Author Topic: Dragon Age 2  (Read 51050 times)

Offline Xessive

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Update: DA2 Lead Mike Laidlaw tries to defend DA2
« Reply #160 on: Monday, March 14, 2011, 01:22:12 PM »
Yep, that's pretty damn close to the actual game, haha ;D

Offline MysterD

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Update: DA2 Lead Mike Laidlaw tries to defend DA2
« Reply #161 on: Monday, March 14, 2011, 03:52:12 PM »
RockPaperShotgun -> Their take on the first 8 hours of Dragon Age 2.
Nope, they don't seem too thrilled with it, so far...

Who am I? Is the question I’ve wondered the most often since starting Dragon Age II. Simon, the warrior Grey Warden I played as for something like 120 hours across Origins and Awakenings, was a man I understood. Beginning in his family home, in his hometown, I fought as his parents, nieces and nephews were tragically killed. I escaped the onslaught, then started a life of my own, first by becoming a Grey Warden, and second by spending dozens of hours travelling the lands of Ferelden to recruit an army that could counter the attacks of the Blight.

Samantha Hawke, the mage I’m playing as in DA2, is, um, a person. Dumped on me in a deliberately obfuscated series of flashbacks, I’m apparently with my mother, brother, maybe sister? I’m not sure. Someone got killed in a cutscene and I think I was supposed to care. We were in the middle of nowhere, apparently during the Blight, and then we weren’t. I was sold into servitude by an errant uncle, and then it was year later, and everyone seems to know me except for, well, me.

It’s such a gross misunderstanding of how we identify with characters we play as in an RPG. It took me a while to figure out who Hawke was, before realising it must be me. Nothing had told me that was my name. I’m accompanied by what must be the most egregious example of BioWare’s “First Male Companion Is Always Tedious” rule – my brother Carver, who apparently hates me for reasons everyone knows but me, along with my ever-complaining mother. What a treat.

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Update: DA2 Lead Mike Laidlaw tries to defend DA2
« Reply #162 on: Thursday, March 17, 2011, 01:36:01 PM »
DA2 PC Version -> Patch 1.01 released.

Dragon Age II Patch 1.01 is now available for the PC and Mac systems. You can download patch 1.01 here

Patch 1.01 resolves the following issues:


    * Fixed save game issues on single core machines

    * Fixed game asking for non-existent drives

    * Fixed release control issues where some players were unable to unlock

    * Fixed a Steam-specific issue related to VO not playing after switching

BioWare and the Dragon Age II team are continuing to investigate and work on fixing issues for all platforms. When we have information about the next patch we will let everyone know.

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« Last Edit: Sunday, March 20, 2011, 09:08:46 PM by MysterD »

Offline MysterD

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Update: DA2 PC = $40.82 to DL from Amazon; PC Patch 1.01 released
« Reply #164 on: Tuesday, March 22, 2011, 04:52:40 PM »
Destructoid -> 7 (out of 10).

By and large, though, I played Dragon Age II the same way I did Origins: by pausing frequently to issue orders to my mages while my rogues and tanks followed a set of painstakingly algebraic tactics -- if-then statements designed to maim and dismember. The tactics system is more robust this time, with more sophisticated parameters and more slots to work with. The branching skill trees open up more interesting abilities earlier in the game, as opposed to the more restricted skill lines of Origins -- no more spending ability points on useless skills just to get down the line. To boot, each class is varied enough to compensate for most builds and play styles -- some abilities, like Rush or Archer's Lance, need to be micro-managed while others, such as Backstab, can be easily automated.

Like the story, though, the game’s combat leaves much potential untapped -- rogues no longer have access to traps, and because combat abilities are only available during combat mages can no longer lay down defensive glyphs. Dragon Age II -- especially on the Hard difficulty, which I recommend -- demands smart, tactical play but impedes it at every turn. The camera is given much less freedom than it had in Origins, which makes laying down precise area-of-effect spells and picking strategic targets difficult, and your companions don’t hold positions like they should.

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Re: Dragon Age 2
« Reply #165 on: Wednesday, March 23, 2011, 02:06:46 PM »
Brutal Review time

GameCritics -> X360 Review - 2.5 (out of 10).

