliffy.  I don't know that I'd ever have called him cool, but he used to be a lot less of a dick.  Now he's just kind of annoying.  Whenever he talks you want to punch him.  It's sad, but Epic is sort of dead to me now.

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #51 on: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 01:36:33 AM »
Sure he often acts like a dick, but his games are just not selling on the PC. Why should his company make the monetary and physical effort to develop on a platform where sales of his titles are actually declining.

Yes he can try and support the platform, but he isn't running a charity. Besides, is there any point in saving a ship which has a crew hellbent on self destruction?

Unreal Tournament sold over 2 million units, and really pushed the envelope when it came out. Meanwhile UT3 barely crossed 150,000, and was very beautifully optimized. It ran splendidly on a wide range of systems, looking very good everywhere.

Meanwhile you've got Gears of War selling 5 million on the 360 and less than one hundred thousand on the PC.

GoW 360: 5 000 000
GOW PC:     100 000

Again, these guys are running a business here. Just look at all the PC exclusive teams sinking left and right. You can say what you want, but in the end porting games to the PC is just not worth the effort.

TVG: Do you see the Xbox 360 as the main platform as opposed to the PC? During the whole Unreal time it was very much PC focused.

Cliffy B: The PC right now is a fair amount different to what it was back in the day, with all the badly integrated video chips. Here's the problem right now; the person who is savvy enough to want to have a good PC to upgrade their video card, is a person who is savvy enough to know bit torrent to know all the elements so they can pirate software. Therefore, high-end videogames are suffering very much on the PC.

TVG: So piracy was a main point for you...

Cliffy B: Right now, it makes sense for us to focus on Xbox 360 for a number of reasons. Not least PCs with multiple configurations and piracy.

TVG: But when the dust has settled, is there any possibility of Gears 2 on PC?

Cliffy B: No.

TVG: Definitely not?

Cliffy B: No.

I don't see where he was being a dick in this particular instance. I think he made valid points. Problem is we are tired of hearing them, but it doesn't make them any less valid.

Piracy and weak onboard video solutions are actual problems, and problems that concern people who put money and effort into this sorta thing.

Chances are that from Epic's point of view there just isn't money in the PC market, when really they just need to evolve a bit.

I do agree with that, but I guess they feel that something evolutionary is far more likely to yield better returns on a console where at the same time it is far less of a hassle to develop.

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #52 on: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 02:35:58 AM »
I understand it's a business and as such it must strive. All I'm saying is it doesn't feel like Epic are being proactive about their approach at all; they're being dismissive and very brutally generalizing that all valid (as far as the system reqs go) PC gamers are pirate scum. At least that's how it sounds when Cliffy says "Here's the problem right now; the person who is savvy enough to want to have a good PC to upgrade their video card, is a person who is savvy enough to know bit torrent to know all the elements so they can pirate software. Therefore, high-end videogames are suffering very much on the PC." So basically, someone with the right hardware to run the game we made is also an asshole who's gonna steal because he likely knows how to do it!

As someone who has paid full price for a collector's edition of Unreal Tournament 3 I am very offended that Cliffy considers me a thief and lumps me in with his idea of a sack of shit.

I'd find a way to appeal to "the person who is savvy enough" rather than dissing him and cutting him off my client list.

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #53 on: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 06:29:02 AM »
If they maybe made a game people actually wanted to play that didn't have a billion problems out of the gate, most of which were never fixed (UT3) that actually ran without issue and had some support (Gears of War sure didn't), maybe then people would feel like buying the stuff they make.  Plus Gears of War came out how much later for PC than 360?  Everybody'd fucking played it already, and one new area that wasn't terribly well reviewed by the press was hardly going to start convincing everyone.

And yeah, his comment about hardcore gamers who invest money into their rigs is just a useless fucking dig at a lot of good people.  To imply that everyone with a video card is a pirate is grade A bullshit.  They're the people who support the fucking industry you abandoned, is who they are.

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #54 on: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 07:19:10 AM »
Here's the problem right now; the person who is savvy enough to want to have a good PC to upgrade their video card, is a person who is savvy enough to know bit torrent to know all the elements so they can pirate software. Therefore, high-end videogames are suffering very much on the PC

While UT3 had a lot of little issues that angered the hardcore, in terms of performance it ran like a well oiled machine. As for Gears PC, I never had any problems, but tons did so I am assuming it had issues.

Wow, where does he say that? I can't say I completely disagree with it though.

And yeah, his comment about hardcore gamers who invest money into their rigs is just a useless fucking dig at a lot of good people.  To imply that everyone with a video card is a pirate is grade A bullshit.  They're the people who support the fucking industry you abandoned, is who they are.

