Author Topic: Hitman [2016] -> Update: Pulled from GOG, for now... (Reply 19)  (Read 7944 times)

Offline MysterD

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« Last Edit: Sunday, October 10, 2021, 12:17:39 PM by MysterD »

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Re: Hitman (Reboot) delayed until March 2016
« Reply #1 on: Tuesday, September 29, 2015, 03:20:20 PM »
Details on the new Hitman game + its pricing plans.

Rollout of content + pricing scheme for Hitman:

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Re: Hitman [2016]
« Reply #2 on: Wednesday, September 30, 2015, 12:22:58 AM »
Interesting scheme.. Totally seems like "Oh shit, we ran out of time... Delay? Not enough? F*ck! Ok split it, split it!!!" haha

It's kind of a cool idea to offer a part of the game for a lower price, though it does make me long for the days of shareware.

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Re: Hitman [2016]
« Reply #3 on: Thursday, October 01, 2015, 07:03:01 AM »
I likely will buy the Complete Package ("The Full Experience"), once it gets cheap enough to suit me. I have enough games in my backlog to play already, as is.

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Re: Hitman [2016]
« Reply #5 on: Sunday, December 11, 2016, 12:16:26 PM »
Finished up Hitman: The Full Experience (2016).

Namely, the Story Mode / Single Player Campaign.
Best Hitman game since Blood Money.
I liked Absolution a lot (i.e. for varying mission types with some Hitman-style huge sandbox levels + some if the Splinter Cell linear type of level; new features like the Batman Arkham series X-Ray mode that Hitman took that's called Instinct; much better story; Leadersboard to compare yourself against other players World-Wide), despite some of my issues with it. Absolution lacked some of the typical Hitman series things (i.e. lots of different foreign + exotic type of level; lots of world-wide globe-trotting; not a lot of them old-school Hitman-style huge sandbox style levels).
Hitman 2016 took everything great about both the old-school Hitman games (i.e. namely, those Hitman games before Absolution - i.e. Hitman 2: SA, Hitman: Contracts, and Hitman: Blood Money) and some of the new stuff Absolution from that game (except those linear Absolution levels that felt very Splinter Cell-like in linearity). Not only that, but Hitman 2016 levels often feel much bigger & grander in size + scope;  more NPC's roaming; more ways to hurt + kill targets; and have way more going on in the actual game-world.
While the story + character development isn't anything spectacular by any means (i.e. like most of the older Hitman games before Absolution), it's still decent enough to just tie together why you're back to globetrotting around the world, knocking off specific targets. Don't expect Deus Ex-level storytelling + character development by any means here.

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Re: Hitman [2016]
« Reply #6 on: Thursday, December 29, 2016, 12:52:45 PM »
I'm playing this right now and enjoying it.  Call me old-fashioned though, but I prefer the "purist" play-style, in which I infiltrate the level in suit-only, and fibre wire the targets, and leave with no detection.

So all of the ... other stuff, such as accidental kills and unique opportunities to assassinate the target, while interesting and fun, is not my preferred play-style.  The levels are large and vibrant though, which is definitely a nice touch.

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Re: Hitman [2016]
« Reply #7 on: Wednesday, January 25, 2017, 11:53:05 PM »
So, I finished this a few weeks ago and I must say that I quite enjoyed the game's expansive levels.  They are well designed and quite varied, and definitely pose a challenge.  I also like that IO is continually supporting the game with the use of elusive targets, and escalation side missions to give the game considerable longevity (since, to date, there are really only 6 levels (plus the prologue).  There are a few "bonus" missions that have been released and they were quite fun as well. 

I've heard that in conjunction with the release of the retail version of the game at the end of this month, they will be releasing an update that will introduce a "Professional" difficulty level that will "enhance" AI, restrict items, restrict disguises (i.e., supposedly, if you kill a target with a pistol to the chest, the disguise won't work), etc.  The only problem is that apparently the difficulty level requires Mastery Level 20 for a particular level in order for it to unlock, which requires a lot of play time.  In all likelihood, I will never unlock Professional difficulty level since I have very limited time to spend playing games nowadays.  But some exciting stuff for die hard Hitman fans.

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Re: Hitman [2016]
« Reply #8 on: Thursday, May 11, 2017, 03:56:41 AM »
Kotaku - Square Enix is planning to split w/ Hitman + Kane & Lynch dev's IO Interactive.

Looks like Square's trying to sell IO Interactive off.
We don't know yet who will keep the Hitman IP + Kane & Lynch IP, also.

