Author Topic: Dead Space PC giveaway  (Read 13370 times)

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Dead Space PC giveaway
« on: Tuesday, October 14, 2008, 12:54:37 PM »

All you have to do is leave a comment on the story and they'll randomly pick someone to win a copy of Dead Space for PC.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Dead Space PC giveaway
« Reply #1 on: Tuesday, October 14, 2008, 06:48:45 PM »
That would be awesome if it was a DRM-free copy.

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Re: Dead Space PC giveaway
« Reply #2 on: Tuesday, October 14, 2008, 07:10:44 PM »
That would be awesome if it was a DRM-free copy.

So agreed.

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Re: Dead Space PC giveaway
« Reply #3 on: Tuesday, October 14, 2008, 07:41:12 PM »
Oh, its got the DRM in it as well? Shit.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Dead Space PC giveaway
« Reply #4 on: Tuesday, October 14, 2008, 07:48:23 PM »
EA has stated all their games will use SecuROM.

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Re: Dead Space PC giveaway
« Reply #5 on: Tuesday, October 14, 2008, 08:18:45 PM »
Shit. Again.

*looks over at Mirrors Edge and Rage*

Double shit.

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Re: Dead Space PC giveaway
« Reply #6 on: Tuesday, October 14, 2008, 08:30:53 PM »
I still don't fucking understand why id went over to them.  That infuriates me like crazy.

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Re: Dead Space PC giveaway
« Reply #7 on: Tuesday, October 14, 2008, 10:30:33 PM »
I'm guessing it had something to do with money.

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Re: Dead Space PC giveaway
« Reply #8 on: Wednesday, October 15, 2008, 03:29:52 AM »
I think id would have considered Atari if they were'nt on a downward slope. I'm not praising Atari, they're just the lesser of two evils at this point.

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Re: Dead Space PC giveaway
« Reply #9 on: Wednesday, October 15, 2008, 06:07:39 AM »
I'm guessing it had something to do with money.


I think id would have considered Atari if they were'nt on a downward slope. I'm not praising Atari, they're just the lesser of two evils at this point.

They are also not in the same league. Everything Atari touches, seems to be a stinker at the sales department. Alone in the Dark was their big trump card, and look what happened to that.

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Re: Dead Space PC giveaway
« Reply #10 on: Wednesday, October 15, 2008, 12:20:56 PM »
Just get the console version if you don't want to deal with the DRM issues it presents on the PC. 

Also, this game looks very interesting.  I followed the animated comic series released online and I really want to play this game.  I don't know if I will though with so many big games coming in the next couple weeks.

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Re: Dead Space PC giveaway
« Reply #11 on: Wednesday, October 15, 2008, 02:26:16 PM »

They are also not in the same league. Everything Atari touches, seems to be a stinker at the sales department. Alone in the Dark was their big trump card, and look what happened to that.

AITD 2008 came out too early.

AITD 2008 will be fine, if and when we PC gamers get that patch the other two versions are getting to fix ALL of the issues with the game next month on the X360 AND the patched version with extra content coming for the PS3....
(See my AITD 2008 thread for more info on this)

I wrote to Eden Games about this. I am hoping for a response....this century...

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Re: Dead Space PC giveaway
« Reply #12 on: Thursday, October 16, 2008, 01:05:47 AM »
I'd like to add that this really is a damn fine game. Think, more or less, Resident Evil 4 with a sci-fi theme. While that statement will give you the general gist of the experience, it doesn't really convey just how well the game does stuff with its atmosphere an combat.

Visually, the game manages to merge gritty sci-fi like the ship from the original Alien and clean visual technology almost like the computers from Minority Report, although that stuff has a harder edge to it with visual elements like scan lines and such. Overall it, it creates a pretty believable take on the future where form follows function, but it still looks futuristic. When you start adding all the lighting effects and levels of shadow that would make Doom III look almost bright, the environments take on a life of their own. You constantly see things moving in the shadows. To the game's credit, those things will come out and attack you just enough to make you believe what you see. Actually, it sort of makes me think that if System Shock was made today there's a good chance it would look and feel like this.

