Author Topic: Cyberpunk 2077  (Read 27093 times)

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Cyberpunk 2077
« Reply #40 on: Friday, December 25, 2020, 05:38:14 PM »
Figured they'd take care of it fast.

Still playing, still having a great time. I don't know if it entirely deserves it, but it's definitely my game of the year. Nothing else I've played has absorbed me this deeply and made me want to go back to its fiction and environment so often. CDPR are good at worldbuilding. I felt similarly about the Witcher, especially after 3. I invested in the collector's edition of the guidebook (because the Witcher 3 guides now go for three to five times what they were sold for initially), and it's actually really nice, got some great lore and art stuff in there. Also got the ... forget what it's called, World of Cyberpunk, or something like that. Dark Horse art/lore book. That's great as well. Snagged it really cheap with an ebay coupon, so that's been fun to check out too. Not often game worlds make me want to dive in this deep, and while there's only so much lore to be had (there's some repetition of larger concepts), it's just fun and different from most of the stuff on the market in terms of flavor. And since I'm enjoying the game's story and characters so much, it's nice to kind of get to more concretely fill in the gaps. Most of that stuff can be found in-game, so you don't really need a lore book, but the art that accompanies it is nice, and there's some different stuff between the guide and the art book in some of the details.

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Re: Cyberpunk 2077
« Reply #41 on: Wednesday, April 28, 2021, 03:54:15 PM »
Hotfix Patch 1.22 released.
Polygon with info on the hotfix.

The game’s latest update is available now on Google Stadia, PlayStation 4, Windows PC, and Xbox One. You can read what has changed in the full patch notes below.

Quests & Open World
    The Metro: Memorial Park dataterm should now properly count towards the Frequent Flyer achievement.
    Fixed glitches in Johnny’s appearance occurring after buying the Nomad car from Lana.
    Fixed an issue in Gig: Until Death Do Us Part where it was not possible to use the elevator.
    Fixed an issue in Epistrophy where the player could get trapped in the garage if they didn’t follow the drone and ran into the control room instead.
    Added a retrofix for the issue we fixed in 1.21, where Takemura could get stuck in Japantown Docks in Down on the Street — for players who already experienced it before update 1.21 and continued playing until 1.22, Takemura will now teleport to Wakako’s parlor.
    Fixed an issue preventing the player from opening the phone in the apartment at the beginning of New Dawn Fades.
    Fixed an issue where the player could become unable to use weapons and consumables after interacting with a maintenance panel in Riders on the Storm.

    Fixed various issues related to clipping in NPCs’ clothes.

    Fixed an issue where subtitles were not properly aligned in the Arabic language version.

Stability and performance
    Various memory management improvements (reducing the number of crashes), and other optimizations.
    Improved GPU performance of skinning and cloth rendering.

    GPU and ESRAM optimizations and improvements on Xbox One.
    Memory management improvements on PlayStation 5.

    It’s no longer possible to get soft locked in the key bindings menu if a keyboard is not available.

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Re: Cyberpunk 2077
« Reply #42 on: Sunday, June 20, 2021, 06:03:21 AM »
Patch 1.23 is now out everywhere & patch-notes for it are up:

Forbes - Patch 1.23 improves PS4 version's performance, but at the expensive of losing lots of pedestrians & traffic:

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Re: Cyberpunk 2077
« Reply #43 on: Wednesday, July 07, 2021, 02:19:00 PM »
I bought this, this past Monday for $18 for PC version from Gamestop of all freakin' places.

I'm probably some 10 hours into this or so - and I do have some thoughts on those, so....expect me to do my usual 1st Impressions, soon enough.

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Re: Cyberpunk 2077
« Reply #44 on: Saturday, July 10, 2021, 06:45:15 AM »
So, I'm some 10 hours in or so. Some thoughts incoming, so far and all.

It's pretty good overall so far.