Yes that is very annoying, but I can see where he is coming from. About six months ago I saw a poll on the anandtech forums. It was anonymous, so I am sure many of the people who voted were being honest.

The question was regarding piracy, and I kid you not, a whopping 75% said they mostly pirated their games. These were the guys who sported the $500 video cards. Some who were bold enough to post comments in that poll, even said they took the $500 as an initial investment, because it meant a lifetime of free torrented games.

I was so disgusted with these people, especially since I realized it was the hardcore of the hardcore.

I realize that it wasn't a proper scientific survey or whatever, but I saw a similar attitude on many of the video card forums.

I do realize that what these developers say ticks people like us off, but that's because we are some of the good guys. I also realize that the blame doesn't entirely lie one way or whatever, and PC games developers are just getting lazier... but in the end I can see why they aren't making the effort to go cross platform.

Here is another thing: I actually would rather developers not port to the PC at all, than develop something half-assed, but that's a different topic.

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #55 on: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 09:40:57 AM »
I agree, Pug.  We can do a poll right here too.  How many of us have never pirated a real PC game?  Leave out trifles like Peggle.  I'm not asking you to steal idol's avatar and say "aarrr!"  Only weigh in if you have not pirated.  Now, how many have never pirated a current-console game?  Portables don't count, and old consoles only count in their time, when they were the mainstay for their particular companies.  So that hopefully leaves out the emulation question entirely.

I'll start:  I have never pirated a current-console game.

Wasn't there talk earlier about how many new video cards were sold during the launch of some hot PC game?  There was a big spike in sales of the hardware which completely eclipsed the sales of the software.

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #56 on: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 10:06:06 AM »
Unreal Tournament sold over 2 million units, and really pushed the envelope when it came out. Meanwhile UT3 barely crossed 150,000, and was very beautifully optimized. It ran splendidly on a wide range of systems, looking very good everywhere.

Meanwhile you've got Gears of War selling 5 million on the 360 and less than one hundred thousand on the PC.

GoW 360: 5 000 000
GOW PC:     100 000
UT3 sold poorly, but the PC version still outsold the PS3 version. Perhaps it wasn't piracy and system requirements at fault, but the game itself? Fewer gametypes than previous versions, no real new interesting gameplay, a pretty shitty UI. Players went back to UT2004 because of it.

Gears was released a year later on PC. Even *I* played through the game before then. In co-op, no less. The PC version seems to have had (and still have) bugs and issues that aren't getting fixed. When it launched it needed GFW Live which PC gamers weren't exactly thrilled with. Because of that the multiplayer was hampered with the whole Gold/Silver shit. Now Gold is free on PC but its way too late for Gears.

For Cobras post, I don't remember the exact time frame but I did grab a couple Dreamcast games around the time they discontinued the system if that counts.

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #57 on: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 10:36:32 AM »
Yea Cobra, 8 million 8800 series video cards sold last year worldwide.

2.5 million 8800GTs alone shipped in North America during its first three months. I can guarantee the bulk of these 8800 video card owners have played Crysis, yet from the PCG podcast interview of Cevat Yerli last month, Crysis has sold only 1.5 million units worldwide to date.  

I know that games like Crysis have longer legs, but honestly, the major profits come in when the game is sold at full price. Years later, when the game is in the bargain big at half price, the impact isn't nearly as significant.

Mass Effect selling 2 million copies on the 360 during its first month is far more profitable than it selling 3 million on the PC in a period of two years.

Here is a rough comparison between the two flagships of 360 and PC:

Halo 3 units sold: 9 million
Xbox 360s sold: 15 million

Crysis: 1.5+ million
8xxxx series cards: 8 million (heard this on several podcasts... read about the 2.5 million 8800gts in North America myself)
9xxxx series cards: not sure
GTXxxx series cards: not sure
High end Radeon cards: not sure

Even if you put the total high end cards at 12 million, 1.5 units of Crysis is a bit unacceptable.

There was a big spike in sales of the hardware which completely eclipsed the sales of the software.

Absolutely, which is crazy, because it should be far closer.

Remember the Chris Taylor rants? While he came off as a jerk, and his games aren't that great, his point struck a cord. He basically said that Nvidia raked in record profits last year, and what angered him about it was that the video cards sold 10 times as many as the most popular games. He was flabbergasted.

I just do think the hardcore are the ones most likely to pirate. A game like Spore, which was received with much anger by the hardcore, and pirated up its ass, managed to open with 2 million units in its first month, and is expected to sell 6 million within the year.

