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Offline ScaryTooth

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #400 on: Sunday, December 27, 2009, 11:00:50 AM »
Thanks for the infos, Pug. I'm getting more and more into the game, and I'm enjoying it quite a bit now. It's pretty dope. It's getting more and more interesting.

Man, I love Sundays. Playing Dragon Age, and watching the Bengals on television.

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #401 on: Sunday, December 27, 2009, 11:16:52 AM »
Okay. I took a closer look at my characters. I had all my shit set up wrong was the problem. Characters with two-handed specialization had one handed swords. Tanks have two-handers with no shield. I'm doing a lot better now. I'm starting to REALLY like this game now.

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #402 on: Sunday, December 27, 2009, 12:10:15 PM »
Thanks for the infos, Pug. I'm getting more and more into the game, and I'm enjoying it quite a bit now. It's pretty dope. It's getting more and more interesting.

Man, I love Sundays. Playing Dragon Age, and watching the Bengals on television.

Hehe, I'm watching Patriots and got DAO going. :)

You're right, though - this DAO just keeps getting better and better, as it goes along more and more...

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #403 on: Sunday, December 27, 2009, 12:48:10 PM »
At the bottom of the top left menu (on the PC) you will find two buttons which will make life easier. If you hold your mouse over them you'll see what the hotkey is for each of those. 

One of those turns the AI off. This is useful when you are casting a powerful spell that can hurt your party. If you turn the AI off and ask them to come back, you will find casting a powerful spell more effective. When the AI is off, they will still defend themselves but won't move or pursue unless commanded to. So you can switch it back on later.

The other button is the select all key. Use that to select everyone and concentrate the entire party towards one goal. This can be for movement or if you want everyone to attack one enemy in a group. Of course you can just drag the mouse to select everyone, but this is faster.

When you get a chance, invest some points in the survival skill... preferably in a character you plan to keep throughout. This will help you see enemies on the map before you come across them.

Here is a small example of how I tackled a group of medium level enemies with one high level monster (like an ogre or a powerful mage) in their midst.

* First I'd rely on the passive survival skill with my ranger (my main character) to show my enemies on the map before I made contact.

* Next I'd hit "=" to select my entire party.

* I'd then hit "H" for them to hold positions.

* Then I would select my two mages and cast the blizzard (by Morrigan) spell, and the earthquake spell (Wynn from the Mage's tower) at the general area.

* Next I'd cast the force field spell or the crushing prison spell on the most powerful enemy. What this will do is hold the victim of this spell for exactly 60 seconds without allowing them any movement. The force field spell binds the victim for a minute and has a significantly higher chance of success, but at the same time doesn't allow the victim to be damaged either. This is useful to cast on a friendly as well, if they are surrounded and about to die. Since no weapons can damage a victim of the force field spell, they will become the ultimate shield since the AI normally doesn't realize what's going on and keeps attacking them. Of course they can't move so they can't do any damage either. But I normally used the force field spell to freeze my most powerful enemies, while I took out the weaker ones.

The crushing prison is a more powerful version of the same spell, except it does great damage while it acts as a force field. Unfortunately it isn't always cast successfully, and depends on the mage's magic points.

* Another cool spell that takes out lots of enemies is a combo, and not everyone knows this. First you cast a grease spell which causes entire mobs of enemies to slip and fall in the grease. Then you cast a fireball into the grease which sets everything on fire and burns them mofos.

Just keep in mind that whenever you cast any of these high level spells, you should hit "H" to turn AI movement off, and move them to defensive positions. If you want to have your characters using ranged weapons, it is a good idea to go to the tactics menu and set them to automatically switch to melee when they are attacked by melee weapons. Ranged weapons for normal tanks like Sten and Alister are only useful when they are taking out enemy units caught in high level mage spells like Blizzard etc. Without the ranged skill points that the bard chick has, Sten and Alister won't do the same damage as they do with their melee weapons.

If you are going to use the "H" key, remember to hit it again when you want your tanks to start thinking on their own again.