Combat with the actual gunplay & feeling of it is actually better than I expected, even though the AI doesn't seem spectacular and all. The thing with the combat is: enemies often feel a bit bullet-spongy and it feels like its tactics ain't always the most interesting. Often feels like they just bum-rush you or are just straight-up shooting at you. This kind of reminds me a bit of RPG/FPS hybrids & mixes from before Mass Effect 2 (ME2 streamlined so much for shooter/RPG hybrids), but CP 2077's combat feels more visceral and much better than games like say Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines (i.e. my favorite game of all time, for a million other reasons).

Though, its story is disappointing me; and I'm not really sure if there's that much choice here in its main & side missions, when compared to their previous games. The story just doesn't have say the amount of detail to the story, plot, characters that I'd expect from this company that made Witcher 1, 2, and 3. Though, there's tons of Lore everywhere - so read that stuff and you'll get immersed even more so into this game & its actual game-world.

Questing is...not as interesting as expected, given CDPR's past games (i.e. Witcher series). The main missions and stuff is good & often feels unique with its missions & heist-like stuff compared to what I've seen so far in the rest of the game, even if there probably ain't tons of choice here - but I still ain't had that many Witcher-style moral choice type of stuff, which is what I'd normally expect from CDPR. A lot of it seems to be "Go after this person", "find this person", "stop this group in this area", "get this (or these) item(s)" and other MMO-like or ARPG type of missions, in the side stuff. I'm going to keep looking around and digging for quests, hoping there's some with choice and/or some of this stuff might matter in some way and funnel itself into the main story & questline. I'll have to wait and see.

If anything - this game's drop-dead freakin' gorgeous. One of the better looking titles out there - along with Shadow of the Tomb Raider (that's good, but not as good as Rise of the TR) and say Control: Ultimate (play that game ASAP; it's awesome & also drop-dead gorgeous with RTX On).

On my desktop RTX 3070 at 1080p, all maxed-out, I can get it at 50fps and up, depending on if I'm indoors or outdoors; and where I'm at (some areas can be demanding). Cyberpunk 2077 is truly something to behold, especially if you turn on RTX and DLSS. And trust me, you'll need DLSS on to get more performance out of it. It certainly does look great though, to say the very least, IMHO. Love the look of this cyberpunk and sci-fi world and its character, loaded with lots of graphical details everywhere.

There's a ton of loot to pick-up in the game-world & from enemies, so do expect to be selling lots of equipment, breaking it down for parts, breaking loot down to keep your weight down so you can actually still move around, and any of your typical ARPG loot-crazy type of stuff that you'd see in games like Diablo games, Sacred games (not Sacred 3 though), Titan Quest, HG: London, and games of that sort. You can also craft loot, but...I haven't really tried or focused on that. I was surprised at how much loot and what you can do w/ it here.

Also, this game literally has an UbiSoft-like map with tons of icons for missions, side jobs, things to find, and things to do. It literally feels like this game is a cross b/t a GTA game (open-world action game with vehicles that you can drive to get yourself places around the game world); a Deus Ex game (immersive-sim style game with Lore & world-building stuff everywhere and also you can go into areas and missions with a guns-blazing approach, stealth approach, hacking approach, and/or mix those however you want); and an UbiSoft game (like games from these franchises: Watch Dogs & Far Cry).

I'm liking this quite a bit so far and do need to get back to this game.

So, there you go; there's my thoughts so far on Cyberpunk 2077.

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Re: Cyberpunk 2077
« Reply #45 on: Wednesday, June 29, 2022, 06:56:11 PM »
Myster D, is this game at a finished stage now? Or should I wait more before buying it?

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Re: Cyberpunk 2077
« Reply #46 on: Thursday, June 30, 2022, 08:17:47 PM »
I played it on PS5 a while ago and it was fine.  I enjoyed the game quite a bit and experienced only a few bugs (game crashed like maybe twice over 70 hours or so). There were areas where you could tell features were stripped or pulled out but it was a fully playable and enjoyable experience, if that helps.

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Re: Cyberpunk 2077
« Reply #47 on: Friday, July 01, 2022, 08:47:25 AM »
I might get it on the PC then. Thanks!

