Author Topic: Overwatch: new IP from Blizzard  (Read 32252 times)

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Overwatch: new IP from Blizzard
« on: Friday, November 07, 2014, 01:17:47 PM »
Official Site

Looks like Blizzards take on Team Fortress 2 (revenge for Valve taking Dota?).
« Last Edit: Friday, November 07, 2014, 02:09:08 PM by idolminds »

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Re: Overwatch: new IP from Blizzard
« Reply #1 on: Friday, November 07, 2014, 01:34:16 PM »
That looks really damn awesome. A lot of characters that are all very diverse. Seems like they are going for a Team Fortress FPS with a lot of different characters and abilities from mobas.

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Re: Overwatch: new IP from Blizzard
« Reply #2 on: Friday, November 07, 2014, 06:51:59 PM »
Aaaand the future is MOBA inspired competitive gaming.  Great.

I came across a subreddit the other day about E-sports fantasy leagues.   Think about that.

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Re: Overwatch: new IP from Blizzard
« Reply #3 on: Friday, November 07, 2014, 11:21:46 PM »
God damn it. I don't enjoy "e-Sports" (which I still think need a new nomenclature, because they're not sports, per se).

I'm all for multiplayer, competitive or cooperative. I don't like announcers, ad banners, ad stickers, ad sponsored events, or any of that stuff. It's like going to enjoy some go-karts then finding out that everything is sponsored track racing (a la NASCAR).

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Re: Overwatch: new IP from Blizzard
« Reply #4 on: Saturday, November 08, 2014, 03:47:58 AM »
Aaaand the future is MOBA inspired competitive gaming.  Great.

I came across a subreddit the other day about E-sports fantasy leagues.   Think about that.

I still don't think e-sports will ever catch on in the US like it has with other countries. As for the moba thing... yea I get you, I honestly don't care for it either... except this is a FPS. I mean it seems the only common similarities is the character selection instead of a class selection. I didn't notice any creeps running around, or towers, or "lanes". This still seems significantly different from that genre to at least pique my interest.

Xessive: I used pique this time  :P

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Re: Overwatch: new IP from Blizzard
« Reply #5 on: Saturday, November 08, 2014, 04:30:24 AM »
Gearbox's Battleborn has creeps and towers
Overwatch doesn't seem to have creeps or towers

I'm interested in Overwatch, but not Battleborn. The flow of gameplay is not something I enjoy when it involves hiding behind the NPCs and your towers. This is why I'm not really into Smite, despite it moving and controlling more like an FPS. It's still got the towers and creeps.

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« Reply #6 on: Saturday, November 08, 2014, 08:34:49 AM »
I have never heard the term MOBA until now. Doesn't sound like something I'd be interested in.

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« Reply #7 on: Saturday, November 08, 2014, 04:17:26 PM »
I have never heard the term MOBA until now. Doesn't sound like something I'd be interested in.

Multiplayer Online Battle Arena = DOTA clone

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Re: Overwatch: new IP from Blizzard
« Reply #8 on: Saturday, November 08, 2014, 09:03:09 PM »
I just watched the trailer - I wouldn't be suprised if these are all the art assets from that MMORPG that they cancelled shoehorned into a TF2 clone.  It looks cool.  Not my thing, but cool.

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Re: Overwatch: new IP from Blizzard
« Reply #9 on: Saturday, November 08, 2014, 09:19:59 PM »
I just watched the trailer - I wouldn't be suprised if these are all the art assets from that MMORPG that they cancelled shoehorned into a TF2 clone.  It looks cool.  Not my thing, but cool.

I don't know how reputable the source, but I heard that it's exactly that. Also, back when Titan was cancelled, I heard somewhere that the team was really just cut down to be much smaller, and they changed the name and focus of the project.

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Re: Overwatch: new IP from Blizzard
« Reply #10 on: Saturday, November 08, 2014, 09:33:02 PM »
It just has that look to it - like the classes were originally classes from different factions in the other game.

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Re: Overwatch: new IP from Blizzard
« Reply #11 on: Saturday, May 07, 2016, 05:19:36 PM »
Has anyone been playing the Open Beta?
BTW, got extended until May 10th.

I really like that there's a lot of different heroes and the gameplay's pretty good - but, it seems like this game needs more game-modes....

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Re: Re: Overwatch: new IP from Blizzard
« Reply #12 on: Saturday, May 07, 2016, 10:33:00 PM »
Has anyone been playing the Open Beta?
BTW, got extended until May 10th.

I really like that there's a lot of different heroes and the gameplay's pretty good - but, it seems like this game needs more game-modes....
I checked it out briefly.

