Author Topic: What I'd like to see in Borderlands 2  (Read 43110 times)

Offline idolminds

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Re: What I'd like to see in Borderlands 2
« Reply #200 on: Saturday, July 13, 2013, 11:27:57 PM »
Tiny Tinas Assault on Dragon Keep is quite awesome. I'm working my way through it now and its just got a fun setup. I like how the usual "intercom" that is in pretty much every FPS now is used in an interesting way. Sure its the intercom when characters in-world are talking to you like regular BL2, but its also used for the out-of-game chatter of the D&D game the characters are playing.

Things change as Tiny Tina changes her mind, or the characters do something. Some chests have 20 sided dice on top, the better you roll the better the loot. Just interesting twists on the formula that works well given the premise.

So far the quests have been pretty good. Yeah its the same go here, grab that style like most of the quests in BL2 but they manage to give them a lot of character that somehow keeps them fresh. Now being a game of D&D is the overall main storyline and some of the side quests are tied into that, others are MMO references or references from other games. There is a great Dark Souls quest, and another where I had to make some dudes ragequit so I could tag the respawning boss.

I havent finished the Torgue DLC and have yet to touch the hunting one, but this one is really pretty fantastic. If you don't have the season pass, be sure to grab it even by itself.

Offline W7RE

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Re: What I'd like to see in Borderlands 2
« Reply #201 on: Sunday, July 14, 2013, 12:37:21 AM »
Yea the Tiny Tina DLC is definitely the best one.

Tiny Tina > Torgue > Scarlett  > Hammerlock

Offline idolminds

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Re: What I'd like to see in Borderlands 2
« Reply #202 on: Monday, July 15, 2013, 11:27:35 PM »
One thing to watch out for....time. Don't get to a new map and think hey, how long could this take? A LONG-ASS TIME! So don't start it late at night like I did. Then you get half way into it and you decide to see it through because...shit, you don't want to go through all that again.

I mean....yeah, shooting and looting was going on but these really long stretches that you can't save in the middle of SUCKS.

Offline W7RE

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Re: What I'd like to see in Borderlands 2
« Reply #203 on: Tuesday, August 13, 2013, 04:13:00 PM »
The Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep head customizations are finally being released, as SHiFT codes of course. So yea, you can't just finish the DLC to get them, like with previous ones. You have to make a SHiFT account so you can put the code in in-game. They're being put out one per day.

Axton - Warrior of Light (screenshot)

Gaige - Wayfarer Wizard (screenshot)
Xbox - KB53B-TH5BB-KBB5R-WXT33-6HR9R

Zer0 - G0ry Gh0ul (screenshot)
Xbox - KB53T-3T6JB-W3T5F-K6B33-Z9W5R

Maya - Elven Eliminator (screenshot)
Xbox - 5TC33-9Z5BT-533WR-W63BJ-66WJW

Krieg - MY EARS ARE RINGING (screenshot)

Salvador - The Beast Within (screenshot)

The associated skins are coming at a later date. They said one of them has an issue and the game needs to be patched to fix it. (I've seen screenshots of some of them, and yes, Krieg's skin doesn't show up properly)

EDIT: By the way, if anyone wants an easy place to keep track of the codes as they release (and in a text format so you can highlight and copy, unlike the images they use on, check this link out. Even if you're not using it repeatedly to keep track of new codes (I check it daily for new golden key codes), it's a good place to get a few dozen golden keys from the old codes that are still active. There's some old item codes on there too.
« Last Edit: Sunday, August 18, 2013, 08:52:09 AM by W7RE »

Offline W7RE

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Re: What I'd like to see in Borderlands 2
« Reply #204 on: Sunday, August 18, 2013, 08:53:40 AM »
Bumping this, just in case it wasn't obvious I was editing in the codes for the heads.

Also, I don't know if you actually have to have the DLC for these heads to work. I was able to redeem the Gaige head and unlock it on PC, even though I don't own her for PC.

Offline Cobra951

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Re: What I'd like to see in Borderlands 2
« Reply #205 on: Sunday, August 18, 2013, 11:30:02 AM »
Bumping this, just in case it wasn't obvious I was editing in the codes for the heads.

Also, I don't know if you actually have to have the DLC for these heads to work. I was able to redeem the Gaige head and unlock it on PC, even though I don't own her for PC.

I didn't ignore your thread.  I've purposely avoided the whole Shift nonsense, at first because it was rumored to trigger the BAR reset bug, and later because I hated the very idea of playing social games with Randy (outside the game) to get game loot.  Entering these codes requires Shift, right?  Even on the Xbox?  Shame.  Thanks anyway.