So the question is, how significant is the hardcore PC gaming crowd?

UT3 sold poorly, but the PC version still outsold the PS3 version. Perhaps it wasn't piracy and system requirements at fault, but the game itself? Fewer gametypes than previous versions, no real new interesting gameplay, a pretty shitty UI. Players went back to UT2004 because of it.

Gears was released a year later on PC. Even *I* played through the game before then. In co-op, no less. The PC version seems to have had (and still have) bugs and issues that aren't getting fixed. When it launched it needed GFW Live which PC gamers weren't exactly thrilled with. Because of that the multiplayer was hampered with the whole Gold/Silver shit. Now Gold is free on PC but its way too late for Gears.

For Cobras post, I don't remember the exact time frame but I did grab a couple Dreamcast games around the time they discontinued the system if that counts.

Alright fine... but then name one hardcore PC title (aside from the MMOs) that sold more than 200,000 units last year. Last year's NPD was depressing. I agree that it isn't all piracy, but then there must have been games that the hardcore elevated to multiplatinum status right?

Also, I am pretty sure I read that UT3 did far better on the PS3. Though I do agree, its failure on the PC had to do with its lack of innovation. Plus it was against COD4, a game with an MMO kind of appeal.

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #58 on: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 02:37:48 PM »
Bioshock (PC) was released on 21 August, and its sales record indicates 77,374 copies sold as of 13 Sep 2007 (according to Voodoo Extreme). By June 2008 Bioshock PC had sold over a million copies.

Despite piracy and the fact the game is singleplayer-only, it sold very well on the PC.

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #59 on: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 02:44:44 PM »
UT3 sold poorly, but the PC version still outsold the PS3 version. Perhaps it wasn't piracy and system requirements at fault, but the game itself? Fewer gametypes than previous versions, no real new interesting gameplay, a pretty shitty UI. Players went back to UT2004 because of it.
UT3's PC bare minimum requirements weren't too ridiculous for the time upon its release, either.

Gears was released a year later on PC. Even *I* played through the game before then. In co-op, no less. The PC version seems to have had (and still have) bugs and issues that aren't getting fixed.
Still, the stuttering issues remains. I wish Epic would just freakin fix that,

When it launched it needed GFW Live which PC gamers weren't exactly thrilled with. Because of that the multiplayer was hampered with the whole Gold/Silver shit.

Now Gold is free on PC but its way too late for Gears.

Even when I played Gears PC (not too long ago), nobody was playing the MP online. You'd be lucky to find 5-6 servers going, if that!

And I did like the MP, too, I might add.

Yea Cobra, 8 million 8800 series video cards sold last year worldwide.

2.5 million 8800GTs alone shipped in North America during its first three months. I can guarantee the bulk of these 8800 video card owners have played Crysis, yet from the PCG podcast interview of Cevat Yerli last month, Crysis has sold only 1.5 million units worldwide to date.
Of course, Crysis was a PC exclusive and came out around the time GoW PC came out. Most people already played GoW on the X360. And there wasn't too many real PC-only extras on the PC version to sway X360 owners to pony up for the PC version, either -- a few new chapters in SP mode and the SDK. 

I know that games like Crysis have longer legs, but honestly, the major profits come in when the game is sold at full price. Years later, when the game is in the bargain big at half price, the impact isn't nearly as significant.
I finally had a 8800 GT and once I saw Crysis hit $20, made sure I got it.

I would've bought Crysis: Warhead by now, if EA didn't include the limited installs on it. I would've bought Crysis: Warhead, if it came w/ revokes (on the SP).

Mass Effect selling 2 million copies on the 360 during its first month is far more profitable than it selling 3 million on the PC in a period of two years.
Of course it is -- b/c ME X360 was probably popping for $60 on the X360.

Here is a rough comparison between the two flagships of 360 and PC:

Halo 3 units sold: 9 million
Xbox 360s sold: 15 million

Crysis: 1.5+ million
8xxxx series cards: 8 million (heard this on several podcasts... read about the 2.5 million 8800gts in North America myself)
9xxxx series cards: not sure
GTXxxx series cards: not sure
High end Radeon cards: not sure

Even if you put the total high end cards at 12 million, 1.5 units of Crysis is a bit unacceptable.
Crysis got a reputation -- and still does -- for not being optimized too well; yes, even on higher end PC's. And once that word of mouth got around, forget it. The game is going to have to bargain bins for $20 or people are going to have to buy new PC's to go buy Crysis, to take a chance on such a game. I think, the bargain bin is the more likely answer.