Then there's the combat. The best word I can think of to describe it would be hefty. Every attack, yours or the enemy's, has a sense of weight to it so all the weapons feel effective and getting hit by an enemy is something to be feared. There isn't a great number of enemy types so far, but things are dynamic enough that it keeps things fresh. You can blow of limbs and such, but that often won't kill an enemy and instead alters how they come at you. Blow off a leg, they try to crawl at you. Shoot of their head, they claw wildly in all directions. It's pretty satisfying, but it also serves a purpose. More often than not, you won't be able to take enemies down fast enough unless you use the precious big gun ammo, so you have to slow the guys down, reposition, and finish them off. Also keeping you on your toes, sometimes it seems like guys will play dead for a little so they can surprise you later. All the weapons are pretty interesting too and serve some sort unique purpose, so you'll approach fights differently depending on your loadout.

Like RE4, I don't imagine this will work well with a mouse and keyboard. I think you've all had that debate, so I suppose it depends on where you sit on the issue. I don't believe having ultra precise control is good for the game, but I don't fault these games for actually taking advantage of what should be a limitation of controllers to make shooting more interesting.

So yeah, I think if you're interested in the game I'd suggest a console version if you have the means, especially if the idea of the DRM bugs you. EA did right here on the game development front, so maybe it wouldn't hurt to show them that this is a good thing and worth supporting.

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Re: Dead Space PC giveaway
« Reply #13 on: Thursday, October 16, 2008, 05:25:48 AM »
Cool stuff.  I'm not extremely interested in trying this out.  I really want to get this, but with a lot of big budget titles coming in the next few weeks, I'm not sure if I will or not.

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Re: Dead Space PC giveaway
« Reply #14 on: Thursday, October 16, 2008, 07:52:33 AM »
I definitely plan to, and with Sy's recommendation's coming as much as they have been, now doubly so.  Plus it's been a while since we've had a good sci-fi horror game.  As much as I want SH5, it hasn't been that long since I played a good SH game.  Considerably longer since a good abandoned-spaceship-spooky-shooter.

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Re: Dead Space PC giveaway
« Reply #15 on: Thursday, October 16, 2008, 11:11:45 AM »
That does sound good.  This game sneaked up on me, but only because I didn't pay attention.  Now I am.

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Re: Dead Space PC giveaway
« Reply #16 on: Thursday, October 16, 2008, 01:52:21 PM »
When the PC version gets much cheaper and/or the DRM is lessened, yeah -- this one looks like must-play stuff.

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Re: Dead Space PC giveaway
« Reply #17 on: Thursday, October 16, 2008, 09:27:36 PM »
I have to echo most of Sy's statements.  Picked this up today and have given it a good few hours, and it's pretty amazingly cool.  I think that's actually the biggest thing in its favor: it's cool.  I mean, it's a standard sci-fi story thus far (though I've seen hints of where it may be going), and even a fairly standard setup, but everything is just so cool.  Your ship is cool, the ship you go to is cool, your suit is cool, the way your guy's HUD (which isn't a HUD to you, but sort of pops up in front of him as an actual 3D hologram -- has to be seen to be appreciated, trust me) is fucking cool, the enemies are cool (at least if you're a big fan of The Thing), the weapons are cool, the upgrade system is cool... that's really the best word I can use to define the game.  That isn't to say it's pure novelty, because the core mechanics are very solid and the story is being told convincingly with high production values, originality of setup aside.

Gameplay isn't revolutionary, but it's very satisfying.  As Sy said, you get a real nice sense of impact when you or an enemy lands a hit, and it helps that the animation is absolutely top notch.  Whoever animated this thing would have the right to be obscenely proud.  It just flows really well, and so not only do you have the great audio punch of impact, but also the visual punch, plus the mechanical punch.

