Author Topic: Dragon Age 2  (Read 51122 times)

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Re: Dragon Age 2
« Reply #200 on: Tuesday, May 31, 2011, 08:33:58 PM »
"Junk" Category In The Inventory - I love the function of the "Junk" category of my Inventory. I wonder why more RPG's don't have this function. Basically, there are items you pick up in the game-world, that wind-up automatically into Junk - and have no function but stuff you find [i.e. treasure] that it's only use is for selling it so you can make some more money. There's more: any item that you pick-up period - Armor, Weapons, Potions, etc - you may select to toss into "Junk," if you are thinking of later selling it or getting rid of it. So, if you find a sword, helmet, ring, etc that you don't want to keep around - you have the option to move it into "Junk." So, when you see a merchant, there's an extra option to sell "ALL Items in Junk Category" - which makes it so you don't have to sell items one-by-one. Brilliant - why didn't many other games think of this before?
That is a pretty cool feature.  I could have really used something like that in Mass Effect.

Offline MysterD

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Re: Dragon Age 2
« Reply #201 on: Wednesday, June 01, 2011, 01:33:15 PM »
That is a pretty cool feature.  I could have really used something like that in Mass Effect.

I could've used this "Junk" category in just about 98% of the RPG's around.
It's great for quick-selling items to merchant w/ one click on "Sell all Junk" button.
It's great for quick-storing items into your storage w/ one click on "Store all Junk" button.

I do kinda wish one thing, though - they had two different "Junk Categories."
One for "Junk For Storing" and the other for "Junk For Selling."

Offline Xessive

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Upcoming Patch 1.03 to have over 200+ bug-fixes and changes
« Reply #202 on: Wednesday, June 01, 2011, 01:49:33 PM »
If you're gonna store it does it qualify as junk? Either way, you can just put it in your storage chest at the house/mansion.

Offline MysterD

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Upcoming Patch 1.03 to have over 200+ bug-fixes and changes
« Reply #203 on: Wednesday, June 01, 2011, 01:57:25 PM »
If you're gonna store it does it qualify as junk? Either way, you can just put it in your storage chest at the house/mansion.


Click on your Junk inventory when you open your storage chest at your house or mansion.
There's a "Store All Junk" button in there.
Click that - it stores all your "junk" w/ one click.

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Upcoming Patch 1.03 to have over 200+ bug-fixes and changes
« Reply #204 on: Friday, June 03, 2011, 02:16:17 PM »
Patch 1.03 is out, guys.

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EA: We “Lost Some Fans” with Dragon Age II, Won't Make Same Mistake with DA III
« Reply #205 on: Wednesday, June 15, 2011, 04:58:16 AM »
EA: We “Lost Some Fans” with Dragon Age II, Won't Make Same Mistake with DA III

"We were clearly disappointed with some of the response from the fanbase, because we want them to be as excited about it as we are," EA Games boss Frank Gibeau told Eurogamer. “We're very proud of the game. We tried to innovate and do some different things with the combat system and some of the way we told story. For some fans it worked well. In fact, we brought a lot of new fans into the Dragon Age franchise.”

"But to be honest, we lost some fans as well. They were not pleased with some of the innovations and things we'd done. We understand that and we're listening. As we think about where we take the franchise next, we're going to take that into consideration and really engage them," he added.

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Patch 1.03 released w/ over 200+ bug-fixes and changes
« Reply #206 on: Saturday, June 18, 2011, 06:25:02 AM »
I'm curious we they are going w/ this next DA2 DLC...

NEXT Dragon Age 2 DLC to incorporate fan feedback.

Dragon Age 2 DLC will listen to core fan criticism, BioWare head honcho Ray Muzyka recently told Eurogamer.

"It’s been one of the most polarizing launches we’ve had, frankly," Muzyka said. "Many people who played Dragon Age: Origins loved it as well. But also there were a lot of fans of the original Dragon Age: Origins who weren’t as happy with it. Maybe they were looking for more of the same, and it was different and innovative in ways they weren’t expecting."

Our own Dragon Age 2 review would agree, as we found just as much to love as we found questionable.

