Author Topic: Trump is now president  (Read 49570 times)

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Re: Trump is now president
« Reply #80 on: Friday, February 17, 2017, 08:38:05 AM »
This blew my mind coming from Fox News. Shep is straight upset:

It seems we're getting to a point where people are congealing into distinct camps along lines we might not have expected. Either you're willing to buy into Trump's bullshit simply because you hate the other side THAT MUCH, or you're likely beginning to see the realities of this administration. I don't think any of this has to do with partisan politics at all anymore. I'm not upset with Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, whatever. I'm upset with a group of people unwilling to look at reality, so selfish that they would condemn anyone outside their circle just because someone gave them the option to. It's interesting how in some ways this whole thing HAS actually brought people together, those of us willing to actually look at fact and truth as a basis for making decisions, even if those decisions come out differently from one another. The dividing line I think is increasingly between THIS group, even where we differ ideologically, and those too angry, too undereducated, or too desirous of winning at all costs to give even the pretense of lip service to reason.

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Offline scottws

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Re: Trump is now president
« Reply #81 on: Friday, February 17, 2017, 09:10:38 AM »
The people you are talking about are acting like it's a football game.  "My team won. Your team lost. Get over it!"

It's sad that they don't see the error in this sort of position.  The implications of a football game are basically nil and any that might exist typically end a short time after the game is over.  But that's it.  It doesn't affect the lives of people worldwide like the U.S. Presidency does.

Go read the comments on a Fox News article sometime.  It's like reading the transcript of some middle school bullying.
« Last Edit: Friday, February 17, 2017, 09:42:28 AM by scottws »

Offline Cools!

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Re: Trump is now president
« Reply #82 on: Friday, February 17, 2017, 12:27:16 PM »
For those interested here's a clip from the conference where Trump talks about the media.

« Last Edit: Friday, February 17, 2017, 01:28:11 PM by Cools! »

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Re: Trump is now president
« Reply #83 on: Friday, February 24, 2017, 01:14:41 PM »

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Trump is now president
« Reply #84 on: Friday, February 24, 2017, 04:11:11 PM »
Not a classic fascist move at all. Not the kind of thing that happens in dictatorships across the world, and has for centuries. Nope.

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Re: Trump is now president
« Reply #85 on: Saturday, February 25, 2017, 11:34:57 AM »
Oh geez...

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Re: Trump is now president
« Reply #86 on: Saturday, March 11, 2017, 01:50:09 PM »
I'm a bit late on this one, but let me explain my experience with this election: I live in a town called Nokesville, its a rural town in Virginia, but close enough to go to places like Manassas, Alexandria, Fredericksburg, D.C., etc. I live in the sticks, but we're not completely cut off from civilization. However, I'm surrounded by republicans, I usually bite my tongue around them (I'm very political, but I actually read the news and can produce facts), but since Trump has been elected I've found that harder to do.

I wanted a Trump sign, I figured no way this idiot would win. I wanted a sign so I could show my kids that this idiot was the GOP's nominee and we could have all have a good laugh about it in 20 years. I wanted Bernie, but I figured Clinton was more than qualified over him. I even took the  next day off so I could stay up late, drink and watch the election. I figured it would over by 11pm like the last two, but by 11pm I knew it was over. I told my friends this and they thought I was being negative. When I woke up at 5am and saw they results, I went on a hard bender.

I hung out with the guy who lives above me, hardcore Trump supporter, eventually the conversation turned to politics. This guy was talking gibberish (he was drunk), but when I didn't agree with me he called me a Muslim. I'm not, I'm actually not religous at all, but it shouldn't matter. Trump supporters have a very aggressive "us vs. them" mentality...and them is basically everyone.

I used to respect my boss, but I can't do it anymore. We argue politics everyday, but I've backed off. Every fact that I use is "fake news" or every stupid thing Trump does is "apart of his plan". How do you debate with someone who doesn't recognize clear facts? I know its only been a couple of months, but Trump hasn't shown me anything that would make me believe he is capable of being president. I don't understand why republicans keep voting for morons. I always thought that you would want your leader to be more intelligent than yourself, not as smart or dumber than you are.

I'm drunk, just thinking about this makes me drink. I hope Trump is able to do everything he aims to do, maybe people then will finally see what they voted for. As I said, its only been two months and they buyer's remorse is strong with this one.