But I really don't feel powerful at all. But I really don't want to start over. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. I'm putting my points in willpower, magic, and constitution. But I cast about 6 spells and I'm out of mana. I can't heal worth a shit, and I do crappy damage. It's hard for me and 3 other party members to kill 4 bandits. It's kind of pissing me off. I've tried different tactics, but I think I'm just missing something.

I totally forgot to tell you this...

There is a spell that will make sure you never run out of mana... :P

The spell is called death syphon and it is a level 2 spirit spell. When active, it will have your mage suck any corpse for mana... with the amount of enemies that die, you shouldn't have a problem.

Also, invest in something like frost weapons as well. It will increase the attack level of your entire party.

Remember when your mage dies, they will have to reactive the sustained spells like frost weapons and death syphon.

One last thing... death magic is also useful. It works like death syphon, except it increases health rather than mana.

Oh and there are two walking bomb spells that you will love. Whenever a victim of such a spell dies, their body explodes in a massive fountain of blood and guts, which act as shrapnel, injuring anyone around.

« Last Edit: Sunday, December 27, 2009, 01:15:57 PM by Pugnate »

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #404 on: Sunday, December 27, 2009, 04:39:13 PM »
I think I've gotten bored enough with this that I'm just going to end up not playing it anymore.  It's a tough call, though, since if I just get a bit further in it has the potential to pick up a little.  But I'm really more concerned with finishing Mass Effect before the sequel hits, and I feel like I don't really have room for both games.  And I definitely feel more of a connection to ME than DA (a bit funny considering that I was always a much bigger fan of the fantasy Bioware stuff than the sci-fi outings).  It's a pretty slick game, and it's fun, but the story just isn't doing it for me.

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #405 on: Sunday, December 27, 2009, 05:22:16 PM »
Mass Effect blows Dragon Age out of the water for me as well.  Granted, both games have issues, but the world of Mass Effect just seems more fully realized and stuff.  It could be that I am more into sci-fi than fantasy, but I do feel that Mass Effect is the better game.

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #406 on: Sunday, December 27, 2009, 06:05:06 PM »
I think they're both about on par.  They're both very well put together yet entirely typical of the stuff you see in those genres.  There's really nothing special about the fiction in either one.  And apparently I'm actually the opposite of most people... I found the Mass Effect encyclopedia somewhat fun to read, but the DA kind of bores me to tears.  I always read stuff like that in any game I play that has it (Final Fantasy XII has a great bunch of background-related pieces of writing), but I find myself fighting sleep any time I sit down to read a few entries in DA.  I honestly couldn't say why.  They did seem to put a lot of time, effort, and thought into it, but it just doesn't compel me at all.  I think maybe Mass Effect feels better to me because I find a lot of sci-fi totally cheesy and stupid.  ME had an aura of believability around it that I've often missed with other sci-fi.  Even though some of it was typical BS that should have been better thought out, even though a lot of it was pretty generic, it felt earnest somehow in a way that a lot of other stuff doesn't.  Yet for DA, it's sort of like... here's another fantasy world, and it's all kind of been done already, and a lot of times better.  Maybe that's what the difference is... not the quality of either game or either fiction in comparison to the other, but the fact that a lot of far better dark, political fantasy has been done already, where many of the more popular sci-fi properties you're likely to be exposed to probably fall flat in those areas.

I don't know.  Like I said, the game itself is good, but for some reason for me it just isn't compelling.  Initially I got kind of wrapped up in it, then the spell just broke and I haven't had any desire to really dig my heels in and stick with it.  Yet I've left Mass Effect alone for long stretches due to shit I've had to do, but the desire to play keeps coming back.

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #407 on: Sunday, December 27, 2009, 06:51:40 PM »
I haven't played Mass Effect yet to compare, but plan to after Dragon Age.

Dragon Age is my game of the year, at least the PC version. I find it to be effin' brilliant. Yea the main storyline is recycled fantasy, but the characters are so richly put together, and that is what keeps me interested in terms of wanting to see what happens next. Their interactions with you and with each other is something I really really enjoy. Their various personal quests and whatnot that seem to unlock as the game progresses are also what helps keep the game fresh as it nears its end.