Defying all expectations, BioWare managed to take one of the most memorable Western RPGs in recent history and completely destroyed everything that made it so good. I have absolutely no idea how such a respected development house could have made so many colossal mistakes and turned out such an unpleasantly rushed, shallow, utter waste of time... but they did, and it is. I forced myself to play the game to completion despite wanting to quit out of disgust and boredom at least a dozen times before credits rolled, but I shouldn't have bothered. The insulting level of quality in Dragon Age II is perfectly clear to see from the first hour or two, and everything that comes after is just more salt in the wound.

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Re: Dragon Age 2
« Reply #166 on: Wednesday, March 23, 2011, 02:31:13 PM »
Wow, I didn't expect to see anything that bad from a console review.  Yikes.

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Re: Dragon Age 2
« Reply #167 on: Wednesday, March 23, 2011, 03:30:45 PM »

Offline sirean_syan

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Re: Dragon Age 2
« Reply #168 on: Wednesday, March 23, 2011, 03:49:09 PM »

So it's interesting to see this all play from a distance. Like I said earlier, I was done with Dragon Age well before I finished and have almost no desire to even see the sequel. Despite not playing it, it's clear that something went amiss with the development of the game. If that was on purpose so the game could be made more quickly, that's still amiss. The real important implication, to me, isn't so much the success or failure of Dragon Age II but how the inevitable Dragon Age 3 or Mass Effect 3 will fair. The problem with that is it's clear that Bioware have had a lot of good will going into it's last projects. People came to expect and enjoyed a certain level of quality. While there are plenty of defenders for the game, it's also clear that a lot of love people had for Bioware has been squandered and I'm willing to bet a lot of fans will either think twice, wait, or just ignore their next game Bioware puts out. What's better? A quick cash in or the preservation of a name that consistently produces reasonable numbers? I'd guess some beancounter ran the numbers at some point and I doubt this will bring down Bioware, but it's bad enough to cause pause in many people's love for the company. That can't be a good thing.

There's also a lot of talk that EA's influence has completely reared it's head. Supposedly Mass Effect 2 only sold about 2 million copies while the original Dragon Age sold much more. DA2 may have been rushed to capitalize on that success, but it's also funny when it was streamlined to be more like Mass Effect when the original Dragon Age was more successful. If that's the case, it just shows unclear thinking.

Personally, I just hope the crap that infected Dragon Age doesn't do stupid shit to Mass Effect 3. I'm too invested in that series to see it end on an unsatisfying note.

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Re: Dragon Age 2
« Reply #169 on: Wednesday, March 23, 2011, 05:26:37 PM »
Man, I really don't hope Bioware messes-up DA3 and ME3...
I'm curious if Bioware will do a DA2 Expansion or just go over to work on a DA3.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Dragon Age 2
« Reply #170 on: Wednesday, March 23, 2011, 10:21:10 PM »
Sirean, I agree with your analysis. The developers said that development on DA2 started one year before DA1 was even released, and that they were *surprised* when the old school tactical gameplay was so well received.

I guess the problem was they started working on what they thought were the shortcomings of the game, without even waiting for critical reception of the original.

Offline MysterD

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Re: Dragon Age 2
« Reply #171 on: Thursday, March 24, 2011, 05:31:56 PM »
RPGCodex -> DA2 Review.

Dragon Age 2 is a mediocre and deeply flawed action RPG, rushed out to earn EA a quick buck and betting on Bioware's reputation to pull up the sales. Even though the setting and the events are interesting, and the various options show potential, the overwhelming focus on killing things keeps you from digging into the world and its characters in a satisfying manner, and cripple replayability. Unfortunately, the combat is too repetitive to carry the game on its own. It's bad enough that even the mainstream reporters have noticed, though they are generally quick to make excuses.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Dragon Age 2
« Reply #172 on: Friday, March 25, 2011, 01:28:20 AM »
More example of lazy shit. Instead of making certain NPCs that were gay or whatever, they decided that all characters can be gay if you are male and straight if you are female.

What a fine way to reuse dialog.

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Re: Dragon Age 2
« Reply #173 on: Friday, March 25, 2011, 01:51:28 PM »
GameSpot -> Interview w/ Mike Laidlaw's with his "Final Thoughts" on DA2.

Mike Laidlaw of Bioware:
I do think Dragon Age II is running up against some elements of Origins, and it's not something we went into completely blind. We certainly knew there would be some friction between what Origins players have come to expect and what Dragon Age II delivers. But I don't see the two in opposition to each other. I've talked to Origins players who said, "As soon as I moved it to hard, I totally see where Origins is again." That's fair, and I think that's something over time we'll continue to tune and capitalize on that fusion between the Origins experience and Dragon Age II.