Game mechanics are solid, it feels good to play but it does get monotonous; and that's only based on the two matches I played. I can't imagine how repetitive it would get after several more matches. But hopefully the final game will offer enough variety to keep players entertained.

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Re: Overwatch: new IP from Blizzard
« Reply #13 on: Sunday, May 08, 2016, 08:22:46 AM »
Expect more Overwatch content this Summer:

When asked by a fan about the differences between the beta and the full game, Kaplan said that “the version you are playing now is what will go live at launch (there will be some bug fixes etc…).”

Further, he said that the studio is also working on “a TON of post-launch features and content. It’s going to be a pretty amazing summer…”

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Re: Overwatch: new IP from Blizzard
« Reply #14 on: Wednesday, May 11, 2016, 02:11:41 AM »
I played a bit in the closed beta, and a bunch in the open beta. I really think the Overwatch vs Battleborn argument I'm still seeing all over the internet should die. Battleborn is very much a MOBA from what I've seen. Creeps, towers, named heroes with unique abilities, leveling up and buying items each game, etc. Overwatch is an arena shooter lite with named characters that have unique abilities. Map pickups are limited to health items, and objectives are typically "stand in the zone until you cap it", or "stay close to the payload so it will keep moving forward, if it gets to the end you win". Your characters don't level up and you don't buy new items for them, there's no creeps or towers, etc. You do level your profile up and unlock cosmetics though. A lot of the strategy comes in switching characters mid-match to counter the enemy team's setup. Certain heroes are better against certain others. Like Bastion, who can setup in a stationary turret mode and rape faces. Genji has an ability that reflects all incoming damage to wherever you're aiming. If you time it right you can get Bastion to turret himself to death. Reinhardt has a big frontal shield, but has no ranged attacks and Pharah can jetpack into the air and shoot over his shield.

I'm not sure how much longevity it'll have, but I've got 3-4 friends getting it on Xbox One, so I preordered it there.

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Re: Overwatch: new IP from Blizzard
« Reply #15 on: Tuesday, May 24, 2016, 06:29:50 AM »
I played for about 3 hours non-stop last night (after it finally downloaded and installed on my PS4) and I have to say... I'm already addicted to this. Really one of the most fun games I've played in a long time. I think it brings the best elements of games like Team Fortress 2, Quake, and mixes in the things I love about Fighting games into a beautiful, poppy crack rock. I actually woke up an hour early this morning to play before I went to work. More later... I'm really getting into owning Pharah's rocketing abilities.

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Re: Overwatch: new IP from Blizzard
« Reply #16 on: Tuesday, May 24, 2016, 08:49:05 AM »
Pharah is the most Quake-like character! She's badass!

I really like it so far too. Mind you, I'm playing on PC.

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Re: Overwatch: new IP from Blizzard
« Reply #17 on: Tuesday, May 24, 2016, 08:57:05 AM »
Yeah, Quake was like my jam in the day. The rocket launcher was my religion... I went through so many characters and when I found Pharah, it was a match made in heaven.

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Re: Overwatch: new IP from Blizzard
« Reply #18 on: Tuesday, May 24, 2016, 08:45:30 PM »
I was pretty much set on never playing this. I reeeeally hate American-style CG, so all the videos they did turned me off, and the whole vibe just wasn't really something I was into. I also got bored every time I watched footage, even including last night and today. I figured this would be one to just say fuck it, I don't like it. I hate TF2, which kinda ruined the team-based FPS thing for me, so this seemed like one I just wouldn't bother with.

But EVERYONE LOVES IT. I haven't seen a single person say anything bad about it, they're all just totally effusive. It got to the point where I was almost getting angry, like jesus, WHAT is it people like about this stupid game so much? I made a dumb impulse purchase and bought it, because it was just killing me. I had to know.

Turns out it's pretty great. Not perfect, definitely has balance issues, and some of the characters are lame (some are just way deeper mechanically than others; and some abilities require skill to use while there are others that REALLY don't) ... but it's fun. I actually like the character designs, it turns out, even though I wasn't fond of the art style as much. I hate the music and turned that off after about a half hour. Played for several hours and started to fatigue for sure, but never really got bored. It does suffer from some of the same stuff I don't like about what modern team-based shooters have become, but it also does a lot of other stuff right that makes up for it.

It's probably not going to be something I spend a ton of time with in the long term, but I had enough fun that I'm sure I'll get my money's worth out of it. It is indeed a good game like everyone says it is. My curiosity has been sated.