Fortunately, the audiovisual stuff is pretty prevalent all over.  There are tons of nice touches on both counts, and while this isn't necessarily the most amazing-looking game you've ever seen, it's an extremely cohesive package that feels and looks really natural, and makes great use of the effects it employs.  It's very, very good looking.  The design is fairly reminiscent of Doom 3 on both fronts, perhaps not so surprisingly.  This game feels like it took a lot of inspiration from id, though I really don't mean that in a bad way.  I thought Chris Vrenna's environmental cues were brilliant there, and this has a very similar feel, with the various sounds of the ship sort of coming across as almost vaguely musical at times, often adding a sense of relief or foreboding to a given scene.  Atmosphere is palpable, due not only to great audio but also very rich visual acoustics.  You get a real sense of depth and substance from the mist and smoke effects, and the cinematic flair of the game is very evident right from the start.  It sets up some great scenes even with the camera stuck behind the main character.  And when you lose a little control and watch something, they do a pretty great job so far of making it just great to watch, and the seamless nature of that loss and regaining of control is well done and very natural feeling.  In fact, one cutscene did a masterful job of integrating a little bit of control with what was essentially "supposed to happen".

Anyway, whoever is truly behind this game did a remarkable job just with the design elements alone, and that well-laid framework seems to have brought what might have been a standard action game into something much, much more intriguing.  I'd say the game more or less plays like a faster, more fluid RE4.  It's similar, but the movement of it is much quicker, you can think on your feet and rely on your instincts more, and quick thinking can become quick action which can become a great shot or two in the heat of battle or on the tail of an abmush.  As far as mouse control... I don't know that I feel as bad about it as Sy does.  I've already found that with less precise control I'm still doing a lot of precision shooting, and my one weapon so far has at times had so much ammo I can barely hold anything else!

But yeah, this is great.  If you're even remotely interested in the basic premise, I can't imagine you being disappointed.

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Re: Dead Space PC giveaway
« Reply #18 on: Thursday, October 16, 2008, 10:48:06 PM »
I had the same "problem" with ammo going early on, but as things are continuing on I'm noticing my reserve is getting noticeably smaller. While I haven't gone dry at a horrible time yet, I no longer have stacks of stuff to fall back on should I get into a prolonged fight. There was a cool moment tonight where I pulled out the flamethrower to fry a swarm of guys only to pull the trigger with no effect. I was worried for a second that I forgot to load it up before trekking out, but then I remembered that I was in a vacuum at the time and a flamethrower wouldn't be able to operate without air. It was a great little panic moment while I had to consider my options because I loaded up the flamethrower for exactly that sort of situation and didn't really have a great fallback weapon and most everything else would eat up more ammo that I wanted it to.

I've also had plenty of precision with the controller controls. My point is having more would sort of feel unnatural. Since placing shots well is a large part of the game, being able to line up shots nearly instantly would kill much of the tension. That's probably the thing with mouse control. You can get precise with the controller, but you can be precise and quick with a mouse. Being able to cut off a leg and then pop off a head within the space of a second wouldn't allow for that second of worrying as the creature starts to crawl towards you.

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Re: Dead Space PC giveaway
« Reply #19 on: Thursday, October 16, 2008, 11:13:50 PM »
I guess that's true, though I don't think it would hurt as much as you do.  I guess mostly because the game lacks fear for me.  It doesn't even feel as scary as Doom 3.  I was just talking about this in IRC with idol.  The guy is just so... awesome looking.  But it's also the way he animates.  He just looks so unbelievably confident and ready when he's got his gun aimed and he's walking.  It's almost inspiring, and I find myself doubting that anybody could fuck with him successfully, crazy monster dude or otherwise.

But my heavens this game is gory.  I don't think I've ever seen a game gorier than this one.