Offline MysterD

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Re: Cyberpunk 2077
« Reply #48 on: Sunday, July 03, 2022, 06:33:46 PM »
Myster D, is this game at a finished stage now? Or should I wait more before buying it?

The main-story is complete, yes.

And also, the bugs, stability, and whatnot is much-much better than before - especially w/ the newest PC patch. No better time to jump in than now, especially if you have the hardware to run it.

Though, do note: Pacifica does NOT feel utilized that much and this part of the game feels like not much is there, especially compared to Night City itself. And likely, the expansions will be in Pacifica.

I spent like 50 hours or so with it - so yeah, it's easily worth the $18 or so that I spent on it.

Though, I do think RDR2 is a much-better and much more complete game.

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Re: Cyberpunk 2077
« Reply #49 on: Monday, July 04, 2022, 07:19:02 PM »
Well, I bought it on the Steam sale.

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Re: Cyberpunk 2077
« Reply #50 on: Wednesday, August 03, 2022, 11:32:46 PM »
What did you think?  Honestly, I enjoyed it quite a bit

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Re: Cyberpunk 2077
« Reply #51 on: Friday, August 19, 2022, 09:48:09 AM »
I'm curious, too.  Might snag it on a sale if it's been "fixed"

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Re: Cyberpunk 2077
« Reply #52 on: Saturday, August 27, 2022, 09:20:29 PM »
I am loving it. I don't know what bugs were in the game before but it feels like a really memorable RPG so far.

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Re: Cyberpunk 2077
« Reply #53 on: Sunday, August 28, 2022, 09:12:41 AM »
I am loving it. I don't know what bugs were in the game before but it feels like a really memorable RPG so far.

Glad to hear you're enjoying it.

If you got the PC to handle it and/or can find settings you're happy with to get the performance you're cool with - yeah, it's really good.

Just...if you were hoping you'd get the Ultimate GTA game mixed with the Ultimate Deus Ex game - nope, this ain't that. So, for was still disappointing b/c of that (i.e. the hype was through the moon), despite me thinking CP 2077 was still pretty good.

Deus Ex 1 GOTY is probably still the best genre-bender of RPG/FPS that there is out there.

And yes, I do prefer Deus Ex HR (Original version with TML or the DC version - they both have their own different issues, IMHO) over CP 2077 currently.

Deus Ex MD is a tougher sell...only b/c its story is still incomplete and really needs MD Part 2. So, MD is probably right along-side with CP 2077 for me: both are really good, but still have some issues that cause it to not live up to previous entries and/or other games in the genre.

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Re: Cyberpunk 2077
« Reply #54 on: Tuesday, October 10, 2023, 02:58:45 PM »
CP 2077 Version 2.0 - Some Thoughts from 09-30-2023.

INTRO - 09-30-2023:
So, I'm about 10 hours into CP 2077: Version 2.0 (base-game only, as I don't own the Phantom Liberty expansion yet). Replaying this time as a Female V, since my 1st playthrough was a Male V - yeah, I wanted to here the other voice-actor here, the female V voice-actress. Got some thoughts. A LOT of thoughts.

This Version 2.0 is a massive overhaul and I don't even know where to begin.

Combat is much better and way less clunky, which is great for a game you play like a first-person shooter w/ those type of controls, of course. Combat always was fine, but always had some jank & clunky-ness to it - but, not as much jank & clunky-ness anymore. Sure, it's still there - but much less so than ever before, for sure. I also seem to be dying less here and the game also feels quite a bit easier on the Normal default difficulty, compared to version 1.63 and earlier. I think I've only died like once here so far in Version 2.0, so it's possible gamers might want to crank it up later or replay it on harder difficulties, as it feels easy...well, at least so far it feels easier on default & suggested difficulty, anyways. Also, your weapons (guns, melee, etc,) now have Tiers with Ratings & Stats are shown, so they are much easier now to compare to each other also and easier to see what might be the better weapon for you to equip, when you're in your Inventory & all to try and figure this mess out.