EDIT - Have you guys tried all the characters yet? I kinda jumped around and found characters I like from each group, and there are definitely characters that feel awkward to me or I don't care for. But it surprised me too that even some of the slower characters can be fun. I thought for sure that I'd stick to the ultra-fast ones, but there's really just so much variety. Mei is really awesome, and I love Pharah. Those are probably my top 2. Ice-walling dudes is great fun (I especially love putting one right behind some poor sucker and trapping him so the team can finish him off), and Pharah's rocket launcher is awesome. Though she needs to be able to stay airborne more than she can. The weekly brawl seems to halve her cooldowns, and holy shit, it was so much more fun just being able to stay up and rain death on everyone. Wasn't having as good a time with her in the vanilla modes.

Actually, mobility is my biggest complaint with this game. Especially coming straight from the new Doom, this game just feels kind of slow and there aren't really many ways to escape a bad situation for a lot of characters. If you get caught in a hail of turret fire, you can pretty much just accept death if you don't have a shield or dodge move. Being much more used to FPS games where skillful use of movement can get you out of a bad situation, it's tough for me to swallow the deliberate feel of something like this. It's not BAD at all, necessarily, just doesn't offer the same freedom of movement I instinctively crave from having played so much Quake and UT.
« Last Edit: Tuesday, May 24, 2016, 09:11:27 PM by Quemaqua »

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Re: Overwatch: new IP from Blizzard
« Reply #19 on: Wednesday, May 25, 2016, 03:45:09 AM »
If the Open Beta was any indication (since they said it won't be much different than the final product in vanilla): this thing needs more content - DLC's, expansions, and patches.

This game has tons of heroes that all play much differently (it's best strength), but not much else for game-modes. Either seems like a escort this vehicle or capture a bunch of points for missions. Really - that's it?!?!? Are you serious, for $60 MSRP? Where's straight-up FFA Deathmatch?

Yeah, a fantastic foundation's there. But, really - where's the rest of the damn game?

These modern MP FPS's that are so focused on issuing official DLC's and no SDK's really need to take a look at themselves. Bring back the SDK's, so MP can have way more legs like they did in the old Quake 2+3 & UT series days.

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Re: Overwatch: new IP from Blizzard
« Reply #20 on: Wednesday, May 25, 2016, 06:52:02 AM »
Why spend the budget on designing a game when the players themselves will supply all the events and action?  Just create the framework, and let them do the rest of our work.  That's how I imagine design sessions on MP-only games.  What started out as a fun offshoot of a whole package has become the only remnant of the package.  There are exceptions, to be sure.  But it's too easy to do what I just imagined.  And now with endless DLC and MTs as a constant revenue stream, they can pull hundreds of dollars out of your pocket over time until you get a complete game.

Sorry.  I've resolved not to rain on other people's parades.  This is a lapse.  I blame MysterD.  ;)

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Re: Overwatch: new IP from Blizzard
« Reply #21 on: Wednesday, May 25, 2016, 09:06:28 AM »
It's a silly argument. Game modes don't substantially change moment to moment gameplay in a team-based multiplayer FPS (coincidentally, one of the reasons I don't give a shit about team-based FPS games most of the time these days). You can use some different strategy, but these are games where the core joy is just jumping around and shooting people, and making good tactical choices about advancing and retreating, healing and supporting allies, etc. More modes doesn't really mean anything. MAPS are more important, and this has 12 out of the gate, which isn't bad.

Also, it's $40. The $60 is just for a version that has some extra skins. But yes, it's Blizzard, so of course they're burying that one and making the default one the $60 version. I was actually pretty miffed about that. I don't like Blizzard as a company all that much anymore because of shit like this.

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Re: Overwatch: new IP from Blizzard
« Reply #22 on: Wednesday, May 25, 2016, 01:43:31 PM »
Why spend the budget on designing a game when the players themselves will supply all the events and action?  Just create the framework, and let them do the rest of our work.  That's how I imagine design sessions on MP-only games.  What started out as a fun offshoot of a whole package has become the only remnant of the package.  There are exceptions, to be sure.  But it's too easy to do what I just imagined.  And now with endless DLC and MTs as a constant revenue stream, they can pull hundreds of dollars out of your pocket over time until you get a complete game.

Sorry.  I've resolved not to rain on other people's parades.  This is a lapse.  I blame MysterD.  ;)

Let me introduce you to a game called Tribes.

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« Last Edit: Friday, May 27, 2016, 06:03:09 PM by MysterD »

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« Last Edit: Friday, May 27, 2016, 03:54:11 PM by MysterD »

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Re: Overwatch: new IP from Blizzard
« Reply #25 on: Saturday, May 28, 2016, 12:11:51 PM »
Fuck you, Que

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Re: Overwatch: new IP from Blizzard
« Reply #26 on: Saturday, May 28, 2016, 04:20:23 PM »
I know. Fuck me. I've played way too much of this the last couple days. Like way more than I expected to.