<@Sirean|gone> I don't think the story is going to really pull anything unexpected. As it is, it's more or less going to do the whole Event Horizon/the Thing/Alien rundown, which is fine since it's doing it all so well and doesn't really seem to just be an homage to all those things.
<@Quemaqua> Yeah, that's the thing... it just does it all so well, who cares?
<@Quemaqua> That doesn't really help it be scary, but I don't really need scary when I've got dumptrucks-full-of-meat gore levels and tight action with cool monsters and powerful weapons.
« Last Edit: Thursday, October 16, 2008, 11:21:50 PM by sirean_syan »

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Re: Dead Space PC giveaway
« Reply #20 on: Friday, October 17, 2008, 07:13:52 PM »

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Re: Dead Space PC giveaway
« Reply #21 on: Friday, October 17, 2008, 11:11:22 PM »
Picked this up tonight.  Really tense atmosphere... gameplay isn't revolutionary, but the game remains fun nonetheless.

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Re: Dead Space PC giveaway
« Reply #22 on: Saturday, October 18, 2008, 07:40:37 AM »
I think I was actually a little wrong to dismiss the scare factor so quick.  It still doesn't really strike me as all that scary, but after playing a really long session with it and going to bed immediately after, it took me a while to get the images out of my head so I could sleep.  That doesn't necessarily equal scary, but there's just so much of that kind of grotesquery that I think it seeped into my head a little more than I'd have liked.  Because it didn't feel superfluous, it felt like they were fairly sure of the direction they wanted to head in and what they wanted to use the gore for, if you know what I mean.  I think it was pretty successful there.  The stuff doesn't feel cheap, it feels like (this sounds funny, but you know what I mean) enriches the space the game lives in.

Anyway, I haven't gotten to play at all for a while, so hopefully I'll get some in today.  Going to check out the comics and the site as well.

EDIT - I'd just like it noted that I found a pretty seriously fun easter egg in the game, and I think I'm the first person to actually do it (or at least proclaim it).  I don't see anything about it online via search engines, or anything even on the steps that I took to get there, either in picture, video, or written format.  I see something on a site relating to some cheat codes you can enter, which may have something to do with it, but nothing on the steps taken to get there or what I found.  The official forums have nothing, either.

Haha, how fun.  I didn't expect what I did would really lead to anything, and it was fairly difficult to do since it actually involved guessing at some stuff without proof, and even harder to then put it together and realize what I was actually looking at.  I'm very pleased with myself right now.

UPDATE - Apparently it was already found.  Aw.  But it looks like the information was leaked before the game even came out, and the people talking about it were already plainly aware of its existence.  So fuck 'em, they didn't do shit.

EDIT x2 - This game is cooler than I gave it credit for.  While on one hand some facets of the alien menace are a little more predictable than I'd like, the backstory is stepping up and being what really differentiates this from other games.  It isn't necessarily the most different thing ever, but it's different enough to be a twist on the usual.  I ran across a room in my Hard game today that I'd missed on Medium, and it had a video plus some text that explained a whole hell of a lot, and it hit me just how different the humanity of the game's world is from our own.  Well, not necessarily so different, but it's had I think 500 years to grow more defective in some ways, to get over certain moral quandaries, and to just sort of... shift a little.  I'm actually more eager than ever to dig into some of the background stuff that the game doesn't even get into, and I'm hoping that as they continue the franchise, they'll make use of more of those tantalizing bits.  Gears of War seemed to have a great universe too, but it was COMPLETELY WORTHLESS because Epic, in their glorious stupidity, decided it would be more fun to just ignore that entirely and focus on shooting shit in the face.  Dead Space is proof that you can have a great action game that's tense, scary, and also has a story that can be frequently alluded to to enhance the experience, and even just doing that in small ways still makes a big difference.
« Last Edit: Sunday, October 19, 2008, 08:54:30 AM by Quemaqua »

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Re: Dead Space PC giveaway
« Reply #23 on: Sunday, October 19, 2008, 12:01:19 PM »
Yea there's quite a bit of backstory behind this game.  The animated comics were quite good and I'm interested in the movie that's being released in 2 weeks.