    VIDEO: Dragon Age 2 Is A Bi-Sexual Romp - Sessler's Soapbox

"We’re committing to making sure all the products in the franchise going forward are going to appeal to a wide audience, both the core and more," Muzyka said. "We think it was innovative. We’re proud of the risks the team took. We think it’s the right direction for the franchise."

What statements like these mean for spin-off titles or sequels we can't say. But meanwhile, that upcoming DA2 DLC is "going to try and address some of the comments and try and provide the fans with the things they’re looking for, both the core fans and the new fans," according to Muzyka.

    VIDEO: Will Work For Games: Videogame Composer Inon Zur

"We also think there’s an opportunity to listen to the core fans who loved Dragon Age: Origins to make sure they’re with us on the journey going forward. We need to work hard to make sure that happens, that that is the case," Muzyka said.

Well, I'm with you BioWare. I might need a Lyrium potion or two, but I'm with you. But what about you? Do you think Dragon Age 2 is too far removed from its predecessors or do you still hold hope in your heart.

Source: Eurogamer

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Next DLC to incorporate fan feedback
« Reply #207 on: Saturday, June 18, 2011, 06:44:30 AM »
Ok, I can't imagine they could do much with DLC to satisfy the fans. An expansion perhaps, or rather an overhaul pack.

Offline MysterD

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Next DLC to incorporate fan feedback
« Reply #208 on: Saturday, June 18, 2011, 06:54:14 AM »
Ok, I can't imagine they could do much with DLC to satisfy the fans. An expansion perhaps, or rather an overhaul pack.

I dunno, but I'm wondering if this DLC could be something like a Enhanced Edition like The Witcher had...?
If so - they'd be great.

One could hope they could get rid of the replace repetitive environments, bring back overhead cam, and allow for party customization on ALL equipment.

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Next DLC to incorporate fan feedback
« Reply #209 on: Thursday, July 07, 2011, 02:02:08 PM »
Dragon Age 2: Legacy DLC info.

Face all new darkspawn, forge a powerful new weapon and come face to face with an ancient horror.

Targeted by a vicious criminal cartel that are hunting "the blood of the Hawke," you must put an end to their relentless attacks. Leave Kirkwall, and journey to an ancient Grey Warden prison in order to find the source of the aggression and uncover the harsh truth about the Hawke lineage. Playable from any point in the DAII campaign, face all new darkspawn, forge a powerful new weapon and come face to face with an ancient horror.

    Uncover the harsh truth about the Hawke lineage
    Adventure through several new locations including a prison constructed by the Grey Wardens
    Obtain a powerful class-specific weapon to which you can apply upgrades of your choice

    Release Date: July 26, 2011
    Platforms & Pricing:
        Playstation 3 - $9.99
        PC/MAC - 800 BioWare Points
        Xbox 360 - 800 Microsoft Points

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Next DLC to incorporate fan feedback
« Reply #210 on: Thursday, July 07, 2011, 02:17:18 PM »
I bought DA2 and played for like 5 minutes. They fucked the franchise up royally. No longer will anything in the DA series or from Bioware be an automatic buy for me.

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Next DLC to incorporate fan feedback
« Reply #211 on: Thursday, July 07, 2011, 07:10:35 PM »

Offline MysterD

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Update: 4 mins of Legacy DLC gameplay footage
« Reply #213 on: Wednesday, July 27, 2011, 06:15:47 AM »
Dragon Age 2 PC pulled from Steam.

It's believed - just like the Crysis 2 situation - it's b/c Steam's new rule is ALL DLC must be sold ALSO on Steam for a game and extra content must ALSO be delivered through their Steam service.
Legacy DLC is NOT on Steam currently.

Worth noting - Microsoft, of all corporations, does have Fable 3 PC Steam version has ALL of their game and ALL of their DLC sold ALSO sold through Steam.

Offline Xessive

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Update: 4 mins of Legacy DLC gameplay footage
« Reply #214 on: Wednesday, July 27, 2011, 01:41:28 PM »
Dragon Age 2 PC pulled from Steam.
Worth noting - Microsoft, of all corporations, does have Fable 3 PC Steam version has ALL of their game and ALL of their DLC sold ALSO sold through Steam.
True but not in my region! The bastards!