And then there is the combat, the strategies, the various ways each class can play out... I realize that isn't present in the consoles, but that's whats so brilliant to me. I love that whole aspect of it, and can think of four ways I'd like to take with each class.

I love how so many battles come off as extremely interesting and rewarding set pieces. I love it.

Maybe that's what the difference is... not the quality of either game or either fiction in comparison to the other, but the fact that a lot of far better dark, political fantasy has been done already, where many of the more popular sci-fi properties you're likely to be exposed to probably fall flat in those areas.

I do agree with you on The Witcher, but it is tough to do that level of consistency when you have a bigger game with more possibilities. You've got six origin stories, various NPCs etc etc.

The Witcher was basically the story told of a single character. While it was easily more consistent, at the same time I can see why, with the focus on just one character.

Then again, Dragon Age is very similar in design to Baldur's Gate II, and BG2 was easily a better constructed and richer dark fantasy. 

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #408 on: Sunday, December 27, 2009, 07:38:34 PM »
The game is still a lot of fun on the console version, but the lack of polish and the performance issues, coupled with some problems with the interface and UI does hurt the overall experience a significant amount.  That said, I've put in about 25 hours into it and still trucking through it and enjoying it a lot. 

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #409 on: Sunday, December 27, 2009, 08:07:31 PM »
Yeah, don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to say it's bad, because it's not.  It's the kind of thing where if I had more time, I'd be playing through it anyway, but I find myself drawn to playing games that are hooking me a bit more because I don't have as much time for gaming as I used to.

Also Pug, when I was reading your post, it occurred to me that some of what you were talking about is probably pretty fresh to you in some ways.  I know they did some of this kind of thing in KotOR, but from what I gather not nearly to the same extent.  But a lot of the interpersonal stuff is really very analogous to what was delivered in Mass Effect, though it's skewed in a different direction somewhat... but maybe that accounts for why you're a bit blown away and I'm not.  I already got to play with those new toys in that game, so they didn't feel groundbreaking in this one.

I'll give you the combat, though. I think the combat is excellent, and while I haven't explored the full depth, I'd say that chances are good that it's better than what Mass Effect had.

Unfortunately, when it comes to an RPG, pure mechanics can't save it for me, so I guess that's why it isn't holding up as well.  Hopefully I'll be able to give it some more time a bit down the road and then maybe it'll open up for me a bit more.  I did get to like the characters, but since I wasn't a huge fan of the designs and didn't play the game all that long, they just never felt real to me in the same way that the ME crew did.

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #410 on: Sunday, December 27, 2009, 09:26:54 PM »
I haven't played Mass Effect yet to compare, but plan to after Dragon Age.
Mass Effect has the Best Codex ever put forth in a RPG so far - end of story. The stuff already there to read is great stuff, if you ask me - but having it all excellently narrated w/ a voice-actor takes it to another level entirely. You actually want to sit there to read AND listen to it all.

I was actually a little disappointed DAO's Codex doesn't have voice-over narration thrown into the mix. I don't mind reading it and all, which I have - but there was something special about ME's Codex being fully voice-acted the way it was. It was as if Bioware set a new standard for Codexes.

Don't get me wrong, DAO's Codex and The Witcher's Codex are good reads and all - but ME's Codex blows them both away.

Dragon Age is my game of the year, at least the PC version. I find it to be effin' brilliant. Yea the main storyline is recycled fantasy, but the characters are so richly put together, and that is what keeps me interested in terms of wanting to see what happens next. Their interactions with you and with each other is something I really really enjoy. Their various personal quests and whatnot that seem to unlock as the game progresses are also what helps keep the game fresh as it nears its end.
DAO easily is my RPG of The Year so far, I think - especially if it keeps up at this rate.