I'm sure many Crysis: Original owners -- like myself -- would like to see a patch put out so where Crysis: Original has been optimized to the (supposed) lengths that Crysis: Warhead has been optimized to.

Remember the Chris Taylor rants? While he came off as a jerk, and his games aren't that great, his point struck a cord. He basically said that Nvidia raked in record profits last year, and what angered him about it was that the video cards sold 10 times as many as the most popular games. He was flabbergasted.

I just do think the hardcore are the ones most likely to pirate. A game like Spore, which was received with much anger by the hardcore, and pirated up its ass, managed to open with 2 million units in its first month, and is expected to sell 6 million within the year.
I do agree to an extent that the hardcore PC gamers are more likely to pirate. It's very likely they know how to upgrade their video card, so they can do it themselves. Since they can do that kind of work on their own PC (Software related for dealing with vid cards drivers and hardware related for changing out parts), they also probably know plenty about bit-torrents and how to pirate games, too.

When I was at college -- and this was back some 3-4 years ago or so -- most of the gamers I knew at the college did pirate games. They didn't care if it took forever to DL it. I'm betting they found others things to do, while it DL'ed. But, they would always buy a $300+ or higher priced at the time they were ready for a new card, with intentions of not buying any PC games.

When it comes to pirating games, especially if it's a big-as-hell sized game, I just feel I ain't got that kind of time to DL something of that nature. For all that time it takes to DL a huge game, I could be already playing something else.

So the question is, how significant is the hardcore PC gaming crowd?
Depends on the game. If it's a hardcore game -- which is what Crysis is -- you better find a way to aim for the casual crowd, too. There better be some very easy difficulty for them, which is a good way to try and grace them in. Or else, well...your sales might be disappointing. Especially if your requirements upon release are VERY stiff -- which Crysis was, you can also expect disappointing sales.

Somebody mentioned CoD4 last year sold well on the PC (I don't feel like looking for the quote and I forgot who said it). Remember, CoD4 was dropped for all systems at once, while GoW PC was not. GoW PC would've probably sold much better on the PC if it was dropped along side of the X360 release simultaneously; of course, the 360 sales for GoW probably wouldn't have been as big as they were if PC and X360 GoW were dropped at the same time, either.

Quote from: Xessive
Bioshock (PC) was released on 21 August, and its sales record indicates 77,374 copies sold as of 13 Sep 2007 (according to Voodoo Extreme). By June 2008 Bioshock PC had sold over a million copies.

Despite piracy and the fact the game is singleplayer-only, it sold very well on the PC.
My PC which was the bare minimum on the vid card at that time (6600 GT) -- but way beyond on everything else for the specs -- ran it like a dream and still looked good, despite many things being turned down. Bioshock was EXTREMELY well optimized for min-spec systems.

Was there a spike in rising sales once Bioshock PC pulled the install limit count recently (which was also the time it began selling for $20 retail)?

Also, Bioshock got incredible reviews, as well. I'm sure that helped, as well.

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #60 on: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 04:34:45 PM »
Bioshock (PC) was released on 21 August, and its sales record indicates 77,374 copies sold as of 13 Sep 2007 (according to Voodoo Extreme). By June 2008 Bioshock PC had sold over a million copies.

Despite piracy and the fact the game is singleplayer-only, it sold very well on the PC.

It had a strong copy protection, that wasn't immediately crackable. When I tried to crack the game for my sister's computer (I didn't want to risk my token), I found it a real bitch. But I read at a few forums that the 1 million sales was a mistake from the Nvidia VP. I'll explain at the end.

Of course, Crysis was a PC exclusive and came out around the time GoW PC came out. Most people already played GoW on the X360. And there wasn't too many real PC-only extras on the PC version to sway X360 owners to pony up for the PC version, either -- a few new chapters in SP mode and the SDK.

I don't think you got what I was saying. I wasn't comparing Crysis to Gears PC. I was pointing out the fact that Crysis should have sold better.
I finally had a 8800 GT and once I saw Crysis hit $20, made sure I got it.

I would've bought Crysis: Warhead by now, if EA didn't include the limited installs on it. I would've bought Crysis: Warhead, if it came w/ revokes (on the SP).

Actually you can install it as many times as you want on a single PC. It allows you to install it on 5 PCs before it asks for a phone in. Even then, those 5 PCs you can install on as many times as you want. I find that not too bad.

Crysis got a reputation -- and still does -- for not being optimized too well; yes, even on higher end PC's. And once that word of mouth got around, forget it. The game is going to have to bargain bins for $20 or people are going to have to buy new PC's to go buy Crysis, to take a chance on such a game. I think, the bargain bin is the more likely answer.