Despite all that's been said by EA and Valve it's really hard not to think of Origin as an up and coming EA-exclusive contender for Steam.

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Update: Dragon Age 2 PC pulled from Steam
« Reply #215 on: Wednesday, July 27, 2011, 10:02:39 PM »
EA responds to DA2 being pulled from Steam.

Dragon Age II was pulled from online games retailer Steam after the game's first downloadable expansion, Legacy, was released this week.

It's believed that due to the expansion being purchasable from within the game, and not the Steam client, that lead to Valve dropping the game completely. Dragon Age: Origins is still available, however.

EA would not address the specific reasons for why Dragon Age II was removed, only saying it hopes to reach an agreement with Valve in the future.

"At EA, we offer our games and content to all major download services including GameStop, Amazon, Direct2Drive and Steam," said David DeMartini, SVP of Global E-Commerce for EA in a statement given to IGN.

"Unfortunately, Steam has adopted a set of restrictive terms of service which limit how developers interact with customers to sell downloadable content. No other download service has adopted this practice. Consequently some of our games have been removed by Steam.

"We hope to work out an agreement to keep our games on Steam."

Last month, EA's Crysis 2 was also pulled from Steam after downloadable content was released for the game. EA denied any involvement with the move, saying it was due to a distribution deal for the DLC that violated Valve's agreement.

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Update: Legacy reviews
« Reply #217 on: Friday, July 29, 2011, 10:40:16 AM »
Well I was going to bitch about Valve, but then that's a pretty dick move from EA as well.

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Update: Legacy reviews
« Reply #218 on: Friday, July 29, 2011, 10:59:29 AM »
Which part is the dick move EA did? Steam pulled the game because it doesn't conform to the new DLC rules put in place last month. EA sells their DLC directly themselves, and Valve now requires that DLC also be sold through them (so they get a 30% cut on it). Neither side is really doing anything wrong, its just a dispute over the new Steam regulations.

Offline MysterD

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Update: Legacy reviews
« Reply #219 on: Friday, July 29, 2011, 12:41:50 PM »
Which part is the dick move EA did? Steam pulled the game because it doesn't conform to the new DLC rules put in place last month. EA sells their DLC directly themselves, and Valve now requires that DLC also be sold through them (so they get a 30% cut on it). Neither side is really doing anything wrong, its just a dispute over the new Steam regulations.
Wow - Valve gets that much of a cut on it, eh?  :o
No wonder EA wants to sell it exclusive on their own site!

I think the other thing is Steam wants to sell complete-working products to their user-base, too.
As a consumer, I'd be annoyed if say I bought a game from Steam, only to find out exclusive DLC bought elsewhere had issues w/ the Steam-version of the base-game.

Also, I'd be peeved if say I bought Borderlands from Gamersgate - b/c NO DLC is compatible w/ their version of the game.
They don't sell BL: GOTY for Windows - though they do sell it for Mac.
What consumer wants to run into that situation where they have to re-buy said product somewhere else just to get DLC and extra content?

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Update: Legacy reviews
« Reply #220 on: Friday, July 29, 2011, 12:59:51 PM »
Thing is theres really no technical reason why DLC bought from one place cant work with a game bought in another. There are games where it won't (like your examples) but thats just stupidity.

Just a quick look, it seems like you can buy Civ4: Beyond the Sword expansion on Steam and it will work on retail copies of the original. You can also mix and match the Dawn of War 1 game/expansions. So its entirely possible.

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Update: Legacy reviews
« Reply #221 on: Friday, July 29, 2011, 09:16:08 PM »
The issue I discovered was with Bad Company 2 Vietnam. Apparently, if you have the Steam version you can only get the Steam version of the DLC and vice versa. SO for my brother, who had the retail version I wound up having to re-buy the base game in Steam so he could play Vietnam (the reason being that the only option for retail was through the EA Store and it was around 15 Euros as opposed to $15 USD). We got lucky that the BFBC2 pack went on sale during the last event.

Now my brother technically has two legitimate BFBC2 keys permanently tied to his EA account. Can he give away his old key? According to EA, NO! Why? No good reason at all.