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Re: Trump is now president
« Reply #87 on: Monday, March 13, 2017, 09:18:55 AM »
Trump likes the new jobs numbers, even though all previous jobs numbers under Obama were false before. Now they are magically real because... Trumpworld, I guess?

What a joke.

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Re: Trump is now president
« Reply #88 on: Tuesday, May 09, 2017, 09:37:50 PM »
Trump, whos campaign is currently under FBI investigation for its ties to Russia, just fired James Comey, the director of the FBI and leading that investigation. Trump made his decision at the urging of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who previously recused himself from the Russia investigation because he was implicated in it.

This is some real bullshit.

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Re: Trump is now president
« Reply #90 on: Tuesday, May 09, 2017, 11:02:43 PM »
Yes, I'm sure Fox News/Hannity can justify anything Trump does.

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Re: Trump is now president
« Reply #91 on: Wednesday, May 10, 2017, 01:29:09 AM »
Yeah, that's a load of weak apologist horseshit, I'm sorry.

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Re: Trump is now president
« Reply #92 on: Wednesday, May 10, 2017, 12:24:55 PM »
Since I fell off the wagon, let me keep the bender going a bit longer.

Comey had to be fired.  The guy is cancer for the FBI and the DOJ.  The timing is unfortunate, but then again, the democrats and the media will not drop the absurdity about the President or his campaign colluding with Russia.  So there is never a time free of political hot water to do what needed to be done since the oath of office was administered to the President.

The Deputy Attorney General, confirmed by Congress by a 94-6 vote, and formerly appointed by President Obama to the US Attorney position in Maryland issued the letter recommending the dismissal of Comey.  The President concurred.

In terms of the Russian-influence circus, what does this move buy the President--intentionally or not.  Nothing.  If anything, it brings the whole brouhaha front and center in the media and the floor in Congress once more.  Is Comey now gagged by the loss of his job?  No.  On the contrary, he has far less rules and restrictions now than he did before.  He can be subpoenaed to testify freely about what he knows regarding Russia and the election.  Does the FBI suddenly lose the ability to investigate the same craziness because Comey isn't there.  Do they forget what they have already learned.  No, obviously.

So what nefarious advantage exactly does firing Comey gain the President?  Not a one.  It costs him politically.  It makes no sense whatever as a move to disrupt any ongoing investigations.  It is a politically costly move, and the right move.

And if nothing else, bear in mind that Comey was an appointee, not an elected official.  He serves at the pleasure of his bosses in the DOJ.  They decided he had to go.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Trump is now president
« Reply #93 on: Wednesday, May 10, 2017, 06:45:19 PM »
If you can't see it, God help you. I won't waste my breath. At the very least, if what you say is right, then Trump just continues to show what an absolute fucking buffoon he is by doing something that looks this bad, and all in a letter that reads like it was composed by a 12 year-old ("Hey, thanks for repeatedly telling me you weren't investigating me, but I'm firing you just in case!"), and he's obviously got nobody to tell him how bad it all looks. The man on how many occasions praised Comey? Like sort of, I don't know, basically over and over and over again during the campaign? Then suddenly, oops, Sessions, who recused himself from the investigation, recommends that Comey be fired. And now the agency investigating the President will have a new director appointed by the President. Nope, nothing looks fishy about that at all. Oh, and hey, hopefully no one notices that two other people involved in the investigation (Yates and Bharara) were also fired.

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Re: Trump is now president
« Reply #94 on: Friday, May 12, 2017, 05:00:48 AM »
If you can't see it, God help you. I won't waste my breath.

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Re: Trump is now president
« Reply #95 on: Saturday, May 13, 2017, 06:49:39 AM »
If it weren't about something so important (like the future of the country and the world), this would be laugh-out-loud funny.  That is exactly how I feel about some of you.  If you don't see it, God help you.  And if enough of you don't see it in future elections, God help us all.

The left is in permanent temper-tantrum mode.  They couldn't get their way, so now they're going to throw a fit until they do, or until they make sure no one else gets their way.  The babies screaming and pounding their heads on the floor include the majority of the media and the Hollywood establishment, people with a lot of influence on the uninformed.  They have spun this tale about the White House being in cahoots with Russia--fucking Russia of all places, the unfortunate nation led by an archvillain akin to Lex Luthor.  A die-hard capitalist in league with hardline Communism.  That is so absurd that it should have been laughed away the moment it was first uttered.  Instead, the media keep fueling it, and political malcontents keep lapping it up.  I guess it makes sense from a viewership angle as well as a poison pill.