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Re: Dead Space PC giveaway
« Reply #24 on: Sunday, October 19, 2008, 01:00:23 PM »
I hate and loathe the animation style being used for the movie, but I'm totally going to pick it up anyway because I want more story.  I loved the comics (well, I'm only up to 3, but so far they're really good -- I anticipate getting the hardback edition of the trade paperback they're releasing).

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Re: Dead Space PC giveaway
« Reply #25 on: Sunday, October 19, 2008, 03:15:44 PM » is complaining about the PC Version's controls for Dead Space PC

For all our hardcore PC audience, that means everyone of you, we recently got hands on with an early copy of EA’s Dead Space for the PC. Good news? It’s still Dead Space!

Bad news? The controls are 2nd to the worst controls we’ve seen ever since Path of Neo came to the PC platforms. The smoothness compared to consoles is just not there, and from what we can tell it doesn’t seem like a patch can fix most of the issues. Inventory stack access becomes frustrating when fighting with monsters and aiming for on-the-fly changes. The controls just aren’t smooth. When contacting EA Redwood Shores regarding these issues:

Quote from: EA Redwood
Dead Space for PC is an equivalent experience to that on consoles. The controls are different and customizable, but we feel it’s in the best ability for the players to match what the console experience is like.

It’s ironic that it needs to be argued that it matches the console experience from the controls in EA’s eyes.  The fact isn’t a matter of customization as much as it’s just not feasible to do most of the mapped controls on the keyboard and still maintain a fluid transition between interface and gameplay. If you have a console, go with the console version of Dead Space. The PC one is just not the same thing. If you’re tight on $20 extra for the console version, rent it and then settle for the PC one after. It’s such a shame.

Posted By: Usman Ihtsham
ON Saturday, October 18th, 2008
2:30 PM

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Re: Dead Space PC giveaway
« Reply #26 on: Monday, October 20, 2008, 07:42:17 AM »
This game is awesome.  I'm progressing fairly slow through it at the moment, and I can't figure out why some doors are locked and I can't find a key or something to open it, but the overall experience is really good.

The sound is absolutely phenomenal. 

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Re: Dead Space PC giveaway
« Reply #27 on: Monday, October 20, 2008, 08:32:41 AM »
To me the sound design is very, very, very similar to Doom 3.  I'd say this is the only sci-fi/horror game to date to ever match the atmosphere of Doom 3, so it's funny that it borrows so many facets from that title.  In fact, this game feels to me like it borrowed almost every single idea it ever had from some game or movie, and while that would normally be a bad thing, for some reason it just feels right.  It's like a hodgepodge of every cool thing you could ever want, and since they did it with so much care and affection, you end up with this practically religious experience for any sci-fi/horror nut.  It is scary (or at worst, consistently unsettling, which is just fine), it does have that "cool" factor regarding all the weapons, your suit, the ship designs, etc., it's got the lighting down, it's got the ambient noise and atmosphere down, it's got the dynamic music stuff going for it (which is more effective than I'd have thought initially), and it's got a real survival horror feel to it while still allowing you to plow through hordes of bad guys at times almost as though you were a thick-necked space marine (but never so well that you feel like you're an ultra badass -- at least on Hard).  The material it borrows is obvious and the list goes on for a mile and a half: Aliens, Event Horizon, The Thing, Silent Hill, Resident Evil 4, Doom 3; and yet it somehow still feels fresh and original, even if certain plot elements are a little recycled.  All this, and it does actually reward skill consistently like a good action game should, despite some leanings toward survival horror.

I'm definitely consistently impressed by it.  I do wish they'd taken a little more care to leave out certain done-to-death elements that others have worn out before they ever got to them, but all in all, I accept those for what they are for the simple fact that the game is engaging me with stuff that I like more often than it does anything else.