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Update: Legacy reviews
« Reply #222 on: Saturday, July 30, 2011, 06:15:59 AM »
Why?  Because they can.  Because their customers grant them the power to do whatever they want.  Why not force you to "buy" the game all over again, and make the other "purchase" non-transferable?  More money for them.  What are you going to do about it, post a blog?

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Update: Legacy reviews
« Reply #223 on: Saturday, July 30, 2011, 06:43:04 AM »
The issue I discovered was with Bad Company 2 Vietnam. Apparently, if you have the Steam version you can only get the Steam version of the DLC and vice versa. SO for my brother, who had the retail version I wound up having to re-buy the base game in Steam so he could play Vietnam (the reason being that the only option for retail was through the EA Store and it was around 15 Euros as opposed to $15 USD). We got lucky that the BFBC2 pack went on sale during the last event.

Now my brother technically has two legitimate BFBC2 keys permanently tied to his EA account. Can he give away his old key? According to EA, NO! Why? No good reason at all.
But yes - I think THIS is another reason exactly why Valve wants to sell on their website game + ALL expansions + ALL DLC - so their fan-base don't get screwed over w/ having to jump through hoops w/ Origin and other programs. This way, DLC works w/ their version of the game.

On another hand - we could, if we really wanted to, blame Steam for FORCING their client to run w/ ALL Steam-sold games.
This is probably what causes the trouble and incompatibility issues here - b/c the game has an extra layer here added [Steamworks].
You don't see D2D forcing their client to run/boot say any of the EA games they sell, do you?
No - they basically make you use Origin.

Since most recent EA game keys register on Origin, I'm guessing you guys could have registered Steam version BC2 on Origin.
You'd probably want to "Archive" [for back-up purposes] and uninstall BC2 Steam Version [b/c Origin recognizes if EA games, even if it's tied to Steam; it recognizes Burnout: Paradise - Steam version].
Then, you could DL the Origin version of BC2 [so you don't have Steam wrapped around it].
Then, if Vietnam went sale on Origin, you could've bought BC2: Vietnam from Origin. [shrug]
« Last Edit: Saturday, July 30, 2011, 07:07:12 AM by MysterD »

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Update: Legacy reviews
« Reply #224 on: Saturday, July 30, 2011, 08:15:11 AM »
But yes - I think THIS is another reason exactly why Valve wants to sell on their website game + ALL expansions + ALL DLC - so their fan-base don't get screwed over w/ having to jump through hoops w/ Origin and other programs. This way, DLC works w/ their version of the game.

On another hand - we could, if we really wanted to, blame Steam for FORCING their client to run w/ ALL Steam-sold games.
This is probably what causes the trouble and incompatibility issues here - b/c the game has an extra layer here added [Steamworks].
You don't see D2D forcing their client to run/boot say any of the EA games they sell, do you?
No - they basically make you use Origin.

Since most recent EA game keys register on Origin, I'm guessing you guys could have registered Steam version BC2 on Origin.
You'd probably want to "Archive" [for back-up purposes] and uninstall BC2 Steam Version [b/c Origin recognizes if EA games, even if it's tied to Steam; it recognizes Burnout: Paradise - Steam version].
Then, you could DL the Origin version of BC2 [so you don't have Steam wrapped around it].
Then, if Vietnam went sale on Origin, you could've bought BC2: Vietnam from Origin. [shrug]

My brother had the retail version, which we set up in Origin anyway, however therein lies the problem: EA is anal about regional restrictions. Most sales and specials seem to be US-only, aside from that the Origin Store (formerly EA Store) determines region by IP. Here's the kicker: even with a VPN in the US sales won't go through without a North American credit card; once I decide to check out and enter my card details it rejects the purchase stating that it needs a US credit card.

Some Steam games have regional restrictions but only due to the publishing rights, not due to Steam in itself. Steam however acts like a bitch with no proxy settings at all, making it difficult to manually connect via VPN. On that note I also discovered that gifts are redeemable regardless of region. For example, Dark Messiah is not available to me due to regional restrictions but I was able to access it when it was gifted to me.