The investigation into Russia's alleged meddling is counterintelligence, not a criminal investigation of the President, or even his campaign.  The call by Chuck Schumer for a special prosecutor goes to show how invested Democrats are into the smear.  The guy is a jackass in every sense of the word.

The saddest thing is that I see no inclusive out to all of this.  There is no group hug on the horizon.  The left have made sure to turn what should have been the traditional peaceful transfer of power after an election into a civil war by other means.  And when war is waged against you, the only sensible choice is to bear arms and wage it back.

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Re: Trump is now president
« Reply #96 on: Saturday, May 13, 2017, 09:12:04 AM »
The divide is on full display.

Politicians aren't known for being saints or paragons of truth, but Trump looks up to the sky and says "Wow, it's mighty purple today!"  Then he'll say he never said that, that he got his information from Fox & Friends and we should ask them why they said the sky is purple.  It is absurd.  You want to talk about temper tantrums?  Let me ask you: do you follow Donald Trump on Twitter?  I do.  He's a petulant child, as far removed from a leader as there ever could be.  When people correct his lie after lie after lie, he jumps on Twitter and acts like a petulant child.  And instead of attempting to unify the country under his leadership, he's more interested in deepening the divide.  But it's even worse than that.  He is a tyrant, questioning some of our most sacrosanct institutions such as the amendments in the Bill of Rights, including a free press, and an independent judiciary.

The House of Representatives voted to impeach Bill Clinton for lying about having sex.  Kinda looks silly with what we are dealing with now, no?  But I'm supposed to sit here and act like everything is a-ok?  That somehow the G.O.P. allowing big business and Wall Street to run roughshod over everyone is alright?  That having the world's most expensive yet somehow shitty health care is ok?  That having a national embarrassment of an educational system is ok?  That we should instead spend billions of our tax dollars on a useless wall or more on a military that is more expensive than the next seven nations combined?  Speaking of the health care situation, did you hear Trump compliment Australia's prime minister on their better health care system?  Of course, they have a single payer system and universal health care.

I'd laugh if I didn't want to cry.

It's one thing to vote out of self interest to try to remove the burden of the ACA's individual mandate.  That is something I can understand.  It's another to defend the G.O.P.'s shameless pandering to billionaires or the Trump presidency.  I just don't understand, and it's clear that I never will.  It's not even about the Russia thing, though where there is smoke there is often fire.  It's about everything.  Every.  Last.  Thing.

Maybe you are right, Cobra, that we are truly enemies.  I'm not too worried about the bearing of arms.  Unlike the popular belief that liberals are anti-gun, I've got a few in my closet too.

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Re: Trump is now president
« Reply #97 on: Saturday, May 13, 2017, 09:18:43 AM »
Well, I sold mine. You all want to kill each other, be my guest. I'm done with that line of thought. We aren't enemies, we're people being pulled apart largely by those who see it as an easy way of keeping us down, and by ourselves because we're too unwilling to engage in any reasonable discourse thanks to countless years of pointless ideological polarization that no longer requires any prerequisite of thought to engage in, if it ever did.

Cobra, we're already watching our rights, privacy, environment, and healthcare erode, and the future of this country rapidly go down the toilet, even if we 100% don't believe in anything related to Russia. I don't know that Trump himself had anything to do with Russia, though there is certainly some evidence to suggest so; but people in his camp clearly did in some capacity or other. It deserves to be looked at. And make no mistake, any cooperation there would not be about ideology. By my way of thinking, that's where you veer into iffy territory. You seem to think that these people actually give a fuck about Communism or Capitalism. They don't, at least not in this capacity. What they care about are power over the governed and money in their own pocket. You also seem to think that Communism and Capitalism are polar opposites and no ideology can ever find ways to span the gap, in which case you should look at the many shifting permutations of Communist thought and different interpretations of Marxism-Leninism that floated around Asia during its many revolutionary periods. China certainly took a lot of Capitalist lessons without resorting to Democracy. Ideology means fuck all when money and power are at stake (or the continued existence of a regime) and most capitalists (as well as most communists, and most anyone else in power) are real flexible with ideological and moral stances when it comes to gaining more of either commodity.