I'm probably going to be still sticking w/ Borderlands for my pick of GOTY.
There really was something very magical about Borderlands for me that even DAO couldn't give me. I think it's b/c I knew DAO would be this awesome BG2/The Witcher mix - as I pretty much expected.

And then there is the combat, the strategies, the various ways each class can play out... I realize that isn't present in the consoles, but that's whats so brilliant to me. I love that whole aspect of it, and can think of four ways I'd like to take with each class.
This is what I love about DAO - the strategy is very reminiscent of other party-based RPG's such as BG2 and Drakensang. Of course, DAO takes it to another level being in 3D and having the polish that goes along w/ this game coming some 9 years or so later after BG2.
I do agree with you on The Witcher, but it is tough to do that level of consistency when you have a bigger game with more possibilities. You've got six origin stories, various NPCs etc etc.
I think The Witcher is the best single-character focused RPG Of The Decade.

For best party-based RPG of The Decade for me, I'mma need time to think on that - probably b/t BG2 and DAO.

I still think PST is the best party-based RPG of the 90's.

Then again, Dragon Age is very similar in design to Baldur's Gate II, and BG2 was easily a better constructed and richer dark fantasy. 
I think DAO takes the party-based combat of BG2 and both the dark-fantasy setting and epic violence of The Witcher (of course, DAO takes the violence to another whole level entirely).
« Last Edit: Sunday, December 27, 2009, 10:01:42 PM by MysterD »

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #411 on: Monday, December 28, 2009, 01:19:27 AM »
It should be noted that I don't think you can let DA off lightly by saying it's got a full party instead of a single character.  Sure it's a little easier to remain consistent, but I'm talking about a more macro view here.  It's quite simply that The Witcher had a truly dark world and weaved a truly dark string of threads into it, coupled with a legitimately desolate-yet-decadent art style that brought it all together.  DA doesn't achieve dark fantasy.  It achieves... just fantasy.  I know, yes, there are a few darker moments here and there, but the whole of it doesn't amount to much.  Which again doesn't make it a bad game, but I think they've touted the "dark" part way too much because it just isn't there.  Throwing a couple buckets of blood around and playing the abuse/rape angle a few times doesn't get you very far.

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #412 on: Monday, December 28, 2009, 01:28:45 AM »
Yeah, don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to say it's bad, because it's not.  It's the kind of thing where if I had more time, I'd be playing through it anyway, but I find myself drawn to playing games that are hooking me a bit more because I don't have as much time for gaming as I used to.

Also Pug, when I was reading your post, it occurred to me that some of what you were talking about is probably pretty fresh to you in some ways.  I know they did some of this kind of thing in KotOR, but from what I gather not nearly to the same extent.  But a lot of the interpersonal stuff is really very analogous to what was delivered in Mass Effect, though it's skewed in a different direction somewhat... but maybe that accounts for why you're a bit blown away and I'm not.  I already got to play with those new toys in that game, so they didn't feel groundbreaking in this one.

I'll give you the combat, though. I think the combat is excellent, and while I haven't explored the full depth, I'd say that chances are good that it's better than what Mass Effect had.

Unfortunately, when it comes to an RPG, pure mechanics can't save it for me, so I guess that's why it isn't holding up as well.  Hopefully I'll be able to give it some more time a bit down the road and then maybe it'll open up for me a bit more.  I did get to like the characters, but since I wasn't a huge fan of the designs and didn't play the game all that long, they just never felt real to me in the same way that the ME crew did.

No no, I realize you like this of course. I never got that wrong. We just like it at different levels and I can see your point of view.

I think the companion stuff is easily more deep than in KOTOR though. And from what I heard on the Bioware forums and the giantbombcast, that whole aspect is apparently far richer than in Mass Effect.

As for the combat stuff... it is really what keeps pulling me back to the game. Unlocking new spells and abilities seems to have constant affect on how each fight is paced out. I do find that awesome, how unlocking new abilities constantly changes the way the combat is played out.

I do agree that the main storyline is pretty cliched... but it doesn't bother me so much. I guess how much it bothers you affects how much you like the game.