Yet everyone still managed to play it at launch. :P

When I was at college -- and this was back some 3-4 years ago or so -- most of the gamers I knew at the college did pirate games. They didn't care if it took forever to DL it. I'm betting they found others things to do, while it DL'ed. But, they would always buy a $300+ or higher priced at the time they were ready for a new card, with intentions of not buying any PC games.

Who can't say they had the same experience in college? Xessive will testify to the fact that I did buy 3 or 4 games a month in my university days, but I did pirate those games for my friends. That's probably something I shouldn't have done.

Depends on the game. If it's a hardcore game -- which is what Crysis is -- you better find a way to aim for the casual crowd, too. There better be some very easy difficulty for them, which is a good way to try and grace them in. Or else, well...your sales might be disappointing. Especially if your requirements upon release are VERY stiff -- which Crysis was, you can also expect disappointing sales.

Yea, but the casual crowd doesn't like shooting and blowing up stuff. They like virtual doll houses, flying planes, evolving creatures etc. Games like Crysis will always be targeted at the hardcore, which puts them in a fix. I guess they either put up, shutup, or just move on.

Also COD4 hit 2.5 million on the PC. Its multiplayer kept people coming back apparently.

Was there a spike in rising sales once Bioshock PC pulled the install limit count recently (which was also the time it began selling for $20 retail)?

Also, Bioshock got incredible reviews, as well. I'm sure that helped, as well.

I've read that Bioshock sold about 400,000 and the Nvidia VP was mistaking.


See here:

June 2008 Bioshock shipped 2.2 million across GFW and 360:

June 2008 Bioshock sold 1 million on the PC:

I've read that it sold five times as many on the 360, so it doesn't add up for me.

OK here:

Bioshock 1.9 million on the 360.

Bioshock 340,000 PC.

TSE uses internet sales estimates as well.

.... then again... the VP of Nvidia can't be mistaking. I'll believe him and say well done Bioshock. :)

Let's just hope that publishers don't think of this as some sort of validation for SECUrom.

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #61 on: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 05:07:05 PM »
Let's just hope that publishers don't think of this as some sort of validation for SECUrom.

Hopefully. 2K themselves had to remove the activation process to sate the masses and they claim that they'll never use such a protection measure again (according to an interview with Ken Levine).

I have a question. How come they can't make games work on PC's the way they work on consoles? I mean with no installation, the game is entirely on the disc and the only things stored are save files. Keep in mind that I hate juggling discs I'm just curious becuase this seems to be the deal-breaker difference between PC and consoles in terms of consoles not needing abrasive security measure.

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #62 on: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 05:24:54 PM »
Funny 2k would say that, except it still hasn't been patched out of Bioshock.

As for why games don't run off the disc, its not a technical limitation or anything. PC gamers want to install stuff. Release a PC game that runs from disc I'm sure you'll see lots of complaints about load times and the like.

Heres something new and interesting: story. Currently a rumor, but to help fight the used game market Gears 2 will come with a voucher code for a DLC map pack of remade/ported Gears 1 maps. So if you buy a new copy of the game, you get em free. Otherwise you pay. Kind of an interesting solution to the "problem" of the used market.

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #63 on: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 05:45:30 PM »
*fight the used game market*

That just sounds odd. It doesn't roll off the tongue like fighting cancer or piracy. It is like saying, let's fight the used car market.

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #64 on: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 06:00:42 PM »
Well, gamers don't really have a reason to fight the used game market. It's mostly the developers.

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #65 on: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 06:11:13 PM »
It had a strong copy protection, that wasn't immediately crackable. When I tried to crack the game for my sister's computer (I didn't want to risk my token), I found it a real bitch. But I read at a few forums that the 1 million sales was a mistake from the Nvidia VP. I'll explain at the end.

I don't think you got what I was saying. I wasn't comparing Crysis to Gears PC. I was pointing out the fact that Crysis should have sold better.
I was trying to say there was no way Gears PC was going to outsell Crysis. If Cliffy B was thinking that was going to happen, he'd be crazy.

Crysis probably should've sold better (it's an excellent shooter, if you ask me, if you got the PC to handle it), but it didn't. Piracy is always an issue, yes; especially "zero day piracy". Its high system specs for its time was an issue. The fact many think the game STILL should be better optimized is an issue, too. So there's already three issues that hurt the game's sales.

I don't think Crysis: Warhead will sell too well, myself -- namely b/c of its damn protection of Securom, which everyone was roaring about w/ Spore.

Actually you can install it as many times as you want on a single PC.
I know this. And they better allow this, too.