My question is for any DA2 owner here.

If this is the case w/ what Laidlaw is saying, that the game's difficulty is set low until Hard - is there any indication when selecting a difficulty that says "Origins lovers that like strategy RPG's should begin here?"  :o
« Last Edit: Friday, March 25, 2011, 02:27:12 PM by MysterD »

Offline Cobra951

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Re: Dragon Age 2
« Reply #174 on: Friday, March 25, 2011, 04:23:25 PM »
There's a huge disparity in how the press scored this (79% aggregate, Metacritic) and how the gaming public did (44% aggregate, Metacritic).  Someone missed the boat here.

All this talk has me looking at Origins more seriously now.  If I can find the Xbox version cheap enough, I may be willing to overlook the problems with that version.

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Re: Dragon Age 2
« Reply #175 on: Friday, March 25, 2011, 05:28:23 PM »
From that GameSpot Interview w/ Laidlaw that I posted about 2 posts back.
It's about customizing [or the lack there of] your party members.

GS: You have less control over your companions since you can't equip them directly as you can Hawke. Can you describe the idea behind this particular change, and did you feel that you might be running the risk of players not feeling as much of a connection to those characters?

ML: The key driver behind it was the idea of unique visuals, being able to have Isabela stay Isabela instead of generic rogue put into the same leather armor your character is wearing. It lets us create a visual space between Hawke and the companions. And it gives the companions their own personalities [in the form of] unique body models and animations that are tied to how they idle--simple stuff like Aveline and the way she stands with more of a straightforward stance as opposed to the cocked hip Isabela has and so on. The overall goal there was to keep the companions in a place where they had more personality, but still provide customization in terms of amulets and rings, because having things like fire resistance is important.

Long term, do I think it hurt people's connection to them? I don't think so. I think if anything, the criticisms I've seen leveled at that are largely, "I don't like it, simply because I either want to control them or I don't." That's fair and something we'll end up evaluating over time. It's likely that we'll end up coming back to a way to equip your followers, but at the same time, I really do think that having their own visual signature is really important. It's something that resolves one of the parts I really disliked about Origins where I'd see people's screenshots with their badass team and they would kind of all look the same. Near the end of the game, everyone had the same set of suits of armor. It was kind of like, "Man, that's not Morrigan if she's not in those robes." We ended up in this space where we decided to go with that visual style, and I think it's something we'll continue to iterate on in the future.

This is actually an interesting statement - he's right, Morrigan early on has this very unique look when she has "her" [starting] robes on. I kind of felt the same way, when I has to give her different equipment in Origins. It's a big catch 22 - b/c the customization really goes away if you can't switch equipment out; but the interesting and iconic look stays. But, if you can switch out the equipment like crazy - you keep the customization nuts happy.

So, I don't know - is there a real solution to this? I know - realistically, this idea I got ain't ideal. Could satisfy the customization nuts and those who want the iconic look. Maybe, allow a feature to "Always show party member in their iconic look", even if they are wearing something else for equipment? *shrug*

Or maybe just allow for the characters to only be able to upgrade their one set. But, it'd have to be crazy - to make up for lack of different armor, robes, and whatnot. There'd probably have to be lots of crafting features - lots of upgrades and sockets to be added to your armor, rings, amulets, and other trinkets.

I dunno.... *shrug*


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Re: Dragon Age 2
« Reply #176 on: Saturday, March 26, 2011, 12:36:56 AM »
I think that if that really was a concern they could have done it the way they resolved the "helmet" concerns (toggle in the options that switches player character's visible helmet ON/OFF). Have a toggle in the options that allows players to choose "Party Member Defaults Appearance ON/OFF" while keeping the benefits of the equipped armor/gear.

On the other hand, I do appreciate not having to micromanage my party members' gear since their armour automatically improves with level-ups and finding special items. Also, Varric's crossbow (Bianca) improves with levels and I gave Aveline the special blade Fadeshear which also improves with levels. I'm kinda lazy like that because I prefer to focus on my main character and let the rest of the team manage themselves and auto-level.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Dragon Age 2
« Reply #177 on: Saturday, March 26, 2011, 12:57:35 AM »
I mean what you call micromanage is what I call roleplaying.