Keep in mind though that Dragon Age was in development three years before Mass Effect, which a lot of it seems a step back. Good thing I am playing this first. I'll tackle Mass Effect next.

It should be noted that I don't think you can let DA off lightly by saying it's got a full party instead of a single character.  It's quite simply that The Witcher had a truly dark world and a weaved a truly dark string of threads into it, coupled with a legitimately desolate-yet-decadent art style that brought it all together.  DA doesn't achieve dark fantasy.  It achieves average fantasy.  I know, yes, there are a few darker moments here and there, but the whole of it doesn't amount to much.  Which again doesn't make it a bad game, but I think they've touted the "dark" part way too much because it just isn't there.

I have to say I expected more after reading so much, even from reviewers. It started promisingly enough with the city elf story, and then it just sorta fizzed off.

If you've ever gone underground in Baldur's Gate during the middle chapters, you will note how brooding and dark it can be. Even the first dungeon in BG2 was very atmospheric. I think Dragon Age made a few sacrifices in its story etc to appeal to the masses. I enjoy the world, but it is definitely not dark fantasy. It is more like high fantasy with just a touch of rape and slavery thrown in.

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #413 on: Monday, December 28, 2009, 01:33:17 AM »
Mass Effect has the Best Codex ever put forth in a RPG so far - end of story. The stuff already there to read is great stuff, if you ask me - but having it all excellently narrated w/ a voice-actor takes it to another level entirely. You actually want to sit there to read AND listen to it all.

I was actually a little disappointed DAO's Codex doesn't have voice-over narration thrown into the mix. I don't mind reading it and all, which I have - but there was something special about ME's Codex being fully voice-acted the way it was. It was as if Bioware set a new standard for Codexes.

Don't get me wrong, DAO's Codex and The Witcher's Codex are good reads and all - but ME's Codex blows them both away.
DAO easily is my RPG of The Year so far, I think - especially if it keeps up at this rate.

I'm probably going to be still sticking w/ Borderlands for my pick of GOTY.
There really was something very magical about Borderlands for me that even DAO couldn't give me. I think it's b/c I knew DAO would be this awesome BG2/The Witcher mix - as I pretty much expected.
This is what I love about DAO - the strategy is very reminiscent of other party-based RPG's such as BG2 and Drakensang. Of course, DAO takes it to another level being in 3D and having the polish that goes along w/ this game coming some 9 years or so later after BG2.
 I think The Witcher is the best single-character focused RPG Of The Decade.

For best party-based RPG of The Decade for me, I'mma need time to think on that - probably b/t BG2 and DAO.

I still think PST is the best party-based RPG of the 90's.
I think DAO takes the party-based combat of BG2 and both the dark-fantasy setting and epic violence of The Witcher (of course, DAO takes the violence to another whole level entirely).

D, I saw on facebook you started with a rogue. That's what I did as well. Are you taking the archery patch, or the dual wielding patch?

Should mention that you can take as many specializations are you want, but I'll give you tips on where you can unlock those if you'd like.

The ranger specialization can be found at
(click to show/hide)

The duelist specialization is found from the
(click to show/hide)
The assassin specialization must be unlocked from the
(click to show/hide)

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #414 on: Monday, December 28, 2009, 09:17:40 AM »
Just slayed the dragon iPPi talked about coming back to. That's my second dragon, and that was one magnificent battle.

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #415 on: Monday, December 28, 2009, 11:06:46 AM »
What level were you when you killed the dragon?  I've just acquired Wynne so I'm considering attempting it once I get suitably equipped and finish off the Mage Tower.  My MT (Alistair) has the full Superior Drakeskin Armor now and Shield Expertise, which should prevent him from getting stunned and thrown up in the air by the dragon.  With a dedicated healer as well I think I should be able to kill it.  I'm just wondering who I should use for my 4th party member... I hear melee dps gets destroyed by the dragon so I might use Morrigan or Lelianna. 

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #416 on: Monday, December 28, 2009, 01:16:39 PM »
I am level 18 or 19 I think.