 ... it's really good.

Anybody's on the fence, come play! Then you too can tell me to fuck myself! I think now me, Pyro, Scary, Xessive, and gpw have it, and it would be great fun to group up and play together!

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Re: Overwatch: new IP from Blizzard
« Reply #27 on: Saturday, May 28, 2016, 07:21:43 PM »
I literally JUST signed up for   What's everyone's tag?

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Re: Overwatch: new IP from Blizzard
« Reply #28 on: Saturday, May 28, 2016, 07:43:03 PM »

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Re: Overwatch: new IP from Blizzard
« Reply #29 on: Saturday, May 28, 2016, 09:06:47 PM »
I was just looking to double check the number on my battle tag and saw your friend request, lol. Have fun watching me waste my life on WoW haha. (I bought Overwatch for Xbox)

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Re: Overwatch: new IP from Blizzard
« Reply #30 on: Sunday, May 29, 2016, 05:50:19 AM »

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Re: Overwatch: new IP from Blizzard
« Reply #31 on: Sunday, May 29, 2016, 02:52:57 PM »
Most fun I've had with a first person shooter since the original Unreal Tournament.


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Re: Overwatch: new IP from Blizzard
« Reply #32 on: Sunday, May 29, 2016, 03:02:34 PM »
The game is beautifully balanced. You'd think after hitting level 10+ that you've seen all the game has to offer, but you are just getting started. All the lower difficulty classes that were creaming you in the beginning and seemed too powerful? They are toast now. There are easy ways to counter Bastion for example.

My favorite classes are the samurai dude and the Japanese mech chick. Also, the dwarf. :)

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Re: Overwatch: new IP from Blizzard
« Reply #33 on: Sunday, May 29, 2016, 08:59:05 PM »
She's actually Korean. But yeah, she's great fun. I've apparently put more time into her than anybody else, which doesn't seem right ... but man did I play a lot over the last few days. It's kind of a blur.

Also, those lower difficulty classes are still creaming me, but I'm level 31. The level of play (generally) has gone up considerably. Under no circumstances underestimate a Soldier 76, bullshit hax ult and all, in the hands of someone really good. Difficulty rating on characters is utterly meaningless, and really just a guide for players new to the game about how fast they might get up to speed with someone.

I still really hate that Soldier 76 ult, though. Even lamer than Reaper's. At least with Reaper's you have to actually go charging into a group and live long enough to hit the button.

Anyway, I'm also just gonna casually drop this here:

(and yes, I'm completely bragging. look, I don't get to be proud of myself a lot, okay? I'll take a Zenyatta potg)
« Last Edit: Sunday, May 29, 2016, 09:26:07 PM by Quemaqua »

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Re: Overwatch: new IP from Blizzard
« Reply #34 on: Monday, May 30, 2016, 08:48:57 AM »
I kinda wish the game let you save your highlights.

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Re: Overwatch: new IP from Blizzard
« Reply #35 on: Monday, May 30, 2016, 10:10:59 PM »
I kinda wish the game let you save your highlights.

I was just thinking this.  And I'd like some controls over the camera, but whatever

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Re: Overwatch: new IP from Blizzard
« Reply #36 on: Tuesday, May 31, 2016, 01:00:55 PM »
Yeah, that would be cool. Though mostly they're commonplace and not especially interesting, unless you get a play of the game. And for me just screenshotting the fact that I got one with one of the characters that doesn't get them often is enough. I want to get one with every character! Because ... I don't know why!

Got two with Zarya last night. Nothing feels better than the long setup of getting your weapon powerful enough through shielding, launching your ult, then launching grenades into the black hole until everyone is dead. Though actually I don't think either of my POTGs were with the black hole, oddly enough.

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Re: Overwatch: new IP from Blizzard
« Reply #37 on: Wednesday, June 01, 2016, 09:15:42 PM »


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Re: Overwatch: new IP from Blizzard
« Reply #38 on: Thursday, June 02, 2016, 12:52:47 AM »
Hahaha, man.

Tonight was great. Team Monkey will live forever in our hearts.

But fuck you, Noodles. You quitter.

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Re: Overwatch: new IP from Blizzard
« Reply #39 on: Thursday, June 02, 2016, 01:03:53 AM »
Team Monkey was super fun. I burst out laughing at the start when I jumped up the rooftop to get a Widow and she killed me but the last thing I saw was another giant ape leap on her and murder her.  Game just feels good.