Offline W7RE

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Re: What I'd like to see in Borderlands 2
« Reply #206 on: Sunday, August 18, 2013, 11:44:44 AM »
Well, I just meant that editing my post highlights it as having something new, but doesn't bump it to the top of the forum, so people may have missed it. I agree that it's shitty to have to use the SHiFT system to get heads/skins for a DLC you already bought. For anyone that was already using them for golden keys, might as well grab them.

BTW you CAN get some really good loot from the golden keys, but more often than not there are named legendary or rare (quest reward) items that are superior to random purple loot. For example, there are elemental weapons with extremely high chance to proc, much higher than you'll ever get on random loot. I recently hit 50 on my mechromancer and wanted to gear up on level 50 loot before heading into UVHM, and my 4 weapons of choice were a blue quest reward, 3 legendaries that were easily farmable, and a legendary quest reward shield. I feel like the best use of golden keys is to fill in gaps, especially while leveling. Most of the really good loot in the game can't come from that chest, so you're not really missing out by avoiding them.

Offline W7RE

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Re: What I'd like to see in Borderlands 2
« Reply #207 on: Sunday, August 18, 2013, 04:59:17 PM »

Borderlands 2 Hot Fixes
August 13, 2013
(Tiny Tina DLC) Dragon Keep-themed character heads added to the Dice Chest item pool as rare loot.

There you go, I guess there are other ways of getting the heads outside of SHiFT codes.

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Re: What I'd like to see in Borderlands 2
« Reply #208 on: Sunday, August 18, 2013, 07:56:16 PM »
Thanks for updating this W7RE, I've been putting the codes in as you've been posting them.

Offline W7RE

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Re: What I'd like to see in Borderlands 2
« Reply #209 on: Saturday, August 24, 2013, 03:02:57 PM »
Just to reiterate again on the uselessness of golden keys: I just hit level 61 and decided to use some golden keys. I used 45 and got nothing useful to my class/spec. I got a mediocre grenade mod I'll use until I farm up something better, and a mediocre class mod for a spec I haven't used in 20 levels. I do have 15 million dollars from selling all the useless purples though.

Offline K-man

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Re: What I'd like to see in Borderlands 2
« Reply #210 on: Wednesday, August 06, 2014, 07:40:53 AM »
I grabbed this during the Steam Summer sale and just now really dug into it in the past couple weeks.  I loved Borderlands, and so far the same rings true for the sequel.  Seems to have improved upon all the right things from the first game, with some nifty additions.  I've done nothing but single player in the 25 hours or so I have put into the game, and have not longed for any multiplayer at all.  So the balance looks to be just about right. 

My only real complaint with the game is that it does not do a good enough job of showing you where you can't go.  I use a vehicle to travel whenever possible and generally take the scenic route for exploration purposes.  Sometimes I'll inexplicably find myself jumping off a cliff onto what looks to be solid ground, but then the respawn hits and the cash gets taken away.  I am addicted to the slot machine so losing cash sucks.  Can't help but think perhaps some better environmental decision would minimize this issue. 

Perhaps the greatest compliment I can give the game is that despite the fact I've been playing for 25 hours, it does not feel nearly that long.  I've enjoyed every second.

Offline Cobra951

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Re: What I'd like to see in Borderlands 2
« Reply #211 on: Wednesday, August 06, 2014, 09:22:44 PM »
Hint:  The map usually shows you where the scenery isn't solid ground at all.  It will show up as empty space.  Also, if you see a series of parallel short lines at the edge of the map, it means you'll get shot to pieces by the "god guns" (what I call them, don't know what they are) if you cross over.  Whatever engine they're using is flawed in the sense that what you see is not what is solid and true.  The visual world geometry and the collision geometry are separate--and that's unfortunate.

Glad you're liking it.  I sure stuck with it for a long time, after Dragon Keep came out.  But I haven't even booted it up in a long time.

Offline K-man

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Re: What I'd like to see in Borderlands 2
« Reply #212 on: Tuesday, August 12, 2014, 02:23:11 PM »
According to Steam I have about 36 hours invested as of last night.  I feel like I am a good ways into the story.  I am fairly reluctant to go digging to see how far, though.  I've managed to do most if not all the side missions as I've been going along (at least the ones I've found).  Still having a ton of fun with it. 

I'm glad the enemies have a little more variety this go round.  That was one of my main knocks against Borderlands.  Despite some of them basically being reskins, they behave differently enough to where it's acceptable.