Also, I can't let this slide: nobody has better displayed temper-tantrum mode at the expense of reason and the public good than the GOP, now and over the last 8 years. Am I fan of the Democratic party? Not at all. Not right now, not in the past. Politics in this country is widely fucked on both ends of the spectrum, but sitting around pointing fingers at the "other side" is what got us in this mess to begin with. What we need to be pointing at is blatant illogic, reckless disregard for the populace, and drastic change designed to benefit those in power at the expense of the citizenry, wherever it comes from. And there has been nothing to convince me whatsoever that that's not 100% the goal of this administration. This has come from both sides in the past, but neither Clinton, Bush, nor Obama (none of whom I was ultimately that happy with, and all of whom overstepped their bounds) were doing shit like what's going on right now. You can continue to buy the party line if you like, but don't accuse me of doing so.

Power was peacefully transfered. It was also then immediately plied toward extreme abuses against the public good, and this administration has been anything but traditional—and while I'm all for a shakeup, this is not the way. The war you're waging is a war against the will and wellbeing of the majority of the American people, not some imagined Leftist ideology. That exists, to be sure, but not in the masses of average Americans who are pissed off and scared, which increasingly includes informed Republicans, not just Democrats and Independents. Just because you're conservative doesn't mean you're automatically okay with the wholesale dismantling of oversight agencies, the demolition of any sense of net neutrality, privacy rights, etc. Conservative thought used to veer more toward less government and more personal agency. These days it's more law, more police power, less accountability, and more regulation—yes, just because they advertise it as "less", it's merely regulating on the other side, allowing these companies to do things the American people don't want them to do. Be sure that not every conservative is okay with that, which is why you have a growing number of conservative Independents and Libertarians.

Anyway, all that said, do me a favor and dispense with the "babies screaming" bullshit. Show me, your other friends here, and a legitimately worried nation some respect. You're not the only human being capable of thought, and just because someone disagrees with you, or happens to share some percentage of an opinion with a celebrity or journalist (not all of whom are on the Left, by the way), doesn't make them uninformed.

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Re: Trump is now president
« Reply #98 on: Saturday, May 13, 2017, 09:57:41 AM »
The left is in permanent temper-tantrum mode.  They couldn't get their way, so now they're going to throw a fit until they do, or until they make sure no one else gets their way. 

Replace "left" with "right" in that statement, and suddenly you're referring to Obama's tenure.

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Re: Trump is now president
« Reply #99 on: Saturday, May 13, 2017, 10:05:38 AM »
Que, thanks for your post.  You expressed the same opinions and feelings I share in a much more reasoned manner than I did.

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Re: Trump is now president
« Reply #100 on: Saturday, May 13, 2017, 10:59:32 AM »
The investigation into Russia's alleged meddling is counterintelligence, not a criminal investigation of the President, or even his campaign.

I'm just going off what the FBI director said about the investigation.

“I have been authorised by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election,” Comey said.

He added: “And that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia.”

Comey said that the investigation included the possibility that criminal acts had been committed.

Also keep in mind that the Russia investigation is not a response to Trumps win. The investigation started well before the election back in late July 2016, which would be around the time of the conventions.

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Re: Trump is now president
« Reply #101 on: Saturday, May 13, 2017, 11:31:32 AM »
It's very strange that the discussion here has been framed as a left vs right issue. I understand that's how it's framed in the media but I expected that normal people could actually discuss an issue without this very uncomfortable and unnecessary partisan lens.

If this conversation was about the corporate tax change, border-adjustment tax, free trade agreements or any number of other general groupings typically define political parties, sure, but you're talking about the legitimacy of the presidency.

If there's any suspicion that the election was illegitimate, every single person should be demanding to know the truth. I dislike almost everything about Trump but I 100% want an investigation to prove he won legitimately and without interference because the alternative is a whole lot scarier. Even if this whole thing was manufactured by the Democrats like some people believe, it needs to be proven. Democracy as an institution is fragile and is seemingly under attack in America. Why is everyone distracted by defending replaceable and ultimately unimportant political parties and people when the institution itself is at risk.

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Re: Trump is now president
« Reply #102 on: Saturday, May 13, 2017, 12:45:41 PM »
Well said, Ren. My thoughts exactly.