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Re: Dragon Age 2
« Reply #178 on: Saturday, March 26, 2011, 02:04:37 AM »
Yea I didn't mind the managing of gear either. It's funny, typically the way I armored characters in Origins were through hand-me-downs. Any awesome piece of plate I got, I would give what I am currently equipped to another plate wearer, same thing with leather wearers who I considered to have lower priority over others. Towards the end though I ended up getting awesome sets for everyone, and my party felt so badass.

Anyway, I really want to like a Dragon Age with a main character focus like Mass Effect, but it looks like to me that they didn't get that right. I'm tempted to read up on the games plot to make a judgement for myself rather than spending all the time playing it. There are some big questions that still linger with me. Was this the last dragon age? Why were the dark spawn coming back after the last dragon was killed? What is to become of the city elves? Did having Anora become queen change anything? Like what is going on with the world? I feel like none of this gets referenced to in this game but I have no real idea since I'll need to play it.

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Re: Dragon Age 2
« Reply #179 on: Saturday, March 26, 2011, 07:44:25 AM »
About gear changing in DAO:
Agreed - that's basically what happened with me in DAO + Awakening, as well.

I think the real problem here is w/ DA2 - well, Bioware's trying to find a balance b/t both hardcore and casual gamers here. And usually, in most cases, that just doesn't work.


About a toggle switch for the "iconic look":
That'd be fine w/ me - as long as we can keep the customization for ALL party members. Thing is - I'd probably be turning on and off the toggle switch here and there. :P

About customization vs. clicking "upgrade"
I prefer being able to customize my party's equipment like DA:O, since we in DA2 Demo, when in combat, we can have control over the entire party and micromanage them on the battlefield.

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Re: Dragon Age 2
« Reply #180 on: Saturday, March 26, 2011, 07:57:36 AM »
Yeah, I kinda toggle the helmets on and off depending on the look. A big part of roleplaying for me is my character's appearance, and being to manage it is always welcome.

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Re: Dragon Age 2
« Reply #181 on: Saturday, March 26, 2011, 08:00:16 AM »
Yeah, I kinda toggle the helmets on and off depending on the look. A big part of roleplaying for me is my character's appearance, and being to manage it is always welcome.
I'm betting I'd be toggling the "iconic look" on when it conversation and then switching it OFF on the battlefield.
For me - "helmet" toggle would be on in combat, off when in conversation.

On the other hand, I do appreciate not having to micromanage my party members' gear since their armour automatically improves with level-ups and finding special items. Also, Varric's crossbow (Bianca) improves with levels and I gave Aveline the special blade Fadeshear which also improves with levels. I'm kinda lazy like that because I prefer to focus on my main character and let the rest of the team manage themselves and auto-level.
Hmmmm. If Bioware was to make gear customization more like DA:O, how would they solve the problem of making players who are into DA2 style? Would every item have to be ranked or something by the game? Or there'd have to be a button for the player to just equip best equipment?


I dunno...just thinking out loud here...

BTW, the auto-leveling of equipment in DA2 sounds a lot like Dak'kon's sword in PST or how "companions" were treated in NWN1's Original Campaign.
« Last Edit: Saturday, March 26, 2011, 08:27:48 AM by MysterD »

Offline MysterD

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Re: Dragon Age 2
« Reply #182 on: Saturday, March 26, 2011, 03:42:08 PM »
Brent Knowles (the lead guy on DA:O) gives his two cents on Dragon Age 2 Demo.

Really DA2 is neither an action game or a tactical semi-turned based RPG (like BG2 was and to a lesser degree DA:O was). It falls in the middle somewhere and like anything that doesn’t really define itself it has the potential to alienate players at either end of the spectrum. It is difficult to make both styles of gameplay awesome in the same game.

As an action game it is not responsive enough (i.e., I was clobbered by the ogre even after I was on the other side of the map several times) and as a tactical game I really mostly only controlled one character unless it died… there was no need, at least in the demo, to control party members.

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Re: Dragon Age 2
« Reply #183 on: Saturday, March 26, 2011, 09:29:39 PM »
That is exactly why I thought ME2 rocked and ME1 didn't.

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Re: Dragon Age 2
« Reply #184 on: Sunday, March 27, 2011, 02:11:23 AM »
ME2 got better when it got more focus on the core gameplay, which was an action game. DA2 should have made a decision on what it is. The half-way/undecided genre is very delicate and needs a lot of tact to pull off successfully.

