Well unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it) most of the racism that goes on in America is very subtle. Can you guys think of someone that isn't apart of a hate group that will openly say that he hates blacks, Latinos, Jews, etc? The cop didn't have to say he hates blacks, his actions were racist. He saw a black man breaking into a house, the man proved the house was his and then he was arrested for being "hostile"?
First of all, anyone would be "hostile" after some cop was given him shit about "breaking into his own house". Second of all, after he proved he owned the house, the cop should have just left. He never put his hands on the cop or tried to attack him, so even if he cursed him out, the cop should have just left the guy alone.
I think we would all be kidding ourselves to think that this same event would have happened to a white guy. I'm not saying the cop wouldn't have come to the scene, I'm saying that the guy wouldn't have been arrested inside of his house, for breaking into his house.
On a side note, I think cops are worthless assholes. Sure, they catch "bad guys" every now and then, but they've never done anything for me when I needed them and have only given me shit.