In version 1.63 and under your armor, head-gears, pants, etc - they had armor, stats, slots, buffs, and other values & buffs associated to them. Not anymore with version 2.0 as that's all gone; they're just cool-looking clothes you can wear basically. If you have some fly clothes for head, pants, shirts/tops, etc - once equipped, you can move what you have on to a Preset. Yes, you even can now even set-up Presets for a handful of so of Outfit set-ups that you cobble together, so you just go into the Inventory and switch your cool, crazy, awesome, unique, wild, or any kind of Presets if you want. This way, just to have the best stats, you likely don't look ridiculously cartoon-y character with no real matching gear, if you don't want to...since most clothes that were the best from version 1.63 and below weren't made by the dev's as matching gear-sets here. If you want matching outfits, it's up to you. If you don't want matching outfits & you do want to look ridiculous and/or unique, it's up to you. It's all on you, how you want to dress and outfit yourself, since no stats or anything are tied to this stuff anymore.

All values for Armor and whatnot now have a separate section called Cyberware in 2.0. Now you can buy, earn, or pick-up Cyberware for your body parts (Head, Arm, Legs, etc); this makes sense and goes with the whole Transhuman & Augmentation thing this game has going on. These items don't alter your look & has nothing to do w/ your cool Outfits, as this stuff basically plugs into you - so this is now where all your stats for Armor and other stuff goes now.

Police seems more reactive to you - but, since they do seem tougher and the AI's better...they can be more of a pain, especially if you decide to cause lots of trouble in the game-world. The GTA-like Wanted system is still here, if you keep escalating stuff by feuding with bystanders and/or Police - but it seems, for the most part, much improved & better. Their AI already improved with earlier versions like 1.5 or so, but now they're even better and are harder to get away from; especially if you rack up the 5-star or 6-star type of GTA-like Wanted star levels here.

The Skills system is totally revamped and different too. There seems to be more skills, different skills, more skills in the Cool section now (for stealthy and assassin playthroughs), and things of that sort. I really ain't dabbled much into the other trees - but Stealth seems much more viable of an option here than ever before; that's for sure! Also, skills seem to be much more meaningless w/ actual moves and major increases when you get further into the tree, instead of small ones that don't matter much. So, yeah - this also can really help the combat here, too - as now you have more ways to play and more meaningful ways to play & experiment here, as you're not always funneled eventually into the "stealth ain't robust as an option here, so I guess I gotta' just shoot it out or melee it out straight-forward" path like version 1.63 and earlier.

I'm sure there's a lot more here I could go on about with the improvements, changes, and other stuff - and there's also other stuff I'm still discovering here, too. I'm not close to done, but I seem to be enjoying this MUCH more so than my 1st run-through, a few years ago or so. But, this version (version 2.0) does feel like the game we should've had out-the-box and probably what CDPR (CD Projekt RED) was promising, some almost 3 years ago or so when this released.

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Re: Cyberpunk 2077
« Reply #55 on: Friday, February 09, 2024, 10:03:03 AM »
Turns out this is still a great game. Phantom Liberty is also very good. Revamp was highly successful, though I think the game was still underrated (aside from bugs and such) in its original form.

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Re: Cyberpunk 2077
« Reply #56 on: Tuesday, June 11, 2024, 09:58:56 PM »
Dang, it's been a while!

Honestly, I really enjoyed Cyberpunk 2077 when it first released despite the numerous bugs and performance issues. The worldbuilding, the storyline, the sidequests, they all just pulled me right into it.

The character builds were basically broken; my character was for all intents and purposes invulnerable because I had "perks" that regenerated health when I move, kill enemies, and use hacks, so the game just devolved into a walking sim for me. Which, in a way, is a testament to how thoroughly I enjoyed its story XD

I was so happy they reworked the perk system and added some new useful skills. Now combat is more fun and character specialization makes a substantial difference to how you play.

Phantom Liberty is a brilliant addition, with its spy-film-inspired storyline and all the content it adds, it's a heck of a value.

When it first released, even though I truly enjoyed Cyberpunk 2077, I was hesitant to recomend it to anyone. However, in its current state, I highly recommend it; especially including Phantom Liberty.