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Re: Dragon Age 2
« Reply #185 on: Tuesday, March 29, 2011, 04:10:56 PM »
From EvilAvatar...
Oh, we go...

News is circulating through the interwebs about Bioware writer David Gaider's supposed homophobic leanings for portraying certain homosexual characters in DA2 in a negative way. The major issue is how the character Anders will proposition or hit on your character, and turning him down reflects poorly on your relationship with him. The gay community (or rather some of the gay community) has objected to this treatment, calling it a stereotype that homosexuals are unable to be normal people and will think only of sex.

The cacophone has almost reached a fever-pitch with petitions and counter petitions being thrown about.

Gaider himself has responded very little to the fervor, but did give an interview with Destructoid, illustrating his story choices in very simple terms.

Bioshock director, Ken Levine has thrown his two cents into the mix saying, "Writers don't have a responsibility to make exclusively noble gay characters, they have a responsibility to portray human gay characters. You know, good and bad, smart and dumb, well intentioned and not. Ditto jews, asians, the dutch and hobbits."

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Re: Dragon Age 2
« Reply #186 on: Thursday, March 31, 2011, 02:38:33 PM »

Offline MysterD

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Re: Dragon Age 2
« Reply #187 on: Saturday, April 02, 2011, 03:56:09 PM »
Bioware's Chris Priestly speaks on next patch, which will have over 100 bug-fixes.

Hi Everyone
We know that people are waiting on more patching to fix issues they are having with Dragon Age II. We have said previously that we are working on patching for all 4 platforms (PC, Mac, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3), but we have not yet given any detail about what this patch will contain nor when it will be available. We greatly appreciate your patience as we work to fix issues with Dragon Age II and ensure that these fixes do not introduce new issues to the game. To help keep you updated on the status of the next patch (the first patch for PC and Mac Dragon Age II can be found HERE) we wanted to provide you with a more detailed message on the next Dragon Age II patch.
BioWare has prepared a patch for PC, Mac, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. We are currently testing the patch and are submitting it for certification with EA, Microsoft and Sony. Certification is where testing teams outside of BioWare confirm the fixes we make and ensure that no new issues are introduced. We continue to test the patch during the certification process to ensure quality. Once the patch has passed certification, it is then released to the public. We do not have a more exact ETA of when it will be available to you, but when we do know when it is available, we will let everyone know.
We cannot reveal to you the exact contents of the patch until it passes certification. We can say that there are more than 100 fixes including gameplay, quest and platform specific issues. We can also say that the implementation of auto-attack on both Xbox 360 and PS3 is included. When we can reveal the patch notes, we will let everyone know.
BioWare is dedicated to continuing to support Dragon Age II. We thank our community members who have helped our team fix issues by providing details and reports on the problems they are having. We appreciate your patience and your support.

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Re: Dragon Age 2
« Reply #188 on: Saturday, April 02, 2011, 03:58:48 PM »
Chris Priestly of Bioware speaks on next DA2 patch that'll be eventually coming.
It'll have over 100 bug-fixes.

Hi Everyone
We know that people are waiting on more patching to fix issues they are having with Dragon Age II. We have said previously that we are working on patching for all 4 platforms (PC, Mac, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3), but we have not yet given any detail about what this patch will contain nor when it will be available. We greatly appreciate your patience as we work to fix issues with Dragon Age II and ensure that these fixes do not introduce new issues to the game. To help keep you updated on the status of the next patch (the first patch for PC and Mac Dragon Age II can be found HERE) we wanted to provide you with a more detailed message on the next Dragon Age II patch.
BioWare has prepared a patch for PC, Mac, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. We are currently testing the patch and are submitting it for certification with EA, Microsoft and Sony. Certification is where testing teams outside of BioWare confirm the fixes we make and ensure that no new issues are introduced. We continue to test the patch during the certification process to ensure quality. Once the patch has passed certification, it is then released to the public. We do not have a more exact ETA of when it will be available to you, but when we do know when it is available, we will let everyone know.
We cannot reveal to you the exact contents of the patch until it passes certification. We can say that there are more than 100 fixes including gameplay, quest and platform specific issues. We can also say that the implementation of auto-attack on both Xbox 360 and PS3 is included. When we can reveal the patch notes, we will let everyone know.
BioWare is dedicated to continuing to support Dragon Age II. We thank our community members who have helped our team fix issues by providing details and reports on the problems they are having. We appreciate your patience and your support.