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Update: Legacy reviews
« Reply #225 on: Saturday, July 30, 2011, 08:37:53 AM »
You know what I miss? Games that came on disks. And then the expansion was on a disk and it would always work with the original game. And you didn't need the internet AT ALL to play.

Why did we go away from that again?

Offline MysterD

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Update: Legacy reviews
« Reply #226 on: Saturday, July 30, 2011, 09:07:23 AM »
You know what I miss? Games that came on disks. And then the expansion was on a disk and it would always work with the original game. And you didn't need the internet AT ALL to play.

Why did we go away from that again?
I could go on and on about this more than I'll probably type, but let me explain a lot of this madness.

Keep this in mind, first thing's first - many people have fast Internet connections, at least here in USA. So, it's very easy just to download your games in say a short amount of time - i.e a few hours or much less. And since they often have way more sales w/ big price-cuts on digital copies more so than retail, if you have a fast connection, where are you going to go for your games? Digital.
Seriously - have you ever seen a sale for The Witcher: EE PC at $5 on Retail? DNF PC at $25 at retail? Bulletstorm PC at $12 retail? Dragon Age 2 PC at retail for $30? DAO: Ultimate for $12 at Retail? Nope - those were all digital deals.

Some dev's, distributors, publishers, etc do have trouble getting their game into retail - for whatever reason. And retailers, shippers, and other middle-men also get a cut of the $. Perfect example of trouble getting into retail - Dead Island. Dead Island is going to retail w/ a double-partnership at retail w/ both Square-Enix and Deep Silver. Square-Enix here in the USA to distribute, while the publisher Deep Silver couldn't get their game into retail here. Why? B/c Deep Silver doesn't do enough constant business w/ retailers, to suit the retailers. Retailers are down w/ Square-Enix and have been for a LONG TIME - there's someone they will let into their retail club, so Deep Silver partnered w/ Square-Enix.

Hence why Steam and EA are pushing the hell out of their digital services - they can cut out the middle-men, since they are dev's AND publishers. And also hence Outerlight's article and many others that have commented on digital vs. retail; and about how digital sales saved them. They made much more off digital sales than going to retail - especially true for a lot of Indie titles and niche type of titles. If digital is where they seem to be making most of their money - why deal w/ retail? Also, hence why Risen 2 will be Steamworks only. What version sold the best by a mile for them for Risen 1? Yup - Steam version.

Especially these days, a lot of the retail copies - the DRM is often now the same as the digital version, unlike the old days. Less versions to patch, since many are not doing the disc-check anymore - even for retail version. Usually, nowadays - most companies seem to aim for having a Steam version and the rest of them are Non-Steam versions. In the old days, D2D version might have their own online activation DRM; Steam version has their own DRM; Retail has a disc-check; etc etc. Less versions to patch, less resource and money to spend on extra patches.

Also, about retail copies - they often don't pack much into Regular Edition retail copies anymore [likely you'll get a Game + maybe a hard-copy manual], unless it's a Special Edition. So, this begs the question of - if you have a decent Net connection, why buy from retail? You can w/ most digital services back-up stuff yourself to DVD, BR disc, another HDD, etc -> Steam and Impulse - you can "Archive" the files to cut to disc; Amazon DL and G4WL - they give you the installer files; D2D gives you installer files w/in a ZIP file; etc etc.

DLC Mania - the other reason games are going digital. DLC, love it or hate it, often sells VERY well. Best way to distribute DLC is digitally, not through retail. You ever seen DLC double-packs [like Borderlands had and Fallout 3] sell well at Retail? No, but complete Ultimate Editions usually fair much better.
« Last Edit: Saturday, July 30, 2011, 01:20:43 PM by MysterD »

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Update: Legacy reviews
« Reply #227 on: Saturday, July 30, 2011, 12:28:03 PM »
Can you summarize what you said?

Offline MysterD

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Update: Legacy reviews
« Reply #228 on: Saturday, July 30, 2011, 01:15:39 PM »
Can you summarize what you said?

In summary - there's too much politics in the gaming industry.

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Update: Legacy reviews
« Reply #229 on: Saturday, July 30, 2011, 01:45:11 PM »
You know, Steam isn't cutting out the middle man. They are the middle man.