It was an awesome battle. Some of the most fun I've had in a game in a while... but I really wouldn't attempt it early in the game. I encountered another dragon earlier, during
(click to show/hide)
quest, and that was easier to beat.

The key is to just keep the team spread apart, since the dragon does its biggest damage when it pounces from the sky. The cool thing is that since the area you fight in has such an uneven terrain, some of your ranged characters can luck out by being out of reach, while they themselves can continue to do damage.

I had my archer/ranger at one end, and used melee in the form of my summoned wolf and Alistar. I had Wynne and Morrigan at opposite ends firing spells. I used Wynee to use the mass heal spell a lot and I used her resurrection spell once on Alistar. I used Wynne's other defensive spells on Alistar as well. There is a spell that gives a automatic health boost when a friendly is about to die, so that was useful on Alistar. Another spell that boosts the overall health regeneration was also useful on him.

Constant healing from Wynne is vital, and I doubt I would have beaten the dragon on my first try otherwise.

The other important thing to do is use potions while the dragon is flying. It is always a good time to use the mana and health potions even if both of those are nearly full.

The spells most effective against the dragon?

Well, towards the end of the battle I discovered that Morrigan's cone of cold spell actually freakin' freezes the dragon for a full 5 seconds, which is enough time to do about 5-10% damage. It was surprising because her crushing prison spell wasn't very effective. The vulnerability hex was also quite effective.

My archer was also blasting away with the arrows of death, critical arrows etc. Again, the key is to keep your party spread apart, and you should manage.

I hear melee dps gets destroyed by the dragon so I might use Morrigan or Lelianna

The first dragon I encountered in the game, near the swamps, I defeated with Sten, Alistar, Wynne, and my ranger.

I had the full blood dragon armor set on Sten, and he was doing lots of damage while Wynne kept his health up.

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #417 on: Monday, December 28, 2009, 04:14:25 PM »
D, I saw on facebook you started with a rogue. That's what I did as well. Are you taking the archery patch, or the dual wielding patch?

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #418 on: Monday, December 28, 2009, 08:43:20 PM »
This really shouldn't even be in the game. This guy shouldn't even be allowed to be spoken to.

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #419 on: Monday, December 28, 2009, 08:45:30 PM »

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #420 on: Monday, December 28, 2009, 08:52:21 PM »
Immersion-breaker. This is how the gamer is "sold" The Warden's Keep DLC in-game - as he can tell you all about the quest and everything...and that's as far as it really goes, unless you buy the content.

So then, you're given the option in-game and in the dialogue to buy the DLC content. You click on that in-game dialogue option, then you have to sign into your Bioware account - that's if you ain't signed in already. Once signed into your account, it checks to see if you have Bioware points in your account, if you actually have any - so you decide if you want to buy the DLC or not.

I just think that w/ the option OUTSIDE of the game in the main menu (under Downloadable Content section) for the player to be able to buy the DLC should be really enough.

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #421 on: Monday, December 28, 2009, 09:18:47 PM »
I thought it was pretty clever actually.

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #422 on: Monday, December 28, 2009, 09:19:10 PM »
I'm trying so hard not to tell you to burn in hell right now.

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #423 on: Monday, December 28, 2009, 10:00:42 PM »
I really don't understand the problem here.  It's essentially just a character in-game advertising DLC.  How is this any different than Cobb in Monkey Island advertising Loom (aside from less hilarity)?

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #424 on: Monday, December 28, 2009, 10:13:26 PM »
Because that was a gag and it was related to another game entirely.  This guy is saying, "Here is content for the game you bought that you can't play.  Wouldn't it be awesome if this thing you're seeing was here?  It sure would!  How about paying me to see it?"  It's in really poor fucking taste, and you are literally the first person I've ever heard of that didn't think it was awful.

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #425 on: Tuesday, December 29, 2009, 12:12:55 AM »
I am inclined, as usual but not always, to agree with Que. I can see what K-man finds interesting in this advertising technique but I don't condone it. I feel it completely breaks the autonomy of the game as a whole; not to mention that it is actually content that was cut from the game just so they could sell it individually.