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Re: Trump is now president
« Reply #103 on: Sunday, May 14, 2017, 12:45:29 PM »
I always cringe when I rouse up the courage to come in here.  Sticking with the metaphor of the errant alcoholic on a bender, I knew it was very bad for me to post in here again, but I did it anyway, and more than once.  I'm going to try one more time to stay away, but not with some soapbox tirade.  The fact is these times are different, unique in my lifetime.  There is no desire for left and right (sorry, Ren) to come together and work things out.  The fundamental divide in how we see things is just too broad and deep.

So I'll let this guy have the last word.  Skip ahead to 13:12 if you think he's a right-wing dittohead for Trump.  Some things are just too obvious for anyone willing to take a step back and get some perspective.

And I never meant to imply a shooting civil war with actual firearms.  I think I specifically said "civil war by other means" right before the "bear arms" comment.  If that wasn't clear, I'm making it so right now.  I like to speak in metaphors and similes.  I guess I got myself into some hot water with this one.  Sorry.

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Re: Trump is now president
« Reply #104 on: Monday, May 15, 2017, 06:27:44 AM »
There is no desire for left and right (sorry, Ren) to come together and work things out.  The fundamental divide in how we see things is just too broad and deep.

I think you're wrong.  It's my personal experience that the moderate left and right wishes everyone would get their shit together.  The issue is that both sides are effectively being identified by the loonies who reside at the far end of the spectrum.  Those are the voices being heard.

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Re: Trump is now president
« Reply #105 on: Monday, May 15, 2017, 07:32:31 AM »
There is no desire for left and right (sorry, Ren) to come together and work things out.  The fundamental divide in how we see things is just too broad and deep.

The issue is that both sides are effectively being identified by the loonies who reside at the far end of the spectrum.  Those are the voices being heard.

Man... I honestly couldn't agree more with both of these.

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Re: Trump is now president
« Reply #106 on: Monday, May 15, 2017, 11:09:55 AM »
I always cringe when I rouse up the courage to come in here.  Sticking with the metaphor of the errant alcoholic on a bender, I knew it was very bad for me to post in here again, but I did it anyway, and more than once.  I'm going to try one more time to stay away, but not with some soapbox tirade.  The fact is these times are different, unique in my lifetime.  There is no desire for left and right (sorry, Ren) to come together and work things out.  The fundamental divide in how we see things is just too broad and deep.
I happen to agree with you.  The problem is people actually listen to people Steve Bannon, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Rachel Maddow.  The problem is that technology has enabled fringe lunatics to become major and powerful mouthpieces.  The problem is that technological algorithms have created an information bubble by which only one set of views is seen, whether leftist or rightist.

That said, I don't need the news (real or otherwise) to show me what the Republicans are and what they stand for.  The Republicans today want to remove any and all barriers to complete business freedom for them to do whatever they want at the expense of the citizenry and the public good in nearly all cases, or they want to increase the wealth and power of the already extremely wealthy.

I truly believe that the only reason Republicans ever get elected is because of the conservative social agenda.  I'm not saying that there aren't people out there that truly think conservative fiscal, economic, and foreign policy ideas aren't better.  I'm saying that there are a lot of people out there that are otherwise harmed by Republican policies that seem to vote for them anyway because of the Republican social planks, most of which don't actually affect themselves in any direct way.

So I'll let this guy have the last word.  Skip ahead to 13:12 if you think he's a right-wing dittohead for Trump.  Some things are just too obvious for anyone willing to take a step back and get some perspective.
Just to be clear: Jimmy Dore isnt a right-wing dittohead.  He's actually a progressive.  He always goes on about the Democrats because they aren't leftist enough and they can be just as self-serving as the Republicans.  You might already know that, but I'm not sure.

I agree with him that the Democrats would be better served -- from a gaining seats and turning over the presidency standpoint -- by non impeaching Trump, assuming the clusterfuck continues as-is throughout his presidency.

I'm not sure what's better: Democratic control (or at least more influence) over government or the removal of a tyrant that clearly has an interest in implementing an authoritarian government.

