Hearthstone is getting a big change very soon with the addition of
Standard format.
Ben Brode explainsThere will be two formats.
Wild is what we've been playing up until now. Every card ever made is allowed in your deck.
Standard is a new format which allows Basic+Classic cards plus the last 2 calendar years of expansions. So when this update releases you will not be able to use Naxxramas or Goblins vs Gnomes cards in Standard format. That means deck staples like Mad Scientist, Sludge Belcher, Loatheb, Piloted Shredder, Dr. Boom, etc will not be playable in this new format.
You can complete quests and ladder in both modes, though they are separate rankings. End of season rewards will be based on the highest rank you've achieved in EITHER mode. They are also expanding the number of deck slots available from 9 to 18, and this all coincides with a new card expansion that will be hitting this spring and will be usable in Standard and Wild.
There is one wrinkle to all this which makes me not super excited but I'll give my thoughts in a moment. Once this update releases, and expansions or card pack not allowed in standard will be
removed from the store entirely. That means you will no longer be able to buy the Naxxramus adventure or GvG card packs in the shop. These cards will still be craftable with arcane dust, including the Naxx cards (which is actually a new feature since they were previously uncraftable).
Ok, so I've been reading a bunch about this today and have had some time to think about it. I think this is ultimately a positive change for the game. The thing I don't like is the stuff being removed from the store. If I want to fill in my GvG cards then I'll have to craft them with dust, which you dont often get much of. And new players won't be able to play the singleplayer of Naxx anymore, and thats a real shame. Those fights are really fun.
On the other hand, this is good for new players or returning players. Naxx has some truly staple cards to the point where it was almost a required purchase when playing Hearthstone. As more expansions released this problem was getting worse and worse and becomes a huge barrier for new players. Now that they can play standard they only really have to think about their Classic set and the last few expansions. This also makes filling in your Classic set more valuable since they are "eternal" cards that will always be usable.
For experienced and pro players this will help shake things up a lot. Piloted Shredder was the best 4 drop in the game. With it out of the picture what do you put in its place? Sludge Belcher is gone so you need to look at the other taunts available to you. This makes the game more interesting because other cards will see play and how people adapt to dealing with them.
I'm sitting on 2000g in Hearthstone. I could splurge and buy a bunch of GvG packs right now and hope for some good stuff to fill in my collection. But that will only be good when playing Wild. I think I will save it and spend it all on packs for the spring expansion and play Standard mode. I also like the solo expansions and buy them as they come out so I'll still get access to them. Just a bummer new players won't get to play them.