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Re: Dead Space PC giveaway
« Reply #28 on: Monday, October 20, 2008, 05:29:45 PM »
PC Version reviews
8.0 from GamesRadar

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Re: Dead Space PC giveaway
« Reply #29 on: Monday, October 20, 2008, 10:25:04 PM »
The one thing I really agree with in that review is the mission objectives.  Now, generally what happens on the way to each objective is completely awesome, and there are a few that break the monotony a little, but you do generally get the feeling that you have to run around and fix shit too much.  So while that does unfortunately hurt the impetus to actually get off your ass to go complete the mission, it ultimately isn't a huge deal since the meat of the game is all about what happens as you attempt to complete these objectives, not really the objectives themselves.  But still, a little variety would have gone a long way, if only to just alleviate the groans when the NPC urgently calls you with the latest crisis you need to help solve.  It makes it a little harder to take seriously.

Can't say I feel like the story is bland, though.  There are a few too many borrowed elements, to be sure, which is a problem the game faces in a lot of different ways as I discussed before, but ultimately I think the story is different on the whole, even if a few of the specifics fall a little flat.  There's some cool stuff happening, and the strange link between an organized group and a strange lifeform is really intriguing to me.

Just got to chapter 8 tonight, probably halfway through it.  Unfortunately we had to stop at like the worst possible moment.  I want to know what's going to happen so bad.

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Re: Dead Space PC giveaway
« Reply #30 on: Tuesday, October 21, 2008, 03:57:43 AM »
Brad Shoemaker really liked it over at Giantbomb, gave it 5/5 stars. Im like... wanting it more now.

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Re: Dead Space PC giveaway
« Reply #31 on: Tuesday, October 21, 2008, 07:55:29 PM »
Brad is cool.

Also, from the Fallout 3 thread, where we somehow started talking about this game, I posted the following on the rumored PC control problems:

All I can say is that every single link I found on google regarding "dead space pc controls" just came with a link to that WhatIfGaming place, so I'm almost ready to cry bullshit.  Seriously, every single link is just someone reporting what they said, and who the fuck ever even heard of these people?  I sure haven't.  And nobody else seems to be complaining, so... I have no idea.  It'd be nice to get a 2nd opinion.

 ... and after a little more searching, it appears the problem may be related to some systems and not others.  Some people don't have any idea what the naysayers are talking about and report the controls work perfectly fine, or exactly like the console versions.  And some people seem to have issues with mouse/keyboard and controller both, indicating something is up with their rig and the game, not just the game itself universally.  And it very much sounds like something that could be patched up, and hopefully will be soon.  One guy I'm reading here says that when he's in a detail-light corridor and trying to aim, the response is super sluggish, but when he's in an area with tons of detail, his aim flies all over the place super fast.  So there definitely is something funny, and it's definitely not affecting everyone.

Take that for what it's worth.

Also, one of the guys I work with is playing this now.  He asked me if I'd played Silent Hill Homecoming yet.  It was like a happy ray of sunshine in my day to know somebody employed at the same place I am is just as screwed up in the head.

天才的な閃きと平均以下のテクニックやな。 課長有野

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Re: Dead Space PC giveaway
« Reply #32 on: Tuesday, October 21, 2008, 08:07:30 PM »
Also, one of the guys I work with is playing this now.  He asked me if I'd played Silent Hill Homecoming yet.  It was like a happy ray of sunshine in my day to know somebody employed at the same place I am is just as screwed up in the head.

*taps foot and (im)patiently waits for this Dead Space thread to suddenly turn into the SH: Homecoming thread.*

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Re: Dead Space PC giveaway
« Reply #33 on: Tuesday, October 21, 2008, 08:11:19 PM »
Awwww.  Que made a new friend at work.  NOW KILL HIM.

Uh, anyways, I checked out on the Dead Space PC thing.  I don't have a whole lot of faith in those clowns, but that's where the Vsync thing came up, and people there claimed it either worked or enabling Vsync brought the problem on when they weren't experiencing it before.  Take that as you will.

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Re: Dead Space PC giveaway
« Reply #34 on: Tuesday, October 21, 2008, 08:30:28 PM »
Hey, I'm just hoping that issue gets resolved for all PC game reviewers out there...

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Re: Dead Space PC giveaway
« Reply #35 on: Tuesday, October 21, 2008, 10:36:13 PM »
Awwww.  Que made a new friend at work.  NOW KILL HIM.