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Update: Legacy reviews
« Reply #230 on: Saturday, July 30, 2011, 01:57:15 PM »
You know, Steam isn't cutting out the middle man. They are the middle man.

Re-read what I said and my word choice:
Hence why Steam and EA are pushing the hell out of their digital services - they can cut out the middle-men, since they are dev's AND publishers.
That means this only pertains to THEIR games from their own self-owned companies.
When dealing w/ 3rd party dev's, yeah - they're middle-men.

Regardless, Steam doesn't seem to be charging ONE million dollar fees and other weird things, just to get your game into retail. They just take 30%.

This section is interesting from the Outerlight article.
Quote from: Chris Peck of Outerlight
I guess this is the right time to talk about the two business models, publisher and independent.

The traditional publishing model is awful for developers, it's their gilded cage. It requires costly pitching, to emissaries of publishers, who return to corporate rooms & badly pitch the idea to large groups who need consensus to act, and typically take 6 months to close any deal they offer. Publishers are motivated by greed, but restrained by fear of risk, and thus seek sure deals, licenses and sequels, which makes pitching innovation almost pointless. Should you get a deal, the usual is 20 percent royalties, but after the retailer takes their share of 50 percent, you are getting 20 percent of the 50 percent left (so 10 percent of retail price). That doesn't sound too bad, until you realise that the developer is the one that actually pays for the development, the publisher has just advanced the developer their share of the royalties to pay for making the game.

So...the developer takes 10 percent of retail, after ALL costs have been repaid from that 10 percent. Assuming the game cost £2m to make, and sold for 20 pounds, the developer gets 2 pounds for every unit, once the 2 million punds is repaid, so that's 1 million copies before the developer sees their first 2 pounds, meanwhile the publisher has recouped their 2 million pound and is sitting on an extra 6 million pounds. What happens next? History shows us the developer goes bust, or gets acquired by a publisher, and the publisher maybe buys another publisher for kicks.

The self-funded, digitally distributed model should be the future, it brings 70 percent of the retail price back to the developer, which means 14 pounds for every unit sold. Assuming the game cost 2 million pounds to make (although it wouldn't, being independently developed it would be half the price, being twice as efficient!), that's a break even for the developer at 142,000 units, instead of at 1 million units. If they did get very lucky and sell 1 million units they'd make a profit of 12 million pounds, instead of 0. For an efficient team like ours, we made the game for 700,000 pounds, so our break even would be at 50,000 copies. Instead of games development being seen as a hit or miss industry, it should be seen as a break even or profit industry, there is no miss, only the chance to do better next time.

All money aside, innovation is hard. Coming up with the next big idea is hard, and it's even harder to make it into a reality. Creating a good team, keeping them happy, and keeping the project on track is hard. Developers don't need a monkey on their backs making it harder.

However, the independent route still has the key flaw of needing funding. Investors are justifiably skeptical about developers (after all, we usually go bust), and banks don't lend, despite the public bail out, so where will the development capital come from? At the moment, the main option remains a publishing deal, and while it seems like a lifeline, it's more like a shackle with a death sentence at the end.

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Update: Legacy reviews
« Reply #232 on: Friday, August 05, 2011, 11:17:46 PM »
EA kinda explains their position on the Steam thing.

Warning: theres some PR BS you have to sift through.
EA Policy on Selling Games on Third-Party Download Sites

At EA, we believe in choice. We want our products in all the places gamers go to download the best games and services. To that end, we offer games to EVERY major download service including Amazon, Walmart, Gamestop, and Steam.

One of the most exciting aspects of games is that they just keep getting bigger and better. Both developers and consumers have evolved beyond the traditional model that used to limit us to 15-20 hours of play on a typical disc. Today, post-launch downloads of new maps, vehicles and other content extend the experience, adding hours of fun and a lot of value.

Every download site that hosts our games sets business terms for our relationship. These terms are often complex, but the goal is to provide a hassle-free experience for the gamer. Prices, content exclusives, and loyalty programs may differ from site to site. Consumers can pick the site that bests suits their needs.

