It's been so long since I've played the original game I honestly can't remember the exact ebb and flow of things, and I played a lot more of Apocalypse a lot more recently... but this one definitely seems to come in waves. I'll get my ass kicked pretty bad, struggle a lot, then all of a sudden get some research and equipment happening that gives me an advantage, and I'll own everything for 2 or 3 maps, then they throw new stuff at me again that's like... what the fuck, OH GOD WHY. That's where I'm at now. Last map was 3 mutons right up front in an area where it was nearly impossible to avoid grouping guys together, so they went grenade-happy, and behind them were like 6 floaters that would all wake up at the same time plus a cyberdisc that at this point can still one-shot a captain with carapace armor and a nano-fiber vest most of the time. Took me forever to get through it. Then I shot down a small scout and thought I'd try to rank up a couple rookies... but fuck, at the lowest level they literally just can't hit anything even when they're standing on top of it. A group of muties and a cyberdisc just raped us all, even with a major assault, captain support, and lieutenant heavy, and everyone with laser rifles. I finally had to quit because I'm just too tired. Will try again tomorrow. I need to get the upgrade that lets your new hires start as sergeants.
So yeah, how are we the only people playing this? It's so good.