Anyway, I just restarted as a Dalish Elf, building toward the Ranger class. I like the Dalish prologue so far. It sheds a little more light on the continent's history and Elven-Human relations.

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #426 on: Tuesday, December 29, 2009, 01:26:55 AM »
I just killed my first dragon from
(click to show/hide)

It took me a couple of tries to get the positioning correct, but my tank has the full Superior Drakeskin Armor set so he's quite resilient to fire damage, though he did come close to dying once during the encounter... and there's something wrong with Lelianna AI.  Her main set is a bow, and her second set is two daggers.  No matter what AI behavior I set for her she ends up switching to her daggers and using melee attacks, which is completely against what I have her talented for.  I just unequip her daggers and everything works fine.  It bugs me. 

I might try the high dragon now... I feel that it shouldn't be too bad.

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #427 on: Tuesday, December 29, 2009, 01:53:07 AM »
That's weird. I have my archer and Lel. set so that they use the defensive fire skill when attacked by melee... and they don't switch. I hope they patch the console game soon... though I guess it is too late for the masses who bought it a while back.


D, since I already had my DLC, that never came up, but that's outrageous.

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #428 on: Tuesday, December 29, 2009, 08:46:59 AM »
Ah, see I wasn't aware that it was content that preexisted on the disc that you're just paying to unlock.  I don't agree with that at all.  But what he's advertising is one of the DLC's included with the game when you purchase it right?  Sort of a "bonus" for not buying used?

However, I stand by my thoughts on the actual implementation.  I think it's pretty clever.

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #429 on: Tuesday, December 29, 2009, 09:28:30 AM »
Ah, see I wasn't aware that it was content that preexisted on the disc that you're just paying to unlock.  I don't agree with that at all.  But what he's advertising is one of the DLC's included with the game when you purchase it right?  Sort of a "bonus" for not buying used?

However, I stand by my thoughts on the actual implementation.  I think it's pretty clever.
That sucks when it happens. However in this case it was cut before the release of the game. So basically there's DLC available for the game upon the game's release date, not as an expansion but as a nickel & dime scheme. So you buy the game and shit is missing from the get-go.

Unlike Borderlands, for instance, where the DLC was added on later, is worth the cost, and feels more like a genuine effort from the devs to expand on the original game rather than squeeze cash out of our teats.

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #430 on: Tuesday, December 29, 2009, 06:11:22 PM »
Let's not forget about the fact that the DLC was also hideously broken upon release, took forever to get fixed (if it even was... do we have confirmation on that yet?), and not only did it not work, it could also do serious and irreversible damage to your game by virtue of you simply trying to use it for what it was intended for.  That and the fact that it wasn't even worth a quarter of what it actually cost.

Still, even aside from that pile of bullshit, I can't believe anyone can find this advertising method clever.  More than likely it's one of the top 5 things in the last decade that have angered me about the gaming industry.  When I found out about it, I was absolutely furious. That feeling hasn't subsided much.

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #431 on: Tuesday, December 29, 2009, 06:35:26 PM »
Yea, its a conversation we've already been over until D brought it back up again. I don't really like it, but I think the business strategy that Bioware and others are starting realize is that DLC really works if its done consistently starting near the release of the game. Theres a window of opportunity that slowly starts disappearing as time goes by and people become less interested in the game, for instance, GTA4's DLC which didn't sell well at all. So the stone prisoner DLC which comes with the game, for now anyway, is actually decent and you get a pretty interesting character out of it. I actually played through the whole game without even bothering with the DLC, I only check it out afterwards. The Warden's Keep you can go either way with, I thought it was cool and thought the price tag was worth it, but this is coming from someone who really enjoyed the game's story and world, you get some goodies and a chest, but I honestly didn't need them since I had played through the game without them.