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Next patch to have over 100 bug-fixes
« Reply #189 on: Saturday, April 02, 2011, 05:43:51 PM »
I'm not usually sure you want to advertise a patch like that.

"Look, we fucked up a hundred times before the game went out."

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Next patch to have over 100 bug-fixes
« Reply #190 on: Saturday, April 02, 2011, 10:38:05 PM »
Well, nobody's perfect and we can't expect a flawless game but for DA2 the patch it needs would have to include fixes like "added plot transitions; fixed companions (now more memorable); enhanced 'epic feeling' etc."

In my opinion, the game is not bad, it's just not great. It clearly feels lacking, especially when compared to any of Bioware's previous hits.

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Next patch to have over 100 bug-fixes
« Reply #191 on: Sunday, April 03, 2011, 03:38:09 AM »
I'm just saying that probably isn't the headline you want to use for a patch announcement... of course, it wasn't. That was just D's choice. I guess I could have checked the link before speaking.

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Next patch to have over 100 bug-fixes
« Reply #192 on: Sunday, April 03, 2011, 03:57:04 AM »
I'm just saying that probably isn't the headline you want to use for a patch announcement... of course, it wasn't. That was just D's choice. I guess I could have checked the link before speaking.
Haha that's our D! :P

I hope the patch improves performance in DX11 too.

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Next patch to have over 100 bug-fixes
« Reply #193 on: Sunday, April 03, 2011, 05:39:58 AM »
You don't need to click the link, unless you want to read what people are saying on the Bioware forums there - since I quoted everything Priestly said. :P

I'm sure gamers hearing over 100 bug-fixes in the next patch - that will make gamer-owners pretty happy to know Bioware is gonna still support their mess-of-a-game and not abandon least not yet, anyways. :P And I'm sure gamers who didn't buy it b/c of the numerous of technical issues would like to know that this patch should put the game in a much better state.

There are some nasty bugs DA2 has that have been talked about - i.e. the huge slow-down bug, DX11 issues - I'm sure everyone also be glad to know that Bioware's still plugging away at this game.

Oh - and I'm sure console gamers might like the auto-attacking feature for when you make an attack command (which the PC already has had by default).

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Update: Buy DA2 [any platform], get Mass Effect 2 PC for FREE
« Reply #196 on: Wednesday, May 04, 2011, 05:22:38 PM »
Got in on EA's deal for Dragon Age games at 50%.
Got DA2 PC for $29.99 + tax.

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Re: Dragon Age 2
« Reply #197 on: Friday, May 06, 2011, 05:46:14 PM »
Early Impressions - So, I must've spent a total of around 6 hours w/ this game, these last few nights. I'm early into this game - and I still do like it so far, despite my complaints. I still can't put it down. It doesn't feel like the complete wreck some of the world made it out to be, yet it doesn't feel to be the greatest game ever made like PC Gamer's reviewer made it out to be - seems like it's in-between the two, so far. Where? I don't know exactly...yet. Still need more time with it. But, the thing is - it feels like for every step forward DA2 makes since DAO, DA2 has to also [for some reason] make some steps backwards.

Graphics, Engine, and Performance - I'm running this in 1440x900 on my PC (Single Core P4 @ 3.2 Ghz w/ HT, GeForce 8800 GT OC, 2 GB RAM, Win XP Home, DX9.0 C Mode). Technically, it runs much better than DA:O ever dared - so, it's obvious they optimized the engine - probably b/c this game is ALSO on the 360, the lowest common denominator for the 3 platforms it's on [PC, PS3, and X360]. And also, I prefer this artistic look way over the original game.

Leveling Up - In DA2, all you hardcore RPG guys, you still can go through each party members and assign their skills and attributes, if you wish. Not only that - but for all the newbies and anybody trying to avoid that stuff, you can "Auto-Level" characters up like in the NWN series of games and let the game do the leveling-up for you. Again - best of both worlds here.

Inventory - In DA2, we can sort things by their category - Armor, Weapons, "Junk" [I'll get to that in my next section], etc. No more Tiers for your equipment, for some reason - not sure if I like that or not. Though, there's now a five-star system here that rate each armor in comparison to your level and whatelse you have - so, this helps the newbies and anybody not really into the statistic stuff out there. You can still roll over an Item and see the details if you're a hardcore RPG gamer like in DA:O - which is good, as this is the best of both worlds here.