It allows you to install it on 5 PCs before it asks for a phone in. Even then, those 5 PCs you can install on as many times as you want. I find that not too bad.
I probably get a new PC every say 4-5 years. So, in 16-20 years, if EA ain't patched the 5 install limit out, I'd have to either call EA tech (if they're still around), get a crack, or just buy Crysis again (hmmmm...maybe GOG will have it, then?). That's an inconvenience, as I'm concerned -- especially since my old copy of say Quake 2 won't ask me to activate it and will install onto a new PC no problem.

Yet everyone still managed to play it at launch. :P
I would not be surprised if people pirated the game just to see how it would run on their PC -- given how high its specs were for its time and how everyone was complaining about how poorly the demo ran. And if it didn't run too well, they probably said, "Good thing I didn't burn my $50."

Yea, but the casual crowd doesn't like shooting and blowing up stuff. They like virtual doll houses, flying planes, evolving creatures etc. Games like Crysis will always be targeted at the hardcore, which puts them in a fix. I guess they either put up, shutup, or just move on.
Question -- how well did Far Cry PC sell upon its release? And how much has it sold to this date?

Also COD4 hit 2.5 million on the PC. Its multiplayer kept people coming back apparently.
I'm sure it lasts longer than the SP component. :P

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #66 on: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 06:26:27 PM »
And just FYI, Crysis to me is not a compelling game.  I'm a hardcore PC gamer and a hardcore FPS junkie, and I never had any interest it in and still have no interest in it.  At all.  And I've talked to others who feel the same.

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #67 on: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 06:59:06 PM »
And just FYI, Crysis to me is not a compelling game.  I'm a hardcore PC gamer and a hardcore FPS junkie, and I never had any interest it in and still have no interest in it.  At all.  And I've talked to others who feel the same.
Oddly enough that's how I felt too. I had no real interest in it or Far Cry 2 (I still have no interest in FC2). It mainly had a lot to do with Far Cry and how it totally turned me off with the whole mutant trigen crap.

Crysis won me over though. I really enjoyed the gameplay and the overall style. The Nano suit is is a great gameplay mechanic that allows me to switch tactics instantly.

I have a few friends who love FPS games but they hate games with realistic weapons or games that have a more tactical and "military" approach. They love games like Quake and UT but they can't stand games like Rainbow Six, Ghost Recon, Far Cry, Crysis, FEAR (gameplay only but they love the thrill factor), or any WW2 themed games.

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #68 on: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 08:50:55 PM »
Unreal Tournament sold over 2 million units, and really pushed the envelope when it came out. Meanwhile UT3 barely crossed 150,000, and was very beautifully optimized. It ran splendidly on a wide range of systems, looking very good everywhere.

Meanwhile you've got Gears of War selling 5 million on the 360 and less than one hundred thousand on the PC.

GoW 360: 5 000 000
GOW PC:     100 000
Aw come on gimme a break.  You want to argue piracy is rampant on the PC, then fine.  But use different examples.

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure these games were pirated like crazy, but no one bought UT3 because it's a pretty version of UT2004, which was an upgrade of UT2003 the year before.  People are done with it.  They want something new.

Gears of War is a different beast.  I kind of put this one akin to Halo PC.  Have any numbers on how Halo did on PC vs. Xbox?  I bet they are skewed even worse than GoW is between the PC and the 360.  It was a wildy successful console game released much later on PC, and was horribly ported.  In addition to a ton of people already playing GoW on the 360,  to this day the game still has major issues and has been completely abandoned.  The stuttering problem is huge and I'm sure the massively widespread complaints about this problem have affected sales.  Also, it's not really a normal PC-type game anyway.

Quote from: Pugnate
Yea Cobra, 8 million 8800 series video cards sold last year worldwide.

2.5 million 8800GTs alone shipped in North America during its first three months. I can guarantee the bulk of these 8800 video card owners have played Crysis, yet from the PCG podcast interview of Cevat Yerli last month, Crysis has sold only 1.5 million units worldwide to date. 
C'mon Pug.  Even you have to realize this is some pretty flimsy "evidence."  No one will ever convince me that people got 8800 cards simply so they could play Crysis.  Or that buying an 8800 for some reason means that you have to have bought or played Crysis  I mean you're just throwing out a ridiculous accusation.
« Last Edit: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 09:15:48 PM by scottws »

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #69 on: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 11:03:00 PM »
Yea I am not saying piracy was the sole reason for these games not selling better, but I am damn sure these games would have sold better.

