The little metally thing you said you were having trouble mixing that you posted in my projects thread... I really like the idea, actually. I think it works nicely. But it sounds to me like your guitars need a bit more girth. I kind of like what the tone does for the song, so I don't want to say I think you should totally uproot it, but I just feel like it needs more oomph. And yes, metal is very hard to mix. When you've got 3 or 4 distorted guitars going over each other it gets pretty tough to get everything just right so that you can distinguish it all properly. It takes practice, and I'm still not very good at it. If I ever recorded professionally, I think I'd definitely want a knowledgeable producer sitting by my side. But I think that's not something I could ever deal with in my life. Professional musicianship wouldn't work for me. I wouldn't want to tour much, I don't play very well with others, and my wife needs me at home. If anything, I'll probably just try to get stuff clean enough to be listenable, then release an album or two on Lulu and keep my website going for publicity.
"Strange" is awesome just as it stands. The guitar feels so fuzzy. Not as in distorted... just... hazy. I really like that. It's a very memorable tune. Curious to see where you would go with it by adding vocals.
The Sonic music is fun. It's been so long since I've played Sonic that I can't even remember the tune you were working from, so it's hard for me to say much, heh.
"Shine" is beautiful. I love stuff like that. I could listen to that all day long.
And you get big points for doing Ghostbusters. That's awesome. Send it to those guys that are working on the new videogame. New menu music!