"Junk" Category In The Inventory - I love the function of the "Junk" category of my Inventory. I wonder why more RPG's don't have this function. Basically, there are items you pick up in the game-world, that wind-up automatically into Junk - and have no function but stuff you find [i.e. treasure] that it's only use is for selling it so you can make some more money. There's more: any item that you pick-up period - Armor, Weapons, Potions, etc - you may select to toss into "Junk," if you are thinking of later selling it or getting rid of it. So, if you find a sword, helmet, ring, etc that you don't want to keep around - you have the option to move it into "Junk." So, when you see a merchant, there's an extra option to sell "ALL Items in Junk Category" - which makes it so you don't have to sell items one-by-one. Brilliant - why didn't many other games think of this before?

Loot & Customization - It's fine and dandy that my Hawke of the Rogue class is picking up all kinds of loot in-game. The problem, though - if I get some Loot that is not for a Rogue, it's useless. You'll probably wind-up selling it or trashing it, since you cannot equip certain kinds of loot to other party members - i.e. Varric always has as his Bianca crossbow as his weapon (which can be upgraded later). Since you can still control the entire party in combat, this just seems very odd to me. I don't know why, given the game has a star system for the Inventory, that there isn't some way they could've let the star system for newbies "Auto-equip best equipment" when the gamers wants it to auto-equip stuff for them. The game has a toggle to allow for turning off showing the helmet or not - so, it makes me wonder if they wanted to keep customization, they could've had an option to "show iconic look no matter what the player equips" - since one of the reasons Bioware mentioned cutting-out customization of Inventory for party members was they wanted to keep the "iconic look;" this would've solved that problem. I guess - at least most party members, you can still equip rings and trinkets.

Combat, While On Normal Difficulty - The game is much faster and more responsive in combat here, making the action feel more visceral. Not much waiting at all, if you click on an enemy to attack and your character is a little bit away from the enemy. Your character will rush, leap, or jump over to the enemy and then attack - so there's no more waiting for your queued-up character to actually get into position. Also, it sounds and looks like every attack is brutal - even more so than in Origins. Combat also looks more exciting - for example, your Rogue will be jumping, kicking, cartwheeling, flipping, and doing other things in combat. Most ending in combat, seem to results in something gory - heads rolling, body parts flying, exploding enemies, etc. At times, it feels like you can get away w/ just controlling one character and laying waste - i.e. when fighting plain old melee-attacking Darkspawn. Other times, when fighting big ogres or groups that have enemies w/ different classes [including say mages and other opponents when a distance-attacker is involved], be prepared to play at least a little bit of strategy like in Origins...if you want to survive. Again, this is on Normal - so this could more strategic on Hard [which is what Bioware has said before]. I will play this on Hard eventually, so...I will speak on that, at another time and date.

Camera - The weirdest thing w/ there still being strategy elements is in DA2, the overhead cam we loved in DAO is gone. This limited cam isn't ideal, of course. The cam seems much more acceptable on higher res' - 1400x900, as opposed to say 1024x768 - as you will obviously have more on-screen on the zoom-out by bumping a higher-res. Still, the cam should go at least a little bit further and give me more of the battlefield - but I don't seem to wrestle w/ wanting to move it out as much as before in the demo, since I can bump this game at a much better res'.

Dialogue - While I have no problem w/ the look and feel of the Mass Effect 2 style dialogue system here in this game, my problem w/ it it just like that of the Mass Effect games - it resides w/ the actual truncation of your selection and what is actually said or done. You will select one thing and it doesn't exactly or even come close to saying what you selected - it might be close, it might not even be. Usually, the informational stuff is on the left side of the wheel, while the decision-making and other special stuff is on the right side of the wheel. You get a symbol for each selection shown to you in the middle of the wheel, which gives you the Intent of your actual line, which is a good way to let the player know of how a line will actually be delivered. This way, there's no question as to how your line will be delivered.

Story - The story is told by Varric to a woman about how Hawke wound up becoming an important figure in the city of Kirkwall, which seems to be the overarching arc of the story. So far, it seems to be about Hawke and some of his family surviving the ordeal w/ the Darkspawn attacking his homeland; trying to find a new home somewhere (Kirkwall); and trying to make end's meet in this corrupt city (of Kirkwall). Still, a little early to really give an opinion on this all, though....

Conclusion, For Now - So, that's it - for now. I must go play more and spend more time w/ this so I can give more of an opinion and push this game further along...

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