But back to the point, I guess I've turned around a little and don't mind so much that there's DLC there upon release, however I still don't like the way they advertise it in game. They should keep it separated and make it a point to make it feel optional. "It's there, but we're not going to make NPCs bug you about it." Borderlands probably has the best DLC going for it so far and the rate they are releasing them is perfect. I hope they keep it up.

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #432 on: Tuesday, December 29, 2009, 06:42:42 PM »
Speaking of Dragon Age DLC, I was checking the site to see if the Return to Ostagar DLC was coming since it said Holiday release, but when I checked it yesterday, there was no update. However today we get some news.

Return to Ostagar is coming out Jan 5th and will cost $5. Sounds good to me.

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #433 on: Tuesday, December 29, 2009, 07:23:33 PM »

Still, even aside from that pile of bullshit, I can't believe anyone can find this advertising method clever.  More than likely it's one of the top 5 things in the last decade that have angered me about the gaming industry.  When I found out about it, I was absolutely furious. That feeling hasn't subsided much.

I really don't understand what the big deal is.  You talk to the guy and he basically advertises the DLC and gives you an avenue to download it.  You can completely avoid the guy if you like.  It's not necessary to ever talk to him if you don't want to.

It's not like you talk to the guy and then Bioware jumps out and fucks your mother with a broomstick. 

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #434 on: Tuesday, December 29, 2009, 07:24:01 PM »
How much content is in the Stone Prisoner DLC? (and is that the one the NPC tells you about in game?) I got the game for Christmas and it came with SP, which it says is a $15 value. So it that one overpriced, or is it actually substantial?

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #435 on: Tuesday, December 29, 2009, 08:09:57 PM »
K-Man: It just breaks the immersion, when you see what is essentially an EA salesman from the outside world. That whole thing just lacks class.

W7RE, the stone prisoner DLC campaign is quite short and $15 is pretty steep, even if you consider that the party member from that DLC is with you for the entire game. But the stone prisoner comes with every new copy of the game... so basically that $15 price is more to act as a deterrent for people pirating the game, copying it off of their friends, or just buying it used. Just in that particular case, I find the $15 justified for what they were trying to achieve. Had that DLC not come with every unopened copy of the game, I would have called it a rip off... but in this case it is OK.]

W7RE, what platform did you get the gift for?

Pyro, that's great! Thanks for the update. They didn't have a date when I checked it a few days ago.

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #436 on: Tuesday, December 29, 2009, 08:13:17 PM »
W7RE, what platform did you get the gift for?

Xbox 360

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #437 on: Tuesday, December 29, 2009, 09:24:13 PM »
The Stone Prisoner DLC code expires in April 2010.  After that, it's $15 that you have to pay if you want it.  It is most definitely not worth that price.  There's two quests related to it and the initial one is quite short.  I haven't gotten my approval high enough to open the second yet.

Anyway, I killed the High Dragon today... not too bad at all properly equipped and having a dedicated healer.  Fighting these full blown dragons and stuff makes it feel kind of epic... almost up to par of WoW boss fights, if a little simplistic.  But with only 4 characters in your party, it is understandable.

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #438 on: Tuesday, December 29, 2009, 11:09:15 PM »
There's almost nothing to the Stone Prisoner DLC.  $15 is completely insane.  It's nice, but it isn't really worth anything.  You're basically paying for the other character, but when you already have plenty of competent characters to choose from... who really gives a shit?

And K-man, that's the whole point.  You can't ignore the guy.  He sets himself up right in your fucking camp.  They made it completely obvious that they were just dangling the shit in front of you over and over every time you go in, hoping you'll eventually cave and pay when your curiosity got the better of you.  No, fuck that shit.  I honestly have no idea how a man of your intelligence can see that as reasonable on any level whatsoever.

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Re: Dragon Age: Origins
« Reply #439 on: Wednesday, December 30, 2009, 12:52:29 AM »
The Stone Prisoner DLC code expires in April 2010.

I asked on the forums, and it doesn't expire if you use it. The blood dragon armor can be used twice, once with ME2 and once with this.

I don't know why they set an expiry for when you have to use that DLC. Don't get it.