And I never meant to imply a shooting civil war with actual firearms.  I think I specifically said "civil war by other means" right before the "bear arms" comment.  If that wasn't clear, I'm making it so right now.  I like to speak in metaphors and similes.  I guess I got myself into some hot water with this one.  Sorry.
I clearly misunderstood the point you were trying to make, so thanks for clearing that up. Sorry about that. I don't react well to the "babies screaming" or "Your way is wrong" type rhetoric. I certainly don't want to shoot you.

But I think you bring up something that I've thought about for awhile: our government no longer serves the people, it's an oligarchy that serves only the richest people and the largest of companies. We might be getting near a need for a change.

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Re: Trump is now president
« Reply #107 on: Monday, May 15, 2017, 12:21:56 PM »
I figured Dore was far more progressive than some of the other broadcasters I've been linking.  The point is that even thoughtful progressives know or suspect the whole Russia-collusion thing is a political witch hunt.  Flynn does have something to answer for, and while it may pale in comparison to what Bill Clinton and others may have done in the past (with Russia), he's still on the hook.  I'm fine with that.  But if there's nothing concrete beyond it after all this time, lets drop the theatrics already, Mr Schumer.

My previous link to the Hannity video was for the commentary by Newt Gingrich, a man I greatly respect, and who would have been much easier for me to vote for than Donald Trump.

Thanks for the thoughtful reply, Scott.

OK, good stopping point for me, I think.  I don't believe I said anything just now which would be unfair for me to leave hanging?  I'm trying to exit the topic gracefully.  I'd rather talk about games, tech and generally pleasant stuff.  Let me try that again.

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Re: Trump is now president
« Reply #108 on: Tuesday, May 16, 2017, 04:32:48 AM »
Paul Krugman on the G.O.P.'s balanced budget ideas:

Quote from: Paul Krugman
When they propose sacrifices in the name of fiscal responsibility, do those sacrifices ever involve their own political priorities? And they never do. That is, when you see a politician claim that deficit concerns require that we slash Medicaid, privatize Medicare, and/or raise the retirement age — but somehow never require raising taxes on the wealthy, which in fact they propose to cut — you know that it’s just an act.

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Re: Trump is now president
« Reply #109 on: Friday, May 19, 2017, 11:14:53 PM »
I fully agree with the whole splitting everyone down the center thing. I feel like the extremes are getting way too much attention. My mom supports Trump, but she doesn't love him, even if she buys into some of the bullshit. And I don't think every single thing he's said is wrong, I just don't think he actually believes in any of it, and believe he's proven that with his actions thus far. Most of us want unity and conversation, not aggression and stonewalling.

And Cobra, no matter how much we may disagree on an issue, understand that I never respect you any less. We all come to things from various perspectives for a host of different reasons, and even if I don't agree with you here, it doesn't mean I don't think you're a decent, kind-hearted, and level-headed person. Any discussion in this arena for me is never personal. Politics will be what it will be, for whatever reasons that it is.

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Re: Trump is now president
« Reply #110 on: Wednesday, May 31, 2017, 07:53:42 AM »
I visited my mother over the Memorial Day weekend. We generally have diametrically opposed political views and I typically find her opinions to be thoughtless, ignorant regurgitation of what she hears on Fox News and the Rush Limbaugh radio show. Consider these past quotes from her in order to sum up what I mean:

"Obama is the Antichrist."

On her health care coverage obtained from the health care marketplace created in the wake of the ACA: "It makes me sick that I'm putting money in Obama's pocket."

In any case, we did touch on politics a bit. She is a Trump voter, but made a statement that indicated she no longer liked him. I was floored. I tried to find out why the change in heart, but I could tell by her expression that she meant "Everything". I then made a statement to the effect of, "I don't know what else you expected given his behavior in the primaries." She didn't have a comment.

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Re: Trump is now president
« Reply #111 on: Thursday, June 01, 2017, 05:15:58 PM »
Same has kinda happened with my mom. She's a diehard hyperconservative and conspiracy theorist, and still somewhat reticent to say anything out loud at length, but she's indicated she's not pleased. Our conversations about it used to end with her being angry and telling me I was wrong and brainwashed. They definitely don't anymore.

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Re: Trump is now president
« Reply #112 on: Monday, July 03, 2017, 05:01:31 AM »

If pro wresting and moronic tweeting Presidents are part of a Great America, I certainly don't want any part of it.  Someone please take me back to Not As Good America.