C'mon Pug.  Even you have to realize this is some pretty flimsy "evidence."  No one will ever convince me that people got 8800 cards simply so they could play Crysis.  Or that buying an 8800 for some reason means that you have to have bought or played Crysis  I mean you're just throwing out a ridiculous accusation.

Ummmm this is in response to the frequent *Crysis didn't sell better because no one could run it argument*..

And Crysis was PC gaming's Halo. Sure not every 8800 series owner was looking forward to it, but undoubtedly many were looking to see what it could do to push the tech, and they found out one way or another.

But yea this is mostly in response to the argument I often hear, even on these boards, where everyone says,"The vast majority of the market wasn't capable of running Crysis."


But yea, the key word in your statement is "ever"... so there is really no point. From the forums I hit, and the hype I saw, I was convinced. I also heard on numerous podcasts that the game worldwide was downloaded 10 times more than it sold, though I haven't seen any proof in that regard.

But basically I did post those stats to point out that there were 10 million people out there certainly capable of running Crysis.

I will go start a poll on anandtech. :P

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #70 on: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 11:44:30 PM »
1. Just because someone pirated the game doesn't mean it's a lost sale.  2. The vast majority of the market isn't readily equipped with 8800s.  3. Just because you have an 8800 doesn't mean the game is going to run that well.

I'm not trying to be belligerent, I just think Crysis isn't half as essential as a lot of people seem to think, and while a lot of people may have been curious, that doesn't mean they wanted to go out and buy it.  See the Spore thread for another situation that's pretty similar.  Very different games, but both kind of had a gimmick or major thing that was supposed to draw people, which at the same time made people unsure about them.

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #71 on: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 11:49:39 PM »
1. Never said it was. But some games are bought out of curiosity. You yourself gave an excellent example of Assassin's Creed a while back, where you pointed out that someone who had pirated the game wasn't likely to go out and buy it later due to the nature of that title.

2. 8 million 8800 series cards alone is actually pretty huge.

3. It's performance wasn't perfect, but it ran pretty well on a 8800 series card. That was the best card available at the time anyway, so that made its owners the most capable.

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #72 on: Wednesday, October 01, 2008, 06:44:17 AM »
If their argument was that people suppsoedly bought Nvidia cards to play Crysis why not try to they strike a deal with Nvidia and bundle Crysis (or its newer iterations) with new graphics cards? (instead of complaining about spilt milk which most people were not going to drink anyway).

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #73 on: Wednesday, October 01, 2008, 06:45:54 AM »
I'm pretty sure they did bundle Crysis with a bunch of 8800s.

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #74 on: Wednesday, October 01, 2008, 06:47:55 AM »
I'm pretty sure they did bundle Crysis with a bunch of 8800s.
Really? Well good effort. They still bitched a bit too much about it.

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #75 on: Wednesday, October 01, 2008, 10:57:15 AM »
I'm getting lost here.  No one is suggesting that people bought 8 million 8800 GTs at that time to get faster Excel displays, right?  We can all agree that the only thing driving such sales would be bleeding-edge games, with a minute percentage directed at odd applications, such as science or fancy audio processing.  OK, so maybe Crysis wasn't the only such game.  What are the others, new at that time, which would require such graphics power?  How many copies did they sell?  That's a real question, not some rhetorical debate tactic.

If the software and required-hardware sales numbers don't match up, then I think it's safe to assume the difference is mostly piracy.

Edit:  It also occurs to me that this is the best-case scenario for the proponents of a moral majority of PC gamers.  It doesn't take into account anything but NVidia 8800 numbers.  We are excluding equivalent ATi Radeons and users making do with older graphics cards.

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #76 on: Wednesday, October 01, 2008, 03:08:26 PM »
I'm getting lost here.  No one is suggesting that people bought 8 million 8800 GTs at that time to get faster Excel displays, right?  We can all agree that the only thing driving such sales would be bleeding-edge games, with a minute percentage directed at odd applications, such as science or fancy audio processing.  OK, so maybe Crysis wasn't the only such game.  What are the others, new at that time, which would require such graphics power?  How many copies did they sell?  That's a real question, not some rhetorical debate tactic.

If the software and required-hardware sales numbers don't match up, then I think it's safe to assume the difference is mostly piracy.

Edit:  It also occurs to me that this is the best-case scenario for the proponents of a moral majority of PC gamers.  It doesn't take into account anything but NVidia 8800 numbers.  We are excluding equivalent ATi Radeons and users making do with older graphics cards.
Very true. I think Crytek made a mistake in generalizing that most (if not all) PC gamers are the Nvidia users.