Any retailer can sell our games, but we take direct responsibility for providing patches, updates, additional content and other services for the individuals and communities that play our games. These players are connecting to our servers, so we want to provide them with the very best service. This works well for our partnership with Gamestop, Amazon and other online retailers.

However, when a download service forbids publishers from contacting players with patches, new levels, items and other services – it disrupts our ability to provide the ongoing support players expect from us. At present, this is the case with only one download service. While EA offers its entire portfolio to this site, they have elected to not post many of our games. We hope to find a mutually agreeable solution to this issue soon.

Going forward, EA will continue to work with download partners and continue offering our games for sale on all major download sites.

The good news is: you’ve got plenty of choices.

Offline MysterD

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Update: Legacy reviews
« Reply #233 on: Saturday, August 06, 2011, 09:48:43 AM »
I'm glad EA wants to take responsibility for patching their own games and all. But to me, it just sounds like they don't want to have multiple versions of their PC games going. In a sense, I really can't blame them for that - b/c I've always wanted to be able to run ALL Steam-purchased games w/out the Steam client-program going. Most of those digital publishers, they don't require the digital distributor's client program running to run the game. Well, Steam is one of the few that does - and that is causing the problem; at least one of the problems here. Making separate versions just for Steam compatibility might be a pain-in-the-ass and cost even more money, time, and resources for EA. I think this is one of the reasons we see so many PC games go Steamworks-only - so the dev's only have one version of the game to patch; and of course also b/c it's also got the biggest PC digital distribution fan-base by far.

But, I don't blame for wanting to make sure their versions are always up-to-date and that the Steam-user can get EVERY piece of content they are looking for a game - base game, DLC, expansions, etc.

But, my problem w/ EA - I can only buy some DLC directly from Bioware Store; such as Crysis 2 PC or DA2 Legacy. Seriously - you can't get Legacy from D2D, Gamersgate, Amazon DL, or anybody else. It's nice EA wants to make money and all to keep themselves going and making money so they can keep putting products out - but this here is almost like having retail-exclusive DLC, but now it's just digital instead. It's annoying. Even keeping it as a limited timed-exclusive for Bioware Store for a few weeks or months would seem fair, as long as they bring it elsewhere later.

In the long-run, b/c EA and Valve can't agree on anything or even come to some kind of fair compromise, PC gamers get shafted here in the long run. Less places to buy DLC = more expensive DLC on Origin and The Bioware Store; especially since it's exclusive there. Less competition, so no need to keep prices competitive. And EA wonders why I ain't bought any of the Bioware-Store exclusive ME2 DLC.... [smh]

Rampant Games talks about the DA2 Situation about "Sucking The RPG Genre Dry."

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Update: Legacy reviews
« Reply #234 on: Saturday, August 06, 2011, 11:31:17 AM »
The issue I have with EA-store exclusivity is the fact that it's despicable for region support. No fair pricing policy, US store only works with North American credit cards, no gifting options, etc. Overall it's just not a great store. Fortunately when alternate stores have the content they often have their own fair pricing policies i.e.

Offline MysterD

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Update: Legacy reviews
« Reply #235 on: Saturday, August 06, 2011, 02:57:41 PM »
The issue I have with EA-store exclusivity is the fact that it's despicable for region support. No fair pricing policy, US store only works with North American credit cards, no gifting options, etc. Overall it's just not a great store. Fortunately when alternate stores have the content they often have their own fair pricing policies i.e.
That's really crap-tastic. Bleh.

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Re: Dragon Age 2 - Update: Next DLC to be announced at PAX
« Reply #237 on: Friday, September 16, 2011, 12:27:15 AM »
Felicia Day (Google+):
HEY GUYS ANNOUNCEMENT OUT: I'm starring in a new Dragon Age II DLC, Mark of the Assassin! I'm playing the same character I created in the web series I wrote and produced, Dragon Age: Redemption. Full motion and facial capture, voice acting, the whole bit. First time ever something like this has been done!

Both launch October 11th. Tomorrow I think I'll be able to link you some footage ;) Such a dream come true!! Ok good night :)

I'm not playing DA2 anymore but this will make me jump back in. I love Felicia.

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« Last Edit: Friday, September 16, 2011, 06:25:59 PM by MysterD »

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