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Re: Hitman [2016]
« Reply #9 on: Saturday, May 13, 2017, 10:40:07 AM »
VG 247 - RUMOR: GameStar (German gaming news site) is reporting info on what will happens when IO + Square Enix split.

1. The Hitman rights look like they'll go where IO goes.
2. IO's working on Hitman: Season Two and is already at the half-way point.
3. IO's planning Hitman: Season Two for close to 2018 or in 2018.
4. IO had plans for 3 Seasons worth of these Hitman games.

So, I'm guessing if this all is true - whomever buys IO, they might be forking over some big $ for both the IO studio + Hitman IP.
So, this might be a move for big-money publishers like EA, UbiSoft, Activision, Sony, or Microsoft.

We'll see what happens, in due time.

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Re: Hitman [2016]
« Reply #10 on: Friday, June 16, 2017, 03:29:15 PM »

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Re: Hitman [2016]
« Reply #11 on: Sunday, December 17, 2017, 12:06:16 AM »
So on Steam you can download the Paris location for free, and it now has some holiday content that is also free so I figured it was as good a time as any to try this game out. I've heard lots of good thing but I've never played a Hitman game before. So far I am really enjoying this. It's almost like a puzzle game featuring, you know, murder. Have to figure out where the target is, how to get there, how to get them alone, etc. Plus there are multiple ways to complete the kill so it is very replayable.

I will likely buy the rest of the game because there is quite a value here. Steam says I've got 5 hours logged and I'm not even close to completing all the objectives in Paris.

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Re: Hitman [2016]
« Reply #12 on: Sunday, December 17, 2017, 08:48:26 AM »
I spent a good amount of time with it and had a ton of fun. Great game.

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Re: Hitman [2016]
« Reply #13 on: Wednesday, March 21, 2018, 01:42:14 PM »
So if you didn't know, the first episode Paris has been free to download and play for a while now. Its the full thing with all the missions and such. Works as a great demo. And right now they have a free "Spring pack" that gets you the second episode Sapienza for...yeah, free. Only available until April 3rd, but once added to your account its yours to keep. I'm looking forward to jumping into it.

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Re: Hitman [2016]
« Reply #14 on: Wednesday, April 04, 2018, 03:31:01 PM »
WB inks a deal w/ IO on Hitman (Reboot) to distribute the game on the consoles.

Hitman: Definitive Edition is coming to consoles PS4, PS4 Pro, XB1, XB1X :

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Re: Hitman [2016]
« Reply #15 on: Tuesday, July 17, 2018, 08:57:44 PM »
The 3rd episode is currently free for a limited time on Steam, Xbox, and PSN. If you've been collecting the freebies all along like me you now have half the game!

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Re: Hitman [2016]
« Reply #16 on: Saturday, September 25, 2021, 05:12:21 PM »
Hitman 1: GOTY (2016) has hit GOG...and it's not entirely DRM-FREE.

Story Mode (SP campaign) is DRM-FREE and works offline, but a lot of the extras pertaining to it are NOT accessible unless you're actually online.

A lot of the SP-mode extras - i.e. equipment progression/unlocks, disguise unlocks, entrance/exit unlocks, etc - is still locked behind still IOI's own online servers (like the Steam and Epic versions for PC). Meaning, to use this stuff, you need to unlock it from playing the game and then actually be online to use the unlocks.

A lot of the GOG community is not happy about this. This was even a complaint back when this game hit Steam, but...since GOG is supposed to be DRM-FREE, it's gotten even worse.

Also, to sum up:
- Story Mode works offline and DRM-FREE style.
- A lot of the extras for Story Mode (disguises, extra entrances, extra exits, equipment progression, etc etc) need you to be online to utilize these.
- Elusive Targets, Escalation Missions, and User-Created Missions: the player must be online to use these.

See more here in this thread, as GOG fans aren't happy about this:

Supposedly, GOG and IOI are going to look into this matter:

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Re: Hitman [2016]
« Reply #18 on: Wednesday, September 29, 2021, 10:19:18 AM »
Its weird GOG would allow a game like this. I mean yeah technically I guess you can play it offline but that cuts you off from a lot of stuff. Just seems like a poor fit for GOG specifically.

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Re: Hitman [2016]
« Reply #19 on: Friday, October 08, 2021, 04:16:18 PM »
Hitman 1: GOTY (2016 Reboot) removed from GOG, for now.

- GOG Forums ->
- TechRaptor.Net ->

- Hitman 1: GOTY (2016 Reboot) has been removed from GOG for now.
- Also IOI and GOG are still in talks over what to do w/ Hitman 1: GOTY.