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Re: Dead Space PC giveaway
« Reply #36 on: Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 04:43:39 AM »
All I can say is that every single link I found on google regarding "dead space pc controls" just came with a link to that WhatIfGaming place, so I'm almost ready to cry bullshit.  Seriously, every single link is just someone reporting what they said, and who the fuck ever even heard of these people?  I sure haven't.  And nobody else seems to be complaining, so... I have no idea.  It'd be nice to get a 2nd opinion.p

hahaha that's what my reaction was when I did a search on gooogle. I saw about 20 links posting the news as if it were some fact, with lots of angry people in the comments section when I noticed they were all citing the same source.

But then again, I did notice Dan Stapleton and someone at IGN claim they experienced the same problem. IGN even said the problem couldn't be fixed, but that's obviously a ridiculous notion.

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Re: Dead Space PC giveaway
« Reply #37 on: Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 09:34:26 AM »
If this is true, then I have to assume the culprit is mouse-tracking code that goes dead on the long wait for vertical retrace, but shouldn't.  No matter how you implement vsync, a lot of dead time is necessary, but only for rendering and displaying.  So yes, saying it can't be fixed is bullshit.

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Re: Dead Space PC giveaway
« Reply #38 on: Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 01:56:24 PM »
It's up to EA to decide if they want to try to fix the problem or not, not IGN.

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Re: Dead Space PC giveaway
« Reply #39 on: Sunday, October 26, 2008, 06:52:50 AM »
EA plans to do more original IP's.
They're basically going to use Dead Space as their business model on how to do this.

They pumped out a comic and direct-to-DVD flick FIRST, basically as sets up for their upcoming game.

1UP News

EA Sees Dead Space as a Model for Their Future
Electronic Arts shifting away from licenses and toward original IPs.
By Kris Pigna, 10/25/2008
Dead Space screenshot

Electronic Arts' recently released survival horror game Dead Space is, after Boom Blox, Spore, and Army of Two, the fourth game the publisher released this year that was built on an entirely new IP -- and there's still Mirror's Edge on the way in November. For a company that has become inexorably linked to licensed games, sports games, and sequels, that's pretty damn astounding. And as Variety's The Cut Scene blog reports, it's a new trend that EA sees as the model for their future operations.

"We found a few years ago that we had a set of problems where EA's reputation became one of just doing sports games, sequels, and licenses and the market was reacting to newer properties like Grand Theft Auto and Halo," said the suddenly omnipresent Frank Gibeau, president of the EA Games label. "At the same time, movie and sports licensors started jacking up their rates and it was becoming less profitable to chase licenses."

Hence EA's shift in focusing more on original games, with Dead Space being the first title in a program they call "IP cubed" -- games with original intellectual properties that are planned from the outset to transition into other media, rather than have them become successful games first, and try to transfer them to other media later. With Dead Space, for instance, there has already been a comic book and a direct-to-DVD animated film based on the game.

"People used to think of things like that as a distraction, but I think our game is stronger because of the influence of the comics and the animated movie," said Glenn Schofield, general manager of EA's Redwood Shores studio and executive producer of Dead Space. "Everyone internally is looking at Dead Space as the model now because there's just so much content that we've generated."

In the fuller transcript of Variety's interview with Gibeau and Schofield, a few more interesting tidbits were revealed about the future of EA, and Dead Space in particular. For one, Schofield said that a Dead Space sequel was already in the works, although obviously there weren't any specific details given about it. Schofield also confirmed that they're "talking to movie studios right now" about creating a (presumably live-action) Dead Space film; this comes after the recent revelation that EA is developing an Army of Two movie with Universal. And speaking of Army of Two, Gibeau also stated that they have a "sequel idea planned" for Army of Two, as well as for Battlefield: Bad Company.

Clearly, EA hasn't given up on sequels entirely. What, did you think they lost their minds?
« Last Edit: Tuesday, October 28, 2008, 05:10:17 AM by MysterD »