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Re: Trump is now president
« Reply #113 on: Friday, July 28, 2017, 05:35:04 AM »
Now that the repeal of Obamacare is effectively dead, what is next for this Congress and presidency? They've been so defined by opposing Obamacare that I can't think of anything else major on the agenda.

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Re: Trump is now president
« Reply #114 on: Friday, July 28, 2017, 10:42:34 AM »
Corporatocracy, I'm sure.

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Re: Trump is now president
« Reply #115 on: Wednesday, August 02, 2017, 04:03:33 AM »
Man. It was really refreshing not following any of this shit for a month.

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Re: Trump is now president
« Reply #116 on: Monday, August 14, 2017, 12:14:02 PM »
USA Today has some sort of small panel of Trump voters that it speaks to from time to time in order to get a sense for what they are thinking as time goes on. Totally unscientific, but check out a quote from one f the panelists:

"I don't necessarily agree on what he's saying, but if Twitter is the only way to get the truth out and the truth only comes from him, then that's OK," Steven Spence, 70, of Mesa, Arizona, said.

I think this person is asserting that only Trump has the truth, anything Trump says is the truth, or some sort of permutation of the two. Scary.

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Re: Trump is now president
« Reply #117 on: Wednesday, August 16, 2017, 12:02:55 PM »
I'm sure you've all heard about Trumps awful "both sides" nonsense speech from yesterday. Just so you're clear on who he is defending, you should watch this:

Straight up nazis.

In something that will take the edge off after watching that, the dude they were mostly following there apparently has a warrant out for his arrest. He posted a video crying about it because hes scared. Good. Nazis should always be scared in America.

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Re: Trump is now president
« Reply #118 on: Thursday, August 17, 2017, 03:58:51 AM »
But don't you know idol? Nazis were a socialist party, so these guys don't represent the far right. They represent the left!

That is a real counter argument I've heard far right conservatives make regarding the Charlottesville white supremacists.

Here's another one:  Did you know that the Democratic party was the party of slavery and racism?

Thanks for the history lesson, but I'm not sure why people think that what the party was like in the time of Lincoln through the 1960's has anything to do for someone like me, who wasn't born until the late 70's.

The mental gymnastics of some of these people are just astounding.  Do they not have eyes?  Are their brains completely melted? I am constantly amazed at the sheer ignorance and the stuff people believe.

Here's something right wingers believe: Some guy named George Soros pays all the left wing protesters to show and protest. People that aren't quite as nutty believe that he at least funds some of them.  Who the fuck is George Soros?  Why do they believe this?

They also believe the NYT, WaPo, CNN, NBC, MSNBC, USA Today, etc. are all fake news, despite the fact that these organizations staff trained career journalists and editors and actually have journalistic principles they have to follow to maintain their career, yet they'll believe anything some random blogger that runs a site like "Conservatives United" says.

They believe that Black Lives Matter is a hate group along the same lines as the KKK.  Same goes for Antifa.  I've even heard many say the phrase "fascist Antifa" (i.e. the oxymoron "fascist Anti-Fascists").  I mean seriously, what the fuck?!

It's beyond frustrating.

Going back to Charlottesville, I do believe in strong protections for complete freedom of speech, even for speech I don't like one bit.  This is because the moment we give the government the ability to regulate speech, we lose any guarantee that they won't silence our speech in the future.  Strong free speech protection isn't perfect, but it's the best compromise among many imperfect choices.

That said, these guys are straight up extreme right horrible human beings.  Our leaders should be condemning what they say in the strongest, most clear terms possible.  Not being like "OK, they're bad but what about the other guys!"  Thank you to those leaders that did. Trump?  Fuck that guy.

Last I checked, while I don't agree with violent protesting, the "other guys" were against straight up fucking neo-Nazis and the KKK.  They weren't going around saying we need to ethnically cleanse America of white people or Christians or some shit like that.  There is no moral equivalence between the two groups.  They are miles apart.

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Re: Trump is now president
« Reply #119 on: Sunday, August 20, 2017, 08:30:15 PM »
Agreed. I have had several very frustrating conversations with people that ended up just being impossible because their view of things was so skewed. Like I get it, violence in any capacity is bad, and people should be allowed to say what they have to say, but hate speech is not protected, and CITIZENS protesting against people calling for racial genocide is not an instance of censorship and in no way infringes on freedom of speech, which only references the GOVERNMENT suppressing people's speech. Like come on.

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