I can totally imagine the Crytek-EA meeting went down something like this:

Cry: Glad we released this game together! Can't wait to see the reactions!
EA: Have you seen the numbers?
Cry: What numbers?
EA: Apparently there was a spike in Nvidia high-end graphics cards purchases, specifically the 8800 series, around the same time Crysis was released. Roughly 3 times the sales figures of Crysis.
Cry: So?
EA: So it suggests that a lot of people playing this game have not acquired it through legal channels.
Cry: Are you saying that all Nvidia graphics card buyers are Crysis players?
EA: Yes.
Cry: What about ATI/AMD?
EA: Don't change the subject.
Cry: But that--
EA: *Vanishes into the night mist*

The following press conference..

Cry: Well, it seems that somehow our sales figures are doing poorly despite the fact that our game only runs on exquisite personal computers with only the highest-end hardware generally owned by enthusiasts only.. so.. we're pulling the Piracy card..      because EA said so..

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #77 on: Wednesday, October 01, 2008, 05:45:53 PM »
Cobra, what you say is true but I don't really buy my graphics cards for the "now" so much as the past and future. I can run my old games maxed and I'll be able to play whatever I want in the future. Like...Assassins Creed. I didn't buy my 8800 just for it, but it sure as hell came in handy. So to say more people should be buying Crysis because they have fast cards isn't totally truthful.

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #78 on: Wednesday, October 01, 2008, 06:06:12 PM »
I'm getting lost here.  No one is suggesting that people bought 8 million 8800 GTs at that time to get faster Excel displays, right?  We can all agree that the only thing driving such sales would be bleeding-edge games, with a minute percentage directed at odd applications, such as science or fancy audio processing.  OK, so maybe Crysis wasn't the only such game.  What are the others, new at that time, which would require such graphics power?  How many copies did they sell?  That's a real question, not some rhetorical debate tactic.
I agree that people didn't buy 8800s to run regular apps faster.  I mean that's obvious.  PCIe and AGP videocards are for gamers and 8800s are for serious PC gamers. I've already said this, but I'll say it again:  I do not think it is a reasonable assumption to say that people bought 8800-series cards to play Crysis.  Yes, sure some people did.  But it's quite a leap to somehow say that 8 million cards sold should have equaled 8 million copies of Crysis sold or some such rhetoric along those lines and I simply won't accept such rushes to judgment.

I also don't think it's fair to assume that people bought 8800s to play all the bleeding edge games out at the time.  My computer is about a year and a half old now, and I have a 8800GTS (320MB VRAM).  The GTS wasn't even new at the time and the GTX was out just shy of three full years ago.  People have been buying the 8800-series cards because they have been out for quite a long time now... no serious gamer was going to build a system and purchase a one or two year-old 7xxx series card when there where 8800 series cards to be had for a pretty reasonable price for a solid video card that was light years ahead in terms of performance over the 7xxx series.  Some people do purchase top-end cards for the bleeding edge games out or coming out shortly thereafter, but others like myself purchase them with the goal of having a system that doesn't have to be upgraded at all for two or three years or maybe even longer.

What Pug and Cobra are saying does have some elements of truth, but I just think there is way too much assuming and going on here.  Maybe I'm arguing semantics but I just don't think its fair for anyone to say the things they are saying and passing them off as wholesale truths without considering the finer details and other possibilities or at least discussing them if they are being considered.

Cobra, as far as your question about what other games came out at the time, I guess it depends on whether you're talking about around the release of Crysis or the 8800-series of cards, because there is a two year difference.  But I will say that no game before or since has pushed a system like Crysis has with the equipment available at the time of release and even a year later.  Still, I want to make it clear that I find it completely unfair and false to say that Crysis is the reason for the high sales of the 8800, especially if what you are getting at is that no other game pushes a system like it does.

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Re: Gears 2 to have violence filter
« Reply #79 on: Wednesday, October 01, 2008, 06:52:14 PM »
I don't think you're arguing semantics, scott.  I agree with everything you said, and would have said it myself except I didn't want to get that invested in the argument.

What it comes down to is that an 8800 is going to enhance any game over inferior hardware, and allow you to run older games at higher resolutions, help your machine last into the future, etc. etc.  I sincerely wish The Witcher ran better for me.  I have a 7800GT.  If I bought an 8800 right now, it would be to help that game run better, not because I even remotely give a shit about Crysis, which continues to hold no appeal.  Blanket statements have no place here.  You could argue that The Witcher should have sold way more because lots of people love RPGs and have machines that could run it, but it didn't sell nearly as many copies as it should have.  It's kind of a niche title, and that makes no sense when you consider what it is, what it does, and how big its potential audience is.

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